
Choppy Waters Turn Tides!!!

Ok. This is A Bonus Diary Post if I've Ever Seen One...And I hope My Body Doesn't Pay Tha Price.
Just came In From A Sexy Workout, and I got waiting for me Some Legs, Thighs and Some Rice.
There's a Freaky Joke Somewhere in That Last Line, I know it...But I'm Gonna Ignore Tha Rated 'R' Dice!
This hit us as we walked in Tha Door...Maybe Somebody can relate...Only One would Suffice.

"Getting Over Tha Hump."

Huh...Its 10:29pm on This Evening and I'm in a Hit It or Quit It Mode...Being Life's Ultimate Playboy.
Tha Last Finale to reaching ur Dreams Seems 2 Be Tha Toughest Don't it? Being Teased like Some FAO Schwarz Toy.
Coming Soooo Close, Only to Find out It was a Cloud of Smoke...Snoop Dizzle Controlling Who gets Tha Coveted Destiny Joy.
You keep Digging and Digging...Motivating Yourself...U Know That Ur Tha Best, yet Nobody Believes U To Be Tha Real McCoy.

All of Us Have Dreams of What Tha Next Step will be...A New Gig...A Home...A Mate who's into Role Playing a Scene from Late Night Skinemax!
You so close but then Think About How Long Tha Journey pay Has Been...Almost like a Boston Bean paying a Stff Red Coat Tax.
U Skim Through Social Media...Cut on Tha TV...And U Think Effing A, How Come Others seem 2 Be Prospering More than Those Who Sacrifice 2 Tha Max.
Maybe I should Try 2 Sleep with Any and Everybody...I can do that U know...Maybe I should Brownnose My Way up Tha Corporate Ladder...Always Playing, 'Yes Sir. No Sir' on My Sax.

Many a Days I wonder If I just Believe in Tha Impossible and This High Standard of Life Too Much...Stop Being So Positive and Just Settle.
U know Plop My Joe's Jeans wearing Behind on Tha Chair...Pour Some Schlitz Malt Liquor ...Put on Some Luis Fonsi...And Grab a Big Tin of Corn of Kettle.
I was Taught and Raised to Dream Big ...I've been around Tha Best of Tha Best, so I know what's Possible...When Somebody says 'It can't be done' I wanna Slap Them with a Fist of Ironman Metal!
Cuz u can be Tha best you...you can Change Ur Life around TODAY...Just because Nobody in ur Family Hasn't Done it Before...Doesn't mean Accross Tha Finish Line, You Won't Pedal.

In my life, I've had More than my fair share of moments When I felt Disrespected...Not Appreciated...And Overlooked...When I thought Otherwise.
Always been Cool with Tha Hottest Guys and Gurls...Relate 2 Everybody really...Yet felt like I didn't...This is too personal...Like I don't have One Size.
In some Ways I'm a Spoiled Rich Boy...In other ways I'm Ghetto to Tha Bone...In Some Ways I'm a Geek who can Riddle bout Pop Culture and God...Other ways, a Straight up Freak who Loves PEPTs...Pretty Eyes and Pretty Thighs.
I'm Pretty Well Rounded like a Chameleon...One night I can be Partying and Dancing like Pitbull is About 2 Retire...Tha Next I just want a Simple Chat on Miami's Golden Days Gone By.
Just a Goofy Dude...And I'm not gonna Make this about me (I get enough attention, so I sorta Hate that.)...a What I am Saying is Being You...And Still not Seeing Results can Have u at a Civil War with Doubt.
Maybe I'm not as Good as People Think...I was Superhot Up North with Everybody wanting me, then I come Down 2 Miami and 'My a Type' seems so So Outta Style...Cupid, What's that All About?
So u get those Thoughts That You're Too Different...Stop a Working Out u Look Too Good...If u try 2 Be Like Everyone Else, U'll be More Popular, Get More Followers, Have a Black Book With Names in 'Sex Me Anytime' Font.
It's that Last Step where Life seems to play with You...Tha Darkest Hour is Right Before Daybreak...And Tha Darker Tha Road Becomes, Tha More U Wonder if ur in Tha Right Route.

