

So I sit here On This Saturday Morning, Holy Sword 2 My Left, IPad Air 2 in Front Pondering What 2 Write.
I have Kylie Minogue's "Timebomb" ringing in My Ear...She's My Numbero Uno Celebrity Krush, Seems 2 Always Be Fun, Beautiful, Young Spirited, 2 Get a Gal like That For One Night.
We have Seen So much...From Life 2 Gurls to Everything That I'm just trying Not 2 Get Jaded or Jaggered cuz It Seems I Truly Have This Rolling Stone Cover and Band Life.
All I wanna Do Is Have Fun, That's it...But This Case of Trial v. Patience, it Can Lead you to Some Weird Dreams....Yet all u can Do is Fight.

I Wondered How many other People Wonder, 'How Much Longer?', until U get That Dream Job, That Red Carpet Invite, or To be Able 2 Finally say...'I Do.'
As a Kidster Growing up, One can Have So much Innocence...Saying I'm gonna be an Astonaunt or a Doctor or Tha Biggest Star in Tha World...It's Amazing What U Think after Eating 2 Ounces of Glue!
Mean, I Luved 2 Draw, Still Do...I even Had my Own Reality Show before they Were Popular...Me Talking to Tha Media, Having Tha Hottest Babe, Range Rover Sitting like Them Yorkers of New.
They say for you to reach Ur Goals and Dreams You Have 2 See it First...Within Your Mind...Once You have Tha Visual, Then there's No Limit 2 What your Little Solider Can Do.

I share This Diary of ours Cuz...IDK...I just Thought it'll be Cool to have a Real Life Account as One Becomes A "Star"... Not After Tha Fact, and Cuz of that, it's Kinda Revolutionary.
This is My Second Diary which if u read it, Sounds Like if Anne Frank was A Shopaholic Stripper who One Day Wanted Her Face overlooking Sunset Boulevard, With a Heart of a Missionary!
That Sums up this Thang...But I never Knew That Humility and Strength that u Have 2 Have 2 Get Those Dreams Come True...U feel like U Should Own The WB Studios, and Shout with ur Heart...'I'M TWEETY BIRD, THA SEXIEST OF ALL CANARIES!'
But At Times U Feel Like Nobody is Listening or Sees Tha Fun and Luv You Bring 2 Tha World...Every Single Day Feels Like a Game 7, Do or Die...When You Hope it'll be Smooth Sailing, Chilin', Laid Back in Your Sperry's.

Then This Luv Thang...With Stories One Should Never Share Via Voice or Paper...U Can Feel like Your in This Amor Zoo...Everybody Wants 2 Look at You, but Nobody Wants 2 Open Tha Door To Tha Cage.
U hear Tha Whispers...He's So Cool...So Beautiful...So Much Fun...But On Meet Your Favorite Animal Day, They Choose a Looney Peliican to Visit Just because His Uncle Toucan Sam And Some Rainbow Cereal has Become Tha New Breakfast Rage.
But Inside, I'm Thinking They Have One of They Flyest To Have Ever Lived Right in Front of Them, and They Don't Even Know it...After Seeing This Annual Fair after Fair, U Think is it time 2 Just Exit Left Stage.
Ur Not getting a Chance 2 Flap Ur Feathers...Tha Zookeeper Passes on Your Requests cuz You're a So Call "Nice Animal"...Why not Just Quit and Tear up A Life That Has Turned into an Edgar Allan Poe Page.

I'm a Lover at Heart and Lovers Need a Luv...Just Like A Shooter needs Tha Ball...Like A Nas Needs One Mic...Like a Celebrity Needs a London Sun Page 3 Camera Flash.
So When you don't get that...it Feels Like Something is Missing...Life is Ok, but not How You Think it can be...Folks cannot Comprehend That...You feel like Someone who's Wearing a Sexy LBD from Chanel but Sleeps Every night in Tha Dumpster Trash.
Every day 2 Wake up is a Drag Queen Dilemma...Should I put on My Makeup of a Smiliey Face, My Perfume of Positivity, and a Lady Gaga Outfit that says, 'I was Born This Way' and U Can Kiss My Black Johnny Cash!
People Tell u it's gonna be alright...Tha Timing has 2 Be Right...True...But let me ask, If U Felt like U Kept getting Teased and Flirted by Resentful Ex-Employees of Cupid, You Won't feel like Duncan and Kobe, U'll wonder if u won't Get a Ring like Stockton and Nash. 

