

Mistakes...Mistakes...Mistakes...So Much I Wanna Cringe.
Just read Our Last Diary post...Words Spelled Incorrectly with Phrases Signaling a Drinking Binge.
So Embrassing 2 Say Tha Least...Like Strings Hanging on A Bottom Skirt Fringe.
I Gotta Do Better, I Must...Our My Diary Will Be Out Tha Door, Leaving a Swinging Hinge.

Mistakes. In Tha Silence of Our Zen We Wonder How Many Have We Made?
I bought This Luxury Item today...Great Price, But in Our Closet lies Tha Debate of Should it Stay.
Buying Stuff, just isn't A Big Thing Anymore...Maybe Cuz I'm Spoiled Every Single Day.
I'm on This 'Luxury Minimalist' Lifestyle Now...Where 'Like' is Replaced By 'Luv' in All Our Ways.

Today was a Rough Saturday...Nothing Like Miami Traffic Early Morning Style.
I literally Have Felt Like Traffic is Following Me Everywhere, Every Route, Every Mile.
Then Today I got Caught Up Racing on I-95...When Our Top is Down So Many Wanna Miami Grand Prix Trial.
U Can Tell, When Someone Wants To Test U Out on Tha Road, I'm Always Down and Accept All Challengers on Our Turnstile.

Then it Felt like I Had an 'Icky Day' with Gurls...My Life I Tell Ya, not So Sure.
U Have 2 Be Positive Of Course, but I'm Thinking about Taking 2016 off Cuz Nobody's Pure.
There's Too Many Games, Not Enough Time...No One Else Believes Fun and Luv is Tha Cure.
We Shall See, but I Really Don't Have 2 Much 2 Say Anymore 2 Gals on Tha Luv Tip...All My Words Have Hit Tha Floor.

I Think a lot of People are Like That, Tha Point Where it Just Doesn't Matter Anymore.
U Don't Quit, But U just...IDK...U Get Tired of Having to Approach This Door.
I'm not Thirsty, I Really DGAFudge In A Lotta Ways, but There's like a Bad Feeling in Ur Soul's Core.
Like What Have I Done To Deserve All This Crap? Tha Lies, Tha Fake Friends...All in Tha Name of Amor.

U Have Those People and Experiences That Occur and u just Wonder If It was a Mistake To Even Try.
I mean, How Many Lessons More Can U Go Through, How Many Experiments to Perfect This French Fry.
Even As I Write This, Contemplating How to Change All This...All I can Do is Sigh.
Bewilderment is Almost How I can Explain Things Now...I'm not Above Tha Lessons , u just get Fed up Grabbing a Tissue Box of Two-ply.

I know...I know...U Gotta Be Strong...Leaving Tha 'Woe is Me' all Behind.
Make Life More Simple, and Just Relax...Then Rest U Shall Truly Find.
Been Going Soooo Hard, Trying Too Hard...When I just Need 2 Focus on my Own Spirit, Soul and Mind.
Too Much Work, Too Little Play...That's a Deadly Combination Every Single Time.

So We Just Relax...And Begin Another Chapter, Forgetting Tha Negative and Draining Today Straight Down Tha Sink.
I Wanna Be So Perfect, cuz I Feel I have To...But just Gonna Let Things Flow, Mistakes are 2 Be Expected When U Creatively Think.
A Trip 2 Palm Beach is Needed...That's Where I Go, When I need 2 Rest and Re-gather Myself And Knock out Tha Kinks.
Tonight is Short...No need 2 Waste Time...Begin Anew Right Now, Understanding That Before a True Success, Life Gives U One Final Test To See if Ur Ready...And Tops it off With A Very Sly...


It Tough B/C Ur Close.


Tha NGU Drug!

Never...Never...Ever...Give Up. That's Tha New Hottest Drug.
Tha One U Must Take, In Order For All 2 See Ur Creative Mug.
Something Is Among Tha Stars 2nite...Which is Why I'm Here and Not Tha Club.
A Sense of Need Among This Fun Galaxy...Bubbles Wanting 2 Burst Inside This Tub.

So We Write This Evening With Our Soul, One That Has Had Tha Imprint Of Tha Wall.
Tha One Which Has Felt So Humpty Dumpty, Anticipating A Hard Egg Fall.
Searching For Answers To Keep Going, When Life is On A Seemingly Stall.
Sitting on Tha Bench of Success, Frustrated That Tha Coach Hasn't Given u a Call.

