
A Chef's Waiting Table!

Tha Day is Beginning 2 Break, And Here I Lay in My Lair.
Had Absolutely No Intentions 2 Write 2night, I Need 2 Take a Nap Before Tonight's Affair.
These Thoughts Are For All of Us...Myself, Tha Galaxy...Those Far and Near.
Writing Purely From My Heart and Soul...This Diary is My Shield and Spear.

One Has 2 Believe That They Are Tha Best, Tha Sexiest and A Dream Come True.
That May Sound Conceited 2 Say, but Success Begins Within...A Light Flicker Flame 2 Ur Stew.
So Many Ingredients Are Added 2 Tha Pot, But First That Burner Must Be on Light Blue.
After Some Time You Can Crank it Up, To A Full Blast That Makes U Feel So Brand New.

Do We Have Any Cooks In Tha House? I mean Those Who Can Do More Than Heat Up Rice!
Tha Kind That Can Reeeeally Get Down...On Some Soul Food, Some Dominican Dish...Ummm, That Sounds So Nice!
I Told Somebody Tha Other Day That My 'Dream Gal' might just be An Ex-Porn Star Turn Chef...Straight Up! And if She Likes Cartoons, I Wouldn't Think Twice!!
Cooking is An Art Form, a Test of Trial and Error...U Just Don't Automatically Put in a New Recipe For Pumpkin Pie, and Then Fight CB & Tha Peanuts Clan For a Slice!

When Ur Starting From Scratch, U Consider What Ingredients Are Necessary, What Must U Have 2 Make That Meal.
Flour, Sugar, Butter are Just Some...They better be Organic and Salt-Free for Me, or Else I'll have 2 Pull out My Butter Knife...And Somebody's Fate Will Be Sealed.
A Little Too Much of This...Not Enough of That...Any Mis-Measurement and Tha Whole Thing Goes Wrong...And U've Just Wasted a Whole Goods Grocery Bill.
So U Must Watch What Ur Doing and Sometimes Take Risks...Mix According 2 Ur a Own Personal Acquired Taste...Be Honest With Urself with No Frills.

My Mom is Quite Amazing! And I thought Back 2 High School...Myself and My Brother Were On Our Respected Basketball Teams, So Tha Night Before a Game Were Feasts of Tasty Gold.
My Pregame Meal Was Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs With Cheese, Bacon, Sausage and Rice...And For My Latinas, Yes I Do Eat Rice For Dinner and With Sugar!! I know, I know...How Bold!
"Breakfast Food" was My Pre-Game Dinner...While My Brother Liked Tacos...Then My Mom Would Cook Like Pork Chops for My Pops, it Was 3 Meals Taking Place In Tha Winter Cold.
All in Tha Name of Luv and A Victory! If A Gurl Shows Me That Type of Luv, Then My Heart She Would Have Stole.

That Takes Time To Make That Stuff, and More Importantly 2 Be Good At It. Many, Many Tries.
Which is Why We Can't Get Defeated When Life or People Suprise Us in a Bad Way...That Test May be There Just So U Can Get Tha Best Recipe For Those Perfect Fries! (Although Checker's/Rally's Come Close!)
We Are Tha Chefs in Terms of Our Lives...We Can Either Accept Tha Challenge Of Finding Tha Perfect Recipe or Be Like Me in Tha Past...Milk in Tha Dough Of Cries.
Get it...Milk in Tha Dough of...Oh, I Really Need 2 Talk To Fox about My Getting My Own Show...But Just Like in Cooking and Baking, Tha Chef Knows That in Patience...True Success Lies.

I use Tha Microwave A Lot...Too Much Probably...One Time This Woman Was Talking About Tha Dangers of Tha Microwave...I Almost Shriveled Up Like A Mutha-Freaking Dried Vegetable As She Spoke!
"Tha Rays Are Gonna Get Ya! They Gonna Get Ya!!" Well, I'm A San Francisco Giants Fan and If Happen 2 Meet Tha "Rays" in Tha World Series, I Ain't Worried...It'll Be A Joke!!
I Cook...Or Reheat My Oatmeal in Tha Microwave...That's My Staple Dish...Once I Stir Up That Oatmeal, With That 2% Organic Milk...WHAT!!!...Add Them Almonds, And That Nutri-Taste Sugar Substitute...That'll Put Anybody On Tha Ropes!
That's a Quick Fix, but Nuthing Beats Homemade, and That's Tha Point We Wanna Exude (Is That Word French??!!!) In Tonight's Post.

