
Fin No Equal Worse...Fin May Equal Best!

Never before Have I felt So Anxious...I Can Taste What I Want.
U know When Ur So Close 2 This New Life...It's Exciting! Ain't Gonna Front.
Seemingly U have Survived Tha Ups and Downs...All Tha Crazy Stunts.
Just 2 Be in A Place Where Finally Things Fall into Place...Like a Pie Baked By Ur Aunt.

So My Birthday is Coming up...October 30th...Even Though Everyday is Like a B-Day 2 Me.
But...I've gotten Reflective Lately...This Lifestyle Part Intern...Part Celebrity.
It's Truly Amazing Tha Luv I get From People...Which Pushes Me 2 Keep a Going Unmistakenly.
When I feel Down, I think of How One Word of Encouragement Can Change a Frown Into a Smile So Gladly. 

Our Life is Filled With Blessings Galore, but I got many moments Where it Feels Like I'm Missing Out.
Knowing I got All Tha Tools 2 Be A Major a Force in This World...But Feeling like I'm so Unheard No Matter How Loud I Shout.
Our Luv Life, Which I'll get into in a New York Minute, has been Filled With Tha Most Sexiest of Tha Sexy...Yet It Used 2 Bring a Pout.
Why am I going Through This? This Gurl isn't real Either, C'Mon?! Going through Each Lesson and Paying Tha Price for Love...It can Leave Some Doubt.

Yet, I'll be in Tha Most Random of Places, and Somebody Will a Come up 2 Me...And Want 2 Talk bout Life, Their Job or My Style of Dress.
See, When U Got a Few Things, Whether Designer Clothes or Boo-Koo Money, it's Tha Smallest Things that Can Make a Worst Day Ever Turn Into Tha Best.
That's Why I Write...I Hate Talking Bout My So Called Failures, or Kisses Gone Bad or Striking Out on a Dream Job, but Perhaps Somebody Needs someone 2 Confess.
People are Afraid 2 Keep it Real or '100'...I ain't got Nothing 2 Lose, So I'll put Myself out here on Front Street if it means One Person Can Achieve Their Dreams or Have a Hand 2 Caress.

Just One...

With Me...And This Is Getting Deep...But it's All About 'Fun & Luv'...I keep saying it, but My Life Now isn't just About Tha Fame, or Money, Or a South Beach Mommy 2 Have Sex.
When I Bleed, Smiley Faces and Hearts Leak out..Cuz it's That Thrill of Life that I possess That Others May Find 2 Be So Complex.
That why I don't believe in...Oh I don't like saying this "A" word...but 'Age'...Cuz I'm a Kid to Tha Bone, Who is As Crazy as a Burrito Filled With Tha Finest Tex-Mex!
I have 2 share this cuz I know Somebody else is Down about Tha Length of Tha Journey, And how it Seems Forever for One person 2 Believe in You and Say...'You're Next'.

They Say...Life Sucks... Huh. That's Awesome! Which is Why She's My Babe. Cuz I've always Had A Thing For Gals Who were Hot yet a Tad Bit Nasty!
Jokes aside though, it is Torture, like Tha Jackson 5 Would Say...To Feel like Your Doing All You Can Do, and Nothing is Paying Off...Ur Eyes Get Glassy.
Everyone is Telling You it's gonna be ok...Love will Find You...Tha Perfect Job will Land in Hour Arms...But in Tha Midst of Tropical Storm Nevergonnagetit, U want 2 Tell folks 2 Kiss U Where it's Quite Ashey!
Cuz They have No Clue...They Got Their Hubby or Wifey...They just got offered a Job Without needing an Interview...Nobody Talks While They're Going Through only After Their Life is All Flashy.

As you are Chasing Your Dreams, You will Have Moments Where it Feels Ultra Alone...Every Door is Bolted Shut...And The Only Thing Left 2 Do is Basically Cry.
Nothing seems To motivate You...Some of Tha People u thought Were Cool and Partied With are No Longer In Ur Circle...It's Like God Has Truly Turned his Back on You 2 Die.
U begin To Retrace Every Move U Made from 7th Grade On...Quizzical on How Did Things Get So Difficult...I was just Chasing my Dreams, Attempting it Truthfully With No Lie.
I feel like I'm Tha Best...Ever...But nobody Sees My Vision...Nobody Wants it As Bad As I Do...And When I do Find a Someone Who Half Understands, they Only Get So Close, before They To, Up and Fly.

Honestly, SB Backwards aside, You totally Feel like Your on Punishment...People around U are Getting More by Doing Less, and U Are Wondering What Did I do 2 Deserve?
It's like Breaking up or Getting Dumped by Somebody in High School...Tha Relationship Was Emotional...Freaky...Sexting Each Other Until Tha Pictures Became Just a Early Morning Blur.
U Two Broke Up...You're at Tha Crib Wondering What U could Have Done Better...Borderline Considering Giving it Another Go...Cuz "We Have So Much History"...Don't let that Phrase Sink into Ur Core.
But while U on that Tip, Your 'Ex' is Now Dating Somebody like...Totally...Yeah!! Treating You like You were Nothing...A Flash in Tha Pan...Especially Since Tha Person of Choice Formerly Worked For Heidi Fleiss as a...

U Wonder Ok...They Did Me Wrong...They Cheated on Me...Broke My Heart...How is it Fair That They Get Somebody, and I'm in Tears Every Night cuz Our Love, Those Five Years wasn't a Fluke.
Seems Like Something is Fishy Here...Something devilish...Something Coming From Those Blue Monstars from Duke.
That's How it Feels When U Haven't or Feel like You have Not a Even Gotten a Chance...U Scratch Ur Head Considering How Much Miami Bass do I need in My System...Every night I read from Tha Epistle of Uncle Luke!
I've been At This Thang for So Long, Without a Bradley or Jennifer to Share their Silver Linings...Just Tha Thought of Me Having To be Patient One...More...Minute...Truly, like Tator Tots Mixed With Bad Ketchup...Makes me Want 2 Puke!

