
"Snorting Lines of Ego"

So Much 2 Talk about 2day, I almost need to make me some Grape Kool-Aid!
Hope One day People will cherish these stories...They're Cash Free...With Me Getting no Pay.
I do this because Our life is...Well it's just Buck Wild...Not doing it so that Eye Can Get Laid.
Lessons Learned...Stories to Share...Nuthin' 2 Hold Back...I Got No Need 2 Be Afraid.

Let's Start PBS Then Go Cinemax...I took a trip down South Just to get away from tha Beach Air.
I'm looking for some like Biker or Compression shorts to go under my Swoosh Dri-Fits...This I shouldn't share.
They Got a Nike Outlet in Florida City...It's Quiet, and The Selection and Prices Really Have No Compare.
This Time around Though...I walked Out Empty Handed, I Got so Many Kicks...At Least 19 Unworn Pair.

But On My Way Back up North 2 Tha City, I stopped By This Goodwill Shop...I'm Always on Tha Hunt.
Vintage Shopping for Clothes, Music and Books is My Getaway...And I'm not even gonna Front.
Somethang Different Happened While I was in Tha Book section...Looking for a Book on 101 Ways 2 Stunt.
And This Young Man Came Over Too Me...I Was Cool and Didn't want to come off so Brunt.

This Young Man, had a Disability of Sort, and I don't even like to talk about it cuz I think we all are people at heart.
Just how he spoke, or barely spoke and kind of walked, u just kind of knew he was unique...And then he starts.
He said 'Hi', and began to touch my shoulder, usually I'm a flat out Snob of who grabs on me, but he was showing some Love in Part.
I responded...But he was just looking at me and staring at me, and began to come closer like a Magnet...I was Super Mario and He was Tha Kart.

Gonna be honest I Luv all 'types' of people, but I haven't had an encounter like this one...for a very, very long time.
Used to go to Nursing Homes to do volunteer work, but this was an eye opening event for my Ego, that needed some WD-40 shine.
So as Tha Gent was right in my personal space, he was pointing at my glasses like he wanted to take them to go off and do some Wine and Dine.
But tha Fendi's Come off For Nobody...Unless you are ready to Drop Tha Bass To Tha Floor like an old Alpine!

Told Him..."No...No"...And Tried To Continue with my search...eventually finding a book on the Wrestler Mankind and Tha Hoops Legend Pistol Pete.
Yet...Tha Gentleman left, and then made his way back over to us, almost putting his arm around me, like he did the first time...For this story u might need a seat.
Asking what time it was, as I could understand him sorta...I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, which he thought was so neat.
Cuz next thang I know it, my guy tried to gank my HTC One M8 outta my hand...To Do that While a Bookwork is in tha Literary section...and Impossible feat.

I told him 'No...No' and continued with my search...but this was something I didn't expect as I made just a Humbug Pit Stop.
A lot of people are attracted to me...Not talking just Sexually, but like I talk to Soooo Many Strangers...From Kids to Moms and Pops.
You have to be Patient, and Not get all 'I'm All That' with some people...Ur Blessed but that doesn't mean u downgrade others like a Stuck Up Cop.
Just because U can walk or sing or Got a little cash, doesn't mean u should look at others who walk with a limp or drool as aliens...Can't stand those Egotistical Drops.

Even Myself...I got some more stories too....But I'll be driving by and see somebody and a thought will enter, 'They're Poor.'
Like Stereotyping People just because they ain't rockin' Air Max's or Tha Newest Dress from Chanel, I'm like automatically have an Higher Human Score?
I've Calmed that down,  but thoughts I get trying to pump myself up...Horrible, that needs to hit tha door.
Cuz U can't believe everythang U see...Once I saw this basic dressed man pull out a Black Card on tha Hush...By His Looks u wouldn't think He Could Buy Tha Entire Store.

