
Luv U Better!

This is An Absolute Memorable Day and Definitely Night. I've been Acting A Straight Up Fool!! Let's See what Spills Out 2day.

Laughs, Giggles and Tha Push 2 Become Tha Best.
Keep on Saying, We Feel Like We're Tha Hottest Thing Smoking Right Now in Life's 'Bang Bang' Test!
But something Says Take Tha Spotlight off Of Ur Life Of Bliss and Pure Happiness.
Somebody May Need a Nugget, So Here We Are...Letting It Off Our Hairy Chest.

Luv and Relationships...I Know, I Know...Dude, Don't U Have Any Friends Besides Cupid?!! 
Actually...No!!! Ha ha!! So I'm Gonna Speak As Tha Luv Gods Lead Us, Probably Until I Become Stupid.
Tonight This Topic of Befriending or Dating People Who Make U Better is On My Mind...Sentences on This Can Be As Long As Meters and Feet Cubits.
Wait...I Gotta Get Down on My Knees 2 Write This One...For This Can Be a Very Complex Puzzle, like Tha Cube Rubik's!

There...Whew!! Now I Can Write...

I Have Been Tha Ultimate 'Boy Toy' it Seems...Used, Played With and In Many Cases Thrown Away.
This Playboy of Sorts, Who's a Romantic at Heart...Who Has A Sensitivity 2 A Gal's Day.
Gurls Have Told Me A Lot of Personal Information About Life, Luv and Being A Female...I Think They Forgot That I'm Not Gay.
But I Have an Openness That I Just Wanna Have Fun and Share Awesome Laughs...This isn't Just Talk I Actually Do Live This Mantra, In My Heart it'll Always Stay.

As Being Tha Most Eligible Bachelor Who's Ever Lived...Well, Ray from Tha Monopoly Game Had Mulah, So Did Scrooge McDuck...Nah...They Still Don't Compare! (Wink!)
Tha Thing I Look For So Much Nowadays Is That Overallness (Totally Not A Word, but Who Cares!), Like That Authentic Honesty and Care 2 Match Her Looks That Are So Fair.
People Know or Tell Me or Expect Me 2 Date Super Attractive Gurls Physically, Which I Do, but That's Another Topic...Honestly I Think A Gurl's Sexiest Look is Just Waking Up With Messed Up Hair.
U Hear Stories of Gurls Waking Up At Tha Butt Crack of Dawn 2 Put Makeup on, So She Could Look Beyoncé 'Flawless' When a Guy Wakes Up...I Want U Just How U Are, That Might Mean Hairy Legs Like A Grizzly Bear!

As Long As Those Nails Are Done, I'm Straight...Nails and Shoes Are Tha First Thing I notice on A Female, Hands Down.
I used 2 Look At Feet in Terms of Dirty Bottoms...Like There Was a Saying That if Tha Bottoms of Ur Feet Are Dirty, Then Tha 'Kitty' isn't Up 2 'Hello' Standards! More like 'Good-Bye' or Bartender For This I Need Another Round!
Even Though Sexual Attraction (I've Been Waiting Since 7th Grade Health Class For Permission 2 Use That Phrase!)...Is Important...Dude, Tha Inside Soul Matters A Lot Man, A Hot Body With A Stuck-Up Mind Easily Brings A Frown.
When You Have Tha Combination of Both, That's When Tha 'Wow!' Factor Kicks in...But You Have 2 Be Open For That 2 Happen and Let Ur Spirit Make a Joyful Sound.

Miami is A Very Superficial City. South Beach, My Glorious Home Aka 'Fantasy Island' can be a Very Artificial Neighborhood...Hmmm, I Wonder What That Makes Me?!!
Anyhowser, Here in South Florida it Such An Emphasis on Where U Live? What Car U Drive? What Plastic Surgery Did U Get Done Over Summer Break? For Love, We Sometimes Look at Those as Tha ABC's.
I was Telling Someone Tha Other Day, Tha People who Are Really Considered Attractive or Hot in Terms of Physicality Are Those Who Are Different...Just Check out Tha Hottest Models, or Faces on TV.
Sometimes We Strive 2 Look Like Others, or Be Like Others, When They Should Be Like Us! Always Be Yourself, Even if It Feels Lonely...In Tha Long Run Though, U Will Be Very Happy!