What I'm Seeing and Feeling as Tha Ultimate Benefit to being Tha Last Kid a Chosen 2 Be on Life's Dream Team...Is This Sense that You are...Fresh.
That's Literally and In a Hip Hop Slang Sense...I be Driving Down Here in Miami...And Let's all be Honest...Being a Driver Here in Tha 3-0-5 is a Flat out Mess.
I literally Have Meditation Class Every Single Time I get Behind Tha Wheel! Like Immediately after I get Cut Off...It's 'Breathe in...Breathe Out...' I promise U, I'm one Horn Honk away from Doing Tha Half Moon or Rabbit Yoga Poses on This Road a Test.
A Supposedly Five Minute Trip 2 Mickey D's or Whole Foods should Not Lead 2 A Hour Self-Convo with Yourself on How U Ended up in Miami...Why u didn't Use Ubër...Or if U need 2 Sleep with Someone a Who has a Private Driver who needs No Rest.

What I've been noticing...And Tha gods of Patience are Probably Doing this 2 Me until I get it right...But I'm constantly Behind Ultra...ULTRA Slow Drivers. It Drives Me Nutso!!
I can Handle Tha Conservative Attitude of Enjoying Miami's Beautiful Nature and Tha Scenery...Heck, Here in Sunset Harbor and Between Tha Sunset and This a Girl I saw I Dag Gone Made my Car go From Singular 2 Plural. (She was Hot Though...I mean...Those Legs...Ok, Back 2 Tha Story!)
But if u driving 30...In a 45...In Tha Left Far Lane...Not Cool...And I see Tha Middle Lane Flying Past Me in My Right, While My Face is Getting Spray Painted Sad like an Unofficial Art Basel Banksy Mural.
It's Outta Control, like Why are These People on Tha Road? Sometimes I can see they are having Problems physically being able 2 drive but...It adds 2 Tha Madness even Further.

I say this cuz My Thug Life 'Midwestern Upbringing' taught me That You Drive Like Your Personality...And That's Tha Truth, I truly Believe.
So I drive in a Rhythm...Sometimes I'm in Chill Mode...But I got a Bounce 2 How Burn Rubber When Tha Light Turns Green or In And Outta Traffic I Weave.
Just like real life...I Love 2 Dance (Salsa Anyone?!), So I like 2 Move my Body 2 a Beat...So after Work, it's tough 2 understand Why Others Don't drive With this Attitude of 'If You Dream, You CAN Achieve!'
But Others May not be As Fresh as Us (Literally and Figuratively!) Meaning....

Sometimes when you have had things for a long time or done the same routine over and over it can become a chore and a bore. You can get used to seeing your spouse naked, they still look good but you didn't even notice that she wearing your favorite color on her fingernails. (Almost Tha first thing i notice about a Woman.) Or Since you go Every Weekend to Tha Movies, sometimes it become Mundane. That's why I Beg for Couples not to get predictable, because that's When a Relationship and Friendships begin 2 go into a Rut. Spice it up...Don't go always To Tha Movies down in near Cutler Bay...One night Drive up 2 Aventura. Just a change of Scenery can make A World...(Cough, Cough!)...Should I Say...A Galaxy of Difference. This is Something I Pray for in My Homies and Definitely in Tha Gurls I hang around and Date. I'm spontaneous, so it may be a Tuesday, and I'll get in Tha Mood to jet up 2 Fort Laderdale or Boca Raton and Come Back. That's just me.

But a MAJOR reason why I'm like that is because although I feel like I've seen Any and Every thing...I have Not Done and Every Thing. I've done A LOT, but Not everything. So a Trip to Santa's Enchanted Forest or Whatever the Call that Christmas Thingy with Rides and Corn Dog stands here in Miami...For Some it may be Boring but I've never Gone. Then on Top of That, if Somebody says it's Boring, they may want 2 Reconsider because they Have Never Gone...With Me. And Right Now I'm at Ultimate Rich Boy-Fun Boy Level where u don't Know What may Pop off!! I'm wild Dude...But a Lotta Good Clean Fun. And U'll enjoy Urself too.

So that's why not getting to experience some things in life until later can be good. Tha process is Navy Seals Brutal...But While Others consider Life nothing more than Frozen TV Dinners and 5 days a Week watching Netflix...You still have that Curiosity as A Little Kid of just Going outside 2 Play. Talking 2 New People...Partying With People from Different Social Circles than You are Used to...Trying New Foods or Seeing a Concert of a Band of an entirely Different Genre than You are Used to. This one gal put me onto Tha music from Tha Band Passion Pit. I'm a Huge music person but I for some reason didn't know about them. Being Tha Last One Picked doesn't Equate to Being Tha Worst. Matter of Fact, I think it was Vanessa Williams who once sung...

"Save The Best For Last!"

Amen 2 That Dude!

It's tough having 2 wait, but We all...Me included have been prepared for our finest moments. It can seem Totally...I mean Totally Unfair, and No one may understand Your plight or What u go Through, but Sooner or Later, Everybody will see Tha Work That You have been Putting In, Inside YourLaboratory. And You Will one day Laugh at All You Went Through and How Now u realize That Each Moment...Each Rejection...Each Tear...Each 'No' was Worth it. 

Yep We Will All Laugh...All Tha While Becoming Living Proof That...

'He Who Laughs Last...Laughs Best!'


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