
"I'll Take a Fun...With No Ice!"

Guess it's no better time 2 write, than this hour.
Working so much, our soul feel has felt like Pisa's Leaning Tower.
No Sleep...No Party...Just Work! Work! Work!...On Pure Will-Power.
Hoping that tha End results won't have me looking like a Overcooked Coward.

But...We're Back...And Better than Ever...I've survived every test.
Tha Ups and Downs of Life, wondering how come I've become Success' Greatest Pest.
U know...Tha One who keeps on a calling, and a Knocking...Silly like a Court's Jest.
Tha Guy Who Wants His Dream Gurl so Bad...Not knowing it's more 2 Her than her Sultry Breasts.

Maybe that's what I should discuss today...Tha Dream.  Tha Life.  And Tha Gurl.
I've Written more than Shakespeare and Iceburg Slim, it seems on those topics...But Let's Give this drink another twirl.
Huh...Tha Bar...Tha Bar...I likes...Let's Make it Open on This MLK Day...With Access 2 Tha Best in Tha World.
Vodka...Ciroc...King Louis...Everythang is 'On Tha House'...Amazing How 3 Simple Words can Make One's Toes Curl.

Oh...Galaxia!  What Have u Gotten Urself into...Always Grasping for something beyond Ur Reach.
Don't U Hate When Ur Dream Job has everybody going for it...How come when tha School of Hard Knocks has an opening...Nobody wants to teach??
Said it before...Seems like I'm Chasing this Lisa Turtle of a Life...And Although I rock Burberry and Armani...I Still feel like Screech!
Thinking that 'Luv and Fun' is tha Answer 2 all our problems...Wondering Why I feel to Empty Pews do I continually Preach.

I'm starting to feel this...

So on today, I pull up a Chair to tha Bar...Wondering What Can I sip, that I haven't already Sunk.
When I was a Younger Kid...I'm still one mind ya....I began slow...With some water or OJ...Maybe some Smirnoff so I wouldn't look like a Punk.
Today I have no idea what to partake in though...Getting Plastered on a Holiday is just too easy of a Slam Dunk!
Mean here in Miami we toss Parties for Heat Championships...those H-Canes that Swirl in tha sea...We even throw a Party for the Party, when Our Baby Sis finally skipped school 2 get Drunk!

But this Bar seems different...And for some reason I'm totally not in any type of Party Mood.
I used to come here so often to get my 'Fill 'Er Up' on....Today though I seem so Subdued.
Whenever I needed to get through a workout at tha Gym, I would get me a Bottle of that thang over there...
And to My Soul it would Ever so Soothe.
Tha Alcoholic beverage of 'Hate' can provide such a fire....One match 2 it can literally burn down every VIP booth.

Yeah...This was my spot and U see that over there...That's Where I Texted Every Gal I wanted to be my Gurlfriend.
More on tha Dames Later, but I'm just setting tha scene a tad, cuz their Heart they would never Lend.
A Few Days ago, I Came in and Solemnly Swore to tha Bartender Iam, that never again would My Heart so Far Bend.
Speaking of Which whose working behind tha Bar on today?  Yeah, it's early, but I want to get this Galaxy Party Jumping...Tha Way I feel now I may break All Seven Sins.

There's Lust, Greed, Envy...Huh...Envy...Amazing How many times I've stumbled here wondering 'Why Them and Not Me?'
I'm supposed to be one of the best ever...Instead of Unloading trucks, I should on my way to winning my 3rd Emmy!
Like Everyone is finding to be tha Lead Tonto, Doing there own thang...While I've been on tha side secretly building this seemingly nondescript Teepee.
Wondering How Come They are having so much fun Jamming to M.I.A. and French Montana...And I'm getting tha Dance of Rain...Like Times 3.

So I would just put on whatever clothes I have...Usually my Diesel watch, Limited Nike's and a Designer T...Probably One with tha face of Hilton Paris.
Spray on My Versace...Drop tha top on My Ride...And Come Here...Once tha Bouncer saw that I was rockin' my Happy Socks, they knew I was Serious!
But that Envy would get to me soooo much...They're on TV...They Got 3,000 Insta-Followers...Dude, I was about 2 go John Candy Delirious.
'They Can't Be That Much Better Than Me...Or Sexier...Or Have More Faith or Money, Can They?'...A Tear Face Icon with a bottle would appear when U Speak into Ur Iphone Siri and Simply speak about 'Us'.

