
Me Kiss Me!!

Feel Like Mya And Jay-Z Right Now, Cuz Ur Truly Getting Tha 'Best of Me'.
No Stone Is Being Left Unturned...Whether a Huge Boulder or A Rock Size Pea.
Our Soul is Feeling 'Happy' As Gilmore, or Pharrell or My Favorite Emoji!
Telling U Something Special is Happening...And All I Feel is Pure Glee.

So Our Last Post Was Our 'Sex Tape', That Was a Lustful Affair.
Being In a Wrestling Match in Bed With Me...Feeling Tha Shifts From First 2 Fifth Gear.
Trust Me, I'm A Wild Kid When it Comes 2 Gurls, Admiring Brains From Forbes and Looks From Woman's Daily Wear.
Kinda Of A Modern Day Mix of Buster Bunny and Tony Stark...Then Toss in a Little William Shakespeare.

It's Getting Late on This Hump Day, and I Should Be 'Spaced Out' Thinking Attracting Tha Finest Tha World Has 2 Offer.
Yet Something Is Leading Us 2 Write and Jot Some, So Here We Are in This Galaxy of Starbursts and Gobstobbers.
Should We Write About Luv and Tha Minds of Women...How All Gurls Just Wanna Have Fun...Thanx Cyndi Lauper!
Perhaps Get On Tha Fashion Tip, Since it's Been Quite A While...Think Tha Last Time We Spoke About That Was Sooooo Pre-Joggers.

But No...

Just Because Nobody Wants 2 Be With You, Doesn't Mean That U Aren't Sexy or Truly Great.
Yeah...That's One Freaking Heck of a Sentence...I Know...I Know...Stay Tuned After Tha Show and Outside U Can Pick Up my VHS Tape!
I've Been Thinking About All Tha Stuff, I've Had 2 Deal With...Thought I'd Never See Tha Day When Superman Wants 2 Put Away His Cape.
But Dude...U Feel Like This Clark Kent, Roaming Around This Daily Planet...They See Tha Black Fendi Nerd Glasses, Armani Shirt and M. Jacobs Jewels And Assume That Ur Just Like Everyone Else...Either an Aspiring Model or Actor...or into Real Estate.

So When Things Occur, That Are Usually Out of Ur Control, I think...'How Can U Not Want 2 Be With Me?' Or This Lifestyle...I'm More Than Worth Any Wall Street Risk.
So Even on Tonight, I just Wanna Say...Don't Let Other People's Perceptions or Lack of Ruin Your Day or Week or Month...If They Pass on You...'Tisk, Tisk!'
You Are Still Beautiful, Still One of Tha Greatest Who's Ever Walked This Earth...They Don't Want You, Fine...Fight 2 Become Even Better, Sexier...Do it All With Such An Inspirational Fist.

There Have Been So Many Episodes, So Many "OMG! She's Sooooo Super Hot!" Type Moments, But Let Me Right Here Say...U Just Never Know.
That Job That Has U Dreaming and Grinding On 25/8 on Tha Daily, May Not Be Worth A Hill of Black Beans...No Advance Contract...Very Limited Growth.
That 'Most Beautiful Person U've Ever Met', May Not Be Great Boyfriend or Gurlfriend Material...They May Change over Time into A Bah Humbug Grinch Who Stole.
Gotta Be Real Tonight, Cuz I know I'm Not Tha Only One Who Feels Slighted, Disrespected or Upset For Being Smart, Being Humble, Being Mannerful, Being Sexy, Being Wealthy, Being Cool, Being Different, Being Athletic, Being Goofy, Being Motivated, Being Grateful...

Ahhh!!!! (Huge Yawn!!)

And Being Appreciative Of How Beautiful Life and Some Relationships Can Be, Only 2 Be Denied Tha Chance of Reaching That Goal.

Tha Last Few Months Have Been Berserk! That's Totally a 90's Word! I've Learned So Much about Myself...About Me...And About...Well, I Guess That's Tha Only Two People For Now!!
If it Means I NEVER EVER Meet My 'Dream Gal' Per Se, I'm Determined To Make Sure That Folks See Tha Real Me...Get a Taste of Tha Galaxia Kung Pao!
Any Friendship and/or Relationship I Get Into is Based on 'Fun and Luv', if Tha Other Person Can't See That, Then Well, I'm Sorry U Aren't For Me, No Reason 2 Go and Have a Cow!
I Live Each Day As if it's My Last...I Don't Waste Text Messages or Instagram Posts, There's a Purpose 2 My Macho Man Madness...We Only Get One Life, So I Want Tha Best and For Them I'll Walk a Mile.

