
BMXer in Tha Studio!

I Consider This Day, As Tha Rain Clouds Begin 2 Crack.
Just Got A Few Laughs on Tha Snap of Chat.
Jackson 5 Cartoons on Tha Tube..."I Want U Back!"
Ready 2 Have Fun Like A College Dorm Of Frat.
Let's Just Freestyle 2day...Mack it Colorful like a Crayola Stack.
Do Something Different Than Tha Traditional White and Black.
Life is Special, So Enjoy It! Read Tha 'Cat In Tha Hat!'
Don't Cry over Spilled Milk, Even When It Goes "Splat!!"
Life Can Kris Kross You...Questioning Tha Heavenly "Daddy Mac".
Gotta Hold Strong and True 2 Life's Ride in Tha Cadillac.
Sacrifices Might Be Made, From Neiman's U Take Home Only One Sack.
From Tha Party U Only Choose One From Tha Angelic Pack.
I've Wanted This Cheese So Long, Like a Starving Cat.
Doing All I Can Do, 2 Fill Up Success' Sheet of Stats.
U Must Believe it Will Pay Off, That It Will Mean Jack.
And Once U Get It, Not A Thing U Will Lack.

Not Gonna Lie, My Heart is In A Deep 'Sigh.'
A Tad Exhausted From Heartbeat of 'There She Goes Walking By.'
Perhaps I'm Too Honest in This Diary of Giggle, Then Cry.
I Should Just Be Silent While Tha Well of Luv Begins 2 Dry.
Sometimes There's No Explanation...No How Come or Even Why?
U Are Tha Coolest And Most Fun Ever...At Least According 2 My Eyes.
Yet Tha Process is Grueling...Many Times Sans a Simple Reply.
How Can This Be? I'm Just a Wealthy Kid...A Goofy Guy.
Almost Like Blinders are Put On, So They Don't See Side 2 Side.
Focused So Hard On a Career, Forgetting That Luv is What Makes U Fly.
Worst Timing, Maybe...When it Comes 2 Time, I Go Blind.
I Live With My Heart, In Tha Moment, That I Won't Deny.
So Here I Simply Breathe, Like A Yoga Geek Staring At Pie.
Trying 2 Muster Up One More Try.
U Feel Great, like 'Ur Tha Best', A Mantra That is Now My Guide.
Willing 2 Show That In Me...There Won't Ever Be A Tie.

I Thought Should I Change? That Thinking Immediately Came 2 A Stop.
In Tha Studio Gym Yesterday and Thought..."Dude, U Kinda Hot!"
Not just In Muscles, Although It's Nice 2 Have a Vein or Two 'Pop!'
But I'm Sooooo Happy About Who I am Overall...It Made My Jaw Drop!
U Can Forget Who U Are, Especially When Someone U 'Like' Moves Ur Jock.
U Chase Them, Hoping They're Special, That They Are This Rock.
Losing And Forgetting, That They Should Be Chasing You...Like a Luv Cop.
Both of Us Together Would Make a Superpower...Alone Ur Still a Pretty Tator Tot.
Full of Fun and Energy, Think Bozo Tha Clown, Bruce Wayne with a Mix of 2pac!
A Dream Come True 2 Any Gurl Who's Willing 2 Pick Tha Lock.
I'm Learning 2 Simply 'Let Go' it's Tough, Cuz This is An All 2 Familiar Plot.
Guy Meets Gurl. Gurl Likes Guy. Gurl Enjoys Attention. Guy Left Alone in Parking Lot.
Ur Confidence is Still Ultra High, just Tired of Wiping Names off Tha Floor With My Mop.
I Shake My Head in Disbelief, on My Bed, I Just "Plop!"

Guess I Must Become Even Better, Although It's Tough Going Beyond A 'Ten'.
This Has Been Tha Ultimate Stick Test...Of Break versus Bend.
Can U Still Hold True and Believe? When 'Having Fun' is Considered a Sin.
Can You Move on From Tha Past...While In Ur Face All U Can See is Tha Sign Asking 'When?'
Tha Greatest All Have Faced Obstacles...Like Snoop and Dre Gaining Respect For 'Juice and Gin'.
To Michelangelo, Di Vinci, and Bugs...Fighting Being Admitted Into a Looney Bin!
I Have A Great Desire, Grand Resources and A Great Closer in Tha Bullpen.
So I Must Not Get Discouraged and Hold Up Tha Sign, 'This Is Tha End.'
For it Is Totally Not, A New Beginning...One Where I'm Either a Foe or Friend.
If Ur Down For Me...My Luv, Heart and Soul...I'll Gladly Lend.
This is Tha Best Chance 2 'Catch Me' Before Destiny Looks and My Email and Hits...Send.
I'm Really Near Something Special, I mean Mother Nature and Father Time Are my Next of Kin.
I've Survived Tha Worst of Moments, Yet Here I Am...Silly as Mr. Stimpy and Mr. Ren.
Now It's My Turn, and I'm Serious...Right After This Jotting I'm Going Into 'Galaxy Zen'.
Attracting Tha Life I Desire...To Be An Example 2 A Heart That Needs a Mend.
To Show That There's Great Power in Climbing Those Web-Based Stairs into Ur Soul's Den.
Whichever Gal Likes Wants Us, just Wants Us...Whether Laquesha, Lori-Ann Maria or Simply...Jen.
They Will See What Is Inside of Us, An Authentic Spirit That They Won't Ever, Ever See Again.
It Will Be An Unforgettable Connection...For In This Socket They Have 2 Want 2 Plug In!

I'm Ready Man! I'm telling U, It's About 2 Get Wild.
Nobody Has Been As Prepared For Success and Luv and Fame As We Are...Up Has Gone Tha Dial.
One Day, Ur Gonna See Us Everywhere...From Commercials To On Stage at Tha Screen Actor's Guild.
Do Not Be Surprised At All! For Tha Key 2 Enjoying Life is Always Have Tha Glow of A Child.
Excitement Has Now Filled Tha Air...Tha Smell of Victory Compared 2 Yesterday's Smell So Fowl.
I Feel like A 'Colin' Now...Cowherd, Kaepernick...I Prefer Though...Farrell or Powell.
Be Open, Have Fun! Understand That 'Good Things Come 2 Those Who Walk 5,280 Feet or A...Mile!'
See Has With Luv, Life Is Tha Same...U Can Have Everything Planned Out...

But Tha Best Things in Life, As With This Diary Post...

Usually Come Via...

A Freestyle!

From My Heart With Luv!

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