Like All those Dreams of becoming something special, and those seasons of Sacrifice all thrown down tha Garrrr-baaage Disposal Chute.
Maybe I should've Ate Cake on My Birthday, or Went KFC instead of KGC on tha 7 Piece...I Mean All U Really Need for a Bangin' Body anyway is Simple...Some Loot.
Or When They Say Good Guys Finish Last or 'Never Date a Retail Gurl'...I Should've Listened...Should've Lived Life More Like Patch Up Jeans...Instead of a Nicely Tailored Hugo Boss Suit.
Everythang I tried Never Worked...And Boy it ate at me...Cuz for a Guy Who thinks He's a Mac...Having to Go through So Many Jobs and Apples...This I Just Could Not Compute.

So This Bar, U see...Was My Home...Away From Tha Maddness...Where I would Just Sit...Alone wondering What's Tha Crime for Wanting to Be Tha Best...Ever.
Should I Tame it down Some Like a 2 Chainz 'Big Booty' Gurl at tha Beach...Who Only wears a Onesie...Because Her Beauty is Every Man's Fantasy Endeavor.
It seemed like Wanting to Change Tha World became such a Battleship...I was in tha Low Dock, with Water Pulling In, and Me Pulling on Every Tony Robbins and Marie Forleo Lever.
Bloody 'A!  Why is this Happening To Me...Again?...Why is it that I have Hot Wheels of Lambo's, Ferrari's and Aston's...But My Engine Inside was getting soaked by this Never Ending Stormy Weather.

In This Hole-In-Tha Wall Joint Here, for tha last few months, Everyday I would utter..."Bartender, Make It A Double!"
I Would Toss them Back like a Bride Heave Hoeing Her Bouquet...Knowing Whoever Caught Me in this State Would get a Holy Matrimony full of Trouble.
But I didn't care...Cuz I needed to get away from my so-called 'Great Life'...Who cares about showering, or Cleaning My J's..Even My Pops told me to Trim up my Month's worth of Facial Stubble.
Seems like I wanted to see what it felt like on tha other side...Sloth and Pride...I was having fun on tha town with them...They were like my Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble.

Thinking About Who Can Make My Bedrock?  This Bar I couldn't understand, would have tha Sexiest Gurls I Had Ever Seen.
From Petite Thin...To Those of Tha Full-Figured Type...I Liked Them All...And It was like Everytime I would look up Another Gurl Had Walked Onto Tha Scene.
'Man...Look at her Abs'...Or 'Geeez...She Knows Sports Like That'...And they would Come 2 Me, and Chat me up, And I'm Thinking this Is about 2 Turn into a Jenna Jameson or a Debbie Does Dallas Scene.
Then She Would Mention Her Boyfriend This...Or Notice A Tiffany on Her Finger That...Followed By Me Excusing Myself 2 take a Leak on My Life, Cuz It's Like This Episode I have All Too Familiar Seen.

This Bar has so many memories...Where is tha Bartender?? I need a Fix...Yeah, My life has been filled with dreams of sexy knees on top of...and With Missionary Knees Kneeled Next 2 Tha Bed.
It's amazing how many times I have come to this Banjo where it's so many places I could be instead. 
I mean...I do live in South Beach, only like 50 leaps from tha sand, I walk out my back door 2 Fantasy Island and still wonder how come here is where my soul has Been Led.
Where Money is No Object...Where Stop Means Yield on tha streets...And When u Swear U Won't Do Something...Until That 'Sumthing' Has a Blinking Halo above an Angel reading...'Gorgeous Dead'.

I Have no Idea what's Going on with This 'Mixologist'...Whatever...Until He or She comes I'll Eat on these Peanuts...Which is symbolic of My Life's Zoo.
Borderline in tears when My Car Got a Dent...Wondering Why it takes 24 hours 2 return a Text...and Looking on in Disgust Whenever I heard a Cough or Sneeze...Shoot, I don't want no Flu!
Debating on Why HP Chromebooks only come in two colors...I Always Choose Gangsta Pink...But Tha One That matches my Showroom look is...Blue.
Sometimes U just wish u Could go tha way of tha Cow...With Everythang So Black and White...Waking Up to a Yank from a Cute Farm Gurl, and Only be expected 2 Chew Grass, and Utter tha words...'Moo!'

