
'Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake up!'

This is what makes our Life and This Diary So Special...You just never know...When.
Here it is, 6:34am on this Saturday Morning and it's here on My IPad Air where My Day begins.
Just woke from Another Vision/Dream featuring Kayne and His Wifey Coming over 2 My Old House...I promise Whenever I meet 'Yay' We're Gonna become Best Friends.
Both of us are Cut from Tha Same Cloth...Same as Kobe, and Big Money Floyd...Don't get it Twisted it ain't Tha Money or Tha Fame...But Tha Drive 2 Win.

As I woke up, with Cornbread in my eyes here in my South Beach Micro-Showroom, I thought about my Grandpa who has moved on 2 Tha Place with No More tears and Ur Always Happy.
One time he Called Tha Crib with, one of His Patent Brain Busters, I had no idea where he Got tha Question, Maybe Who Wants to be A Millionaire since that was Steadily on His TV.
He told me he wanted to speak to Tha Smartest Person in Tha House...I told him 'Us Speaking to him'...He laughed And I don't think he got over that response So Youth Minded but not so Silly.
What Resonated in Our Brainiac This Morning was....When U Watch Tha Boob Tube...When you Read About Shakespeare and Langston Hughes Does Anybody Else Say to Themself...

Why Can't That Be Me?

Everybody knows I'm Big into Music and LOOOOOOVE  2 Dance...There's a Song By Robin Thicke aka Mr. Blurred Lines...Matter of Fact let's put that song on now as I Write.
Yeah...Now I feel like getting loose...Tha song is off of his Sex Therapy Album, and it's called...'Make U Love Me'...Listen 2 That Song...The Unseen Lyrics is My Romantic Soul On Sight.
There's a Line at Tha End of that song where he says, 'I'm gonna be Tha Man, That Your Mom Says Don't Exist'...I thought That was so Awesome...Describes Me in a Bottle...on A Sea of Love...Learning Tha Waves Plight.
"Why can't that be me?"... Why can't u be a Super Sexy Gurl...Who is also Smart...Who's Likes to let Her Hair Down At a Party...But Also curl up With a Book in Tha Corner of Starbucks...Others Say Impossible...I say Tiiiight.

I think Tha Lack of Faith in Tha Possible, has a lot to do with....

I remember one time I was at Tha Triple A, American Airlines Arena...and I look up and This Really Attractive Gurl was Standing in Front of Me...I was like...Is this a Dream?!!
She asked me Something and I told her Tha Answer...Then we got to talking and talking...She was Super Sexy and From Argentina...Unbelievable was Tha Word that stuck out it Seemed.
Cuz with My Past relationships With Argentinean Beauties they've Been Fair Skinned, Rockin' that Salt-N-Pepa Hairstyle or Straight Blonde/Black Hair...Just thinking bout their Sexiness makes me want 2 Star Trek Beam.
But here was this Gurl With Carmel Brown Skin...Green Eyes....Long Brown Hair...I have No Idea why I didn't Scoop Them Int'l Digits (D'oh!!!), But she showed me that It's possible...This story would make a Good Meme!

That's why...And I really don't want 2 write about Luv more about Life This Morning...But Luv is Life so Why Not Share.
It's why I tell people Hey, just because you haven't Met that type of Person doesn't mean He/She doesn't Exsist...We Yell and Call out Cupid on Twitter, when He Saying inside, 'It's Not Fair!'
Tha world is Huge Dude...Way beyond Miami or North America...Great Stars of This Galaxy continue 2 Read about My life in China, And Europe...It's so Awesome 2 Be Clear.
But you have to be Open Minded and CLEAR minded, because you never know when that Special Person is gonna enter Your Life...Don't give up just yet my dear.

I talk about my Thingy for Love Stories, but to Dig a Tad More Larry King into it...I REALLY Have a Quest and Thirst to When Couples First Met.
Tha stories we've heard are Amazing...From Parties to Bars...My Folks met at A High School Basketball Game...Street Corners...Met them once, years later saw them again...I'm Amor's Pet.
What surprised me was How many people have told me they met their mate at a Discoteca or Bar...People say, 'U can't find Luv in a Club'...Horseradish! Usher sung about it, and You Can Meet Ur Matching Bedsheet Set.
One reason I attract a Lot of Drop Alive Beautiful and Mad Cool Women is Not that I go and Look For Love, but I KNOW it can strike Anytime...Anyplace...Got that from My Gurl Janet.

One thing living in Miami and Residing on South Beach aka 'Fantasy Island' aka 'Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People' is That There's a Lot of Choices if u Really Look.
Some may say That Miami is up there with New York and LA with Tha Crappiest Places to Date, But that depends on Where, Who, and Ur Perspective...I really need 2 Write This Book!!
Are you limiting yourself? Do u have Walls out up that others see but you don't? Are you afraid to dare outside your Race or Religion or They gotta be Ballin' or She has to let me Smoke my Weed after I cook?
South Florida has So many Different types of cultures...But Tha key isn't To be just like Everybody Else but to Be Different...

