
Her Name Is Beautiful.

To be Honest, I have No idea 2 Why I am Writing...Bout 2 Take a Nap.
Clearing Our Head For Tha Day 2 Come...Meditating on How 2 Make Our Dreams Come True With a 'Snap!'
Whether That's Living This Wealthy Lifestyle of Fun and Giggles...Or That Dream Vixen Gurl Sitting On Our Lap.
So Much Goes Through Our Head On Tha Daily...For To Figure it All Out, Even I need a Star's Map!
You know There's a Big Difference between a Woman and a Gurl...Tha Same as A Man and a Boy.
I'm a Kid yet Still a Man...But With Females it's Sorta Different...Like a Barbie Doll or a Belinda Blow Up Doll Toy.
Shouldn't Even Be Writing, especially On This Topic...My Future Gurlfriend is Gonna Read This And Wonder What She's Gotten Herself Into! Like Tha Luv Horse of Troy.
Just Gonna Sit Back and Let everything Write itself on Today...Yeah, just Gonna Sit Back and Enjoy.

Living in Miami, More Specifically South Beach there can be a Lotta Pressure on Females on Their Daily Walk.
Guys Rudely Whistling as They Pass By on Tha Street Corners, like that's Gonna Get A Gal's Digits Jotted on Tha Sidewalk via Chalk.
Tha Expectations From Guys Like Yours Truly 2 Always Dress Like a Model, Workout Insanely, and 2 Use Tha Freakish of Language When u Want 2 Bedroom Talk.
Then U Have 2 Cook...Deal with Tha J.O.B. And School Courses yourself...it's A lot 2 Handle When All these Things Try 2 Choke you and You've Yet 2 Cough.

Then we Live in a City where Guys Know if This Gurl Isn't Down, I can just go Right Around Tha Lightpost and Find a Chica Who Will.
Settling for Not Tha Right Gurl but Tha 'Right Now' Gurl, It's almost like One Small Disagreement can Send a Guy 2 Walk out on A La Carte Bill.
Gurls play a Lotta Games too, but I'm Starting to Appreciate a Woman...Who Knows Herself, Understands Her Body, and When U Look Blankly Knows What Words 2 Fill.
It's so much Going on it seems With Females Nowadays On and Off Tha Court, that U Almost Wonder if Outta Life Many of Them Even Get a Thrill.

Something is telling me to write this thang, so I'm gonna do it.

Throughout my Entire Life, and Even more So Recently, I have Been Surrounded by a Lot of Beauties from Tha Opposite Gender.
I've taken an Unsolved Mysteries Out of Body Outlook on this Thang...Considering My Single Life While Knowing a Lotta Babes...What Could Hinder?
Am I like Every other Guy Who holds Tha Ladies to this Unattainable Model...Love Like My Mom...Cook Like My Grandma...and Look like U were sent From Tha Heavenly Postal Sender.
Some stuff has been on my Mind, and I guess I need 2 Let it out Right now...Who's Better qualified To Speak upon These Things Than In this Fight for Luv...Tha Number One Contender.

First off, I'm sick and tired of This Age thang when it Comes 2 Life and This Dating Thing...There's No Such Thang as Age...And You Can Trust me on That.
People Can Disagree with me, and Those are Tha Ones I don't Want in my life, if You are so Concerned about Tha Dreaded '30' or I'm not Married by Forty, then We Need 2 Chit Chat.
Youth isn't a Number but a Mature Mindset...If you believe that You are Young then Your Body will Follow, Your Habits will Form from What U Think...instead Of Saying Patricia Call Urself Pat.
Life is too be Lived and These Numbers where We Feel Life Ends or Begins is Pure Foolishness cuz After all These Seasons Past of reading Dr. Seuss I still don't Know Tha Birthday of Tha Cat in Tha Hat!