Boy, I just realized that I'm tha only one in this Bar right now...Crazy, Cuz this place used to be 'Tha Spot' like Studio 54 or even My College Dorm back in tha day...Where Tha Party Never used to Cease.
Tha Good Ol' Days where U knew where Ur Friday Nights were gonna Be, and When Tha DJ would Gladly put on that 'Bossy' joint by Kelis.
Where We Would Party All Night...Go To Work...Then Party Again...Not knowing that 2 years later...Some Would Marry, Have Shorties...And Tha Only way 2 find them is through Tha Facebook Police.
I'm Learning today, by this Bar's emptiness and shortage of Qualified Bartenders  (Cough, Cough) it seems, that life moves on...Guess I've should've known when outside I saw tha sign that read..."FOR LEASE."

Well, Since nobody is in here, I might has well...(Ba-Dump-Bump-Bump!)...Ooops!  I knocked over that stool...Anyways...Might as well come back here and pour myself a little dash since this is my last time.
I mean, seriously they need a Bar Rescue episode in here...Last time I felt like this was up near 68th and Collins where I pulled the Vespa up to Denny's only find a 'We're Permanently Closed' Xerox Sign.
Today in here hasn't been a Grand Slam, and I've probably reminisced 2 much like a Lumberjack with Cheddar Cheese, but I deserve at least one shot to this life all that encompasses Tha Climb.
All Tha Numbers that you have to Delete...All Tha Re-su-may's you have 2 send in...And All Tha Nights U lay in Tha Sack Wondering...Is It Me or Luv That Truly is Blind.

They Gotten Cheap with tha Liquor in here...I'm only Drinking and Eating...Mind You...Top Shelf...Oh, I'm Such a Freak...Always Will Be To Tha Bone.
Probably why Nobody gets me right...One moment it's tha gurls with tats...Next it's admitting so-called 'Plus Size' Models are Hot...And then admitting that Babs Bunny would be my Ultimate Bedroom Moan!
Where is this bott...I used to drink....My Go-to Drink is...There it is....I used to Sip on this 'til Birds began to tweet around my head...@drunkoffmydome.
(Gulp!  Gulp!  Gulp!)  Ahhh...Feels Good...No Shot Glass is even needed...Straight from Bottle...Let me Get some more...(Gulp! Gulp!...Hiccup!!)  Little Rusty...Been awhile since Julius C's been on top of Rome.

I Gotta Get Out Of Here...I'm never Coming Back to This Place...Now...A New Beginning.  Guess Everybody got tha Memo But Me...Now I'm Back in Tha Race.
Nobody's here, I should take me a few bottles Back to tha Beach Pad for Old Time's Sake...This Bar Helped Me...Now I think it's turned a Head of Disgrace.
No Bartender...No Waitresses...Almost looks like a crime scene from some SVU or CSI Murder Case.
With Time Comes Change...And I'm Glad I Stopped By to get some Closure...Heck, I got a feeling that I should Buy this Tinkerbox, and remodel tha Place.

Everythang is finally coming into place...and I'm gonna show Tha Galaxy that Ur Time will come if and only U Simply Wait.
Those days and nights of Sacrifice will soon come 2 Light...and No longer will you be in tha Miss Universe Pageant feeling you barely have tha support of your Home State.
It may take Years, or Seasons...But I promise you, You'll be better than ever...It's those Nights in that Bar of Cheers, that in which you are willing to pay tha price of tha Entrance Gate.
I'm Learning that there is a process to Ur Dreams...Whether in pursuing a Career...Or tha Crazy journey of finding Ur Soulmate.

This Bar, represented my old life...Past Friends, Crushes, and Thoughts of Undercard Match-ups, that You knew where preparing you for tha Big Prize Fight.
It's those Undercards that allowed U to hone your skills, know what you want and don't want...And realize that when Tha Clapper hits tha switch, it doesn't matter if Ur Boo is Black, Asian or White.
We Ready like never before...I don't know How, but there's no doubt that Our Life is about to Jump off and we're gonna Give All We Got...As This Spaceship is now in a Never Before Venture Orbit Flight.
Now my Favorite place is this New Lounge...Tha Name Alone is Classic...One That is Perfectly Named...

Outta Sight.

Austino Galaxia.

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