
Rising From Fun's Grave.

For some Reason I need Kayne's 'Workout' to Be Tha Backdrop Right Now...So Let Me Hit...Play.
Everybody Who Knows Me...Understands that When It Comes 2 My Body, I Should Write A Book Called, 'Galaxia's Way'.
Counting Grams of Sugar in Trail Mix...Wondering How Much Sodium is in No Salt Added Veggies...Last Week I Asked Somebody In Spanish How Do You Say...'One Pimple Will Ruin My Day!'
Not Kidding...Once I Thought About Suing A Joint Cuz Tha Oil They Used To Cook Tha Grill Chicken, I Think Broke Me Out...Here in Miami, We Do Anythang For Drugs, Sex and Some Pay.

Am I Too South Beach For My Own Good?  My Homegurl asked Me Recently...Do I Check Myself Out in Any Mirror Whenever In Life's Monopoly You See a Collect $200 Pass.
My Response Was That I Check Myself Out Anywhere...From Car Windows...Butter Knives...Am I Tha Only One Who Looks at Themselves When Their Cell Phone is Hibernating...With All that Black Screen Jazz?!
I'm Not Egotistical...Noooooo...I've seen a Whole lot Worse, Believe You Me...Tha Other Day I Saw a Gurl Adjusting Her Bra like Very Openly, To Make Sure Her Cleavage Can Make Any Guy Worship Her Like Sunday Mass.
This is Just How It is Down Here in South Beach...Image is Everythang...I know Vegas Boy Andre Aggasi used To Say That Back in Tha Day...But That Here That's Tha Pedal To Tha Fame Gas.

Tonight I just Feel like Talking You Know...I'm A Weird Guy Who Seemingly is Always Talking About Tha Journey of Success, Patience and That Ill-Fated Topic of Love. (Yuk! Ha ha!)
Said Before That Our Life, and Definitely Luv Life Has Some Many Twists and Turns That I Think Prince Had Me in Mind When He Wrote That Song Thingy About 'Tears Crying From a Dove.'
I Was Laying In Bed Thinking About 3,600 Seconds Or So Ago...Should I Try To Revive Some Old Relationships and Give It Another Try...Like Cheers Reopening That NBC Pub.
Oh...I'm Starting To Feel This Already, it's About to be Real 2night...I'm Tha Only One Seemingly In This Game...But That's OK Cuz...I No Longer Get Tired...So I Don't Need No Timeout Or Sub.

Personally...And I Don't Think I Should Even Be Sharing This...But I Think I Have Tha Guinness Book Of World Records of Times I've Deleted a Number From A Phone of Mine.
It's Outrageous...And Probably Snobby on My Part, But I Move On Pretty Quickly Like a Black Cat Who's Ego Is Based On Tha Fact That He Has A Lives Numbering Nine.
One Time, I almost pulled a Tom Green In "Road Trip" Moment Where I Hear Tha Haunting Choir Moaning 'Aww...Aww...Aww...Awww...Awww!', as I March Another Number 2 This Digits Cemetery of Mine!
Leading Me To Understand That You Can Have a Perfect Night Going...But It's Amazing How Things Change After a Check After Tha Dine.

But Us Guys...Especially One Like Me Who Controls Which Stars Can Shine and Which Can Take Tha Night Off...Us Guys Always Want To Be in...Control.
Like...We Could Be Texting With a Gurl All Night...And Get Disappointed When Our Text is Tha Last One In Tha Convo...Hating To Play Tha Second Fiddle Role.
Got All This Money in Tha Chase and Fargo...And Women All Day Have Tried To Smack You And Feel on Your Butt, but Ur Kept Up At Night Wondering If Ur Breast and Thigh Meal When She's Holding Tha Slaw Cole.
Gurls know Which Buttons To Push, and How To Leave a Guy of Substance Hanging...We're Thinking if Tha Bouquet of Flowers Worked, When Tha Gal Already Has DM'd Her Friend...'Struck Gold!'

