
Life's Coma.


A Partial or Total Loss of Memory...Somethang Straight Outta Total Recall.
Sometimes Waking Up Out of A Coma, and Forgetting How 2 Walk or Even Ball.
Tha Blank Canvas of Starting From Tha Beginning...Not Tha Sprint But From Tha Crawl.
What U Have 2 Have When Suddenly Tha Engine In Ur New Ride Is Stuck in Tha Gear of Stall.

They Claim Tha Best Possess It...Going On Without Any Kind of Fear.
Pushing Through Their Limits, and Disappointments That Previously Went on Year after Year.
Smiling as If They are On Top of Tha World...Not Even Believing That They Just Oozed  a Tear.
Tha Thought Of "This is My Day", and Tha Fame and Luv Gods Will Shine Their Spotlight on Me With a Careful Steer.

We All Go Through It Right?  Having To Make Up Things To Keep Us Going?
I've Used Gurls, Long Days, or "Hate" Through Social Media...As Fuel...Even Though I Was All Knowing.
People just Don't Understand What U Need To Fly...Tha Flight 2 Success Sometimes Isn't Sponsored By Boeing.
Sometimes It Takes a Complete "White Out" in Your Mind...And U Have To Sniff It Out, Although Tha Black Ink Appears To Still Be Showing.

I Was Once Again Listening 2 Coach K of Duke Hoops Fame...And He Gave me This Word Which I Now Share.
Sometimes When Tha Numbers are't Good, Or People are Afraid 2 Take a "Lambeau Leap" Into Ur Arms, U Can't Show Any Fear.
Cuz Rain Has To Come Before Any Fruit Begins To Ripe...That Goes With Any Apple From Eve, Orange Julius, or Even Kardashian Pear!
Tha Days Seem like They Are All Tha Same...But U Have No Inkling That Ur Dream Is Staring Right At U Like Headlights Beaming Into a Deer.

So Why Not Let It All Out, Right?!  Whether That's In Terms of Fun, Party or a Disappointed Cuss?
Wondering Why This Battle Between Bad Yesterdays vs. Great Tomorrows, is Causing Such a Super Bowl Type Fuss.
Everythang Has Gone So Right in Tha Past Before, But This Next Step is Tha Pack of Gummy Worms Turning U Into a Sour Puss.
Thought U'd Never See This Day Coming...Almost Like Seeing Weezy F. and Baby at Odds...When We Know Tha Carter 5 is Gonna Sell 3 Million Plus.

Ohhh...But Isn't That Tha Swag of Ur Soul...When U Know What's Gonna Happen But Hate Tha Process of 'Wait' and 'No'.
That's What Makes U So Great In Tha First Place...When That Gurl Doesn't Return a Text, and U Brush Tha Dirt off Ur Shoulder Like Jigga and Softly Utter...'So'.
Or When We Go Drop Half Our Paycheck on Shepard's Pie at Tha Cheesecake Factory, Just Because We Want Our Date 2 See We Have Tha Dough.
Tha Swagger Which Tells A Gal, "U Look Better Without Makeup"...Understanding Anybody can Have Sex at Night, but Tha Best Kind is In Tha AM...When She Has that 'Morning Glow'.

Yeah...I'm Feeling This...Cuz I'm not Tha Only One Who Wants To Make a Marc on This World...And I'm Not Just Talking About Jacobs, Homie.
When U Want Something So Bad...U Have To Sometimes Take Yoga, Zen or Read Socrates, to Show This Casio Watch of Life, That For 24/7 I'm no Longer a Baby-G.
You Have To Motivate from Within, Grabbing Nugget That Can Get U Going...Even If That Means Watching Looney Tunes on TV.
Becoming Tha Chaser Instead of Tha Chased...Everybody Wants To Be Tha Road Runner But Real Dreamers Have Tha Never Give Up Mindset Of Wile E.

