
Tha Carmen Sandiego of Luv!

Tha Task 2 Be Great...And Tha Task 2 Be Loved...How Many Of Us Dream of Either Or.
Or if Ur Like Me U Toss and Turn Relentlessly at Night...Like a Broken Hinge of Opportunity's Door.
Always Keeping Tabs on Who 2 Put on Tha Blacklist of Motivation...A Movie with Tha Rocky Theme Song As Our Score.
Always Wanting 2 Know What Else Can Be Done...After Having 2 Wait So Long, There Are So Many Question Marks after Tha Word...More???

I'ma Take Tha Spotlight off of Us For Awhile cuz...There is Something Among Tha Stars That I Can Feel.
I'm Not No Mind Reader or Fortune Teller...Although I've Always Thought I'd Look Good in Beaded Braids and High Heels!!
Just Seems to Be A 'Down' Energy within Tha Galaxy...Someone Tired of Being Who They Are and No One Quite Knowing Tha Deal.
Feeling a Little Left Out...Feeling Disrespected...With Tha Hope of Being Inside Tha 'In Crowd' of Life...For Just Tha Dream Many Would Kill.

U know, I'm Gonna Be Straight Up just like How I like My Drinks, and Luv My Paula Abdul...Being Yourself is Tha Toughest Thing 2 Do In Tha World.
All Your Grade School Teachers...Music Teachers...Cheerleading Coaches...Pastors...Priests...Everybody Proclaims it but It's no Ho Ho Cupcake Swirl.
You Have 2 Deal With Haters...Quizzical Glances From Tha Professor Cuz Ur Wearing Sunglasses in Class...Strangers Telling u That Getting a Tat of Babs Bunny Kissing Minnie Mouse Means ur Insane and Need a Cure.
Recently Somebody told me I was Crazy for Being Up at 3am...But They have No Idea I'm Working on My Craft...I think it's Strange NOT 2 be Up That Early...Are U Willing 2 Sacrifice Sleep 2 Be Tha Best At What U Do...Only A Select Few Will Answer...Sure.

But This World Is Crazy...If a Gurl Dresses Super Conservative, She's Labeled Boring or A 'Good Gurl'...Meaning...If U Go Out With Her U Won't Sniff First.
Then On Tha Flip, if A Gal Has A Tight Low cut Dress or Blouse with Her Puppies Out, Then She's Too Easy...Ultra-Flirtatious and Won't Give Up Her # or Pooh Nanny without a Purchase of a Kelly Bag Purchase.
Hoover Dam if U Do...Jean Claude Van Damme If U Don't...For Those Striving For Real Success, at Times Tha River Leading 2 Success Has Unseen Sharks Whose Blood They Thirst.
Wanting To Sink Your Rafting Boat...Not Wanting you 2 Look Too Good...Have 2 Much Fun...Not Really Wantibg u 2 Hit Tha Grand Stage...Just Sit with Them in Tha Hall of Rehearse.

There Have been Many a Times in Tha Past Where I've held Myself Back...Thinking Others May Look at me As Too Much...I Mean Do u Really Have 2 Toss On Burberry Just to Go 2 Burger King?!!
Or I used 2 Be in Class and Answer a Question like, 'Who's Tha Hottest Guy in Tha World???' I mean, Duh!!! My Hand Shoots Up like a Jersey Gurl Showing off Her Tiffany Diamond Engagement Ring!
But then Tha Teacher Would Ask another question That I clearly Know Tha Answer to, and Wouldn't Raise My Five Fingers, Cuz U Don't Wanna Be A Kiss Up or Teacher's Pet...Refusing 2 Let Ur Intelligence Sing.
Folks Talk about The Fear of Failure but Tha Fear of Success is just as Potent and Powerful just Weezy F. Baby when He's on Stage Spitting Tha Lyrics 2 "Bling Bling".

Begin Right Now To Not Put Too Much Stock in Opinions of Others...It can Mess up Who U Date...Becoming a Leader in School, or Even What Clothes U Want 2 Wear.
I Always Say and Will Continue 2 Say...Different is Sexy...When others Text, U Call...Everybody is Rocking Jeans on a Date, U Dress Up...Everybody thinks Tha Family Party is Whack, U Say I'm Gonna Make Tha Most of it, and Dance with Tha Great Grandma with Makeup Smear.
Truly I'm Learning That You Can Create Tha World...Or Galaxy you want...No Matter a How Much Money u got or Family Name...U Just Have 2 Push Past That Initial Jason Meets Freddy Fear.
If U Can Write It...Think It...Or Dream It...You Can Be It...And Many times People May Not Understand, but Then Later Come Back to You and Admire U Having Courage 2 Stand Tha Rain like Paddington Bear.

