

I'm really not supposed 2 be writing 2night, but once again here's Tha case.
Me in a chair almost Butt Naked Except for My Black Briefs with Gianni V.'s Medusa on My Waist.
I'm fired up beyond compare...Feeling Like Tha Fourth of July, Fireworks Shooting All over Tha Place.
Today Was a Luv/Hate Relationship Day...Right up my Alley...Like A Dirty Dumpster Filled with a Rose Filled Vase.

Why do People Hate? Or Dislike? Especially When your just being You.
Just because one doesn't hang out or Be like others...Doesn't mean U Should Go Cukoo.
I was a Getting Some Chicken at This Pollo Tropical Joint and Homeboy Acted Like I just beat Him 4 Straight Times in Clue!
To be honest, was it My Swagger or Was it Cuz I Was Rockin' My Nike Brazil Soccer Tee?? Don't Blame me Cuz Pelè and Tha Boys Have Left Other Countries Not Knowing What 2 Do.

I work even Better when I feel like Everybody And Their Mama is Against Me...That's When I Dig Deeper In Tha Tank.
For One who Who feels like He Almost Has Everything And Then Some, it's in these Moments where I become as Smooth as Amy Winehouse's Album...Frank.
That's when those moments of Visualization and Meditation Kick in...Not When Tha Tribe is Throwing U a Party, But When they Turn Their Backs and Force U 2 Walk Tha Plank.
That's when Tha Preparation Kicks in...Those Moments Where u Face those Imaginary Fears...Those Moments Where U Never hears a Ur Welcome Cuz U Has Never Heard a Thank.

I wasn't gonna go here, but I have too...Never let anybody still your Joy...Happiness...Or Energy...That's as Positive as a Battery Charge.
Yeah it's A Monday...Yeah, Life can be tough if u let it...But if You just hold out tight I Promise You'll Come Out Living Large.
We can't always Associated Success with Material Things...Sexy Clothes, Burberry Wallets, and Multiple Unpronounceable Cars in Tha Garag
I view Success by Having Fun and Showing Luv...Cuz if I'm Having and Doing that I know Tha Material Things and Tha Pussy is...Oops! Spellcheck must've Slipped that Last one in...Everything Will come and Won't Be a Mirage.

I'm an Energy Guy...Yeah I have Moments Where I cut Tha Phone off...Tv Off...Fantasing Go 2 Sleep or Party...Call a Friend or Go a Week on Silent Mode...Moments where I'm Arrogant Wondering Why Nobody Understands Me. 
That's when I Close My Eyes and And Really See Everything that I want...Tha Laffs with Friends...Tha Influence On Pop Cluture...Tha Mamacita Whose Inner Beauty is as Sexy as Her Eyes of Envy.
What Has gotten Me So Motivated Is that I feel like I haven't Even Gotten Tha Chance Yet...Whether That's To be Dumped...On Network TV...Or On Tha Red Carpet of Tha Emmy's.
Telling you I was So T'd Off That People Magazine Didn't Put me in their 50 Most Beautiful People Issue...I mean if I didn't Make it...its Blasphemous like a Inspector Gadget  without Penny!

But that's what I'm Talking About...You can't let Other people's Opinion...Other People Liking or Not Liking Your Instagram Pic...Determine Your worth or If ur Gonna Have a Good Day.
Starting to get dark in Tha room, this is when I write best...For u to be a Successful and As Sexy as You Want 2 Be...U Have 2 Become Ur Own Cheerleader, and Let Ur Heart Lead Tha Way.
If I don't Luv Myself, No Dominican or Chile born Beauty Queen is Gonna Up My Confidence's Pay.
You may be able to hide it in the beginning but sooner or later that other person is gonna See that They are Tha Ones Doing Everything, Including being a Trophy Date 2 Someone When Tha Check Comes All of a Sudden Has No Say.

I'm gonna talk about myself, like I said I don't Give a Flying Saucer or Saucepan Anymore So I might as well Speak Tha Only way I knew How.
In Tha Past I've made...Ugggh...I hate 2 Admit this...Really Do...But I probably Passed on Some Mad Cool Gurls just because I wanted a Beauty Standard that Made me look good and Made Other Gurls who passed me by Take a Humble Bow.
Yeah we have great convo but, ur not Curvy Enough...We like Tha same Music but, I'm South Beach, And Ur Hialeah...You're a Mad Cool Homegurl, but I watch what I eat and U admit u Eat Any part of Tha Cow.
Thinking of All Tha Reasons NOT to Date a Gurl...From Chipped Paint on Her Fingernails to One Ordering Tha Wrong Combo of Condiments on a Subway Sandwich...Any a Reason that my Soul Allowed.

Tha Reason I was doing that Stupid Stuff...Boy, is this Getting Intimate Tonight...Was Maybe I didn't Fully Love Who I was as a Person...Or actually Believing Somebody else Could Fill What I miss.
Yeah I got Tha Wardrobe...Tha NBA Body...And Tha Cash...But perhaps I felt like I had to get this Perfect Babe to Show Everybody that 'I'm Tha Bomb Diggity!' Like those Classic Albums by KISS.
So as I look Back and even share some of my Episodes...I had so many Gurls and Women, in a way, throwing themselves at me, but I would think They are Tha Wrong Ones...I want a Gurl who calls on Rag & Bone when they get in Distress.
Gurls who were probably even more cool...More Awesome...And More Loyal...If I Got Past Silly Standards like Six Pack Abs, Heels No Wedges, and Them Owing those Canine and Feline Pests.