I Guess Growing Up In Tha Midwest during Tha Time I did...Manners play Such a Part of Who I Choose 2 Be Around...Friend Or Playing Naked 'Peek-A-Boo' in Bed!
Like it's Serious...I Say You Can Tell A Lot About A Person By How They Order Their Sandwich and By How They Ask To Try on A Pair of Shoes...This is What I Know, Not What I've Read.
That's Probably Why Secretly It Hasn't Worked Out With Me and Some Gurls in Tha Past...Face and Body Looks like Gold, But Their Heart is Made of Copper, and I rather Be With Someone Else Instead.
Like A Waiter or Waitress Isn't Ur Slave...Whether Ur Sitting VIP and Poppin' Bottles at Tha Club Or at Freaking TGI Friday's Slammimg Loaded Potato Skins...As Birdman Would Say...'Put Respect' on Their Job & Ur Soul Also Will Be Fed.

But I See So Much and I Ain't Tha Only One Either...Chatting on Phone While at Checkout Line With The Cashier...Tha Other Day Here in Tha Beach, I Saw a Gurl literally Walk Right Into a Metal Pole! Think she was on Her Phone.
But How Somebody Treats Strangers, Shows me A Lot About How U Treat Tha Ones You Love...Like I Said...Beauty Goes Way Beyond Pretty Eyes, Nice Curves and A Glowing Skin Tone.
I ain't Gonna Lie...I Would 100% Sleep With A Gurl Soley Based On Her Courteous Manners and Outgoing Soul...No Doubt...Cuz Beauty Inside ALWAYS Shines Outside...Coolness Creates Tha Best 'Moans!'
For Me And Others Alike...It's Difficult 2 See Tha Personality Because So Many Guards are Put Up...Nobody Wants 2 Be Vulnerable...That's Why Most Relationships Nowadays Come From Friends of A Friend...Its Cool but Limits How Tha Quilt of Luv is Sown.

That's Why I Admit That I've been Hurt...That What Luv or 'Like' Does, it's 2 Be Expected...I've Learned That Tha Quicker You Realize That Fact, Tha More Immediate Someone Else Steps Into Ur Life After Tha Pain.
U Could Me Like Me And Go Into 'Semi-Retirement...

Ok. Let me just Spill Tha Situation. Told bits and Pieces Before...But It's One of Those Nights...

Quite a Bit Ago, I met This One Gurl. When I Saw Her I was Not Blown Away, but She Was Tha Ultimate in Cuteness. Short in Stature. Black Hair. Still not Sure if She Was Of Mexican Decent or Not. She Had One of Tha Most Unbelievable Smiles. She Reminded me of Salma Hayek. A Slept on Beauty Who Wore Dresses. Which I Luv in a Gurl. Jeans are Nice, but There's Still Nothing like Seeing a Beautiful Girl in a Dress. It's Sexy. Classy. A Heavily Desirable Trait in Tha Future 'Mrs. Galaxia'. 

I really Shouldn't be telling this Story, Cuz It Still Gets 2 Me A Tad...

Everytime I Would See Her it was All Good...I'm not gonna tell Tha Story, Cuz I was Very Hurt. Still. Somehow She Told Someone that I was Harassing Her or Something. When Word Got back 2 Me, I was Left in Complete Shock. Utter Disbelief. Cuz Everyone Who knows Me...And Just My Heart Towards Women in Terms of Respect Never Wants Any Gurl's Heart 2 Feel Pressured or And Cornering...This Came Out of Complete Left Field. Honestly, I felt like She Played Me...Big Time!!! Like Some Guy Did Her Wrong and She was Taking it Out on Me. 

I was Stunned and Truly Heartbroken.

And To Make Things Worse, I Had 2 See This Chick. I felt So Helpless. I wanted 2 Talk, and She Had This Attitude. 'Austin, I don't want 2 Talk 2 You.' I thought I'd never see Tha Day that A Gurl Would a Tell Me This. I was Very Distraught. I Was Ultra Mad At God, cuz I felt Like I was Being Led 2 Her, only 2 Fail and Feel This Ultimate Pain. I Couldn't Explain any Miscommunications, I Totally Felt Like My Hands Were Tied. Tha Worse Feeling in Tha World. 