I know I talk about Luv & Dating in regards 2 Me Waaaay Too Much...But 'Bunk it!' I don't Care...I really Don't...Even Though I wonder if My Openness will Hinder a Future Mrs. Galaxy.
But I feel like Nobody is Talking about These Issues that are Imperative 2 Enjoying Luv...Cuz, I don't know, I have A Soft spot seeing a couple As 'One' for Tha World 2 See.
I'm peeling off a lot of layers tonight so let me just reveal a Tad 2night...Embrass myself Some More...I'll do it Gladly.
Openness is Tha Best Policy on tonight...It's 11:12pm...I still gotta eat, but It's in Tha Air to speak So Freely.

As a Little Lad Growing up in Tha Land of Corn...Indiana...Tha Dating Scene was always Intriguing 2 Me...I literally Thought Life was 7 Days of Friday Nights!
My Mom was Always Into Hearts, Pops was Tha Romantic Type with Anniversaries and Such, And Me...Well I was just a Kid Wondering when or If I would put up a Fight.
I was a JUNKIE of those Ol' Skool Dating shows, I watched EVERY SINGLE ONE, just About...I don't know if it was 2 Get Tips or Condition My Mind to Tha Ancestors of Eve, and all Their Sights.
I will see how Guys and Gurls would interact...It was Awesome 2 See Tha 2 Parties argue over Tha Stupidest (That's a Word Huh?!) Things...Like...

Hold on...

Ok, I'm back a bug just crawled on my Jay-Z Decoded book...Gotta save Tha Jigga Man! Now where was I...Oh...Tha Craziest Things like if Tha Mother-In-Law is gonna take Tha AM or PM Flight.

As I went through Life I still recall asking for, 'Tha Most Beautiful Woman in Tha World'...That Prayer went unknowing What Tha B-Side to that Album and All it would Bring.
It was a Process that I had no idea what was going on...Seemed like I produced a Beautiful Song, abut when I Sent out for Auditions, Nobody came and wanted 2 Sing.
It would hurt cuz I know A LOT of Gurls From All over Tha Globe, but as I got to enjoy their Company...And Them with Mine, it never advanced past Tha Stage of A Fling.
We've Worked At Modeling Agencies, Worked at Tha Beach as a Summer job for 4 Summers...In School Cool with Lady Classmates, Many Hot Upperclassmen, How can ALL these Gurls like me, and I'm picking Tha Wrong Ones 2 Imagine Tha Ring.

Then on top of Tha Physical...I've had so many people Share with me a Wisdom about Luv and Dating...It was Like Tha Galaxy was Preparing Me For This Game of Heartbeats.
Not only The Men in my Family, who are Gangsta 2 Tha Bone...But what got me was two things...From Tha Midwest Cold to This Miami Heat.
One...Was Tha Amount of Total Strangers who would tell me stuff...I attract a lot of attention and People come and tell me things in Tha Weirdest of Places...Their Words I Paced in my Soul from Head 2 Feet.
Tha Other was The a Amount of Women...Who would Share secrets on their Own Kind....From Moving in with Somebody...2 Dating within Tha Latina Culture...It was like The ENTIRE Gender wanted & Wants me 2 Treat This Special Gurl Will a Luv That Can't Compete.

After experiencing Tha Wildest of Tha Wild...Through College and Beyond...And After keeping a Diary since 2001 (Talking bout wild stuff!).., A few Seasons ago we released our 1st Diary and Its still going strong 2day.
Our life is just to Hollywood like...in our daily activities...I met this Gourgeous Gurl from Russia a day or two ago, in Tha Middle of Tha Pouring Rain here in South Beach...Maybe I'll share another Day.
But With My Crazy and Very Enjoyable Lifestyle and with Luv Episodes That we'll never see on Earth again we decided to release our life so others could see maybe one thing 2 Not give up along Tha away.
Hey, if I can Handle Tha Wild Stuff of Flames gone bad...or Being Lied to...Or a Sexy girl who literally didn't believe she was beautiful, I got a story for everything...It may seem like I'm a Playa, but I just have A Lifetime of a Stories with Gurls and How They Play.

