
"Last Stop: Jessie."

Oh Yes!...These last few days and moments have been nothing short of a Big Screen drama.
Today, I woke up a nose hair after Midnight, thinking about How Life Has been Hot as a Sauna.
Gurls Have come into our life...In such a way, that I haven't even had a chance to Tell My Mama.
Yet I don't feel like it's tha end...No...Just Tha Beginning...Not a Period....But More of a Comma.

You know...You can be on Ur 'A' Game and Still lose...That U Should know.
We Things don't go ur way, we can sometimes think or wonder, What U Didn't Bring 2 Tha Show.
Am I Not Attractive Enough...Should I dump this 'Nice Guy' Persona...With All That I Now Say...Enough!
Things Happen...U don't understand but...That's 2 Be Expected when ur try to Live Up in Tha Cloud Puffs.

I feel like writing This Friday Night, and I got a lot to share...It's just me and This Diary, I'm Sure.
Let's Go Back Three days...Although I must admit that I've already in a way closed That Door.
This Gurl May even One day read this, but I Gotta Speak from My Heart...Ever So Pure.
Interesting Life I Lead...Yes it is...Whenever I want this Kraziness 2 End...Life seems to give me...More.

So Tha Other night, I was at this place, we'll call it that...And outta nowhere I saw this Gurl Walk Towards Me.
She Looked awfully familiar...First Time I saw her she had on Glasses...Now she's was rockin' Contacts HD.
Inside I was thinking that She's Looks like a Woman...Body Has Gotten Curvier...Like them Actresses on Telemundo TV.
This Night, looking for gurls or love or whatever, was tha last thing on my mind...Yet this opportunity, seemingly I could not flee.

'I remember You'...was her response...Of course, I thought it's always nice for a Beauty to have a good remembrance of sort.
 And I told Her that I recalled Her as well...Which I did...From Where She Sat Where I first saw her, and Her sexy Cocaine White Top...Which Looked worthy of a Snort.
Above That I recall This Doll and myself just talking with one another...Almost Scary...Cuz Tha Flow was so unique, wish I had it saved on a USB Port.
Felt like we could talk forever...And ever...Wasn't Love-Love...But Cupid's Was Serving on This Amor Court.

This Evening, we stood there, and tha rhythm was tha same...As if it was only us two in tha Entire Back Room.
I asked her about her Shopaholic ways...She smiled and said, 'It's down to once a month now'...Which Is Great So Her Credit Cards Didn't Continue to Spit Out CNBC Documentary Doom.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would run into her again...NEVER...Forgot about her since it's been at least 6-7 months from our hearts going 'Varoom-Varoom!''
Now Her She is in my presence once again...And I was truly Thinking Friend...Then we'll Talk about Bride and Groom.

To Me This Gurl was really...really Cute...Reminded me of Salma Hayek in terms of Her Black Hair, Pretty Natural Face, and Lips That Could drive U Wild.
Like...She Had This Shyness about her that I like...A Lot...Her Lips would move in Slow Motion to form One of tha Most Amazing developments of a Smile.
Then Another Thang I liked about her was Her Look was Basic...No Chanel, or Louis Vuitton...Yet...I feel like She Has a Strong Sense of Style.
One Thang I Want in a Gurl is a Doll Who Cherishes Money...Like Can Handle Being Around Lost of it...Can Understand this is how we live, and not go Loco and Buy Louboutin's by tha Stockpiles.

After All This Finally Sunk in, I Thought...Have to find a way on tonight...Someway...Somehow.
Cuz Last Time she slipped through my fingers...and I was thinking about Why didn't I just ask her out?  A Great Story Play Missing Tha Final Bow.
But I had obligations on this night, and we might not be around each other again...I didn't know what to do Now.
I got called away to do something, and later she left with some folks....I said, 'I'll Be Watching You'...She Smiled...I Got Tha "Boom!"...But I need Tha "Boom-Boom-Pow!!"

As She Went Away To Do Her Thing With Some Peeps...All I Could Hear in My Hear was Michael Jackson's Song 'Can't Let Her Get Away'.
Every single word resonated in my soul...It's not often that I feel tha need to go after somebody....She was One Though I was Willing To Soft Toss Away Tha Rules...At least on This Day.
See Many of Beautiful Gurls, yet this one Had me like, tha Convos with Us Two is So Homo...2gether as at least friends would make me so Gay.
How Though can I put down what I'm doing, to match up with her before she leaves...Or This Thought area was becoming More than just a little Grey.

