
"Tha Dreaded F-Word!"

Ain't even gonna Front 3 straight Days of Posts is a Lot Even For Tha Kid.
But Tha Editors That Be Demands We write 2day...An Auction With No Bid.
What shall We get Into 2day...Something Calm or A Topic that Will Flip Ur Lid!
Don't know what 2 Write about 2day...I'm totally Scratching My Wig.

Frustration. Yep, at its Deepest Art Form it can Hurt like A Fire Flame. 
U know it's gonna Surface but No matter What u Do it seems So Hard 2 Tame.
Friends Share their Grand Moments...Enemies Smiling So Bright...Inside UnFeel like Calling them Every-Which-A-Name.
Is it Jealousy? Envy? That makes it seem that Things Are Going So Insane.

When u Want Something So Bad and It Doesn't Come on Your Time...All 'Heck' Can Break Loose.
Go 2 Interview For That Perfect Job and They Send u that Rejection Email Basically Saying a Candidate Had More Juice.
Try 2 strike up a Conversation With a Hottie in the Grocery Store...She's Ignoring You Like All U Want 2 Do is To Touch Her Caboose.
U Feel So Close 2 Ur "Breakthrough" but Also So Far Away...Not Knowing what More Can You Do 2 Loosen This Noose.

I have Had My Share of Frustrating Moments...Some Out in Public Others Reserved For Close Doors.
Fussing and Making Up Cuss Words...U know u Mad When u Make Them Up! Wondering How Much Longer Must I Endure.
You Try 2 Stay Focus One Step at A Time but it's like Your Behind Everybody Else...The More Their Life Develops Tha More Your Life Seems Unsure.
U Stay Positive...Read Inspirational Quotes and Books...Pray...Meditate until U Become Knighted a Monk...But Still Nothing Seems 2 Be Tha Cure.

I had a Beyond Frustrated Period in my Life and it Had 2 do With Love...I know, When a Will tha Stories End.
Trust Me Homie I got Enough 2 Last At Least 3 Lifetimes...Ok...And Those are All Tha Clean ones...Not Tha Ones With Me Flirting With Sin!
But for a Period I was wondering What Tha MuthaFudge is Going On up in here? I'm a Joke...Somebody Pin Tha Tail on Tha Donkey while Over I will Bend.
It's no Fun when U try to be Yourself, Do Tha Best u can and Seeming No Matter What it's Like You Don't Win.

So Outta My Close Buddies, in All Honesty, I'm Tha Last One Standing without that Day of Something Borrowed, Something Blue.
As a Guy who Had Cupid Holding A Bouquet of Flowers in Tha Hospital Room Tha Day I was Born all This Celebration of Luv...I had No Clue.
To top it off I participated As a Groomsman in at Least Five of Them...Wondering if My Bridesmaid Partner is Gonna Be Hot...Then we can Split Tha cost of Tha Church For Wedding #2.
I was Happy For My guys and Their Mates but then Wondered What in Tha World Am I Going Back to?

We would fly Up North and Then Zip Back Down to Miami...New Attitude but the Weirdest of Stories I Pinkie Swear.
Once, I met this Amazingly Beautiful Brazilian looking Gurl...As I walked Down Tha Airplane Aisle and saw Her next 2 My Seat...All I thought was, 'Yes, Life is So Fair.'
I sat Down, nothing Major...But she slept the ENTIRE way home...And when She was Awake Not a Single Word Did She Share.
Strange...All Gurls like to Talk 2 me...Except this One I guess....Add another One 2 Tha List...In which u have 2 walk away like U don't care.

Then u had This Gurl who couldn't Hang Cuz She was getting Her Breasts enlarged...Another After a Lunch got scared Cuz I think she was Falling for me...Everyday Dude...Something New.
All Tha While You're on Facebook or Getting Text Messages...U just sit on Tha Bed like They Have No idea What I gotta Go Through.
To Have Tha Most Beautiful Gurls and Women around You and Like you...But always Picking Tha Wrong One...Oh Boy...Time Never Flew.
Everybody is working on Kids...While ur Still Dealing with Tha Virgin in a Brothel search For a Cool Babe...Every story I Share isn't made up But True.