Oh...I'm doing this in Tha Name of Luv 2night cuz I gotta still eat...Schedule to give blood in like 8 hours or so...Skip That I'm eating, I hope a Chicken bone won't float in Tha a Test Tube of My a Blood.
I just want 2 give background on myself...Cuz I'm a Guy who will fight for his Woman...I may talk bout Mushy Gushy Stuff, But Tha Fellas Know I'm real and am not Afraid 2 Get Dirty in Any kind of Mud.
I say all this cuz It's that Process that can get Mundane...Like Do I really want to try to Get to know somebody...Again? Putting Urself out there As a Warning like a Flash Flood.
When U've seen so much it can be tough to put Tha Past one behind Another Past one...They seem to Add up, instead of becoming Their Own Entity...Like Milk Duds.
But what's so Mentally Challenging is "Having to Move on...Without Moving On"...Meaning having to close Chapters...A) Without a Closure from Tha Other Party...or B) Without a New Relationship To Divert ur Attention from Tha Past.
That why These 'Rebound' or as I just now say...these "Rodman" relationships are so popular, cuz Nobody wants to be alone, but it's during that time I Develop Core Values that will Last.
Just rushing from This person to that person without using that in between period to see what went wrong...I think, hiders you some from Developing a Knowledge of How to be a Better Lover, Person and all That Jazz.
I've learned from Every Experience...So whoever comes into our life has to be Special cuz I've been Literally Preparing all my life For Her...While She was Hoping This Guy would come...I was Going through the Struggles, So I can be Molded into That Person. It's a Slow process...Never fast.

Which brings ha Never Give Up Compass Full Circle...u can't give up cuz...Here's a Story...

There once was a man and he was trapped in the deep depths of Tha underground like those ur find in a Mine. Those of Sorts. Part of His Job was to be lowered down by a rope to take care of what needed 2 be done. He was a Rookie to this position so he was a tad leery on wait awaited him below. One of his co-workers began to lower the fellow down into the depths of the mine. He was ok at first, but Tha lower he moved down, the more scared he became. His heart began to skip a beat. Next thing you know it, it became really dark, and Tha gent began to hear sounds of Bats and other unseen and undesirable Rodents.

The Man had been lowered For Many a Minutes and next thing u know it, somehow Tha rope got stuck above ground and Tha man was stranded down below. It was Pitch Black beneath, so he didn't know how much further he had 2 go. The Co-Worker up Top yelled down with an Echo, "Let Go!!" But Tha Man underneath refused to and yelled back up, 'It's Dark! I'm Scared and I don't know how much further I gotta go.' So he continued to Grip this rope with all His Might. After 15 Minutes of Sweating while holding on to this rope, Tha Co-Worker up top once again shouted, "JUST LET GO!" The guy then began think about His life and his family and how This wasn't how he envisioned His Life would end. Seeing there was no other option, he uttered a quick prayer and let go of the rope. And guess what...

Within Two Seconds His Feet hit Tha Bottom of This Pit.

Two things...

One...When faced with Those Seemingly Make or Break Moments...Just Let Go. If you've Prepared Yourself to Tha best of your abilities for that moment. If U've done Tha best u can do...Relax and Let Go. Control what u can control...U can't Make Somebody Luv You...You Can't Hold a Gun 2 Somebody's Head and Force them to give you a Job...If u respect Tha game of Life it will Respect you and reward u in ways so unbelievable...I Pinkie Promise!

Two...Your Closet 2 Your End Goal than what u believe. Ok, that Gurl or guy didn't want you. So what, it's there loss. Nobody wants to sit with you during Lunch, Ok Cool, Now u got motivation When u workout that night or When u Present that PowerPoint Presentation In Front of Tha Class. When All Hope looks gone, Don't stop because it's then when Tha Tides can turn. Hey, I've seen Tha Red Sox come back from 0-3 in Tha Playoffs against Tha Mighty Yanks in a Best of Four. That alone reminds me or anybody else that Anything is Possible and Never give up on yourself or others when it looks like it's not worth it cuz...And Here's a Little Secret...

It is.

Eating Dinner During Tha Midnight Hour (12:33am)...Tha South Beach Life u Gotta Luv it!!

Luv and Always Have Fun!

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