Quick New paragraph....New Paragraph!!

People can say everybody is Tha same...Guys got Tha Same attitudes here in Miami...All Tha Guys want 2 Party, Drink and (Censored!)...They got Tha Same Tattoos...They all smoke something from Cali Weed to Them Cubanos, and Lord Knows I hate Tha Smell of Cigars.

Us guys say Tha same things...These Chicks only want 2 Party, Drink and (Censored!!)...Only us Guys have 2 work harder 2 Get Tha Draws cuz U got these Dudes from Europe and Middle Eastern countries coming 2 Tha Magic City tossing Big Face Hundreds at any Gurl who Smiles at them...Which when they leave messes up Tha Dating Pool cuz Now This Gurl who is really a "6" has this Snobby Overconfidence that she's a "10" cuz some dudes Made her think $ Can buy u love...Us guys have issues regarding this, here in Miami...Does money really matter? Are All Miami Gurls Fake Physically and Personality Wise? My answer 2 both is 'No' but...

Us Studs and Studettes have High Standards because unlike these Other towns like where I'm happily from, where 'That One' Guy or Gurl is Literally Tha Toast of Tha Town...U see Tha Fame, Tha Toys, it's all around you, at least it is for me and a select few as well. I'm about to be brutally honest about something so just let me go...

I don't know if it's gonna hurt or help me in Tha long run. I really hope not...But I was thinking bout this one Gurl, and I'm like I'm like...If u would 2 line up 10 Gurls like at Tha Police Station and ask, 'Which Gurl looks like Galaxia's Babe?' The Dental Association of America would say that 9 Doctors Out of 10 would recommend her. How she dresses, her mentality, smile, cuteness...Everything. So this Past Week a Thought hit me unlike Any Gurl before. Well, actually two...

One. How Can I Get 2 This Gurl?
Two. How Can I Get At This Gurl?

This first has to do with Timing. Like she's always around people usually when I see her so I'm gonna So a Fear (Hate using that word but I'm writing early morning style so it's all I can think of.)...Erase that...Never no fear...A Concern of Mine was I may have to seriously plot a Strategy, and I'm talking some Pearl Harbor or Invasion of Normandy where I just go in...Close My Eyes...And let every bullet in My Chamber of Love go 2 Tell her how Beautiful I think she is and How I want 2 Get to Know her better. 

Tha Second was abnormal for me under these all to familiar circumstances...And that was...(Gulp!)... It takes a lot for me 2 say this too...Is she not only a Good Match but Have I actually Met Tha Only Gurl on Earth Who is Out of My League? Like she's intelligent...Beautiful...But she Has this Aura about her like Every Guy Wants Her (Sorta True)... And like she's always been around Tha Hot Guys...Dudes That Floss whether They Have it or Not...I mean I floss too just in Different Ways. But since I don't really know her, not sure if she is into those $20 Million Lifestyles where she may not be as happy...Or if she likes a guy like me who has a $10 Million and Has Potential to Make $100 Million in Tha next Year.

Once again here's a secret to Dating me...When I'm with a Gurl or have an interest in A girl I'm not gonna promise Tha World or I'll buy every Chanel Bag...Listen, here's $40, Tha Goodwill off of University Drive opens up at 10am, I suggest you get there right when they open cuz Tha Designer Stuff Goes Fast!! That's how I roll. What I do Promise is That you'll have Tha Most Fun that you will ever Have with Any Dude on Earth. If unthink this Diary is Goofy, just hang out with me in Tha Dare Tip. I'm like A Day Trip 2 Disney mixed with a Night Trip to King of Diamonds! Ha ha, That's a Perfect Analogy of How it is with me. Plus I believe if u have fun, the wealthy lifestyle, which I'm already living will Take care of itself. 

These guys be giving unrealistic expectations and then Tha moment they don't come true, Gurls get upset at them and Then take it out in Tha Next guy. Hey, if u can only do McDonald's on Sunday's with 50 cent Cheeseburgers, but u can Live her with All ur Heart, Tell a Her That! U never know, some Gurls can handle that...I know it's true cuz Nowadays A LOT of Women Are Supporting Tha Relationship...If she doesn't pay for Friday Night Dinner, We don't go out. It's amazing how many couples are like that. I'm never hating on that...OH NO! Cuz if it works for you two...That's all that matters. May not work for me but it's whatever. I'm just tired of telling Beautiful Women Lofty Lines of How if u were with Me this is How it's gonna be, and Then Such and Such Happens. Then they are disappointed and start a Blog called 'Jessica's Answer to Galaxia's Stupid Cosmo Notebook!' (Ooops! Sorry Jessica That was just a Random Name I used there. Don't take it out on me if Ur Reading This! No Harm, No Foul! Smoochies! Kiss Kiss!) But that's real...I know it's Totally against Pimpology 101 but be honest with These Gurls and if they can't Handle it, they may not be Tha gal for you. Which is Fine, cuz like we expressed earlier, there's a lotta people in Tha World and as I'm learning She May or May not be on Tha Shores of South Beach.