People Can Make U Think Life is So Easy...Tha Reality Shows Of Catfights, Tha Facebook Pics Showings Hugs and A Kiss.
U Scroll Down to See Ur Friends and Those So Call 'Celebrities' and U Look At Ur Life as A Continual Miss.
Pressure From Ur Family, Stress From Society...Makes U Want 2 Call up Dr. Dre So U Can Lay Down A Track of Diss.
How Come They Got A New Ride...Why Are They Getting Married?...Why I Have 2 Pay For My College Tuition?...All To Receive Back...This??

Then U Have Those Who Figure They Are Just Too Nice...Tha White Sheep that is Underappreciated, and Cries in Tha Bedroom of Tha Day She Turns...Black.
No One Sees How They Are Tha Glue...At Home...On Tha Job...In a Love Relationship Where All They Friends Say He's Whack.
Always Volunteering To Help Out With Granny...Always Washing Dishes after Dinner...Then Her Paycheck Goes to Making Sure Tha Cable Tv's Heartbeat Doesn't Go Flat.
Never Having Time 2 Kick it...Always Work and Study...Ur Homie is Out At Miami Subs Grill, While Your Staring At Homework...By Tha Stacks.

There is Such a Thin Line Between Remaining Sane and Tossing Tha Middle Finger up In Tha Air.
Hard Work Doesn't Seem To Pay off As Quickly As It Once Did...Tha Line is Getting Longer and Longer for a Ride At Success' Fair.
So Many Clowns Who Aren't Around To Make u a Happy, but 2 Pull Krusty Tha Clown Shenanigans, Tha Kind 2 Pull Out Ur Hair.
Folks Think They Know But How Can They Really...They Got Tha Job, Tha Sexy Mate...While Tha Only People Who Don't Judge U Is Mr. Jack Daniels and SeƱor Everclear.

One Can Handle it For a Few Months, Perhaps even a Few Years...But When Do U Toss In Tha Towel and Walk away Naked Butt?
When is Tha Right Time To Say...I've Done My Best, Ain't Never Gonna Work Out...I've Wasted My High School Education Hoping I Would Have a PGA Tour Legacy, instead of Living Putt Putt.
Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening To Me? It's As Though No Matter How Good Something Feels, I Always End up in Tha Same Rut.
Bad Dates With Stuck Up Gurls...Can Even Get an Interview, Although I Got Tha Best Reviews and Most Tenure...Then This Galaxia Guy Keeps Saying I Should a Give a...

I've Always Been a Strong Believer That, "Tha Darkest Hour Of Tha Day" is Right Before Daybreak.

U know, Tha Heck With Tha Poems 2night, let's just Get real.

Speaking from my heart, I have Had a Lot of Soul Searching Moments in My Life. I've Always felt Like I gotta Prove Myself Over and Over and Over just to be noticed or Acceted. When in my Heart, I believe It Should Obvious Who U Should want 2 Be Around. Throughout my life, I've Always Said I'm Sorta Famous, But Not Popular. Seems Like Everybody knows Me, Strangers alike, but I don't Hang out With Everybody. I'm always and I Do mean ALWAYS Cool With Tha Hottest Gurls Wherever I Go or Chill At, whether In School or These Miami Streets, but Our Luv Life Has Been a Process That a Sometimes Can Resemble it Being in Shambles. I didn't Even Go 2 My High School Prom. It's Weird. 

I've been That Super Geek Slash Super Athlete. In Honor Courses, Played in Marching and Concert Band, Captain of My Hoops Teams in High School and College. I'm Not Bragging, cuz What U Do, Or What U've Accomplished Doesn't Make Who You Are. I was Thinking Tha Other Day of My Social Circle Looking Through Magazines like, 'I know This Person' and 'I'm Cool With That Person'. My life Stretches from Tha Janitors and Cleaning Ladies to Owners...I mean, Some People Hang out With People Who Go To These Hot Clubs and Restaurants...Tha Difference With Me is I'm Cool With Tha Owners of These Joints. But People are People No matter if Ur a Prostitute Who I Give a Ride Home To, or A Pro Athlete Who Workouts With Me.