Seems like a Voice from Above was like, "Let Me Bring (Her Name) To You"...And indeed my days of chasing females can be represented by a White Flag.
No more tossing myself out there, telling sweet Ice Breaker Compliments on Heels, Pretty Smiles, or a Nice LV Bag.
If I meet somebody...Then Cool...And This night although I wanted to Go All In...Decided to just lay back a bit...Like I was on Tha Cover of a Pimpology 101 Mag.
But as I Heard she was about to leave...I was directed to at least test tha balls of fate...If I didn't My Soul would be at a Constant Nag.

So I walked over to where I 'thought' she might be headed out to...Still With Tha Thinking of If It's Meant to Be She'll be lead directly to Me on a Heart Magnet Attract.
I honestly was doing something on floor level, when some of tha people she was with walked by in small groups...No Nerves, still in tact.
Cool Like Whatever, and Her she comes out...I saw her, and next thang I know it, she comes over to me, and I think this is an actual agreement to my mental pact.
She asks me something, yet I Could feel that she wanted to stay and talk with me some more....She was smiling tha Slyest of a Pussycat.

I reach out my Hand to her, and said, "Well, Hopefully it won't be another year before I see ya", and she gave me this look...Sexy as if she was saying, "It doesn't Have 2 Be, If you want."
Then, I just was straight up with her, and motion to come closer, which she did, and I was Honest Sam..."Tha reason I remember everythang about u was because u were tha one who got away"...No Front.
She then looked me in tha eyes...Next I said, "If you didn't have a boyfriend, I would definitely approach you."...I was Cali-Green blunt!
She smiled and then began to walk away shyly but in no wise in a hurry...As her eyes were fixated on me, I asked..."U do have a boyfriend right." And Her response ooozed out like a bottle of Ketchup from Hunt's.

'No...I don't.'....And she replied that 'I don't want one'...Huh....This is getting good ain't it?!...Heard it all before, not gonna force Luv or Friendship on anybody.
So I ask her "If a guy wants to get to know you, then..." And she smiled and slowly began I believe with...'Well....', and a...'I'm gonna get in trouble'...Which threw me for a loop in this Convo Party.
Not sure if her parents or religion or Ex-Boyfriend drama didn't allow her to date anybody...Something was up, but I didn't want to give up...Not hardly.
She said that she could stop by this one place on 'tommorrrrow' with a tight lip, but I had sorta plans tha next day...Bad Timing like Ur Mouth Getting Socko put in ur mouth By Mick Foley.

I didn't have my phone on me...And I asked if she had her phone on her...She said...'Yeah..I'm going to be in trouble'..What did that mean?  Like she wasn't allowed to be with any guys.
That followed by me giving her my number and saying to call or whatnot...She said, in a by-tha-way fashion...'My Name is (Yada Yada).'...Bet...And She disappeared on Tha Sly.
We've been through crazy stuff, but never did I feel like a Fairy Tale was unfolding in front of my very eyes...Like Fate was Making Me to Utter...'My My My.'
Gurl U Once Admired, Comes around U Tha 2nd time, And Impossible Chance to Meet with Her turns into a Reality, She Keeps Coming To You...Heck Of A Night.

Now...In Saying All That...I Haven't Heard from Her.


Gonna Talk from our Heart now.

When it comes to Gurls and possible Luv Episodes...I Can't begin to describe what I go through on a daily basis.
I meet tha Coolest of Tha Cool...Tha Most Beautiful of Tha Most Beautiful...From Tha Most Bangin' Bodies to Tha Most Alluring Faces.
It's like My Life is a Movie That I Don't understand at times, as If Tha Director doesn't want me to hit tha Ending just yet, and Tha Plot gets getting Plastered like Three Coors Light Cases.
It Keeps me Up at night...'Why Am I Going Through This?' I've already paid my dues, and learned my lessons, Why is it so hard to find a Lady Friend Who's Cool and Hides No Aces.

I'm Not Thirsty....Fudge Naw!  Or Searching For Luv...It's just How Come God has used my Luv Life and Career...To be Tha Most Hardest Things for me to Not neccessarily Overcome...But To Make Me Humble.
Right When I Feel as if Something is about to breakthrough, I look in my hands and everythang that was so-called Perfectly Baked...Comes to a Hard Crumble.
I know so many cool people...sexy gurls...I attract tha Best of Tha Best...Yet Others don't have to go through a slither of tha things I have to endure...My spirit sometimes is in a Royal Rumble.
Should I tame down my lifestyle?  Does Prayer even work anymore?  Is Becoming Tha Best all of a Sudden a Sin?  Just a goofy kid who enjoys life, but I'm constantly getting stung by this stupid Bee of Bumble.