So then, she starts Dating This Other a Guy. I've told this Part before. I needed A Ride so, He Says I Got You. So We're in Tha Gables (Coral Gables Neighborhood), and I'm in Tha Back Seat while Him and His Homeboy are Up Front. Next Thing I know it, He Begins 2 Mention Tha Gurl He Was Dating. For Tha Sake of Tha Story Let's Call Her *Claudia. When He Mentions Her Name, I knew Who he Was Talking About. He Goes on 2 Say How 'Special' She is...How She's Changing Him 2 Live A Better Life...I'm in Tha Back, Holding My Anger like..."Ain't This A $#%*!" Cuz One...I'm Still Deeply Hurt By Her...Two, I can't Believe I'm Forced 2 Hear This...And Three, Inside Just a Week or So Ago, I Thought That She Was My Gurl, And Now Homie is Reaping Tha Benefits of My Warm-up of Her. Homie, Had no idea About Me and Her. Maybe I Shoulda Put out a Mixtape Remix to Ray J's 'I Hit It First' song?? 

She Had Me With Her Smiling Teeth.
Little Did I know What Lied Beneath.
She Went From A Filet Mignon 2 Steak-Umms...In Just A Week.
If She Woulda Chose Me, I Woulda Kiss Her Dimples...Then Nipples...Then Feet!!

That's a Grammy Right There!! Bilboard Awards 2017 Guaranteed!!! 

But All That From Seeing This Gurl...To Talking 2 Her...To Her Unexpectedly Cutting Me Off...To Her Dating A Guy I Knew...To Me Riding In Tha Car With Him Discussing Her 'Perfection'...I really Almost Had a Mental Breakdown. It was Too Much. It Literally Cause Me Not to Date for like A Year...It was a Tough 2 Trust Gurls Cuz It Seemed Like They just Wanted 'Fun and Attention' and These Type of Females Always Found Me. It was a Crazy Time...Still is. But just Lying in Bed, Once I may have Cried Cuz I thought Life Treated me So Unfair. This One Hottie Told Me...And I Do Mean Hottie Cuz She Was Cool as Well as Attractive Told Me...'Austin, U Just Move On.' Cuz She Knew This Gurl was Wrong, and She Really Knew Me. I Never, Ever Forgot Those Words, Even Til This Day.  Thanx So Much Ana. 

That's Was a Mega Hard Period. So that's Why I say, it takes Time When U've been Hurt, but Don't be like Me...A Month...A Few Weeks Ok. But Close off. And Tha F'd Up...Wait, I Shouldn't say That But Emphasis is Needed Cuz This is A Very Important Topic...But Tha 'Geeked Up' Thing About it, is That While You are at Home Sobbing and Crying and Rewinding Tha Part in Tha Movie Jerry Maguire Where Homegurl Says, 'You Had Me At Hello.' Ten Trillion Times...While Ur Doing That, Tha Other Person Who Hurt you is Going About Their Business. And That's Why I Was So Mad, let's just be Honest...Why I was Sipo Mad At Tha Supposed 2 Be Great Matchmakers in Tha a Sky, Because How Come She Gets 2 Jump into a Relationship While I Have 2 Remain Single and Hurt. Shouldn't it be Tha Other Way Around. That Since I was Done Wrong...I get a Cool Babe...And Since She Did Me Wrong, She Should Suffer.


But...One never knows What Goes on Behind Closed Doors. Just because Someone is Attractive 2 You, don't make Them Tha Best Boyfriend or Gurlfriend. People become Possessive, Jealous, Stalkerish...It's Wild. I Promised Myself My Dame Won't Have 2 Worry About That. If u Treat Ur Mate Right Also With Ultra Open Lines of Communication, They Won't go nowhere. If they do, then that's not Tha Gurl for me Anyway. Then, Tha Gurls I Date Usually 'Attention Grabbers' so I must Not be Jealous if A Guy Hugs Her, or if She Doesn't Return a Text on a Friday Night (25 Crazy 'Where R U' Texts to Combat 1 Unanswered Text Shows a Lack of Self-Confidence To Me)...But if I can't Handle Guts Looking or Gawking At Her, Or Handle Her Being Tha Natural Center of Attention then I'm Doing Her An Injustice By Being With Her. Stop Caring About Other People And Treat Ur Gurl Right!!! Who Cares Who's Looking...Who's Taking Pics...A Relationship is Boils Down To Two People, and If U Refuse 2 Take Her Dancing...Take Her 2 Tha Club...Take Her Out To Eat Other Than Miami Grill Subs...Just Because U Are Embarrassed By Her, Or Are Scared Everyone is Going 2 Be Trying 2 'Steal' Her from You then Stop Wasting Valuable Years off of This Gurl's Life and LET HER GO!! Cuz as I Said Earlier, Tha Inside is What Counts. And Those Qualities Show a Very Shakey and Ugly Inside. Qualities That All Women Hate.

I'm Done. Luv and Have Fun.
Date Who Makes U Not Only Happy...But Better. 
Kiss Kiss!

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