
"I'm Going Pro!!"

I'm feeling mighty good this morning, may even write again tonight just because there is so much good stuff going on.

This morning I turned on Tha I Heart Radio App on my phone, and put it on the Boney James Radio station, who is one of my favorite Smooth Jazz and Musicians of mine...And they played a song by Richard Elliott feat. Rick Braun, a remake rendition of "People Make The World Go Round", and Boy did it get to me.  So much so, that I had to go to UTube to pull it up, just so that I could get my groove on again.  And this time there was a Live version of it.  Man...These dudes can blow!  Along with their backup band, they were 'In A Thing' so to speak...And Well...Check it Out for yourself by Clicking Below:

Richard Elliott and Rick Braun "People Make The World Go Round"

I used to play Alto Saxophone back in Junior High, and All throughout my High School Years.  Whoa!  Is that tha first time that I mentioned that in any of my diaries?!!  After all this crazy talk about Money, Fame and Females, this is tha first time I think that I talk about my Band Geek Days!  How Awesome is that!  I had fun, how could I not.  Got a Strong Luv of music, and it takes a lot of practice to master those notes for to be in Concert Band and to Be able to put together tha notes and steps 2gether for Marching Band is a whole 'nother level.  Lots...Lots...Lots of stories which I will share.  Real quick getting back to tha point though, so as I was watching this video, I was looking at Richard Elliott play his heart out, and all I could think about was...This Guy is a Professional, and This is How a Professional Plays.  How he held his notes...How he played his zebra sax with one hand...On one knee...It was great...Takes a Lot of practice, but this is what he does.  This is His Craft.  Which Lead me To tha Question...

Are You (Or Am I)  a Professional or An Amateur?

I ran across a girl who claimed to be a Professional Amazon...Welcome to My Life Huh?!  She's tall in stature, but is kind of...How can I put this...She's an Escort, who does things to guys like wrestles with them and all this kind of stuff, if they are willing to pay for it.  I feel an Iceberg Slim quote coming along where he says that "A Trick" is somebody who pays for something that another person can get for free.  So think about that when U go to tha Strip Club or what have you.  Ain't judging, but that's one reason why I don't frequent those joints, and I have been.  (Hope Moms and Pops ain't reading this!!)  But My ego is such where I can't give a chick money to take off her clothes, and give me a lapdance, and show me her breasts when I've had gurls do that type of stuff to me in tha past...FOR $ FREE. 99!  Just my ego, I guess...But on the streets we call that "Tricking."

So as somebody who has had an escort or as some would call a prostitute in tha passenger seat of my car (Maybe that's Why Tha Miami Metro Po-Po used to follow me driving through Little Havana?!) I can see where this chick was coming from, we all know about this Underworld and tha things guys and gurls are willing to pay for.  Sometimes these gurls and guys are really cool people, and just figure if they can make a buck off of what God has naturally given them than so be it.  That's why I really don't have a problem with my gurl or future gurl posing for like Playboy or Penthouse or what's tha other one...Can't think of it, but if somebody is willing to pay for you to take a few pictures, I mean it could be liberating.  Cuz if I look at your Instagram or Heck if your walking on tha sands here of South Beach in the middle of Summer you're basically naked anyway, so might as well get paid huh.  It's just tha Human Body...I'm very strong in terms of tha notion that "Mystery is Sexy" so u don't want your Gurl just pulling out her Nipple Rings at any and every House Party where they are playing Icona Pop's "I Love It"!  But I'm also Pro-Feminism (Is that A Real Term?)  Where a Gurl should be able to chose whatever she wants to do with her body, and have a mind in how she wants to portray what she wants to portray in terms of her image.  I don't believe in selling urself in terms of Sex, but a lot of....well, all gurls want to feel sexy in one way or another, and sometimes that Instagram Pic, that Magazine Spread, or That Thursday Night Strip Class at Tha Kitty Kat is tha only way she feels liberated in terms of feeling sensual and sexy.  Just because a Beautiful gurl is in a relationship doesn't mean her man makes her feel like she's Tha Most Beautiful Gurl in Tha World everyday.