I probably speak Way Too Real, On and Off Paper...But like I Say Tha Other Day If People or My Future Gurl is Gonna Luv Me...I Want Her 2 Want & Luv Tha Entire Me...From Head to Toe.
I quinch at Some of Tha Stories I share or Tha Opinions I have, wondering If That Gal hasn't Appeared...Or Hasn't Appeared and is Single...All This Could Push Her Away like I got Tha Bird Flu.
I want My Gurl to Have...Ugggh...It's too Early 2 Share my Views of Luv, but something Says Speak ur Heart on How U Want Tha Relationship to go between Susana, Susan, Susie (Hey Gurl!!) and Sue.
This Isn't what I had in Mind on this Formerly Morning of Cartoons, but I'm just gonna lay it all out here, Once and For All...On How I think True Luv Can Be...To some it looks Choppy with Rip Currents...But to me Those Waves are Make Tha Ocean a Beautiful Blue.

I'm Gangsta 2 Tha Bone...Let me say this first...I Write so much about Luv that it can Seem Like I'm a Cream Puff Marshmallow, Who Gets Poked with a Stick and Hovers over a Beach Fire.
Like...Not!!...I Can Spit Tha Hardest Rhymes From 2Pac or Cube or Dr. Dre...If My Boys or a Gurl I'm Cool with is Involved I ain't afraid 2 Throw Them Thangs...I've swung at Best Buds...I've Fought with God...And That Opponent gets no Higher.
I'm a Bad Boy with A...I hate...HATE When people Say I'm a Nice Guy...I Have a 'Midwestern Mentality' on Romance...U get Tha Best of Both Worlds, 2 Which why I'm Still getting Tossed in Single Washer is Way Beyond Any Dryer.
But I've Learned a lot...A Whole Lot...That I feel like I was and Am Being Prepared for that One Gal, U Know, Who Wishes They Has This, This and This in a Man...I'm not without Sin, but I feel Like a Complete Player...Like a '97 Version of Tiger.

I look at Gurls...Ugghh...Some Gurls are about Games and Take out Past Relationships or Sexual Abuse (Why put a Gurl through that.) on Guys...In a Way 2 Flip Tha Script.
But Tha Overwhelmingly...And Yes, I spelled that on One Try!...Majority of Females are Truly Special in How They Think, Carry Themselves, and Can Multi-Task For Them My Pen 3 Times a Week Dips.
I've never Had a Long Term Relationship Per Say, Not Going Peek-A-Boo on that Fact...But I'm always Been Around Females and Tha Hottest of Tha Hot Willingly Confide In me Wisdom and Private 'Gurls Only' Tips.
So u got Beautiful Girls Sharing How it is 2 Be a Gurl...And My Own Luv Life That Should Have Made me as A Guest on Dr. Phil and U See a Why I know That a Gurl wants a Guy who can Speak 2 Her Mind but Also not afraid 2 Pull out Tha Lucha Libre Masks and Whips!

Over All This Madness...Wait, I 4got about Tha Zen of Positivity...Relax...Breathe In...Breathe Out...And Simply Re-Write...Over All These Lessons Learned, we Know What I look For in a Relationship with Ms. Galaxy.
One, is I want My Gurl or Chica...Since so many Think I'm gonna End up with a Latina Beauty...To feel As Open and Comfortable Around Me.
I Hear Horror Stories...Hear Gurl Chatter, which well Gurls will Be Gurls...But an Ultimate Open Communication Line will Eliminate Problems That Can Arouse Nightly.
If U don't want 2 Eat Here...Tell me...U Not Satisfied Being on Top, and Want 2 Try being on Tha Bottom Tell Me...I want Our Gurl 2 Go Through Tha Day not Having 2 Worry, 'What if I ask Austin about This?'....

Hold up. Y'all just forgive me but this is a Super Important and Personal Stuff. So I'm gonna Leave Tha Poetic Form so we can get real.


Have to worry about, 'What if I Ask Austin This?' I want her to feel Super open Whether it's About Abortion, Meeting Her Parents, What food to Have at Tha Wedding...I feel like Nothing should be Off Limits. Sounds easier Said than Done, but Me and Many Others...When U've Gone through So much in Past Relationships or Have Seen others Play and You NOT Get in...It Prepares You so much. Cuz if,U Can Handle Not Going 2 Ur Prom or Having a Perfect Lunch with a Beach Beauty then Tha Next time U see Her, She Acts like She Doesn't know You...If u can Handle that, then a question like, 'Boo, I'm considering Quitting My Job?' Seems a Tad much easier to Deal With. It may seem fake, but Whoever takes a Monopoly Chance on Us, will See this is How I roll. It's not for All...Remember, just like My Homegurl Aaliyah says, I want a Luv that's 'One in a Million'. I may Hate Tha Process, Scream to Tha Skies "It's Not Fair!", Bang on my Ikea Table while Making Up Cuss Words that Woul Make even Kevin Hart Shake His Head...But if I gotta go through Nine Hundred, Ninty-Nine Thousand, Nine Hundred and Nintey-Nine Gurls to Get That ONE...I'll do it. I hope I won't have to, but I'm willing to. Straight up Homie!