Being Us Is Pretty Cool...I Have My Moments, but I Get Hooked Up A Lot Here in Miami For Events, Concerts and Even Free Nights Into Tha Club.
I'm So Low Key About It, Cuz I'm not One For Bragging or Boasting...I Mean in My Fridge Now is A Chilled Out, Tall Bottle of Some Nice Bub.
So Tomorrow I Got Some Tix For This Kingsman:  The Secret Service Secret Viewing Premiere, and I Was thinking Who Should I Take?  A Pretty Cool Movie, before It's Released...And Without Paying a
Single Dub.
These are Truly Tha Times that I Wish Babs Bunny...Or Even Brittany From Tha Chipettes Were Available...Is it Too Freaky To Consider That My Ultimate Threesome in a Soaking Wet Hot Tub?!!

I Considered To Bring Out My Old Black Book, So To Speak...And Call Up A Few Gurls Who Had Personalities and Connections of 2 1/2 But Looks of Somebody Worthy of 4 Stars...On a Scale of Five.
As I Thought and saw Some Pics, I Thought...I just Can't Do it...I'm not Tha Same Person That I Once Was...If I Were Contact Them Now...My Whole Swagger Would Take a Huge Nose Dive.
I've Moved On From Them...And Now...Hold Up...Sorry I Had To Delete A Gurl's Contact #...But My Whole Swag Wouldn't Be Platinum or Grammy Worthy Like...That Davis of Clive.
Once U've Gone Through, at Least Me...Gone Through That Stage of Mortal Combat, it's Tough To Be Turned On like You Used To...Hearing Their Name Has U Questioning if Jimmy is Still even Alive?

(Only Tha Freaks Got That Last One! Wink!)

My Love Life, and I'm Writing a Lot About This Subject For Some Reason...I Feel Has Been in Step To Step To Step Scenes That God Has Designed in Co-Op With Tha Studio of MGM.
Honestly I Think That I Could Have Brad Pitt...Freakin' A if I Want Brad Pitt to play a Black Guy, It's My Story He Can Do It!!!...Anyways...Brad Pitt Could Do My Biopic Solely on My Luv Life and Never Run out of Film.
They Told Me Miss Columbia Won Miss Universe Last Night, but Out of tha Last Semi-Finalists...When Talking About Countries...I Personally Got Experience With 11 of Them!
Jamaica and Tha Philippians, I Haven't Hit...I Mean...Had An Episode With, but If I bring Me Some Jerk Chicken To That Pacquiao/Mayweather Fight In May...Sure I'll Cross That Off Tha List Too...Just on A Whim!!

Oh Man...That's Crazy!  But All These Episodes Have Help To Mold Me, and Realize What's Important and What is...Just like My Hood of South Beach...What's So Ultra Trendy.
Now, Don't Get Me Wrong By a Half Court Shot...I Still Like My Gurls With A Positive Attitude, A Sense of Humor, With A True Fashionista Style Who is Down With a Trip To Tha Goodwill First...Then Fendi.
I Can't Eat Fried Foods, Although I Once-In-A-Year Splurged on Tha Buffalo Chicken Pizza From Papa John's Last Week...But I Won't Give a Gurl Tha Boot if She Doesn't Want Whole Foods, and Prefers a Dash To Wendy's.
These Lessons Have Taught Me To Accept Different Personalities More Willingly...And Not Just Want A Doll Who Has A Body Of Coco or Nicki Minaj Mixed With Tha Royal Souls of Princess Di or Jackie O. Kennedy.

One Thing I Luv About Tha M.I.A. is That You Have So Many Different Countries and Cultures Here...Although Our Lifestyle Has Literally Been Around Tha Globe.
Paris...London...Norway area and Beyond...I still recall interacting with a Cool Gal Down in Australia...And Let Me Say, U Haven't Lived Until U Talk To Somebody At Work, While U Basically Just Got Up in Ur Robe!
I'm Not A Playboy...Or Are We??!!...But God has Brought Those Experiences To Us To teach Us, and to Test Our Will To See if We are Willing To Go Through WHATEVER AND WHOEVER To Hit Life's Dancefloor...Full of Lights of Strobe.
All Of Us Have Challenges...Many of Which We Wonder Why We...Of All People...Have 2 Go Through Them...But U Have To...Exercise Ur Ultimate Mental Strength When Ur Tests are being brought in by Tha Boat Load.