Once Again I'm Not Thirsty or Sweating any Gurl...it's just Ultra Weird that Our Luv Life has taught Me Tha Toughest Lessons on Frustration...For real.
Matters of Tha Heart are tough For anybody on Tha Outside To Help U With Cuz They Really and Truly Don't Know how U Feel.
It was like Right when I had a Tough Episode with a Lady, I'll be walking here in South Beach and a a Couple Will be Making out in Front of Me...Like an Apple Scrapping off its Peel.
Like Life was Laughing at Me..."Don't You Wish You Were Like Them?!"...Motivation...Yes...It was like Being Broke and in Front of You on a String is a Dangling Dollar Bill.

One Thing that Helped me Overcome this Thang...Well a Few Thangs...I'll just Write whatever Comes To Mind.
First I began to Embrace my Feelings...No Longer Holding Them in...Letting them Out Knowing That These Lessons are Turning Us Into a Goldmine.
See Frustration Comes with Effort...So sometimes ur Frustrated cuz Of Tha Present Not Knowing That Something Better is Coming Along...Hardest Rain Before Brightest Sunshine.
Life Has a Way of Giving You what U Want and Need...U find a Lot of Pleasure Only if Ur Willing 2 Endure Through Tha Pain.

Forgive me, but I have to get down and dirty bout this subject. So just let me go...

It's like here in Miami, you can be running late and you see Tha Metrobus in your eyesight. It's jammed packed and right as you are trying to wave Homeboy, the Bus Driver to Stop and wait for you He Zooms Off. You become upset thinking about everything that may have held you up...Answering a Text from Your Mom...Switching from Burberry Polo to Ralph Lauren...Ur Mind replays all those Things. But then outta nowhere here comes another Bus...Same Route...Still on Time Sorta, but Now You have Tha Entire Bus to Yourself instead of Having to Maneuver Your way in a Crowed Bus...Playing a Mass Transit Game of Twister where Your Right Arm is On Tha Storage Bar and Your Left leg is Standing on a Bag of Canned Goya Beans! You were Frustrated you missed your initial want in Tha First Bus...but got Something Better and More Freeer in Tha Second one. Freeer is a Word?! Huh. Didn't know that. Guess A Sucka is Born Every Minute.

That has happened to me by Tha way!

So let's talk about Dating or Relationships. Has anybody but me like Wanted somebody and I'm not just talking about that cheesy, "I'll Drink Your Bathwater!" Type of Stuff. I'm talking about that if That Person Sneezes, I wipe Their Nose type of Want. Forget it, I'll raise my Hand. Living Tha Life in Miami and How Gurls Flirt with Me...As Robin Thicke and Skateboard P would say...There can Be Some "Blurrred Lines!" For Real.

So have u ever wanted somebody so bad...Gotten in Good with them So u thought...Then Have Things Not Work out...But Here's Tha Kicker after Tha 'No' or 'I don't Wanna Be With You Anymore' you look at them in a Different Light. And I'm not talking no 40 to 75 Watt Change...After Tha Hurt wears off Your Like Super Excited that u Didn't End up with Them Cuz They...

A) Just don't look good or hot to you anymore.
Or B) Somebody Tells you Some Gossip...I mean News on them where Outside you say, 'Really, huh.' But inside You're Kicking your feet up for Joy that you Didn't end up in that Situation with Disrespect or Them Letting Themselves go or A Racist Family Background.

As we say in Sports...

"Sometimes Tha Best Deals are Those that Aren't Made."

I recall this One time I had a Crush on this One Gurl. She was a Puerto Rican Beauty. Long Hair...Her Face reminded me A LOT of Jennifer Lopez...Her Style was So Trendy...A Galaxia type of Gurl...So I Thought. I asked this other Beautiful Woman...Which She Provided a WHOLE 'Nother Episode Involving Me....that's for another time...But I asked her about Baby J Lo. and she was like 'She's Immature'...'So Caught Up in Her Looks'...Basically telling me that She was just a little girl and Needs to get over herself. As we were talking on me driving on Tha way home I was disappointed that she was like that whenever I wasn't around. But being a True 'South Beach' boy with Tha Ego of I can Pull Anybody and She Looks Super Hot, we'll just Deal with Tha Personality Later...I was Thinking I got 2 Find out for Myself cuz She's ALWAYS Mad Cool With Me.  Scary Always.