All is Being Said cuz Being Around Such a Vast spectrum of People, Sometimes Can Create Doubt to What Ur Purpose in Life is. If I Wanna Be Wealthy it's like U Gotta Be Selfish and Forget Tha 'Little Man'. If U Hang out With These Folk, Then U Might not be Wealthy or If I Don't Brownnose I Won't Get a Job Advancement although That is Against Who I Am as A Person. Tha Key is To Still Believe, no Matter What That You Will Get What You've Always Dreamed no Matter What 'Noise' Surrounds U in a Daily Basis. 

I'm Around Town and I get in These...'Why isn't TMZ Following Me?' Or 'I'm Tha Most Underappreciated Fashion Icon to Date' or 'How Can This Gurl NOT Want To Be With Me, When I'm 100% Fun and Even More Thug Than This Other Guy She Wants.' I get in Those Moods...A Lot. Especially When I Feel I Work Harder, and Have 2 Go Through More Stuff Than Most. That's Why I ABSOLUTELY HATE Being Call A 'Nice Guy'. Bleeping Hate it. Cuz I'm not trying 2 Be Nice, I Just Want 2 Do What's Right and Have Fun, and Giggle and Share Good Convo to Stimulate Tha Mind. Being 'Nice' At Least in My Life, Hasn't Paid Off...At Least Yet. So I'd Rather Somebody just Say...'That's Austin.' 

But Whenever I Get in These Valley Gurl, High Snobbery Modes, Then a Homeless Person Would Approach Me, or I'd Be at a Heat Game and See Somebody Wheelchaired in With a Tube to Breathe Through or Laying Flat on a Stretcher...Or on Tha Street, I See Somebody With One Arm or One Foot on Crutches. That's Why I'm So Adamant about Dancing. I LOVE to Dance. Any Style. But when I'm Out At a Party or Discoteca or Heck Walking Down Tha Street and folks I'm With are too Ashamed or say...'I Can't Dance.' I just Think U have 2 Legs and Feet, Do u Know How Many People Would Luv to be Able to Dance To That New Future Song or Do Tha 'Stanky Leg' Whenever Outkast or Taylor Swift Comes on. With Me, Ur Gonna Have Fun on Tha Dancefloor Anyway, but Tha Point is, Just Get Up and...Do Something!!!

Tonight I just Want Folks to Keep,Going No Matter What. I've Said so many Times Recently that Life Can Seem Like a Nightmare That just Won't End. U Busting Ur Arse Off At Work and Nobody Seems To Notice. U send A Friendly Text or Msg to Brighten Someone's Day When U Wish Someone Would to Do Tha Same To You, Yet Siri tells You, 'Zero Messages Again, Galaxia.' You Do Everything Possible to Be Successful like Trigga Songz sings about only To Feel like Either Your Time Has Pass or It Will Never Come. 

But it Will.

Just Because Ur Dreams Seem to be on Tape Delay, Doesn't Mean They Won't Come To Pass. U might be Worried that Ur 15 Minutes of Fame Hasn't Come Yet, but Perhaps You've been Prepared for "A Hour" of Fame. So many People Become Famous and Even Rich then, Then At Tha End when CNN is Doing Their 'Tha Year That Was' Special, Ur Like Freakin' A, I forgot All About Them. U want a Lifetime of Fun, not just One Year...But u gotta Sometimes go Through Those Experiences and People That Take U To That Next Level. And Sometimes...it hurts. They can really Hurt. But just like When u Work Out Doing Exercises...

No Pain. No Gain.

Say This Then I'ma eat My Arroz Con Pollo. I Speak to Myself on This, but we Can't Judge Ourselves based on Other People's Lives and Their Opinions. Even Myself, Can See a Guy and a Gurl walking Hand in Hand and Think What it's like to Have That. But u never know What goes on Behind Close Doors. Arguments, Too Many Hours Working, Too Vain in What They Look like...Freakin' Don't know How 2 Make Kool-Aid! A Dream Relationship Can be a Van Gogh. We know What That is. We used to Call a Lotta Girls That back in Tha Day. Just like His Paintings...'They Look Good from Afar, but. Up Close They Are Far From Looking Good'. Stay in Ur Own Lane. (I Gotta play that Miley Cyrus Bangerz album With That Song on There 2night.) 