What Motivates Me?  Huh...When Moments Seem Like I Got It All...Money, Beach Pad and Possibly Even Looks.
It's That Wanting Of My Next Big Heist...U See...That's Tha Thirst Tha Resides of This "Fun and Luv"...Crook.
What's Been Going On, That I'm Finding Out is That When U Hit Tha Last Level of Sonic Tha Hedgehog...U Can Look all U Want But U Can't Find No Cheat Code In This Gamepro Book.
You Have To Go Through Tha Closets...Yet Something Happens As U Do...U Forgot About Tha Times It Went From...Who's That?...To That's Ms. Shields...To...What Up Brooke!


Huh.  It Just Hit Me...That Word is Two Fold if You Were To Break it down On Tha Hush.
It Could Mean Forgetting All Tha Pain and Disappointment...Standing All Night Looking For a White Tee, and B. Rabbit Comes Around, Only To Give U Some Bad Kush.
I Mean What's Worse Than That...Perhaps Being on Maury Povich Hearing a Chick Snap Her Fingers 3 Times, When Just 9 Months Ago She Was In a Hospital Bed Yelling..."Push...Push".
Regretting That You Even Went Out To Tha Club That Night...Now Understanding That Tha Process Goes...My Place...Who's Your Daddy...And You Shower AFTER You Flush.

Or That Word Can Mean, When You Forgot Who You Were...And Are Blinded When Nobody Wants to Follow On Twitter Yet Spongebob Square Has 2 Mil, And Homedude Doesn't Even Wear Pants?!
Not Understanding That It Isn't In Tha Numbers but in Tha Quality That Makes U Successful, and I know cuz My first Diary Had Mad Numbers Over In Asia and Japan.
But If U Know Me I'm not Afraid to Hit Tha Floor Alone...Cuz U Have 2 Hear Tha Beat of Your Own Drum...Which Is Why There Can Be 2 Chainz on Tha Mike, and Still I'm Doing My Carlton Banks Dance!
Knowing That Pictures Can Be Deceiving, Not Sweating Somebody U Liked Arm in Arm on Instagram...Yeah, Coral Gables Is Cool...But U Missed Out on A Future Wedding In France.

So Much Goes Around Us, That We Can Forget Tha Swag...Tha Kind That Helped U Pull That Gig, Begin Your Own Bid-ness or Survive a Lonely Nights Studying Science instead of Anatomy.
Get It...Moms Told Me A Grip Ago and I'm Not Tha Only One...Of How Some Of Tha Sex Opposite Want to Get With You, But U Seemed So Focused...Who Else Has Dreams of Living in tha Galaxy?!
Like When U See That Baby Doll Who Is Studying Law, Dresses like Fashion Week in NYC, And Tells Anybody That Her Dream Crush is With 'Hey-Zeus'...I See One...But How Can One Have All Three?
But I've Learned That You Should Want Nuthing But Tha Best on Your Team...There's No Such Thang As "Outta My League"...A Baggage Boy at a Airport Can Meet a Flawless Babe...Who Happens 2 Like Hockey.

I Want To Stop, and I usually Do...But Tonight I need to Push Cuz I know Others Feel That Tha Past is Too Much To Even Wonder Like Stevie.
Relationships Gone Sour...Those Who You Thought Were Cool, Now Got All Brand New Cuz They Got That Iphone 6...Got Me Shaking My Head Like When U Were Down, All U Did Was Text Me.
Putting in Tha Resume, Saying This is a Lock like 'Bron for MVP....Only Not To Get A Simple Interview...Now Wondering if U Should Be Like Everybody Else and Get a 'Brown Nose' Surgery.
Got Me Thinking Like Mike in '83...Wondering If This Is Tha Right Time To Bring Out My 'Moonwalk'...Knowing All Those Nights Not Admitting I Was One of Tha Best Was Committing Legal Perjury.