Gotta Say This and Then I'm Done...But Guys like Myself, and Gurls Who've Been Around But Not 'In' Tha Block, So To Speak...With Us It really, and I Do Mean Really...Takes a Lot To Impress.
I know There are Some Really Beautiful Ladies Who Don't Care if U Drive An Enzo or Has Access To A Private Jet...They Would Rather Enjoy Some Great Conversation Instead of U Coming Home Late With a Alice + Olivia Dress.
Which is Why Tha Dating Game Can Be So Rubik's Cube Complex, Cuz U Think, "I Tried That Before, and It Didn't Work, So This Time I Won't Wear Makeup or Even Shower Cuz I've Done More, And Yet Have Gotten...Less?"
So Thoughts Enter As With Me..."She Should Be Asking Me Out!" Or "I Only Date Gurls With Air Max's, Never Skechers"...Not Knowing That One More Push Aside of Your Pride...May Be Tha Sounding Horn for Cupid 2 Arrive...Oh That Little Pest.

So I'm Just Having an Open Mind...Not Looking for A Wifey, but Tha Coolest Peeps on Tha Planet, With Tha Understanding That No Matter How Good a Person Looks or How Tha Sex Was...U Can't Go Back.
Some People Think That Being Miserable With a 'In A Relationship' Status is Better Than Being Single, but That's Not True...Not if You Keep Your Confidence, Openness and Willingness To Grow In Tact.
Everybody isn't Gonna Like You, No Matter How Sexy Your Closet is, Or If You Have Better Abs Than Marky Mark...Rejections or Disappointments are just Getting U Ne-Yo 'Closer' To Your Big Payday Contract.
Continue To Be Yourself, Use Tha Fuel From Others Who Don't Think Ur Good Enough...And Let it Propel You to Higher Levels That Can Only Come From Not Dissed Letters...But 'Dissed' Stacks.

I Admit, I had a Moment Today Where I Flat Out Was Like, "Life Just Isn't Worth Living"...You Got This...Live In That...But No Job or Even...I Know Mom and Dad is Gonna Get on Me for Steady Using This Word...But Pussy Can Be Worth Tha Past and All It Has Entail.
Like NONE. Yet Immediately a Thought Took Us Back When We Used To Ask or Pray for Tha Best...If U Think U are Tha Best, Don't You Think Ur Gonna Have 2 Go Through Tha Toughest Seas To Sail.
When Tha Waves Are Seemingly Tossing U To and 'Fro, and Nobody Really...I Mean Really Understand What You Are Going Through, It Literally Feels Like No Matter What You Do, Perry Mason Will Never Come 2 Get You Out of This Jail.
Tha Hours Get Longer...Tha Responses To Text Messages or Voice Mails Seems Spice Girls Forever...With a Reunion Tour With 'Fun' Being as Unlikely as Tha Hare Losing Out To Tha Snail.

No Matter What...Keep Going...Keep Going...Keep Going...And Realize That It isn't One Swing, but Tha Accumulation of Many That Breaks Tha Rock That Gives Off Spring Water of Lure.
Sometimes There Isn't a Blueprint For Your Life, and U Can't Get Disappointed By That...Just Because U Don't Have a Single Muse...Grab Bits and Pieces From Tha Best...Yes!...That's Tha Cure.
This Will All Pass, and U'll One Day Look Back With a Huge Laugh Thinking How You Were Tha 'Galaxy's Best Kept Secret' and Now Everytime U Even Reach, Somebody is There 2 Push Open Tha Door.
My John Varvatos Suit Coat May Look Dirty From Tha Fight...But This isn't Over By Tha Long Shot...And If I Have To Go Through Hell and High Water To Get What I Want In This Life...

Then Tha Living Icon Miss Britney Spears Couldn't Have Said It Any Better...

Gimme More.

With Hugs and Kisses!

Become Tha Best.

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