
A Sticky Icky Icky Luv.

Ok This is Truly a First. I just to out my Contacts and was laying Down about 2 Go into a Meditative State of Mind before a Late Night Workout Here in Tha Beach. But Something Says Write...So here We Go. No idea what Will be said, Just Gonna Let it Go...

(Huge Blow!)


Those four letters have More Meaning Than a Dictionary From That Webster Guy.
Many Use Those Words So Freely, I'm C'Mon like For Me U'll Actually Die?!!
You Would Actually Stand In Front of a Bullet With a Superman Swagger Wearing a Clark Kent Suit and Tie!
It's So Easy To Say Those Words but 2 Actually Live By Them is a Different Story.

Something is Telling me 2 Write With My Heart tonight so Forgive me if it gets Really Intimate. 

I Have had Many Gurls Tell Me 'I Luv You Austin'...Some In a Friend Sense, Some as a Ventriloquist For Jack Daniels.
I heard This Mamacita one time Put Her Arms Around me At a Party...Had Her Body Hanging over Me, Boobs, Tummy, Her Softness Was a Lot 2 Handle.
Plus, I Had a Crush on Her At Tha Time...We Was Mad Cool...Perhaps it was Her Mexicana Sexiness of Being Chill Yet Opionated...Always Down 2 Party, but Luv Tha Feel of Beach Sandals.
So When She Said, 'I Luv You Austin!' I was Like'  "Totally OMG! Can Somebody Record This Moment...I Almost Was As a Excited As A Kung Fu Panda!

But I knew She Was a Bit Tipsy, So I Took it With a Whole Grain of Cheerios...Knowing That it Meant Nuthing Without Tha Sugar and Tha Milk.
Personally I've only Told One Gurl Those Magical Three Words...She Was Tha Goofiest of Gals, With a Midwestern Attitude That Made Our Friendship as Ever Flowing As Silk.
Tha Thing Was Though, She Was Gay, or Proclaimed That She Was...But We Hung Out 2gether and Fell For Each Other...She Was a Top Shelf Pick.
She Told Me First While Holding Both My Hands, I Responded...But After Sharing a Kiss...Or Two...Or Three...It Felt Weird Like Our Game Was Over and Cupid just Held Up Tha Sign on Tha Pinball Machine Saying "Tilt!!"

I Talk about Dating and Romance...A Lot...Probably Too Much, But Nobody Wants 2 Discuss Tha Issues...I don't Care, I'll be Tha Odd 8 Ball I Guess.
But I'm So...Ahhh...How Should I Put This...Not Jaded...But Particular to Who I Even Approach to be a Friend Nowadays...So Many Lies That Puts Ur Faith in Love 2 Tha Test.
Some People Just Want Free Meals...Others Just Want 'One Night Stands' or Just To Say They 'Bagged' Someone... I'm a Superfreak Too, but I Want A Package That's Truly Tha Best.
I Look at Actions...Cuz They Do Speak Louder Than Words...You Can Tell Me This or That All You Want...But It's Those Tiny Itsy Bitsy Things Like Killing a Spider That Makes Me Want 2 Invite You 2 My Luvfest.

In This Dating Game Nowadays it's Like Either Folks Have Too High of Standards (Which I've Been Accused Of)...Or Absolute No Standards 2 Stand.
I'm really being to open 2nite...But My Future Baby Mama or Gurlfriend may be a Reading This...But She Should Know Me and My Pi Thoughts like If I Prefer 3.14, Apple or Deep Dish Pan.
It's Just So Necessary for Me 2 Try 2 Know Someone Inside Out, Because I Have Been Hurt, Ket Down, Left Holding Tha Grocery Bags, Dissed, Used and Abused and Borderline Left Confused as a Man.
Yes, we've known a lot of Gurls of High Smarts, Intelligence, Of Substance and Very Sexually Appealing...But Being able 2 'Connect' With Somebody, is of Upmost Importance...In Luv it's Tha Law Of Tha Land.

There is Like Nuthing Worse than Having a Crush on Somebody, hooking up with them (Notice Tha Small 'h'), and Then Talking and Finding Out That There is Nothing in Common 2 Share.
And for Me 2 Say that Means it Serious Cuz I Can Talk About Anything From Living In Tha Hood and Eating Fried Spam Sandwiches To Who's Sexier Tha Fruit Loops Toucan Sam or Tha Golden Crisp Cereal Bear!
So when I Don't Find Anything To Talk About, then You know it's Bad Y'all...But in Tha Game Of Live All is Fair.
You can't just base a 'Energy' between two people just On How They 'Look' Together or What They Drive or U Have So much in Common...Trust Me, U Can Have Everything in Common but That Doesn't Mean Tha Other Person Has that Special Care.

One Time When I was in College, There was this Gurl...I Sound like a Playboy Don't Eye?!!...Anyway, it was this Really Cool Gurl Who Was 'Dirty Hot' as Some People Would Say...We Would Talk.
One Class I Went And Sat With Her During a Lecture instead of My Homies...And Boy, Did that Start a Wildfire about Who I Shared Unnoticeable Laughs With But Now Our Relationship Was Like Gloria Estefan and 'Coming Out of The Dark!'
Tha Gurl had Really Tan Skin, Blond/Black Pepper Hair, Blue Eyes...Slender Model Build...Her Jokes is What Got Me Though and Her Openess with a Positivity...I Honestly Thought She was Gonna Be a Future Candidate 2 Take That 'Dum-Dum...Dee Dum...Dum...Dum...Dee-Dum' Walk.
Evidently Others Did Too...I Recall Being at Another Party (Sounds like I live a Wild Life Huh?!!) and This Gurl Being Like, "What's Up With U and Such and Such...Oh, U Guys Would be Such a Cute Couple!' We Did Have a LA Spark.

