
C-GF Still = Luv!

Surrounded By Nothing But Tha Glow of My IPad, Darkness Orbits My Soul Seven Minutes Before Midnight Strikes.
Still Thoughts and Wonders of How Hard I've Had 2 Push In So Many Ways, Every Day, Every round of This Endless Fight.
This Pursuit of Greatness, This Joy Of Simpling Having Fun, This Disbelief That You Feel Sorta Alone Can Test This Inherited Mighty Mouse Hoping a Piece of Tha Cheese I can Bite. 
The Book Question Remains, Who Moved My Cheese, And I'm Contemplating if It Was Mother Nature or Simply That Tiny Rascal Named Jerry...I'm Doing Everything I can 2 Make Things Alright.

When Your A Visionary of Sorts, Or A Leader in a World of Followers When A Gram Can Be Had in An Insta, These Are Tha a Moments That Test Your Soul.
You Have All, And I Do Mean ALL Tha Ingredients 2 Success, Enjoyment and Even Fame...Although You're Willing 2 Share Nobody Wants 2 Take a Bite Outta Your Bowl.
Almost Like You Have Turned Into This Ultimate Beauty Queen...Where Nobody Wants 2 Know Her Goals, Her Motivation, What Makes Her Tick Unlike a Rolex So Cold.
They Just See Her Flawless Figure, Her Make-up Less Natural Beauty, But No One Ever Puts In Tha Effort For Her Feelings...Always Thinking Straight A's and Model Looks Means You Have a Perfect Life That Shouldn't Be Told.

At Times You Can Feel Punished For Being Who You Are...As If One Actually Does Less, Then He Can Obtain More.
Playing a Russian Roulette With the devil, Double or Nothing...With him bragging That If You just Stop Trying 2 Make a Difference, I can even up Tha Score.
Tha Most Desirable of Women, Tha Most Amazing of Sex...Tha Kind That Can Have You Go From Tha Bedroom to Tha Kitchen...To Tha Laundry Room As She Grinds on You on Tha Dryer While Her Left Hand Giving You a Liquid Tide Pour.
This Feeling That Doing Things Tha 'Clean' Way, Has Gone Tha Route of Sixty Six...If u add another Six, Then You Find Tha Loser of This Russian Roulette...Not Willing 2 Sell Out, Simply Because Life Has More in Store.

Tha Doors Have Been Locked, and Ur Asking Tha Custodian in Tha Sky For Tha Keys...Anything That Would Be Able 2 Pick That Lock.
It Truly and Literally Looks Like Everyone Else Got in For Free...While You're Forced 2 Use Blow Torches, Credit Card Swipes, and Even a Steel Toothpick, Becoming As a Robber That Just Won't Stop.
Willing To Risk Life And Limb, For You Now Figure You Got 'Nuthing 2 Lose', What's Tha Worst That Can Happen? Get Arrested By Lil Wayne's Mrs. Officer Cop?
You're Into Handcuffs and High Heels Anyway...And Your Life Seems like a Prison Without Tha Bars...Inside You're a Prince, But How Come Being Humble Makes Everyone Assume U Work With Cinderella...Holding Tha Bucket, While She Holds Tha Mop.

People Tell Me My Standards are Too High, Perhaps Little Cindy is Tha One For Me, This Santeria Guy Once Told Me I was Gonna End Up With a Blonde Anyway...And She Would Have Huge Assests.
They Tell Me To Go For a 'Working Gurl' ...Or A '9-5' kind of Doll...Well, if You Give Me a Melanie Griffin Mixed With a Dolly Parton, That Would Just Be Tha Perfect Solution I must Confess.
I Appreciate A Gurl and Her Inner Strength and Beauty No Matter Tha Race or Size...Perhaps Super Attractive Gurls Are Tha Only Ones Who See Me As This Ultimate Tweety Bird Worthy of Partaking in Their Luv Nest. 
Perhaps They Know I Won't 'Hatch' Too Soon, Won't 'Chirp' to All My Friends Or The Press That I Just 'Plucked' A Model...They See Me As a Fun Guy Who Only Wants Gummy Worms Which Taste Tha Best.

Beauty is Truly in Tha Eye of Tha Beholder...And 'A Woman's Worth' Goes Beyond Her Body...That's Interesting, I've Asked Everyone Else...Perhaps Alicia Has Those Magical Keys.
It Can Seem Criminal To Have This 'Empire State of Mind', Thinking That 'Karma' Must Be Playing an Evil Trick on Me...Along With Fate and Opprtunity...When You're Not Looking They'll Steal All Your Peas.
But Getting Back to Beauty...Everybody Uses 'My Boo' Differently...To Tha One They Call 'Girlfriend' to Tha Ones That Respond 'U Don't Know My Name'...Just a Nameless Face With a Random Body 2 Please.
As I Write in My 'Diary' though, just Always Remember 2 Be With Someone Who Makes Luv To Your Mind, Body and Soul...Not One, Or Two but All Three...That Person Can Be Thin or Thick...Be Even Czech or Swiss B..

Through All This Madness I've Tried 2 Remain Calm...My Life is Really Cool...it's Just Now I'm So Close That Tha Clouds Now I can Touch.
At Any Given Moment it's Like I'm Fighting My Past...more Specifically When Things Didn't Work Out Like I Hoped, But if U Were Honest With Yourself and Did Ur Best Then Ur Asking Too Much.
See...There Are Any Regrets When You've Done Your Best...If They Don't Want You or Find You Sexy Enough, That's THEIR Loss...Don't Take That Out on Tha Next Person...By Being Guarded and Refusing 2 Send Roses In By Tha Bunch.
My Most Difficult Task Has Been in Trying 2 'Let Go'...Oh, They Bloody Hurt Me...Oh, I Wish Someone Would Burn Their Arse...Oh, I'm Gonna Flip over Their Fish 'N Chips if I ever See Them At a Irish Pub During Lunch.