Others like Myself is Tired of Playing Games, All Tha Tid For That...If I Was at Tha Playboy Mansion I Would Be Asking, "Are We Gonna Kiss, Screw or What?"
Time is Out When It Comes To Mickey Mouse Stuff...My Boy @Frankielacayo Told Me Last Night...'Just Do It'...Take That Leap To Tha PGA Tour...Stop Hovering Around Folks Who Get Joy From Putt Putt.
That's Not A Knock...But Even Myself, Worry Why This Person Doesn't Like Me, Or How Can They Miss Out on This Opportunity...Not Realizing That Ur About 2 Drink Champagne...And That's a Different Lifestyle from Red Cups.
Don't Be Ashamed of Who You Are...Or What You Stand For...Even if That Means Saving Money Like It's Out of Style...Some May Want 2 Dress Like Him...But I'd Rather Have My Legacy in Tha Same Breath as King Tut.

Wondering as Myself, Why are Tha Best Always Untouchable...Either They Have a Boyfriend...A Hubby...Or As In tha M.I.A, they Seemingly are Gay.
Write This For Tha Singles Out There That Believe It's Not Even Worth It Anymore...Don't Have Any More Words In U Book of Pickup Lines Say.
Can't Sleep at Night Cuz You Wonder if Your are Once Again Gonna Be at Tha Singles Table...U Happy For Ur Homeboys or Homegirls, but Sometimes U just Hate A Wedding Day.
Keeping a Diary Which Reveals Ur Innermost Secrets When It Comes 2 Luv, Stories Nobody Should Share...Yet Tha Stories Look Good With or Without Ur Glasses...Should Call This Diary...Tina Fey.

Somebody Has To Say Somethang Though...No More Being Quiet on Topics That Are Affecting Us All...And I'm Determined To Make Sure I Do Everythang In My Power To Share...Tha Fire.
Which is Such a Scary Thought, Cuz I've Let Ego, Lack of 'Thank You's' and Jealousy of Those Who are on TV or Get Nightly 'Becky', Hold Me Back like a New Benzo With a Flat Tire.
You Can Never Reach Your Dreams...U Aren't Good Enough To Get That Gurl or Guy That You Like...Hold up...Those Previous 2 Lines Were From My Lost Audition For Jim Carrey's role in Liar Liar!
It's Amazing What You Can Do If You Just Take a Leap of Faith...I learned That around 5:30 am This Morning, When I Was on Sunset Drive, Looked Up and saw a Squirrel Scatter around a Pamela Anderson Barb Wire.

How Can This Thang Move So Fluid, Crossing Tha Street From Up Top...Balance Perfect...Almost Thinking About Marrying a Stripper Yet Knowing Nothing Can Separate Her From Her Pole.
Which is Exactly How This Little Rascal Ran Across Tha Electric Line...Not Fearing Death, but Understanding that He Has To Do Whatever it Takes To Get That Nutty Worthwhile Goal.
He Was All About Action, And No More Timidness Thinking About Tha Odds...There's Only So Many Nights You Can Fear Keeping Ur Eyes Close, Cuz if U Open them Santa is Gonna Strike You With Lumps of Coal.
No Matter How Many Hate On You...Become Jealous Of You...Keep Going, and Don't Quit...I Never Knew of Any Diamond That Didn't Go Through Tha Fire To Get Their Flawless Mold.

This Is Probably Too Much, Even Typically For Myself, but As People Ask My Opinion on Different Topics, I Just Want To Echo How I Party..."Get It, Get It...Don't Stop!"
Folks May Look at You Strange as a cast member in Little Women LA, Or as When My Boy Snoop Lion Was On Stage With A Hologram...Boy, Do I Miss...Tupac.
But As I Think About My Dream Life, and Even This Beautiful Blonde Hair Beauty I know....Everybody Asks "What is Tha Key?"...And Tonight I Finally Understand What You Have to Have So Every Dream U Can Cop.
Amnesia...Don't Let It Blind Ur Past Success...It's What You Have To Have In Order To Move On...I've Just Woken Up From Tha Worst Nightmare of My Life...I Would Tell You About It...

But Guess What...

I Already Forgot.


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