Then Lastly I'm Not Getting Frustrated at Well Doing or Completing Excellent Work and Nit Seeing Tha Results or Getting Praise for Doing So.  That's why I have Such a Special Place for Some Gurls out here. There No Way a Gal Should Have to Go to Class then Go to Work...Then Figure Out What To Cook For Tha Hubby and Kids...Then Cook Tha Meal...And Then Wash Dishes. While Tha Guy just Eats and Watches TV. That's Horse Chips! Vice Versa to With Guys...But To Allow Somebody Run Themselves into Tha Ground to Make U Happy and U can't Even Wash Tha Dishes or Pick up a Side Salad so She Doesn't Have 2 Shred Lettuce Heads...Uncalled For in My Eyes. And That's How Relationships End. Tha Feeling of Underappreciation. A 'Thank You' or 'Babe, I Got Tha Check This Time' or 'You Look Smashing 2night!' This Ain't Pimpology 101, This is Just Real Talk.

I've learned from Here on Out that Tha Key to Any Relationship is this: 

Date Tha Other Person How You Want to Be Dated.

With Me it's All Fun, Luv and Laughs. Yes, Tha Gucci Bags are Nice. But I got That. So I'm looking For Things Money Can't Buy. I'm a Joker, so I send Jokes or Music to People outta Tha Blue. Sometimes Even Gifts. Cuz I want Them to Feel that Love of Life That I Have. Just b/c You have Certain Things doesn't Mean U Can't Share Them. That's Why u got Them! And Whoever I Date Won't look at What I'm Saying as Jibberish, but In Tha Realm of, Finally...Someone Just Like Me.

We Gotta Keep Going. There's No Limit On Success. You might Just Be Tha Next Big Thing. And Even Myself Must Be Reminded, That As You Think, That is What You Become.

So If a You Think Your Tha Best...Tha Smartest...And The Sexiest.

Sooner or Later, if U Stay Tha Course, Life and Even Others Around Will See That...



Tha Best is Yet 2 Come.

Peace Out!



The Quicksand of Luv...So Deep is Tha Sand.
Trying Everything in Ur Power 2 Get Out, Yet It Grapples Ur Feets and Hands.
Looking Up into Tha Bright Sun, Wondering How This Can Overtake Man.
Seems Like Everybody Else Is A Team, While Ur Looking For Just One Fan.

Tha Nightmare just Won't End, No matter What U Do.
Be Patient, Listening 2 Friends...When in All Honesty They Haven't Got No Clue.
All U've Ever Wanted Were Sunny Skies, And a Beating Heart 2 Illuminate Tha Sky's Blue.
But U Feel Stuck, With No Where 2 Go...Tha Infinite Curse Of Being You.

Tonight My Odds With Luv, Huh...I'll Be Better Off Playing Tha Powerball.
To Find Someone Who is Real, In There Convo, Their Texts, and Their Calls.
Never Seen Anything Like This...I Feel Sad...Like The Garden of Eden and Adam's Apple Fall.
I'm Really Tired of Tha Process, Tha Crap...Tha 'Ish Being Flushed In My Heart's Stall.

So Easy 2 Say it's not Fair...How Many More Lies Must I Endure.
Hate Being Me, I Really Do...There's No Benefit For Having a Heart So Pure.
I Should Just Become a Huge Jerk, Only Looking For Sex, and Then Become A Ghost Blur.
Been In This Game For So Long, That I no Longer Believe Tha Luv Doctor Has a Cure.

Why Must I Be This "Boy Toy?" It's Just Makes Me Sick.
Gurls Like Us, But Not Luv Us...Gentleman Like Richard, But Inside Feel Like Dick.
Try 2 Honor This Game of Luv...Consider Tha Hearts and Minds...Not just Bootys So Thick.
That's Not Working Either, So I might As Well look At Gurls In Terms of Tha Next Star in My Porno Flick.

I See Others on Bikes. Hand in Hand. Thinking...What Am I Doing So Wrong?
Have Tha Hottest Gurls Always Around, But Always At Tha End I See and Hear Tha Sound of Tha Gong.
U have 2 Be So Perfect in All This Fakeness, Even a Beauty Fell into Tha Arms of King Kong.
This Has Been A Nightmare Novel, That I no longer Want 2 Read...Seriously Thinking, "Where Can I Find A Bong?"