Another aspect To Colt Tie with Open Convo is Honesty. Many guys think they are doing something when they lie to All These Chicks and They have Gurls all over doing these things for them, but sooner or Later Tha Kingdom Crumbles. I'm from Tha Old School, who's Been Around Cats who are as Real as a Sojourner Truth Dollar Bill. And They have Taught me This:

A Playa...Not talking About Tha Beach...but A 'Playa' Lies to Gurls to get what they want.
A Player...Is Honest With Gurls and Still Gets What He Wants.

Many Gurls...Since this is Tell All Saturday, might As Well keep it '100'...Many fellas lie to Gurls cuz they are Insecure themselves. Ok. If I tell this Chica, 'I'm not looking for a Relationship right now', that means I'm opening Tha Door for her 2 Date other Guys As Well. U Darn Right It Does!!! So it's ok for Us Guys to Date around, and Dip our Snickers Bar in Random Cartons of Ice Cream...But it's not Fair For Tha Gurl to Date Around and See if She Actually prefers Baby Ruth's or 100 Grand's. (Boy, this is Some Good Stuff!! Get Baby Ruth or 100 Grand!)  Skip that...

Be Real. I'm Am but Am Not Looking for a Relationship right now. I say that cuz, I'll gladly tell a Gurl I'm interested in Dating around. It's Called COURTING! Trying to find the Best Present Mate for A Future Luv. Does That Open Tha Door for a Gurl to Date Other Guys...YES!!! Heck, if U live Here in Miami, U know Gurls are Gonna Do that Whether They Tell U or Not!!! I've dropped off Gurls at Their Only to See them Hop Straight Into Their Car to Dip Out!! Ha ha! I ain't lying Dude and Dudettes...Whether U tell them or not, They will Do what They Wanna Do. Now...What a Gurl wants is a Guy who's Game is So Tight that While They are Out On their Other Dates, they can't Stop Thinking about You. So when Tha Chicken Kung Pao (Hi...Ya!!!)...I hope I didn't lose any of My Asian readers by saying that, but watching Hong Kong Phooey as a Kid I just couldn't Resist. 

But if ur game is tight...When she's out with Other guys she's Thinking...'All this is Cool, but when I'm with Sylvester, He Makes me Laugh'. Or 'This Date at Tha Forge is Great, but I'm not into These Simple Meals, Sly knows I'm just a Simple girl who doesn't care about Tha Floss and Bling' And That's When after her date ends, she immediately Calls...Or Texts you 2 see how Your Day Went. If u put it down right, and I'm not just talking about Tha Bedroom, cuz Making luv to a Girl's Mind and Soul Can be Sometimes Better than Making Luv to her Body, but if She feels Ur Swagg and Sees that Honesty She'll be Down for You No Matter What! Remember, Tha Person who cares less in a Relationship, is actually in Control of it. And My Ultimate version of 'Caring Less' is to be Ultra Honest, and Let Tha Gurl decide if Me and My lifestyle is A Good Fit for Her. To some it won't be...But to those Select Few...We're gonna have Tha Time of Our Lives!!

Last Thing. Another Promise I made to myself...Well two. One, I'm determined not to be a High Maintanence Boyfriend. Meaning Having a Gurl stress, 'OK. If I don't text him at 8pm on Tha Dot. Then  He's Gonna be all mad and blow my phone up like crazy.' Fudge That! Usually Tha Type if Gurls I date are Pretty busy themselves. It's tough to text or call sometimes when ur In Tha Middle of a Photo Shoot or a Business Conference Call. I've seen guys Blow up these Gurls Phones 10-20-30 times in a morning...Not day but actual Morning just because she didn't respond to a Text or whatever. It ain't that serious. A True Princess...A True One doesn't want Her Prince Sitting around Kayne All Day Thinking about her...She wants Him to have a Life...Him to be out there Working Hard so they Can Finally Go Out to Tha Movies instead of Just Netflix. I'm a Pretty busy guy and sometimes just don't give a Hoot about my Phone. I one of Tha Last Dinosaurs who actually Still turns Off His Phone. If I'm in Tha Middle of Meditation On My Future Success, Monetary Wealth and How I'm gonna Treat my Future Love, You will get Tha Vmail. I never answer calls or texts during my Workout Sessions. They are Ultra Tough plus out of this crazy life you Need At least ONE hour to yourself. Stop trying to Stress These Ladies...Tha More you Squeeze to hold On to them...They more they'll want 2 Leave.