I can say this to anybody because I have been around women who are Not only Hot but Super cool, and These Women Can Still Recall Tha Vietnam War.
Then I also know some Gurls Are Freshmaen in College or Just Graduated High School, yet Carry Themselves in a way That is Sexy like a Margarita Stir.
When it comes to This Dating and Luv Thang it's all about Tha Connection you Have with That Person Can You Laugh, Endure, Complement Tha Other Like Tha Knob and Tha Door.
Having a Kid is Tha Sock on Tha Knob! Ha ha! But...Real Talk, I'm starting to Look at Experiences Compared 2 That 'a-word' when seeing if A Connection is There at Tha Electric Core.

I don't there's been a Time in our History where Females, if they Decide to, Can look as Good as Ever as Time Moves On...And I'm not even talking Surgery.
I give Props to Gals Who watch what They Eat, Go for 6am walks EVERY SINGLE DAY Rain or Snow, I can go on and on but Somebody Will think I'm committing Perjury!
Then you have 'Younger' Women who Are Tha Breadwinners for Households, Working Long Hours without Being Treated to a Spa Day Themselves, living a Life of, 'Stop!', 'Sit!' And 'Come on We're In a Hurry!'
Everybody depending on Them to Take Care of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generations while Secretly inside She's Hoping She Could Get at Least One Guy to ask Her out for a Big Mac or even a McFlurry.

Everybody isn't like Me, I know, but I've determined in my Soul that I WILL NOT be a High-Maintenance Boyfriend, cuz I know What Females Go through Just to Make it through Tha Day.
Personally, I feel that a Guy should be a 'Breath of Fresh Air' in a Relationship...I mean if Ur Woman is Going to FIU from 8-4, then 2 Work until 9, Why Should She Have 2 Take Care of You like a Bay-Bay.
I'm not Just Pro-Woman, I'm Pro-True Luv and Respect...Some Ladies act like Chickenheads and that's Whatever to them, but those Out here Grinding... at Least Offer 2 Buy Lunch at Subway.
Tha Most Beautiful of Women just Want 2 be Appreciated For What they Do, not Just What they Are...Or What They Look Like...If u Appeciate The Work, You'll get Tons of Play.

What I'm saying is Not In Stone like Tha 10 Commandments, but how I feel...I haven't Been in a Serious Relationship, but Tha Number of Ladies in & out my life Outnumbers Tha Waves in Tha Sea.
Just sharing lessons that I have learned and Am ready to implement whenever a Tha Great Matchmaker in Tha Sky decides Send A Package of Beauty that says, "To: Galaxia, From: Me".
There's some Real Issues that us Guys and Gurls never talk about with Each Other, and if I gotta Ostracize Myself so That One Couple Stays together then I'll be Luv's "OG".
Gotta A Soft Spot for Females and What they go through...What Gurls put us Guys through is For Another Day...2day just Let Me Swing Off of This Tee.

While There's never Been a Time where Tha Female Sect Matures more Sexy, there Hasn't Been A Time Where a Gurl Cares More About How She Looks.
Magazines, Mass Media, Ex-Boyfriends and Gurlfriends, Putting Women Down Because they are Too Thin...A Butt is Too Big for this, Too Small for that...Now 'Thighs' are Tha In Thing, Beauty is Turning into a KFC Recipe Book.
For Me to say Looks Don't Matter would Be Criminal Because I know it Does to me, who Doesn't Want Somebody Who's Attractive to that person, Tha Taste of Tha Food is in Tha Beholder of Tha Cook.
I just cannot stand Everybody wanting to look like everybody else...But then again I do see Why, cuz Even Though Different is Tha Sexiest...We have some Small Minded People who Cookie Cut Beauty with a Stolen Knife They Took.

