
Out Tha Pen!


Yeah, that's a little sucker that I cannot stand.
Whenever u want that Dream Pizza, there he is Knocking over Ur Pan.
Reminding U of Tha Past, when nobody gave u a Second Thought or Glance.
Always whispering in Ur ear what U can't do...Never saying 'You Can.'

I'm probably Tha biggest Dreamer that has ever lived...Like a Children's Fairy Tale.
Constantly Believing that Anything Is Possible...Hoping in Success & Never Fail.
There have been So many moments When I thought I could Never tip Tha scales.
How come this isn't working...How can she NOT want me...Felt like I was unlawfully tossed into Life's Jail.


Has anyone ever been in prison? Feeling like life had u trapped by bars?
Wondering when I'll ever get out...As ur Homeboys are flossing their new cars.
Or when Ur guys send u pics of their Gurl...Whom they Luv...Despite Tha Tramp Stamps and Emotional Scars.
They having so much Fun, while ur force to wonder How to plan Ur Escape route...Digging up dirt by using Mason Jars.

It Such a Trial within...When u have that feeling of No matter How much u have, there is No Bail.
Prayers of Hope and Change are sent up...Only to find out that Dark Angels intercepted Tha Mail.
Why am I this position? Questions abound of Did I do something wrong in Eating Burgers over Kale?
Thinking about How Teachers lied to u, when they told not 2 adopt Tha ways of Tha Hare, but Tha Snail.

U look out ur window, and hear Tha horns honking, Tha music banging, everybody free as a Bird.
U can't sleep at night, pacing around ur cell, Wondering if Ur Great Lawyer is true 2 His Word.
Dreaming of Having sex with a Super Hottie...Knowing one day Ur gonna give her Diamonds and Pearls.
Just Tha thought of having a kid, and no longer being alone...Just Tha thought makes ur toes curl!

Doesn't seem fair and u look within deeper, U marking off ur Calendar is Tha Highlight of Tha Day.
So many Red X's filled up 2015...that Family Feud is probably gonna sue you for some pay.
Anger begins to boil, cuz this time last year u thought Tha same...Remain Patient and I'll have my way.
But here u are...Still in this "Thing"...Missing Meek Mill Disses...Missing Trump Dissing Mexicanos...And NBA Titles won by Tha Bay.

When ur in Jail u find out who ur Friends are...U go in with Many and End up With Very Few.
Funny how Everybody wants 2 be around Ya, when Tha Money is Flowing, and there Are Bottles of Brew.
I laugh just thinking bout some folks and how they used to be in my Party Crew.
Now, I never hear from them...They on Their Thang, Me on Mine...This was a result that I never Knew.

All I can do is lay on this Hard Bed...Thinking of Times Past and Where Did They go.
Every hot gal used 2 flirt with me hard, They disappeared making me Think they only Loved My Dough.
Nobody is gonna want me after this...I never knew a Vicki Secret Model marrying somebody with a Jailbird Glow.
There goes that 'Doubt' thing again...But how can I Think 'Yes' when all I see and Hear is...'No'.

They say all Tha great ones were Prisoned up...Ali, Mandela, Tyson and Of Course My Homeboy...2Pac.
He came out Blazing with that "California Luv", showing cats that A few minutes on "Tha Yard" ain't gonna make me stop.
I admire That swagger so much, cuz People forget about ya real quick, Thinking u lost a step or ur Swag on Tha streets Has lost it Pop.
They don't know that in here...U Find Urself Real Quick...Only Trusting Urself..Not Even These Pigs or Cops.

I had it so good I thought...My closet Was stacked like a Miami Heat Dancer carrying Books.
Armani, Burberry, Versace...I was like a Muse to these Fashion Houses...Had a Luxury yet Gangsta kind of Look.
Jordan's and Limited Edition Nike's took up so much Space that NASA considered me Tha Number One Oxygen Crook!
Now I'm in this Orange Jumpsuit cuz Orange is Tha New Black...Coco Chanel is turning over in her grave now, with her Head being 3 times over shook.

Then u got Tha Food...No comment...This is a Far cry from Whole Foods or Even a Publix store.
I'm used to my Oatmeal with some Texture, not All Runny like a Rainstorm Pour.
I beg Tha Security Guy for some Organic stuff...Bother him every time He passes by my Locked up Door.
He ignores me and continues on...Such a Doofus...Tha other day he couldn't even tell me Tha Cubs/Giants Score.

This is all u have to deal with...Arrogant Fuzz, Bad Food And Roaches who now are Sharing Tha Rent.
I've seen Bugs before, but this is ridiculous...Like Tha Cheerios Bee told tha Warden 2 open up Bug Alcatraz...and My cell All Were sent!
Mosquitoes, Nats, u name it's here... Doesn't make sense that I have 2 sleep with Tha covers over my head...Like some type of Boy Scout Tent.
I gotta get out of here real Soon...Like Life is Passing me by...Pheew! Off it went.

But although I've been Akon'd, nobody knows Tha work...See Minus Tha White Coat...This has been My Lab.
Everything has motivated me To when I do get out...I'm gonna be Tha Hottest thing on Tha scene...Gonna be So Rad.
Day and Night I've been taking notes...Talking to myself through Black Ink and White Pads.
I've been through it all Let me Tell Ya...So Strong that they gonna want 2 use my Brain for a Scan using CAD.

Perhaps this was Tha Best thing to happen 2 me...Too much Ego...Only thought Gurls were Toys...Now I wanna Be Tha Best.
I felt like I did Nuthing wrong to warrant this Prison Stint...Maybe this time away was nothing more than a test.
A chance to rest...Get my Mind, Body & Soul in Order so they Can feel my Presence from Coast East...To Coast West.
Now I know What True Sexiness is...I know How 2 Handle Fame & Money...How to be a Prince with Tha Joy of life as a Court Jest.

I'm getting hyped just thinking on it...'LET ME OUTTA HERE! LET ME OUTTA HERE'...It's worth a Try.
Man, just be able to hit that Dance Floor...I'm gonna get Buck when they play N*SYNC's "Bye...Bye...Bye!!"
That Day is coming soon, I feel it in Tha air, everything working in My Favor...Like an Eagle I too shall Fly.
Just 2 be able 2 walk up 2 that Mamacita and tell her...'Pardon me Miss Beautiful...But I'm gonna put u in My Will...Cuz if U Smile like that again...I might Just Die!"

Huh. No wonder I feel so good...Oh Shoot!! This is Tha Day I've officially past Every Single Hurdle.
My Bag is ready up by Security, One final look in This mirror here...Feel like Screech about 2 go out With Lisa Turtle.
Got so caught up that I forgot that 2day marks Tha Beginning of Tha Rest of My Royal life...Tossing off this Orange and Slipping on Tha Galaxia Purple.
See to you this is just an ordinary day...But I've wanted this Day 2 come for awhile now...

For on My Calendar of Dreams, this is Tha Day...I've always...Had...


With Luv.

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