Jealousy is A Whole Diary Post for Another Day...Not 2day...Let's See...Oh!!

Being Spontaneous is One of Tha Most Sexiest Things a Man can do for His Doll. From Being around Many...Many Ladies and Talking to them, one Things Gurls, Women and Transgenders like, but Won't so willingly admit to their Mate is a Realtionship based one Spontaneity. That could Be Flowers on a Non-Anniversary Day. I always say, Everybody can be Romantic on February 14th, but Tha True Romantics and Pro Lovers are also Romantic on Feb. 21st...Or Feb. 29th...Well Not Tha 29th cuz that Only comes around Once in a Blue Moon a Bottle...But u know What I mean. And even us Guys...We may Not be able to 'Afford it', even though we spent $400 on some shoes and Poppin' Bottles with Tha Fellas Last weekend, but Treat ur Gurl. 

EVERY Beautiful Woman wants to be taken out on Tha Town. 


My Grandpa, Who I loved...Once said that...

Any Woman that is REALLY Attractive and Beautiful...You're Gonna Have 2 Have Sex With Her. 

Cuz if she Has Men throwing themselves At Her, and Ur Not at Least...She'll find it Somewhere. A Gurl may Say, u don't have 2 have Sex with Me...Well, maybe Ur Not that Extremely Top Shelf Gurl we are Talking about. A Gurl knows when She's Really Beautiful. Besides Gurls talk about Sex more than guys anyway,...Once again. Another Topic. Another Day!

This is some Real Stuff Being Discussed 2day. I luv it!!! Somebody needs to say Something I guess. Take ur Gurl out. I hate 2 see Sexy Females waste away Tha Best Times of their Life Sitting at Home eating Frozen Dinners. True Love is a Sacrifice. That might meant cutting Tha NFL ticket on Ur Satellite so U can Spend Thst $40 on One Good Night out a Month. Or saving $10 a Month to buy a Dishwasher for Ur Crib cuz it finally hit you That it Doesn't make Any Sense for Ur Gurl to Go 2 Work, Take an Online Class, Cook Dinner and Have 2 Wash Tha Dishes. I'm learning time is Out for us Guys to be Shameful for who we are Dating. Well...She's Kinda this...or Looks Like That...Tha Heck with That...U Dating her, Right? Ur a Sleeping and Snooring Next to Her Right? When u Need $ For that New XBox, she's Tha First Person U Call Right??? Take Her...I try to keep this Censored, but I'm Ever So Pasdionate about this Issue...But...Take Her A-- Out!!! She deserves it. 

U have Gurls and Guys like me who Would Luv not 2 Have to go Through This Continual Process of Mr. Or Mrs. Right Now...Not Mr. And Mrs. Right and U have Somebody that Half Way sees life like You Do and You Don't Wanna Give her at Least One Smile a Week...U don't Want to Rub Her Feet after she Wore Tha Valentino Heels u Bought her, but they hurt her feet yet because U don't have an open relationship Where She Thinks U'll get mad if she tells u they hurt, she Continues to Rock 'Em with Crinkled Toes and Unbearable Pain...Or You been Dating A Gurl for Years and are Holding her Hostage on Whether to get Married or Not...Or Even Though You've been Piping this Gurl for 6 Months, U get an Attitude when She Asks U to Put up a #Selfie of U too on Instagram, cuz Now Everybody is Gonna See That 'Playa Pete' is finally Settling Down and U Wanna Hold Up Tha Playboy Cane For a Ever and Ever.

This 2015...Not 1994 or 5. There's no Shame in Falling in Luv. And Definitely no Shame in Holding Hands or Letting Tha World Know, "This is My Gurl. And She's Tha Most Beautiful Woman in Tha a World to Me." Ef what Other People Say. If God saw fit to put U Two Hearts together...Enjoy it my Friend. Others would Looove to be in that Situation.

That's it. I smell a Palm Beach trip Coming This Weekend. That's My Home away from Home. All this 'Real Talk' Writing and Just Tha Life I lived...I need a Getaway!! Ha ha! 

These are just my thoughts On How I view OUR relationship in Tha future. It's not My...It's Our. Just Like She is My Dream Come True...As I Am Hers. 

And Together We Create What Beyoncé and Frank a Ocean Sing About...

Not Only Tha Topic of Today's Post...But Possibly A Future Wedding Song...

We Create A...


And I would Have it No Other Way.

Luv and Fun...Always and Forever.


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