So This Day came when I was like "Bunk This" I'm gotta get this Gurl. She Talks to me on Tha Real Tip...Flirts With Me...She's giving me all Tha Signs. So I said I was Gonna start small with a Bite to eat. I mean ALL Miami Gurls Luv 2 Eat Right?!! Why Certainly. Start Small and Then we'll Discuss Baby Names on Tha Second Date! 

So she had somebody talking to her so I had to do that 'I'm up to Something but Not Up to Something' pause before I Make a move on Operation: Beauty. Finally there was a break in Tha Action and I moved In S.W.A.T team style Not Caring Who was about to Hear what was about 2 Leave My Mouth...So I said...

Me: Hey, What's Up (Operation:Beauty)!

Operation: Beauty: Hey Austin! What's Up?!

Me: I got a quick question to ask.

Operation: Beauty: Ok.

Me: I'm gonna grab a bite to eat in a little bit. Do you wanna join me for Lunch?


Operation: Beauty: Ummm...Well, My Boyfriend is Picking Me up and...

No lie when she said that Both of Our Worlds just Froze! Like She didn't even finish the sentence...Both of us were just standing their Looking at Each other Like a MadTV skit where Tha Camera Keeps Zooming in on Tha Both of Us to see who's Gonna Blink First! Ha ha! That was Tha only time in my Very Adventurous Life that I know for a FACT That Time Stood Still. 

Crazy stuff. So I would see this same afterwards and I was cool with some of her friends at Tha time so I would be Laughing and Giggling it up with them And she would either Try to avoid us or Give that sly 'Ha-ha. Ha-ha' from Tha Leftout kid in High School that wasn't in on Tha joke. She did me wrong and she knew it. That's why she was dodging us and looking at us as an opportunity that slipped away. But Tha Funked up thing about it...I can say Funked up right?...Ok, what's messed up about it is that Even though I knew I didn't look at her Tha same, although when she wore a scarf...Man o Man...But I was Tha One Who Broke Tha Ice with her. Messed up ain't it. Gurl does us Wrong and I'm taking Tha High Road to Make Sure we're cool when I should Be a Total Snob and Arrogant Son of a Gun. So I told a joke, When am I not...She Laughed and Things were back to Sorta Normal.

But Later I heard some stuff about her from some very reliable sources and I was Totally happy I didn't get with her or even slept with her. One night of Fun ain't worth Tha Headaches, Tha Controlling Attitude, not having Gratitude over Gifts or things...I just don't lay it down for Anybody...Happy as Gomer Pile I slipped by that one.

And that's what I'm saying bout not letting Frustration get Tha Best of Us. If I can move on with Episode after Episode involving Love or Striving for Success and Goals...Anybody can. We...Or I used to get Frustrated cuz I was looking at Tha Present. "I'm never gonna meet a Gurl who has a body like hers and She loves Hoops Too! Aw Man!" or "I was so close 2 That Modeling Agency Gig, they are so Freakin' tough to get, I'll never get a shot like that again.' But who u want or that job ur Begging for may not be a perfect fit for you. And something and somebody better may come along. Your future mate could be over in France or in China. I can share some stories on my International Escapades as well! (Wink! Wink!) 

I'm looking at Tha Big Picture. I know what I want and Tha World is a Big Place. I figure if I gotta go through X amount of Bad Experiences, then with me and Knowing I'm Honoring this Game of Life then I'm due to Gave X amount of Good Experiences to come my way. I'm too good of a Player to be on Tha skid forever and so are you.

Relax and Enjoy Tha Ride! Our Best times are Ahead of us...

Trust me When I say...

This is a Ride None of Us Will ever Forget!

Believe it and It Shall Be!

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