I Promise. 

I've Gone Through Days Recently Where I've Thought...Ok...So Many People Say Speak So Kindly of Us...All These Gurls Think I'm Cool or What Not, Why am I Keep Running into Tha 1% Percent.
2night I Read This Article About This Pretty Famous DJ up in NYC, and I thought When I first Started This Online Diary, She Was Mad Cool in Her Response Saying She'll Check it Out 2 See if it's Truly Star Sent.
I hate 2 Name Drop...But When A DJ Chelsea Replies With Luv or All These Cool & Intelligent Models and Gurls Respond 2 Ur Energy And Know U Just a Goofy Kid...U Wonder How Come That Luv Bar Isn't Yet Bent.
How Come This Gurl Can't Respond 2 A Harmless Text...Why Doesn't This One See Tha Joy of Laughter or a Sweet Song..U Can Doubt Urself like, 'Am I Missing Something?' Like A Sex Craved Nun in a Convent?!!

Never Get Lost in Tha Fact of How Great YOU Are. You Are Super Unique and Priceless and If One, Two or Thirty Million Can't See That, That Doesn't Mean it Still Ain't True.
Sometimes Who U Want, May Not Be Any Good For You...You Try And Try 2 Make Them See Ur Light and Energy, but Either They Wanna Be With You or They Don't Wanna Get With...You.
A lot of Times When That Door 2 A Person's Heart is Closed or When Opprtunity Keeps Knocking but and One Answers, it May Be For a Reason...They May want a Broken Life, Although U Are Tha Glue.
A Lack of Confidence or 'Fakeness' behind All Tha Glitz and Outward Glamour...U Want Someone Real Inside...Who Respects You and Enjoys You Whether U On Local Access Television or CNN or Speaking in a Church Hall To An Audience of Two.

My Life is Full of Girls and Stories...So I knew This One Gurl, And We Were Mad Cool...I Was Pure on Friend Level, And We Would just Plain and Simply Talk.
Now...Other Guys Thought She Was 'Hot' or Whatever, and Over Time I did notice She Had a Kim Kardashian Type of Face, Athletic Body...One Will Notice When By You She Walked.
She Lived in One of Tha Luxury Districts Here in Miami, Very Upscale Apartment Unit...Tha Kind Tha Paparazzi Hang Out At, Not Tha Kind Where Outside on Tha Sidewalk U See Yellow Caution Tape and CSI Outline Chalk!
We Were Cool...She Would Joke With Me...U Know I'm Flirting...I Mean Joking Back at Her...Everything Was As Cool As A Beanstalk.

But Over Time, I Could Sense We Were Starting 2 'Feel' For Each Other...She Had a "Boyfriend", and I Was Single (Yes, Boyfriend was in Quotes!) and Tha Convos Would Get More In-Depth.
She Would Discuss Her Boyfriend Partying It Up, Not Seeing Her For Days, Saturday Nights and Weekends All Alone...I Guess He Had Money Didn't Care About His Street Rep.
Everyday She Would Tell Me This Stuff, Me Being a 'Male Feminist' Would Get So Mad Like How Can He Not Wanna Be With Her?? His Reasons For This Must Not Be Kept.
So She Would Give This Smile at Me Whenever I Came Around and I Was Starting 2 Feel a Rich Homie Quan In Tha Air, Cuz I Was Starting 2 Feel 'Some Type of Way' With Her, I Needed 2 Watch My Steps.

Cuz Now, She's Spilling Tha Lasagna on How She's A  Uncherished and Somewhat Under Appreciated Beauty That is Digging Me So Much, With Me All is Being Said.
Now I'm Starting 2 Look At Her a Tad Differently As Well...Thinking Man, 'If I Had Her...' Because She's Ultra Open With Me, Which is Attractive Cuz My Soul and Heart is Being Fed.
So Now When I See Her...And She Smiles I'm Like, 'This Gurl Is Really Hot and Attractive!' I'm looking At Her Body, Her Boobs, and Butt and Her Fashion Sense like I Might Have 2 Slide In on Homedude Cuz She's Giving Me a Green Light with No Sign of Red! 
Now I See Why Guys Want This Gurl, Plus I'm getting An Unfiltered, Exclusive Scoop on How Cool She Is, Her Personal Relationship...I needed Help Cuz I'm Not Gonna Let a Gurl like This Cry Alone, Spending 72 Hours Straight Eating Blue Bell Ice Cream in Bed!