You know what I was gonna talk about This Sexy Woman Who I Met today, as She was another stranger, but I'll save That for later in tha Diary Cell.
Then I was Also gonna talk about this Love Episode from Last Night, that was All Too Perfect...Almost Can't Contain Myself Cuz It was Truly an Heavenly Fairy Tale.
Our life is Getting Very Juicy I tell Ya...But Today is about This Thang of Ego and Snobbery, which I deal with On Tha Dale.
Man I'm still thinking about this Date-Perhaps-Soon-To-Be Luv Story With this Angel...It's Worth tha Price cuz Tha Whole Episode Was from Above...From Heaven it Fell.

(Gotta Wait 2 Share it Though...)

Living in South Beach, Organizing Closets By Alphabets....And Being Able to Do Whatever You Want to do can Make U feel Like Tha Galaxy Revolves Around You.
It Does Though, Doesn't It?  Not quite...But What You've Had, Tha Gurls of Such Beauty, and Dream Jobs can Make U Think Ur Unbreakable like Gorilla Glue.
I Drive up to Stop Lights and Cars drop back to look at you, whether you're on Tha Vespa Scooter or Inside Tha Ride...Like I'm Being prepared for a Rock Star Life Brand New.
Sometimes I think, or I've learned that those privileges (Use that term lightly), at least has taught me that Material Thangs isn't what makes u tha hottest things since tha Bee Hive 'Do.

Miami is a City...And SoBe is tha ULTIMATE Neighborhood...Yes In CAPS...For Ego, Money and Sex.
We're Forever Young....We think our Mama's or Papa's Can Always save us whenever we're in a Money Strait...Once they do, it takes 2 weeks for us to return their text.
Drive Tha Hottest Cars, Have Tha Most Laid Out Beach Condos and Pads...And Will Take Selfie's Just because We're Gonna Be Voted Top 100 Next.
I Check Myself Out in Mirror, Car Windows, Butter Knives...Lifting Up My Shirt to see if My Abs need to be oiled down with some giant sticks of Carmex!

We Know We Look Good...Understand that an Indiana "9" is a South Beach "4" and realize that we have the Dream Life of Water and Beach Sun.
That Can Rub off on You Some, Cuz For a Guy like me Whose Ultra...And I Do Mean ULTRA Low Key for Our Lifestyle...U Think Is This How I Gotta Act To Get a Piece of tha Fun?
I Don't Put Up Pics on Social Media...YET...I see folks Posing and showing Hanes Briefs like they got tha Ultimate set of Buns.
Inside I wonder...I might be in better Shape than them...Rock Nuthin' but Armani Briefs...I'm getting tha short end of tha stick it seems...Feeling like a Male Nun.

Once U acquire a lot of wealth...In Clothes...and Prime Properties...Sooner or later You want more outta life...Today is just real talk.
I think that's one reason why God gave me those thangs and not a....How Should I put it...A 'Wifey' so 2 speak...is that I know What's Imperial in this 'Superstar Walk'.
Going through those trials of Dating, where 99%, and I do mean 99% of Gurls u meet like you, yet U end up with a crazy episode with that 1%...It's tough to digest like a Huge Un-Shucked Corn Stalk.
It's Humbling cuz You've always believed in Having Fun, Getting Tha Dream Career, and Making a Harvey Dent in Tha World...Why Haven't I Left a Huge Newborn Mark?

I heard tha Other day..."Nobody Gets Everythang"...Huh.  You never know what's going on Behind-Tha-Scenes of a Relationship or Job.
We're a Hyper Unique Guy...With a Super Intriguing Lifestyle...Almost like One Person is Gonna get Tha Chance at All This...And She's Gonna Think She's pulled a Heist at a Bank Rob.
Probably Vice Versa as Well...Just Tha Constant Steps That U feel You have to Go Through When Others get it So Easy, that gives u an Rolling of Tha Eyes and a Horizontal Head Nod.
These are Some of Tha Things I Go Through Everyday...Having a Salvation Army Heart While having a Luxury Lifestyle Straight Out of Tha Catalog of Tod's.

Where I Want to Be, and Am Going on this Space Odyssey, U find Tha Battle of Bringing Everybody or Just Those Who are Really Down.
Like Asking a Pretty Gurl Out To Tha Prom, That U Really Don't Care About, but just because it's better to Have this Curvy Eye Candy on Ur Arm, instead of walking in Alone With a Frown.
Sorta...Heck, I didn't even go to my Senior Prom, So I Don't know...Sure If I Hadda Went I Could've Had a Great Chance Of Pulling In Tha Prom King Crown.
Cool With Every Single Guy or Gurl in School...Life is Interesting...I rather Trade in That One Night Though, For My Life Now...Where I Get to Party If I want...All Year 'Round.