Tha Past is Tha Past, but Tha Present Isn't much Prettier...There's an Empty feeling Of 'Not Again'.
Every Door Has Been Locked...Is Being a Disciple of Fun and Luv Such a Heavy Sin?
Tha Lessons Learned Seem All but a Memory, Only Kept by Our Diary's Pen.
But With Everything Surrounding Our Life, it's been A While since I found A...Friend.

My Standards Aren't Too High, but It's Like No One Even Wants To Try.
Maybe it's My Fitness or My Nutrition...Thinking I'll kick Them out Tha Car if They Have a Crave for Checker's Fries.
In This Fight of Luv, I'm going 2 My Corner Saying, 'Whatever Was Tha Gameplan, We Need To Reapply.'
They keep saying, 'I'm Winning'...But How Can That Be, When I got a Bruised Heart and Two Black Eyes.

When Will This All End, I don't Know...Can Give a Rat's Urine on Who reads This...Our Soul.
Probably Gonna Alienate Future Beauties, Thinking That My Heart Has Gone From Warm to Frozen Cold.
But These Gurls keep On Doing Me Wrong...All of Them...If Tha Truth Be Told.
I'm Ready For Whatever life Has 2 Offer...If u Want Tha Best, Then Truly I Fit Tha Mold.

Another Night, Another Gurl Swirling Down Luv's Drain, So Many Down There I'm Suprised It Ain't Got Stuck.
This is What it's Like to Be Me...Lofty Dreamer, Inspiring Spirit, Hoping One Day I'll Hold Cupid's Version of Tha Stanley Cup.
It's Rare That I Speak like This, but My Heart is Tired...Really is...Like I'm Being Punished for Wanting 2 Be As Memorable as That Guy King Tut.
But As a Guy Who Has Nothing But Smiley Faces and Hearts in His Bloodstream...I Ask U, Tha Same Question, I Asked God Last Night...



Episode #1: Rain On Sunset.

So Here I Was, on the dancing Away at The hottest Club in LA. Celebrating New Year's Eve with Two Beautiful Starlets Grinding side by side With flirty smiles. Drake's "Hotline Bling" is Blasting Through The Air, The Club Lights Flashing has Everyone in Primetime Party Mood, and I'm in a Dilemma wondering Which girl is Gonna Be My Sixty Second Kissing Partner when The Countdown to 2016 all begins. I quickly glance at My Hublot and it reads 11:55 pm. Yeah, the Rest of The Globe has Already Popped The Ciroc and Sent off Fireworks into The Midnight Sky, but us Here on the West Coast Do things on our own time, to our own liking.

It Takes Me Two minutes To decide that I'm gonna Take the Mamacita into my arms, when the Ball Drops. Half Asian, Half Mexican, my Taste in Women Mirrors my Luv for Cusine. The chords to Prince's "1999" just Flitered Through the Smoke Filled Air of VIP when My IPhone began to Flash. Who Would Call me Right As I'm about to Say, 'Sayonara' to the Worst year of My Life? The countdown begins...10...9...8...7...6...5...I then grab my Chosen Draft Pick by Her Yoga Toned Arms...4...3...2...1...Dipped Her And...Next Thing I know It, I hear A "Flop!!!" and a 'You Freakin' Creep What Are You Doin'?!!'.  Oops! I guess all those nights watching Dancing With Tha Stars didn't pay off. It's Kind of Symbolic of How My entire Year has Gone. Yep...Me looking at This Beautiful Gurl and Her See Through Cavalli Dress laying on The Sticky Champagne Soaked Ground like a Statue by Romero Britto ...Un-Huh! This is How my Year is Supposed 2 end.

I figured I had enough for Tha night, so decided to leave through the back door. I get a few pats on the back and I hear a couple of "Who's That?!" By some Dames Who Highly resemble Ashley Graham and Adriana Lima. Walk through the kitchen Where the chef is Making out with a Mystery Blonde on the Grey Metal Table. Seeing a Culinary Genius Making Love is Sorta Weird. The Grabbing and Flinging of Heads of Lettuce, all the While Hearing the Words, 'I Want To Eat Your Tomatoes!' Throw in a Deep Czech voice and you See Why some Movies are only shown at 2:30 am on Skinamax! I bust Through the Door onto The Back Alley adjacent to Sunset Boulevard and From there I just sat down, not caring that my DSquared2 jeans might get a tad Dirty from the Curb. I just sat and wondered how My life got to This. How? 