And This Luv Thang...It Always Comes Back 2 This Right...After a Situation Earlier This Year Where I Felt Like Bobo Tha Fool, I Was Like ABCDE-G That, If I Go Down I'm Going Down Being Me.
No More Tyring To Be What You Think, That Person Wants...I have a Galatic Personality Who enjoys Jokes, Fun and Helping People...I Won't Tone Down My Energy Cuz U Hate Madonna or Don't Care About Tha Needy.
So Many Times, and Especially ME have Held Back a Tad...Let Me Not Say I'm a Geek...Let Me Not Discuss Me Being A Freek...Let me Not Discuss How I Can Switch In a Convo From Shakespeare To Hugh Hefner being a Genius to John 3:16 So Freely.
We All Have a Past, Some of Us Don't Need 2 Buy Halloween Decorations, just hang Tha Skeltons in Our Closet! But if U Learned From Your Experiences, Then Ur A Better Lover Clearly.

On Tha Dating Scene There's So Many Walls Put up...And Then There are So Many 'So Called' Rules of What To Do...Where To Eat...And What to Say.
Like...(Let me Whisper This...) Don't Talk about Marriage, Having Kids or Ex-Flames on Tha First Date...But Why Not??? Why would I Pay Twice For Dinner At Prime 112, When One Never Knows What Holds a Day.
They Say No 'Ex' Talk, cuz It May Show u haven't Moved On...Or Whatever, but You May Have a Similar Episode as Me...A Shared 'Next Time I Would Do This' View, may be Enough 2 Turn a First Date into a Lifelong Bae.
Then Marriage and Kids...I thought We Date to Find a Suitable Match for a Possible Marriage...Be Real, Is a 'Date' or 'Friendly Hang'...Nuthing Wrong With Courting...I got no time For Scrimmaging, I put on My Uniform and Below Tha Belt Helmet On Only To Play!

Let me Pause...And I admit I fall into this As well...But Our Generation Don't use Tha Term 'Date' like we Want To...Almost like That Word Has Tha Coodies.
Like if Two People Go Out With Each Other, Then Everything Gets Complicated from Who Picks Tha Spot...Who Gets Tha Check...or If I take him up on, 'Order Whatever U Want.'...Does That Mean He's Gonna Expect Some Nookie?!
But I feel if Two People Are On One Accord, Then Tha Magic is Either Gonna Be a There or It Isn't...And There's No Need To Have Ur Heart Broken over a Bad Lunch Like A Oatmeal Cookie.
It Took Me A While To Realize That U Can't Take it Personally If It's Not There...Sometimes My Homeboy Cupid Missed or Had an 'Off Night'...Just Like a Vegas Casino Bookie.

What Led Me to This, Was Having All...And No That's not No Typo, that Word 'All' is In Italics...These Gurls Come and Go For Reasons Inexplicable, and Me Going Home Head Down Like Charlie Brown.
Thinking I did All I could Do...Laying in Bed Looking at Tha Ceiling and Honestly Tears forming Cuz U Wonder, 'They Don't Want Me?? Or This?' Meaning Our Super Cool Lifestyle in Tha Stars and Not Level Ground.
Then I'd Have 2 See that Person Either in Class...In a Facebook Feed...Freaking on a TV Show (Not Kidding) and Wonder How did Something just Not Happen, when Tha Foundation Seemed So Sound.
One of Tha Toughest was This Gurl I met Through Match.com...Once again This is Getting Ultra Personal 2 night...But That's When a Lot of Inner Strength Brgan 2 Hit So Loud.

Met This Gurl Online...Which was Rare for me 2 Even Try it, but...And after Seeing Her Profile, it was So scary...Like Frightening How Similar Her Profiles were.
That's What Blew Both Of Us Away...Same Movies (Love Actually)...Same Favorite Cities (London, LA, Miami)...Luv if Sports...She was Flat Out a Dimepiece Who Seemed as Goofy as Me...It was a Blur.
But After That Experience in Which She Stopped Talking 2 me, but then Somehow Found Me on Tha F-Book, it Left me With an Empty Feeling of Shaken But No Stir.
It Proved to Me that Just because you have Everything in Common with Somebody, Doesn't mean They are "Tha One" for You...Never Knew That Until...Her.