Now Tan Lines and a Shaved Bush is Different but...Sorry, I shoulda Put a 'MA' Ranking at Tha Beginning of all this...it's really about Tha Complete Person and No just If She Has Ths or That.
I mean you can still have EVERYTHING in Common with Somebody But If u Don't Have that Rhythm or If Tha Timing isn't Right then It'll still might end Up Whack.
But it's up to Tha Person...And What's Funny is Tha More Open I am with Females and Myself, Tha More Top Notch Gurls come to Us...This is a Fact.
By Top Notch I mean Gurls Who are Beautiful Inside Out...Outside In...Have Consistent Habits of Beuty and Success that will Last a Lifetime...They are Beautiful Jill's Who won't Settle For Any Guy Who doesn't Know Jack.

Not sure how I Got into all this, but Begin 2 Luv Urself.,.At my Former Place here in South Beach, I had a Sign on My Bathroom Mirror that Said, "I'm Tha Most Fortunate Mirror in Tha World.' 
And it was...Cuz it Beheld one of Tha Sexiest People that has Ever Lived...Plus it Beheld Tha  Hottest of Gurls.
Do Something Small...I've always been into Underwear, but What you wear in terms of Underwear Unseen shows Not Tha World, but What YOU think of Urself...Hopefully it's Diamonds and Pearls.
Now I'm not talking Guy Thongs unless u want...But go Designer for Once with Better Thread ..Gurls Claim they Are Super Sexy, but Cotton Briefs are so Normal...Try Lace or a Thong Even With Sweats...Ur Swag will go up I promise...Just thinking About that Made my Toes Curl!!

Once u start 2 Live with a Mindset that I'm just Gonna Live, if They like Me, they Like me...If they don't, they Don't...You'll see that being You is Quite Cool.
People judge so much, Especially here in Miami...I was at Tha Janet Jackson concert last night and these 2 Chicks were near where I was at, judging Every Chick Who Walked in...Not Cool.
What They were wearing...How Thin Tha Butt was on This one woman...Anothe Gurls Outfit...Even a Dude who worked at Tha Arena...His Hair...I was Watching a Live taping of E!'s Fashion Police Right Before my Very Eyes...I couldn't Believe it...Totally Uncool.
And I'm looking at these...Boy I feel like Cussing Right now....At these Two Hedgehogs like What Makes u so Holier than Thou...I need 2 Calm down right now, but Putting others down to make you look good is what...NOT COOL!

There are. Moments talk crazy to you face...Get Facebook and "Twitter Fingers" as Drizzy would say and Attack you...Taking Their 'Hate' For you 2 Tha Internet and Social Media Skies.
There Ain't Nuthing Worse than 2 be in Tha Midst of Eating a 3 Piece from Popyeye's or Coming From a Test u just Cheated on, and Have ur Homeboy or Gurl Asked, 'Have u heard what Such and Such Said Bout u?!!' Oh My!
But when you are Moving in Tha Right Direction you're Gonna get Jealousy From People u don't even Know...It can Throw u Off, but it's Them who have Issues, no Need 2 Grab Tha Kleenex of 2 Ply.
Tha Flow of True Success is This....People Will Like You...Then They Will Hate You Cuz They Like You or Want to Be Like You...Then They Will Evidentually Come Back & LOOOVE You...That Final Stage Can Bring a Tear 2 Ur Eye.

Today was an Interesting Day...This Afternoon I worked out but I felt Something In Tha Air, Around My Life...I Found I'm in Tip Top Shape, but it was Un-Fun...So it was on my Mind.
Then I was thinking How I Can Get to this Gurl who I think is Gourgeous...And I Have a Feeling That She Knows That I Have a Thing For Her, in How She acting Recently But...Love Takes Time and Mind.
I'm ready 2 Say Something 2 Her, But I'm Not Chasing Anymore...I just want It to Happen...I'm a Pretty Good Catch, In Many parts of Tha World, The Ultimate Catch, But When I see Her I Kinda Think She Will Be Mine.
Everyday There's a New Episode With a Gurl...I meet a New Gurl EVERY SINGLE DAY...Met Two today that I didn't Even Mention 2night..So I'm Cool if or If Not Our Paths Shall Cross in Luv's Mine.

If so though...It won't be a Sexier Couple...I Promise U That!

C'mon Babyface sing this Song..."Sunshine...You Brighten My Life...Sunshine...You Make me Feel Alright...Sunshine...Sunshine...You Turn My Darkness 2 Light..." These Lyrics Are Great.
Always Find Something 2 Luv About Yourself...Each One of Us Plays a Role in Life's Grand Play...It's Awesome 2 be With Friends and Lovers but Sometimes You YOURSELF Make Tha Date.
Everything is Opening Up so No Need to Worry about Money, Getting Hated on For No Reason Except For Just Being You...So What...They Are Playing 'King Me' While Ur in Tha Business of "Checkmate!"
I'm giving My All in Tha Name of 'Fun & Luv'...I'm putting Myself Out here Cuz I want Tha Creme Of Tha Crop...And That's What I'm Getting...Stay Focused and Don't Get Discouraged...

Cuz it's All Part of This Silly Game...


Luv...and Hate.

Luv Ya!

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