Guess Tha Message 2day is that...Don't Judge By Looks...Boy, I can Run Down Ocean Drive Cuz a Few Gurls Just ran Through My Head!
Also, Realize That Sometimes Ur Held Back From Some thangs So that You know How to Handle Tha Fame, Success and Money Better...Instead of Buying 10 Porsche's...You Buy One Ride at a Time Instead.
Knowing that Things are Just Things...I Luv My Burberry gear from tha Wallet to tha Polo, but that doesn't make me any better than somebody in tha Welfare line who may appear half dead.
And That's What God has done to me...Even it out...He knows What I Really want outta life...And in tha past he's held that as a "But You Don't Have...Dot, Dot, Dot"...Denial into Fun's Club Med.

See, tha worse thang for a guy of My Confidence and Ego is to withhold something that He thinks He is entitled to after Hard Work and Sacrificial Makes.
Why Do U Think Gurls in a Relationship Use Pussy...Ooops!  Use Sex as a Bait...Almost like a Reversal of a Kinky First Date.
Somethang Happens, Guy Has to Sleep on Tha Couch, or Tha Woman Rolls over Grumbling, 'I'm Not in Tha Mood Tonight'....I Thought This was Supposed to Be Your Soul or Luv Mate.
Women Know That Guys can Have All Tha Money, Career Fame or even Other Dames Tossing Themselves at them, but they know What Gets to their Heart...Those Hated Actions that Say...

'You Have To Wait.'

Cuz...A Guy like myself who thinks he's one of tha Ultimate Catches in Tha Universe...Can Feel like He's Playing Against Tha Game like on Tha Golf Course.
Job Doesn't Offer U That Job...Whatever...Gurl Who U Partied With, No Longer returns calls or texts...'Ish Happens...U know Ur at a Poker Table where few have tha guts to try at This Giant Grand Prize Purse.
Sometimes you think That Everythang Will Go Ur Way from Here on Out...While Other moments it seems like Bad Luck is Your Grandpapi and Life is a Never Ending Curse.
Yet You Keep Going realizing that You're Never Gonna Die...Your Soul Lives Forever...And U'll Never Hear tha Words...'Tha Last Time I Heard From Him He Was Inside of A Hearse.'

I'm at tha Ultimate Point in My Life...Won't say Prime cuz I always Keep getting Better and Better...But Where I Got Experience and Little Tread on Tha Tire.
Like Finding Tha Vintage 1967 Ferrari in Pristine Condition...Tha Year May Say One Thang, but Tha Ultra Low Mileage Means that It's a Rarity from tha Radio Down To Every Single Wire.
And As Some Give Up on Life, Or Get Bored With Their Boy or Girlfriends or Tha "Anythang Is Possible" Mantra...I Still Believe, like a Matchstick that has Yet to catch on Fire.
Have Energy...Places and Positions I've never been or Tried...So Whether It's a Job or Special Gurl or This TMZ Life...This Spaceship is reserved only for those who have enough fuel to go Higher and Higher.

Keep on Saying...That I'm Ready To Play...Cuz We Are!  Not afraid of anything cuz Once U've Gone through Certain Thangs and People...And Survived...What Or Who Can Stop You?
Just like tha Bulls in 1990 or Tha Lakers Back in 2008...I realize That If I didn't taste those "So Called" defeats, then I wouldn't Have My Swag so High and Be on a Mission 2 Do What I Gotta Do.
Lessons Help Mold My Soul, Mind and Body Perfectly...And This is Gonna Be at a Whole Nother Level that even Myself Could even Dream of...No More Ghosts saying 'Boo!'.
Today Was Another Step in This Game...I used to Wonder If I was on Tha Right Track...No More...U May Ask Why I Want To Take Over Tha Galaxy One Day...It's Simple...

Cuz I Want To!



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