I've had Crazy or Crazier Situations Since, but I've Learned that, just like in Sports...Tha Best Trades Sometimes are Those Not Made.
So I can't beat Myself up like us Guys Do...Oh, She Was So Hot...Like She's Tha Only Hot Gurl...Her Butt Was So Bangin'...There's Other Banging Booties...But Ur So Caught up in What Might Have Been, and Ur Outlook Begins to Fade.
There are More Hotties Out Her Besides Ur Philosphy 101 Class...Story and Mansion aren't Tha Only places Sexy People Dance and Chill At...Us Guys Get so caught Into Having This 'Trophy Gurl' that Tha Shine of Her Outer Beauty can Blind Our Shade.
If a Possible Relationship Doesn't Work out, it May be Tha Best Thing 2 Happen to You...Better Now Than Down Tha Road, Wasted Time and Now Having 2 Pay.

Tha Globe is Enormous, U Never Know When or Who U might Meet...They can be in Paris right now...I got some Stories on that as Well...This Thang Has been a Journey Worldwide.
But No Matter What Be Yourself and Don't let Anybody Define Your Style or Sexiness or Dreams, Be True 2 Urself, and Ur True Beauty with Attract Others From The Inside.
Quick Story...I Had a Learning Experience Tha Other Day, that I shouldn't Even Share Cuz Too Much Secret Stuff is in This Diary Already, But in This Galaxy I Will Always Confide.
I'm Talking Bout Being Urself, and I think I kinda Failed Tha Other Day...Never Again though...No More Will I Run or Hide.

Last week, I was at Tha Laundromat...Another Secret Spot where Sexy Guys and Gurls Frequent...I was Here in South Beach off Of Sixth and Meridian Avenue.
I was inside Chillin', Then I looked Up and Saw This Really, Really Attractive Gal inside...Like I just said This Is "Tha Spot" so Nuthing New.
I was Looking at Her...She was about 5'3"...Not Really Tan Skin...Blonde (Cough, Cough!) Hair, her Face Was like A Barbie Doll, so I was Contemplating What To Do.
My First Thought Was This Gurl has A Dirty Hot Look 2 Her...Second Thought, and I'm gonna Be Honest Since it's Now Tha Midnight Freak Hour...But I Was Like I Want To "Yada Yada Yada" This Gurl So Bad My Bosu Balls Are About 2 Turn Blue!

Now...This Gurls Body Was Amazing...It was a Gymnist Build, but What got me Was Her Body was Literally a Canvas For All These tattoos...She Was Like a Cartoon.
It was Beauful...No Tat Sleeve...Like all these Cartoon Like Pieces Spread Out From Neck to bust To Back...Like Clip Art...As A Star Myself, I thought it Was Over Tha Moon.
I don't Have Any Tats, but if I were To get some it'll be like Tha Fashion Guy Marc Jacobs, I like His Colorful Cartoonlike Icons...Spreaded Out Like A Fun Goon.
This Was How Hers Were, so all These Thoughts Entered My Mind...When I See Someone Uniquely Different and In Their Own Skin Beautiful, I Tell 'Em...Not Sure if With This Dame it was Gonna Happen Later or Soon.

So I Was Back in Tha Cut as She Was Folding Her Clothes...Wondering...One, This Gurl Has a Sexy Look of A Porn Star...And Two, Could I Bring 'This' Look Home To Moms and Pops.
For Me to Have A Gurl or Even Friend Like Her could Blow Them Away, but She Looks Unbelievable...Different is Sexy...But My Soul Didn't Have Those Bunny Hops.
So after Allowing these Thoughts 2 Run Rapid, I Didn't Approach Her...Headphones in a Gurl's Head is No Excuse, I just Didn't...But I wondered if I Flopped.
She Coulda Been Tha Coolest Gurl I'd Ever Meet...Its one step at a Time, and Who Knows Later a Down Tha Line Pops Nem Might've Loved Her...But I didn't even Give 'Like' or Luv a Chance because of This Preconceived Notion of What 'My Gurl' is Supposed 2 Look Like.

I wish I Had That One Back.

Sometimes life gives us Gifts or Opprotunities and Just because They are Wrapped Differently like in Comic Strip Paper instead of A Gucci Box, We Say...Why isn't Our a Dreams and Prayers coming True.
Sometimes...Not All...But Sometimes They Do Come True just not in Tha a Manner or "Package" we Expect Them To.
I Really Don't Have Any Expectations to my Luv Life...I attract Really Cool and SuperBeautiful Girls, but I'm Letting Tha Luv Gods Choose...and So Should You. 
I've Learnt My Lessons, past and Very Present...Be in Regards 2 Reaching Your Dreams And Getting Tha Luv U Want...Always Be True 2 Urself, And What and Who Moves Ur Heart...

It's 12:46am, And That Right There is Truly My Only...

And Absolute Best...


Be You. It May Get Tough...But Always...Be You.

One Luv!

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