We All know it's A Microwave Society, but Nothing Beats A Well Cooked Homemade Meal...And Yes, U Can Add Tha Apple Pie.
It Takes Time 2 Bake and We All Are Super Busy...Bout Time U Done Being Stuck in Traffic, Walking Tha Dog and Seeing Who Viewed Ur Profile on Match.com...Cooking isn't Even Worth a Try.
But It's Just Amazing How Tha Things in Life Which Are Considered Tha Best Actually Take Tha Most Time To Acquire...That's No Lie!
Yet...We Don't Want 2 Go Through Tha Process of Trial and Error, or Just Waiting For Tha Dish 2 Cook Correctly...We're in A Rush to Get 2 Netflix or Tha Ball Game or Posting a Picture on 'Tha Gram' Showing Only Ur Hips and Thighs.

This Has Been a Struggle For Me, Cuz I Feel That Not Too Long Ago at Tha Galaxy's Le Cordon Bleu University of Success, So Many Sat Next 2 Me in Front of Tha Oven...2 Enjoy Tha Bake.
Now...Everybody's Dish Is Done, Their Over At Tha Artefacto Dinner Table Working on Seconds and Thirds, While I'm Still Sitting and Waiting...Feeling Like It's Getting Pretty Late.
Why is It Taking So Long? How Come Their Dish Came Out Before Mine? I Did My Best Job of Following Tha Recipe...If I Don't Learn How To Cook, I'll never have a V-Day Date.
So You Sit and Sit...Thinking That U Must've Missed a Step or Something...But U Didn't...You Can't Compare Ur Dish 2 Others...They Might Have Chicken or Pasta...While Ur Cooking a Vintage Superstar Plate.

It's Tough Though. Really Tough.

Your Time Will Come When That 'Ding' Will Go Off and When Tha Door That Was Close Will Finally Open!

I'm just gonna Stop Right There Cuz Tha Last Sentence is Absolutely A Gem. Just Beautiful!! Absolutely Beautiful.

Making a Five-Star Dish Takes Time. As Does Becoming a Five-Star Person. Look, I've Gone Through A Lot. I saw A Quote Tha Other Day That Said...

'Masters Fail, More Than Other People Have Tried.'

That's An Amazing Quote and Describes My Mentality. I know What I Want Outta Life. We Know Tha Kinda Gal and Luv I Want Out of Life. Friends...Impact on Society as An Whole...And You Have 2 Be Willing 2 Do Whatever It Takes 2 Not Only Reach Ur Dreams, but Put Urself in a Position 2 Succeed.  You May Have 2 Skip Out On 'Tha Party of Tha Year', So U Can Study or Get Some Rest Cuz U Got a Big Day Coming Up. Or U May Have 2 Skip Tha Pizza At Tha Company Celebration Because U Want Ur Body 2 Be in Tip Top Shape and Although A Slice 2 Them Won't Hurt, U know Tha Effect It Has on You. Or You Might Have 2 Get On Tha Karaoke Stage 2 Impress Tha Gurl U Saw In Tha Back of Tha Bar...

Nothing Ventured...Nuthing Gained.

In Life, As With Food and Cooking, You Gotta Take Risks. It May Feel Awkward or...Whatever. Like Geez, I never Dated An Asian Gurl Before, but I Like Her, but My Family and Friends May Look at Me Funny...U Gotta Go For It...Got. 2. Go. For. It!! Not just in terms of Luv, but Ur Goals, Career, Having Fun. Don't Look at 'No' as A Failure. Look at it As You Getting Closer 2 Ur Goals and Dreams. 

This Ain't 1995. Or Tha 80's When Folks Were Making Decisions from Their Heart in Regards 2 Wall Street, or Those Days Where a Guy or Gurl just Approached Freely on Tha Street asking For A Date or Spitting Lines Like...'U Just So Fine, I Wanna Drink Ur Bathwater! Can A Playa Get Them Digits?!!' Now U Gotta Google Folks, Go on Social Media and Stalk People before U Commit...It's A Different World, I know, So u Must be Aware, But it's A Scared World Where People are in Their Own World, and Are Truly Afraid of Getting Hurt, Where When I was Growing Up, Tha Oldheads Used 2 Always Say...

'No Pain...No Gain!'

Strive 2 Be Great. And Surround Urself With Those On That Same Wavelength. 

You Are Tha Chef of Ur Destiny. Are You Willing To Wait? Can U Handle Tha Experimental Process?

I Am. Yeah, It Can Feel Lonely...And Like it's  Never Gonna Happen, But More Sooner Than Later, That Dream Dish Will Come Out Tha Oven. How Do I know U Might Ask?

Cuz I Can Smell It! And Let Me Tell Ya...

It Smells Good.

Yep! Pretty Darn...



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