My mind rewinds Through The Living Garbage Dump that I've recently had to go through. An ugly breakup With My Ex. We met at This Side Tiki Hut of a Joint over in Ibiza. Her Tan Skin complementing A Smile That could Light up The LA Coliseum. I thought That I had literally Died and Gone 2 Heaven. I had No idea What to say. I mean, I've always Crossed Home Plate with Tha Ladies but She Was Something New, Something Exotic, just How She Pouted her Lips as She Spoke indicated She Has Been Wooed By the Finest of Masculine Candidates. I Took a Final Sip Of Coconut Rum, and walked over to her And Simply said, "You are The Most Beautiful Woman I have Ever Seen." And I walked away. Not looking back at all. Later that night, in an Act of Fate, I somehow bumped into her at Amnesia. She was With Some Friends Twerking and Having a Goofy time On the Dance Floor. Somehow we caught Eyes and That was That. We ended up back at my place, Knocking over Chairs, and Flipping Over Couches, All in The Name of Lust. European Girls are the Best When it comes to Passion. They know How to Let Go in The Heat of Tha Moment.

I woke up the next day, staring At Her laying in bed Semi-Naked Except with Her Red Briefs. The Wind was Blowing the Open Curtain through Our Window and From There I knew I met Tha Gal of My Dreams. Yep! Funny How Life Can Be So Perfect and Then All of a Sudden be So...Whatever. She was Getting Her Master's to be a Doctor. Does Anyone know How hard it is to Find a Girl Who's Smart and Drop Dead Gorgeous?! They know me in Vegas quite well and Let me Tell ya Tha Odds are Growing Larger by Tha Hour. Huh. My Baby. My "Ex" Baby.

Then you Had The Media and All these People Wanting me. Everybody wants to be a Star, especially here in The City of Angels, but let me Tell ya When You can't even go to Kitson to by a Tee Shirt without a Camera Flickering it's Trouble. I guess My Job has a Little Bit to do With That. 2015 just Overall Sucked!

To make up for my Breakup, I tried to hit the Dating Scene. Wannabe Models, Actresses, Video Vixens, Former Porn Stars, Yeah, I've Had My Share. But waking up in the Morning picking up armed Cups And Stepping Over Spilled Chex Mix While La Perla Bras are Drooping from Your Light Stand can get Old after Awhile. But That's My Life. As I Sitting on Tha Backstreet of Dreams Gone Wrong, I get a Text. I pulled Out my Grape Flavored Vapor and See Who it is. And it's from an Unfamiliar number but I notice That The Country Code is from London. My mind quickly Backtracks to All The Dames and WAGs That I smashed along The River Thames after Each Manchester United Victory. Oh, Tha Beckham Years were Great On and Off Tha Pitch! There were Too Many to Name so I Open The Text and It Reads Tha Following: 

'2016. Ultimate Assignment. Galaxia. MIA.' 

All This was Followed by Emojis of a Notebook. Camera. And A Face Wearing a Sherlock Holmes Cap with a Magnifying Glass Up to His Eye. I never knew How that Stayed up there With No Hands Holding it...But...I have No Idea What This All Meant. Tha Crackle of Thunder began to Sound. And Sprinkles Turned into a Full Blown Pour.  Who says it never Rains in Southern California?! 2016 was Beginning to resemble An Old Black and White Hollywood Flim Where All you Hear is The Ponding of Heavy Drops coinciding With Tha Suspense Music of Henry Mancini. The Rain Pounded on my Face All but Ruining My Parted Hair and Gucci Loafers. I heard a Cat Scream and Then Hop out of a Empty Garbage Can. I kept Walking, not Caring that My Alfa Romero was Still over in Valet. My Only Focus was What is My Next Move and What Was This Suspicious Text All About.

As The Rain covered My Face as A Castaway Swimming to Shore, I came to a Complete Stop, and it all hit me. The Text. The Number. The Assignment. And suddenly, I felt Like I was Chosen for This...This Moment...This Opportunity. And It Will Be Unlike Anything You have Witnessed Before.

Good Morning to Many, And A Good Evening To Some. The Name is Cosmopolitan. Halesburg De Cosmopolitan. But To You My Friend...Yes, You May Call Me...

Lil Cosmo.

Till Next Time.