

A Huge...I do mean HUGE smile is on my face right now...Cuz..."Tha Kid Has Returned To Tha Place Where It All Began!"  Oh Yeah...'I'm Back!' and better than ever!

September Tha 25th was the last time we wrote in this diary of ours, and boy has a lot of thangs changed since then.  I got a new showcase pad here in South Beach...Our Wardrobe has been remixed to a point where we always hoped it would be.  One of a Hollywood Star...And we have a new attitude realizing that this 'New Season' is gonna be ours without a doubt.  Today was a tough day, but as I recalled earlier today...When Our Childhood The Bulls won their first championship back in the 1990-91 season, they started 0-3.  They ended up winning the championship that year on their way to a 3-peat, and becoming the team of the 90s.  So this shall be good.

Oh...Boy!  So as I'm watching a little Sabado Gigante this Saturday Night, I'm really excited, cuz it's about to be on.  I'm so much better than I was even on yesterday, let alone back in 2014.  What a year that was huh?  I wrote so much about our life, I'm surprised I ain't got folks looking for me behind dumpsters!  But once again...this is a diary, and I feel a responsibility to be as honest as I can be.  Cuz in many ways, we all are going through somethang similar whether in regards to reaching our dreams, our jobs, or even Luv...Yikes!  Speaking of which...

Our Luv Life has been nothing short of Krazy!  I got so many new stories to share, and I'm letting it all rip.  Not in a "Kiss and Tell" type of way, but, tha stuff that happens to me in regards to women and gurls is wild man.  I'm still single per se,  but I'm enjoying myself.  Knowing even better how to appreciate a female...And knowing that no matter how tall she is, or how big her boobs are, or even what kind of car she drives, she's still a gurl that wants to be appreciated and respected...and treated like a wanted gurl.  2day I was...it was interesting...I was examining where height plays in a relationship.  Does it matter if a gurl is taller than a dude?  Reading up in this phrase "Amazon Woman" cuz I always wanted to know where that came from.  Tha Wonder Woman cartoon was based on that a little bit, but I wanted to know that scoop, and it was interesting to learn more about Women Warriors from ancient times.  Then also seeing videos of women who found luv no matter if they were 6 foot 7 inches...Or 8...Or even 11 inches tall.  They were happy, tha guys were happy, and it just further my theory on how yes, we all are tha same height when we lay in bed (Wink!)...And How if two people find that 'Magic' as Michael Jackson used to sing about, then race, backgrounds and even religion can fall to tha wayside.

Tha Kid Likes all types of gurls....All different shapes, sizes...Geeky....Sporty...Fashionista...No idea this diary was going this way, but just gonna let it write itself.  And I think that is sometimes tha problem with a guy or even a gurl like myself.  When U've seen Sooooo much, and not only that U see beauty in all types of people, it can be Muy Dificil to find people or somebody who also connect on that level.  I've always wondered why have I gone  through so many apples in my day.  When U reach a point where u see a name of a heeled shoe or somebody names any random country around tha Galaxy  and U smile because u know a gurl from there that U talked to, or Had an experience with it's a bit much.  (This 50s Sock Hop contest they got going on Sabado Gigante is out of control!  Folks are Cracking up laughing!  Ha ha!)  Perhaps...More than Perhaps...Guess we went through all that so I can write about it, and Have somethang to talk about.  And I'm gonna be open about it, cuz in my heart I feel like there isn't a more Eligible Bachelor around.  That's not bragging, it's just that I know that tha life we have is a treat...And tha Funny thang about it is...

We Haven't Even Gotten Started Yet!

And That's Scary...

But that changes on today, cuz today is when we really begin to just 'Live It Up'.   This Diary is gonna be somethang, and I'm writing in this like a Diary shall be written.  We're really gonna take whoever reads this on tha Ride of Our Lives.  There won't be anythang like this, anywhere...I promise U that!  Everythang is game for discussion as it occurs in our life.  Our life is like a Movie/TV Show so we're gonna treat this thang as such.  #Unedited...#UnFiltered..Just Galaxia 2 Tha Max!  We Used to write in Poem form, but we're gonna let tha Diary dictate what or how each post occurs.  Let it take a life of it's own.  And it's gonna be tha most beautiful writing that you'll ever read.  No Gwen Stefani in my mind about it...It will be.

Maybe I should make this diary about being single in South Beach, here in Miami Beach?  It's gonna be Krazy...

We're still just a kid who wants to Luv and Have Fun!  Real Quickly here...I've been hearing some great quotes about Success and How to Live...On Not Worrying about tha Consequences and Just Play...Or How There's No Escalator to Success...You have to go through it.  Let's be honest, last calendar year was tha worst year in my life really.  Many gurls I thought were kool, were trippin'...Whenever I applied to certain jobs that I KNOW I was qualified for, I got rejected surprisingly...Many people who I used to hang out or even party with moved away, and we no longer are on speaking terms...My Car got Hit...Had to Move from my apartment, and if I wasn't in tha midst of a possible legal issue, I would speak on that...My Gym Closed Down...My Work Schedule got Too Wacky and Unexciting...And I just felt like any other Spoiled Rich Brat would feel..."I've seen it all...I've been flirted with the best...I've written all I could write...And now I'm wondering why God has forgotten about me."  Real Talk.

It ain't fun when U feel like U're the Best in many areas...Yet are forced to watch from the sidelines.  And whenever u feel like ur in tha game or close to checking in, somethang always seems to come in at the 11th hour to show or make you think that you have a long way 2 go before Ur Calling or Destiny kicks in.  And That can be so depressing or disappointing (A Better Word) cuz to be honest it just.  Doesn't.  Seem.  Fair.

It's in those moments though, where a spirit develops.  One like, "This isn't gonna happen 2 me again."  And U become determine to be tha best out here, and the proof will be in tha pudding after it's all said and done.  You won't even have to tell somebody, 'I told you so' or 'You messed Up' cuz everythang will speak for itself.  Sometimes when U're Humbled, or When U Literally feel and see that everythang that you try...Every door that you open...Or Every Text U Give doesn't Get returned...It's in those moments where a sense of Determination and Focus develops...And That feeling can take you a mighty long way.

"I'm Ready."

In Every Sense of tha word...I'm ready...I'm ready...I'm ready.  And I'm gonna share every lesson...and any experiences to help somebody.  Cuz whenever I become famous, or well-known...or this Huge Star, I want to illustrate what happens when u believe and keep going.  Tha Past Diaries and tha Posts before this one were about tha Climb.  And in some ways what happens when u get really close...Now though...I'm at tha Ultimate Stage of where Everythang Has Changed.  And Everything is Brand New.  Which is Fun!!  A Blank State....Which is Rare Nowadays...Usually somebody of my stature (Oh, that's so Egotistical Ain't It?!!) would be Married, Or Have a Shorty Kid or Found Their Career by now...And I'm not knocking that lifestyle in any way, shape or form, but...This Life is just so...Ultra-Different.  And I've Been Forced To Start Anew...New Friends...New Workouts...New Diet...New Wardrobe...New Showroom Apartment...It's Krazy.

Our Life is Entertaining. And all I Can Say is 'Buckle Up!'  We're better than ever...And We Want This More than U Can Ever Know.  Words Cannot Begin To Describe...Yet, as I think about This 'First Post' of Tha New Galaxy...

Maybe it Can...

Maybe.  It.  Can.

We're In Tha Time Of Our Lives!
Austino Galaxia

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