But After Meeting her Folks on Our First 'Kick it' Night...Who Does That???...It Couldn't be Further From Tha Truth...After Tha Onions Begin 2 Peel, U See Folks For Who They Are.
That's Why Despite This Diary, or My Instagram Posts (@agalaxia21, Follow For a Follow!! Wink, Wink!)
Or Whatever, it's So Important 2 Take Things Slow, To Actually See if it's Worth Putting a Down Payment on Tha Car.
That Doesn't Mean Play Silly Mind Games or What Not, but don't just go 'Google Eyed' after A Gal or Guy Smiles At You...Remember You Don't Set Tha Bar...You Are Tha Bar.
It Can be Hard Especially if U've been Hurt, or Finally getting noticed from Tha opposite or same sex...But remain True and Be...Be...I don't wanna Say This Word...but...Be Patient 2 See If Things Go Far.

Listen...I have been Hurt enough To Where it was like...I'm done With These Chickenheaded Gurls...Tired of Being Nice...That Mom was Right, All Miami Gurls Want Drama...I'm Straight Up Done Son.
And I took Several Months off...Thos was like 2010 or So...Maybe 2011...My Only Concern was To Get My Body in 'Tip Top' Shape and Enjoy "Me" in terms of Having Fun.
Of Course, Right When a Guy or Gurl says That, That's When All Tha 'Hot Options' Hit Tha Free Market and Want You...I Could of Had a Lot of Puss...Excuse Me, Fun...But my Heart Wasn't In it I was Still Caught Up from Tha Unbelievable Actions and Accusations From Tha Last One.
When u get Blindsidely Hurt...That's Not Even a Word But Whatever...It Takes a Minute Dude...Cuz Emotionally U Rationalize Like...They Did Tha Same Thing or What Makes U Different...U See Patterns of Actions That Lead 2 Believe Tha Next Relationship Will Be Another Pun.

So After That Period and U Find Somebody Who is...Attractive - Receptive - Single (Galaxia's 3 Must Haves In Finding Ur Dream Come True) You Go So Hard Wanting To Prove You're a Good Catch.
U may Skip Steps in knowing that person...Or Their Emotional State of Mind...Or Fail To See Signs a That They Are Just Using You Cuz They Are Bored...Never Rush 2 Get Attached.
I'm learning to just Be You...If They Like Younfor You Awesome...If Not, Then We're just Not Compatible but At Least They Saw Tha 'Whole You' and Not Just a Patch.
I used 2 Take it Soooooo Personal...'How Can They Not Want Me Or My Lifestyle or Romantic Gestures??' But Everyone is Different...Looks are Deceiving...U never Know, A Wall Street Broker May Only Have Tha 'Ting-A-Ling' For Tha Self-Proclaimed Ratch!

That's Enough...I got a Headache...But Always Strive 2 Show Luv 2 Everyone, Even if They Cut U Off in Traffic or...Quick Story Then I gotta Make me Some Oatmeal.
I'm Chillin' at Lunchtime Today, and Every So often I Read a Comment Somebody leaves me in Regards to my Diary, I Get Them Emailed To Me...Worldwide...Our Life is Tha Real Deal.
This Had 2 Do With My Initial Diary (www.austinogalaxia.com) which is Everything U Read Today and Then Some...Tales of Our Life here in South Beach, Playing Hoops, Parties, and Yes, Gurls...For it being Available for Free Is A Prison Break Steal.
I really can't believe How Many People Still Read it All over Tha World...Our Life is So Different but to make an impact Globally, Gives U an Unbelievable Kind of Feel.

So Someone left a Comment in regards to a Post Written back in 2012...Yes...Saying it was a 'Boring Post'...When Tha Gist of our Oost was "What A Night!!"
Y'all know My Ego and Jordan-like Competitive Spirit...It Don't Take Much to Motivate Me...Everything Is Motivation from Not Saying 'Hi' in Passing to Flirting With Me With Ur 'So-Called Boyfriend in Sight.
So Best Believe, This Will be Stored until Tha Right Time...But You can't Please Everybody, So When I talk Upon This Love...it Means Have an Open Mind 2 People Until They Prove or Do You Wrong...After They Forget Tha Ham on Ur Cuban Cubano Sandwich ...Then You Can Fight!
My Patience Has Been Tested So Much As Of Late...But be Open to Human Kind...We're Really All in This Thing Called Life Together...And Each Person has Their Rights.

Every One. Rich or Poor.

But This "LOVE" Thing in regards of Relationships...Get Tha Best For You...Don't Date To Society's Image...or Mama and Papa's...Or To Make Ur Friends Jealous...Date For You.
If U Like Bookworms, Don't be Ashamed...Former Porn Stars...U Only like Models...or Gurls With Red Hair, or Guys With Anchor Tats on Their Arms...We All Have Preferences but Be Open Cuz U Never Know Who's been Sniffing Ur Luv Clues.
Like My Cousin Vicki Told Me..."Be With Who You Want! You only Get One Life."...Take Things Sliw and Get 2 Luv Them For Them and Not just What They Look Like or if They Can get U Free Miami Heat a Playoff Tix...This Don't Do.
No Matter What Always Have Fun...Laugh, Giggle and Inspire Each Other...That's My Dream Relationship At Least...In Tha Midst of True Love is Fun...

Which I have Decided Will Always Be My Future Love's Choice of...



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