Tha Only Thing Keeping Me Going...Well, there's Several...But This Understanding That If You Respect Tha Game...Tha Game Will Respect You...Even Though At Tha Moment it Seems Outright and Understandably Unfair.
There's No Doubt In My Mind ...Or Gwen or Pharrell's Either...That I Should Be Single or That I Shouldn't Be On Every TV And Commercial...Never in My Wildest Dreams Would I have Given This a Glare.
Especially When You've Literally Been Surrounded By Tha Most Beautiful of Gurls and Women, Inside and Out...And Definitely Since You're Not a 'M-E' Guy, but Still Understand Tha Unseen Allure of Tha 'Share'.
So You Have Thoughts...I Thought I Was The Best...Everybody Says I look good or am Super Sexy Or A 'Good Catch' but if So...How Come Nobody Seemingly Wants Me? Or Wants 2 Admit They Want Me? As if If I'm Tha Consolation Prize in 'Truth or Dare'.

Always...I Mean...Always Remember That Things Of High Value Have a Specific Customer...Everybody May Want You, May Admire You, But Very Few Are Willing 2 Have Tha Confidence and Tha Earned Credit To Buy.
See...Keep Saying This...But We All...But I know For Myself, Really Consider Myself Tha 'Dream Guy'...Tha 'Pot of Gold' At Tha End of Tha Lucky Charms Rainbow...So Everyone Need Not Apply.
After You've Gone Through Life...And Men Have Done You Wrong or Have Slept With Your Best Friend or Tha Babysitter...Or Forgot it was Valentine's Day...Then You Give it One Final Try.
Following All Tha Tears, And Tha Feelings of 'My Friends Have it So Freaking Easy' or 'I Wish I wasn't So Good Looking cuz Guys Are Intimidated By My Looks and My Smarts'...Then Along Comes This Freshest of French Fries.

We All Should Believe That about Ourselves.

But We...Not You, but We Lose Focus When Unrightful People Enter Our Lives, or When Another Date from Match.com Goes Heywire or When Another 'I Was Busy' Lie is Told, Not Knowing Tha Hidden Agenda.
Just Maybe Life is Preparing You To Become Somebody's 'Dream Come True'...So All Tha Pain and Neglect U Face is A Trial By Fire, So That Ur This Beautiful a Diamond That Constantly Shines and As Sweet As Splenda.
It May Take 200 Heartaches and 50 More Heartbreaks...But Don't Forget You Want Something Special...I want A One In A Million Luv...I've Gone Through 999,999...And Let Me Tell Ya, There's Nothing Worse in Life Than Getting Stood Up and Dumped By A Blow-Up Doll Named Belinda!
But...You Cry...You Cuss...You Knock Over a Thing or Two...Then You Get Back Up and Dig Deeper and Deeper 2 Prepare Urself 2 Always Be At Your Best...Whether At Tha Local Market or In Ur Messages on Tinder.

I Talk about Luv A LOT, but There's No Crime in Being Single...None!! Tha Lightning Just Flashed, and Thunder Just Roared as I Wrote That! Ha ha! I'm just Learning That There's Beauty in Tha Rain.
People May Leave You...Dream Jobs May Fire You or Become Stagnant and Stale, But I'm Just Pushing Through Until I Get What and Who I Want...No Matter Tha Cost...No Matter Tha Pain.
There Are Going 2 Be Moments On That Climb Where U Question, 'If It's Worth it Anymore?' Or That You Truly Feel ALL Alone...But Life Balances Itself Out, And Many Times Genius Comes After Those Moments of Insane.
I know I've Felt Like Putting Missy's "WTF" as My Ringtone, just Cuz Those Letters Are Symbolic To My Feelings To Life, To God, To Everything...Like 'Why?'...But There is Something Good Happening...No Matter if They Want U or Not...You Are More Than an Ordinary Joe...And More Than a Plain Jane.

So Tonight, I've Given You My Report, Tha Story of My Present Day Life...It's 1:38 am in Tha Morning and I don't know if I Should Go To Sleep or Text Someone 2 See if Want 2 Play a Friendly Game of 'Stroke and Bend!'
All of us Must Not Get Frustrated By Our Life, Where We Think We Should Be...Who We Should Be Dating...How Much Money We Should Be Making...I Promise, It'll All Work Out In The End.
Visualize Success, Meditate On Your Dreams Coming True...And They Will...Then Once You Achieve It, Don't Be Selfish...Tell Your Story...Share Your Struggles Before U Got It...And Never Be Afraid For Ur Hand 2 Be Tha Ultimate Symbol of A Helpful 'Lend'.
Yeah...Before I Wrote This...I Just Laid In Silence Considering Tha Obstacles and How Tha Results Have Been on Tape-Delay...But I Got This Text Message That Simply Told Me 2 Be Great No Matter Who Is On Your Side or Not...

It Was From My Homie Cupid, Who Shared Something I've Never Thought About Until 2night...

He Truly Changed My Life By Saying...

'Remember...I've Never Had A Gurl...Friend.'

From My Heart.

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