So with this aforementioned (That's Like Totally a Sexy Word!) Gurl above I spent a little time a few days Thinking Holy Georgy Porgy! How can I impressed a Gurl which Is Pretty Top Shelf in Her but also Who wants her. Matter of Fact...Hmmm...It may not have been that She's So Beautiful, which She is...But that Doubt that Crept into my head might have been that for Tha First time in My Life of Being Around Tha Sexiest of Tha Sexiest...She my represent Tha First Time That I feel I have REAL Competition to get Her Attention.  


Somethings, and I never been in this position before, but one can...How should I put this...Sometimes Guys and Gurls know when Somebody likes them and, this up is Sorta Egotistical to write but somebody Gots 2 Say it...They know they can have that person anytime they want. I mean, why else would u explain texting a Gurl on Tuesday and she responds to Ur Simple Text on That Saturday??!! That's why That Gurl Got Cut From My Team...Where was I...Tha Texting...Oh...So it's like I know this person likes me so When I get ready or I can Scrimmage and not go Full Pads cuz I can get her When I see fit. But what happens when you might actually have to fight for somebody? Like when u realize that A lot of Guys and High Quality Men also want her affection. It happens in Tha Movies all Tha time...But in Real Life, especially with People not dating others outside of their Social or Work Circle as Much...it's Rarer that u get a situation where U Have 2 REALLY Be on ur 'A' game...At All Times!!

Like when people of Tha same social circle like Tha same person, you can kinda weed out Who's not worthy. Tasha likes 2 go out...Loves Science...Enjoys to work out...Hates Tha Dolphins...So within that Social Circle u can say, Ok...Bob is a Homebody so that might hurt his chances...Tony is More of a Social Studies Type of guy...Tyler says Working out is Overrated...Chauncey Once Said He Trade in His Mom and Dad for Lifelong Dolphins Season Tickets...So since u all know each other u might can see...Now don't get it Twisted, Opposites Surely Can Attract...Big Time! But you know your Competition.

Which is different to what I was talking about...When u know guys are after her but don't know Who or What methods they are using to Lure her Their way. Are they Sending Flowers? Pulling up in that New Rosey Red Lambo and Honking their Horn Three times? U don't know. I could be walking right by my Toughest competition and not know it. I asked my Homegurl Carla (Heeey!!!) Tha other day this question...

If u were a Gurl, and on Instagram...And in a Relationship...Within Tha Last say 5 weeks, would there Be a Picture of You and Your Significant Other Together in at Least One Picture during That a Time Frame? She smiled and says...'It Depends.' And gave some reasons to why a Gurl maybe with somebody and nailing him every night but nobody would freaking even know. A guy who has a Gurl He considers Hot and Beautiful are so quick to Put Those pictures Up so Everybody can see. Heck, we'll take a video of a Gurl's Booty of Somebody we don't know Walking down Tha Street and Hashtag it #Bootylicious. But Gurls...Females like Mystery a Whole lot more. They don't always want a guy to know they are in a Relationship...They want a guy to fight or Earn Tha Right for that Information instead 
Willfully Tossing it out there. Why do u think there are so many So Called Married Women who don't wear Their Wedding Ring. As I always say...Mystery is Sexy.

Real quick...I recall this one time knowing this one Gurl. She was really cool...cute. She had that Sensitive Aspect to her but also possessed Tha Latina Spice where if she got mad she let u Know like Yesterday. So I began to like her a little like if We was at a Party and as Luda would say I had 'One More Drink', I may have to go to Tha back of my car and pull out my Freak Bag full of Honey Oils, Blindfolds, Handcuffs, Hostess Cupcakes and Whips!! So one day she came to me and we talked for like hours about life, Miami, Music...So much stuff. Then she would give me that look in her eye which...I shoulda, As Usual, made a Move on Her, and Try to show Interest and maybe Made out with Her but Something was Calm within me. There wasn't That 'I Wanna Rip Ur Clothes off!' Feeling in Tha Air. Follow ur Heart...And Guys Think with ur Head, Tha Right One, Not just Tha One Below Tha Belt! And I'm glad I did...Cuz that next Monday, somebody was Like 'Such and Such' got married. I was like, Huh??!!! They got married. I told them that I just talked to her on that Thursday or Friday we talked for hours, shared some laughs, honestly was gonna ask her 2 kick it next time we got together and she got married!! That 'Gotcha Gotcha' about it all was She Didn't even mention she had a Man! Not once y'all! I was Stunned...But it just showed me How Mysterious Females can be and How they can be to me. Guess it was, Women 1, Galaxia 0...on That day. Trust me I have evened up Tha Score Since!! (Wink!)

Finito! Always Believe That U Can be Somebody's Dream Luv. If u Can Believe it, u Can Be it. If u Can See it, You Truly Can Live It!

Peace Out.
Galaxia aka Tha Kid!

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