In most cases, I think, guys lessen tha compliments and acts of flirtations once they are in a relationship.  Like us guys get used to tha cooking, tha Agent Provocateur Lingerie, and tha gurls doing our laundry that it becomes an expectation, instead of a treat.  I think that is one reason why I've gone through so many "Could Have Been's" over my life, to make me realize that Hey...U want a special gurl or group of gurls to be on your team, you need to realize what they go through on tha dale, how they want to be looked at as a woman who's not a Full-Time On Demand Freak, And be able to cherish any relationship that I'm in and do my best to make it work.  It's easy to get complacent or to get 'Comfortable' (Insert Lil Wayne Song Here), and show all our homeboys tha 'Sext' message and photo she just sent to you, all the while realizing that u didn't respond like, 'Ur Eyes match that thong' or send her a picture of yourself in return. If u want your gal to be on point, and dress sexy, and keep her body in check before and after pregnancy, then us guys should also hold a an accountability to ourself to do tha same.  And Guess what...

That's Tha Difference between...A Pro and An Amateur.

It's rare that share a text message in this diary, but I was so wound up after that Jazz Performance that we had to write this.  Breaking Bro Code but here's what we wrote:

'Um (I'm) looking at this jazz video of Richard Elliott and Rick Braun playing "People Make The World Go Round" Live...And It Got Me Thinking what Tha Word 'Professional' means.  That's Somebody who practices their craft and preforms their craft in a way that others cannot do or aren't willing to try to do.  So If you are a 'Pro' at something U put in tha hours and are willing to go through tha trials in tha pursuit of a Perfectionist that separates you from tha rest...'

That's really for me to remember.  I recall the Coach Phil Jackson when he was in charge of Tha LA Lakers saying something to then player Pau Gasol during a practice.  And Pau told Phil how tough it was to be on defense and to move over a pick, and to get from Point A to Point B off of this tough angle to stop the Offense.  And Phil's simple response was..."I know it isn't easy, but that's why we're Pros."  Which is a quintessential response from somebody who is in the pursuit of success.

In life u go through things that aren't easy.  And You question to yourself, "Why am I going through this?"...My Homeboy or Homegirl gets dumped by somebody and in less than two weeks in back in a relationship, where it's like I find only one worthy candidate once every three months, and when I do, they are seemingly in a relationship themselves. Or you watch TV Show or a Movie and see somebody you know on there (This just happened 2 me last night) and you wonder How are they making cameos on movies, where I got tha Talent, Will and Determination, yet nobody is noticing me.  Sometimes tha episodes you go through in life are preparing you to become a Professional at what you do.  You are learning tha fundamentals of Fun, True Love, How to Manage Money and Fame, that will allow your career to last longer than others.  That might mean you have to sacrifice a little Friday Night Fun so you can buy that new Chromebook at tha end of tha month...Or You might have to pass on Fuzzy Navel for one night because short term you want to be in tip-top physical shape, and Long Term you want to look and feel as Young as possible.  Every action has a Reaction.  Is That Newton or Einstein?  Right now, I want to be...At Tha Top of My Game so Bad, that I'm willing to do a lot of things others wouldn't dream about doing.

Luv and Fun is My Craft.  So Pros realize what is needed for them to be at their best.  And are willing to go through the 'Trial and Error' periods to realize their dream.  This is getting long, but whatever...I was watching the movie titled, 'The Jane Austen Book Club' which is an awesome movie, and they had a scene talking bout No Fears.  Now I feel like I got nothin' to lose on All Fronts, I'm going Harder than ever.  Others may look at You strange...May think you're Overdressed for a Lunch at Applebee's but you have to kick it up to that level where you leave no doubt.  Myself like Other Dreamers understand that there's always another level that you can go to.  And just because we live in this era where mediocrity is acceptable, doesn't mean we have to be a part of it.  Maybe that's why that T.I. and Iggy song is my anthem.

I understand what it takes, and I'm willing to swing this hammer on this Rock until it breaks.  I see it cracking, and I know that just one more 'hack' can make this thang break.  So even though ur tired of swinging...tired of tha games...tired of the rejection letters from Modeling agencies or Hollywood talent agencies...You have to take a strong intake of air...Breathe...and Give it One More Hack at That Rock...You see tha Cracks, and This might be tha Last Swing Needed to Set this thang Off.  Gotta Do it...No matter if people laugh at you...If nobody else sees your dreams...Or if You have to go to a New Year's Party alone...Have 2 Take That Hack...And it's not for anybody else, but you want it for you...You want it Bad...And you want this thang now...And you know one more important thang....

That's What Pro's Do.

Austino G.

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