Today I was thinking in terms of How to Regather and push on, when things seem...Let's be honest, they really don't seem fair.
It's like, Ok...I'll Give You Hershel Backpacks, Tha Latest Kobe Nike's, and several pairs of Joe's...but what U really want...With you I don't really care.
That's Why I say...U really have to keep pushing and look within when U want that lifestyle of Ur Dreams to come true...Luv and Fun is such a hard to find pair.
U just get tired of tha games...of All Tha Fakeness...And just want to live...Tired of not knowing what or who to expect...Feel like each day I'm living my own episode of Nick's Double Dare.

It shouldn't be that way...I feel.

So Today, I'm really just trying to take Peace within and live...No Matter what...I'm gangsta to tha tee...Just my life keeps me up at night, like What Big Thing is Worth All This Pain?
Pain in Tha Sense of Having To Push...And Push...And Push...To Give Labor to A Baby That You Don't even know What it is...Now Tell Me That Ain't Such a Shame.
All Those moments where You feel alone, and nobody understands you...How You can Talk about Not Eating Ice Cream and Licking Ice Cream from a Gurl's Navel...All in Tha Same Frame!
Taking Everything That's Happening To Me as a Sign...That...

It's tough...And I'm Only Human, But this is Where we See if I want to become My Dream, and How Far am I willing to Go.
Yes, It's crazy after U get stupid rejection letters or gurls who U KNOW should be crawling up ur steps diss ya, But perhaps these are tha signs that say that Ur in tha right flow.
U wonder if all that occurs is to break you, or if Tha Laws of tha Universe doesn't want Sir Galaxia to Have his way...Like I'm fighting a Thousand years of 'No'.
To Keep Believing after all Tha 'Ish that I've been through is almost mind blowing itself...I should've Given Up or Even Erased Myself a Loooong Time Ago.

As I said before though...This is bigger than one person...I'm playing against tha Course...When Un-Explainable Things Occur...U must dig...Dig...And Dig.
Now I'm Content at knowing this is just tha steps that you must overcome...If U want tha Sexiest Doll, U Gonna Have to go through Years and Seasons of Tests on If Ur Gonna Flip Ur Wig.
This is When You Get Better...And Better...And Sexier...To Make Sure Tha Tha Winds of Life Cannot Deny You Any Longer...And You Add a "G-E-R" to That Phrase 'Dream Big'.
It's Motivation...It's Desire...And an Unstoppable Confidence That One Day They Will See...And That knowing That The Finest Life, MUST Endure Tha Toughest Forest With Tha Largest Trees of Figs.

We Say this Everyday...We are So Ready...And I Know This!  Cuz Tha I Understand Tha Road Has Molded Me in Every Single Way.
No Need To Be Angry With Lost Interviews, Friendships or Relationships with Gurls...Times I Think, 'Man She was Fine'...But All My Past Episodes Are Fine!  Ha ha! ...No Need to even write that or Simply Say.
Always Remember that Tha Cream Always Rises To tha Top, And Remember Tha Most Courageous of Ships Don't Just Sit Docked on Tha Bay.
No...they are in Tha Midst of Tha Sea of Storms...Fighting To Reach Their Destiny...And Will Go Through Any Rain, Or Toss and Turn...Just Because They Want Their Turn To Play.

Yes, U Can Be on Your Game, and Still Not Get Your "W" in Tha Win Column...If you Don't...All You Do Is Move On, and Come Back Better, so it won't happen again.
That might mean Shaving Everyday...Working Out at Eleven at Night when Everybody else is at Tha Club...Or It Could Be No More Sweating People Who Should Be Sweating You...Whatever it takes to Win.
Today That Meant Listening to Some Jordan and Black Mamba Post Game Interviews from Back in Tha Day...Study Tha Best and More Importantly...Study Their Zen.
Always Positive. Willing To Fight Til The End. Never Letting Their Emotions Get Tha Best of Them.  Not Taking Losses Personal. Possessing Egotistical Confidence Inside their Heart's Bin.

Yep...Thank You Jessica.  May Speak 2 You Again...May Not...Only Tha Heavens Above Know, but You've Help Me Reach another Level...Through Another Episode of Trial and Error.
My Life is Unique, and Isn't for everybody...Now I'm Completely on a Mission to Be This Historical Galaxy Comet Terror.
Know That I'm Gonna Get Everythang We've Dreamed Off...From Tha Stars To Tha Moon To Tha Gal Who Answer's Tha Riddle..."Of Them All Who is This Most Fairer?"
I understand what I'm Going After...And Now understand more Than Ever Tha Molding That It Takes To Get You Ready For 'Tha Life'...

And Even After All These Episodes...

Truly...I Do Mean Truly...

Tha Skies...

Couldn't Look More Clearer.

Sir Austino Galaxia.

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