This Ain't about Plastic Surgery, which I have a Suprising Opinion on, but From a Hunk's Perspective There's Nothing Better than Walking Past a Woman and Feeling Her Inner Beauty To Match.
You Feel it...Now Some People Let themselves go, which We don't Want, I mean it's Never Cool To Stop Doing What You Were Doing Just Because You Got Tha Catch.
But Sexiness comes in all sizes...A Size 4 Gurl with 32A boobs and Pink hair can Look just as Good as a Size 14 with Fuller Breasts...These Measurements are Just Numbers...For Some Reason we Ignore Tha Email and Want 2 Go 2 Tha Picture Attached.
Tha Email is Tha Heart of What That Person is About, To be Honest, if U like Who that Gurl is, or How Cool she is, ANY GUY will Work with any Type of Body a Gal Has...That could Ne Wheelchair Bound or With a Eye Patch.

Everybody Has Body Preferences, from a Guy's Perspective, but I see So many Gurls Either Hate on Another Chica or a Lose Total Confidence When Another Attractive Gurl Enters Tha Room.
Gurls will be Talking to me, then When an Attractive Gurl enters I've Seen them Fight To Hold My Attention or Give Tha Conversation Up as If I'm gonna Take Her Tiara and Give her Tha Broom.
Bride-Zillas are Known for This...Arguing Tooth and Nails 2 Make Sure She's Tha Most Beautiful Girl on 'Her' Day, Having Her Bridesmaids Looking like They just Rode in On Tha Tower of Doom.
Raggedy Bridesmaids Dresses...Makeup Done By Crayola...Who Cares What Others Think u Just want 2 Look Beautiful To One on that Day...Besides don't U Always and Not Just One Day, Want 2 Look Like Tha Hottest Gurl in Tha Room???

Just Saying.

If U Mold a Your Beauty Frim Tha a Outside in, it'll Insinuate Tha Beauty U Possess on Tha Outside...I think Tha Ultimate Compliment an Eligible Bachelor gives is not 'She's Beautiful' but...'She's Cool!'
When a Guy tells Me That about their Gal, and How it Lights up His Face to say that or when I go Over to There Place and See Her in Action...A Gurl that can Dress but also Work Tha Garage Tools.
That's Tha Type of Beauty that Makes Any Millionaire Forsake All...Great Sex is Awesome...Tha Freak Mentality of 'Anytime, Anyplace' is Desirable...But That Inner Attraction Can Turn Anybody into a Luv Fool.
Like I say Looks are Influential, but Even myself, when Your around So many Beautiful Women, you Tend to see What separates One From Another...Tha Body is God Given...A Molded Mind and Soul is What Makes Tha Strongest of Men Drool.

I've already Said Too Much but just as Much as Gurls want Guys to act like Gentlemen...I want Gurls to act like Gentlewomen...You are Who you Attract.
As a Guy of Substance, just like a Gurl or Lady of Desirability, you look at some of the small Things which Determine whether We Can Sign this Boyfriend/Girlfriend Contract.
I grew up in an era where...'You Didn't Call Female anything You wouldn't want to call your Mama.'...You have 2 Have respect For yourself, if You don't, another Man won't I don't Care how U feel ur Body is Stacked.
Consistency is What I look For...Does she talk with her boss Tha same as with her Co-Workers? Or Does she Kiss up to them and Use her Co-Workers to make her look good? Tha Strength of Tha a Wolf is in Tha Wolfpack.

I just want Women and Tha Gurls to Know they Each have Beauty Within Themselves and not to feel Pressured To Have These Hips, or Lips or Whatever...Being You Is Tha Ultimate Light.
Us Guys have 2 Make a Sure a That Our True Queens and Princesses understand What we Think of them Purely, and Not take them For Granted Every...Single...Night.
Now I'm done, and I think I'm Gonna Have to go for a Walk or Drive cuz I've Revealed My Views on Beautiful Females to What I Find to be Tha Sexiest and Not just Alright.
I began by Saying There's a Difference Between a Woman and A Gurl...Age Doesn't Matter...Tha a Only Difference is This...

A Gurl Thinks She Can Win...

But a Woman Knows...She's Already Won...

In Beauty's Never Ending...Fight.

From My Heart.

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