So I Asked This Homegurl at Tha Time Who Knew Her As Well...I Asked Her for Tha Scoop...And I was Real Like, 'She's Telling Me All This Stuff, I'm Starting 2 Really Like Her, I'm Thinking About Sliding In From Tha Back!' (Literally and Figuratively!!  Ha ha ha!!)
She Told Me With Authority 2 Back Off Her, and How She Just Wants 2 Be 'Miserable' and How She Ain't Leave Her Boyfriend, She Likes Her Realtionship 2 Be Like That.
It Was a Small but Lengthy Talk...Cuz I know She Was Starting 2 Like Me, I Could Sense it As I Would Come Around Her...But U Can't Save Everybody Cuz Some People Don't Really and Truly Wanna Be Happy...They Think Honesty in a Relationship is Boring and Whack.
I've Heard Gurls Say They Like Arguments and Drama, and How That Adds 'Spice' to A Relationship...They Want That 2 Be In Their Luv Heystack.

Say This Cuz...Just Cuz Somebody Looks Good or Angelic, Or Just Because They Like You Or Luv Tha Attention They Get From You (Save That For Another Day!), Doesn't Mean, In Thee I Wed.
A Connection Beyond Sex, and Beyond "We Both Like Toy Story 2!" Is Needed...For Me Personally, I Enjoy Someone Who is Ultra Diverse...We Can Discuss How Doug and Daria Would've Been a 'Dream Couple' or Discuss Tha Power of Those Talks TED.
I Repeat, I Luv Gourgeous Looks and Curvy Ashley Grahams As Much As Anybody, Maybe More...But When You're Always Around Outward Beauty, U Tend 2 Look For More...That Which Makes U Feel Alive and Not Dead.
U Want A Soul Who's Looking In Tha Same Direction With Tha Somewhat Same Perspective As You Are...Those Couples are Timeless...Barney and Betty...Wilma and Fred.

I Could Go On, but It's 12:25 am in This Midnight Hour, and I need 2 Meditate For a Few Moments Before I Go 'Nighty Night!'
Listen I'm No Guru, I'm Going Through This Like Everyone Else, But I know That It Can Be Hard When U Feel Like Ur Tha Very Best, And Nobody Wants 2 Grab On Tight.
There's a Feeling Of Bewilderment and Disbelief 2 Be Honest, But If U Just Keep Believing...That Dream Career, Beyond Awesome Mate Will Come, and Things Will Be Outta Sight.
I know That's What's Driving Me During These Wildest of Times...That Belief That Nuthing Happens Without a Purpose...U Fuss, Cuss and Cry, but U Always Get Back Up and Fight With All, Not Some, But All Ur Might!!

Then One They Will See, They Should've Stepped Out on Faith, Took a Chance With You Cuz Now Ir A Superstar...Now They Think, 'Huh. All He or She Wanted Was a Simple and Innocent  Lunch or Dinner.'
All That Negative Energy is Now Transformed and Filtered into A Comet That Will Race Until Tha End of Time...Finally Seeing Tha Results of Being Patient and Resilient...Sunny Spring And Summer Days Always Arrive Following Those Cold Nights Of Winter.
Never Forget That U Are Tha Best and U Are Beautiful! So What if Folks Don't Understand You, Stay True and Remain Strong and Soon Everybody Will Want You like Those Bomb and Tasty School Cafeteria Chicken Tenders!
And if They Don't...You Still Just Be You Because Tha Only Definition and Opinion of You That Counts Is Yours...

See, Around 4:30 This Afternoon, I Texted My Mom for Some Energy and Prayer 2 Make it Through...

Now I See Those Moments of Abandonment, and Being Used and Being 'Tha Last One' Wasn't Necessarily a Sign That I Was a Loser...

But it Was Actually Tha Ultimate Sign, That I'm Gonna Be Life's...


Ur Tha Best!

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