
Tha Chant Of Success!

OMG! I've Erased Tha Start of This Post like 2 Times Already...About 2 Dose off in a Evening Nap.
But There Must be a Reason 2 Keep Coming Here, So We'll Honor Tha Writing Gods...And Plant Our Flag At This Camp.
Seems Like I'm Dancing Towards Something...Whether Salsa...Merengue...Or Tap.
Just Gonna Let Our Heart Flow How it Should...And Hopefully At Tha End...One Can Tip Their Cap.

"It's Not O-Ver!"...Clap-Clap...Clap Clap Clap!!..."It's Not O-Ver!"...Clap-Clap...Clap Clap Clap!!
This College Hoops Chant Runs Through My Head...Overcoming Any Mental Barriers That Indicate Lack.
Listen...It Ain't Over Just Yet...You Will Get Tha Last Laugh...Tha Opprtunity Will Cone 2 Get a Close Up of That Tramp Stamp.
Don't give In Just Yet 2 Tha Temptation of Giving Up...No Matter How it Seems Tha Oil of Confidence Seens 2 Run Dry In Ur Lamp.

Tha Week or Start of a Month or Year (Hate That Y Word)...Start of a New Experience, That's Better Can Have U Floating on Cloud 69.
With Your Tongue All Wet, Your Heart Beat Making U Drop 2 Your Knees, Finally Realizing You Are About 2 Partake in A Meal Nasty 2 Some, but in Ur Mind...So Fine.
High Hopes, With All This Energy From Pent Up Frustration...From Past Heartbreaks...From Tha 'You Are Starting 2 Get Fat' comments...All Tha Times Dutch Was a 'No No' & U had 2 Pay 2 Dine.
Finally You're  Gonna Show Tha World, Who You Are...A New Season...A New Outlook...After Being in Tha Shadows Now Life's Spotlight As Found U 2 Shine.

Then After Such a High...U Feel a Let Down...Like Its Never Gonna Change...That Crush is Never Gonna Respond 2 Ur Text...It's Just Gonna Be Just like It was Last...Gulp!...Year.
But it's Not Over...Just Yet...So I Don't Want Anybody 2 Feel like Hope is Gone...Luv Will Never Find Me...Don't Pour out Tha Chilled Champagne Bottle and Go Get a Six-Pack of Beer.
You WILL Still Get a Chance 2 Pop Tha Bubbly...In Celebration of New Friend, Tha Mate U Always Prayed and Hope For..lAnd That Door WILL Open To Tha New Exciting Career.
Don't Let One More Day of Patience Ruin A Lifetime of Preparation...Sometimes On Tha Road 2 Success it gets a Tad Foggy...But Tha Key is 2 Hold on Tight and Never Let Go Of Tha Steer.

I'm Probably Tha Most Patient, Yet Unpatient Person...Especially Nowadays...After Seasons of Unrest from Tha Struggle of Being Me...I Finally Feel Close 2 That Tunnel's Light.
So Every Moment, Each Ticking Second Seems Like Forever and a Day...Literally...I've Already Endured Crap For 10 Years, Why Must I Go Through Another Mysterious Night?
You Question Things like...Am I Good Enough? Did I Say Tha Right Things? Should I Had Tone Down My Personality like Loc? Instead of Being a 'Wild Thing' That Could Be Considered Crazy on Initial Sight.
You Look Around And It Seems Criminal For Striving 2 Look Good...It Feels Lonely For Feeling 'Foever Young'...U Feel as if U Were Born in Tha Wrong Era...Like Using a Gameboy on a Wi-Fi Only Flight.

Don't Let 'Tape Delayed' Blessings Change Who You Are...It May Seem Like Nobody Believes in You, But Sooner or Later Tha Water is Gonna Break.
It's like Having a Baby...U Have That Night or Day...Getting Ur Freak On...With Tha Lights On, Of Course...That Seed Is Planted in Tha Belly...And Now Tha Process Begins of Wait.
You Know it's Coming...Yes, U Have Labor Pains...Yes, it Feels So Awkward...Perhaps Even Yes, U Wonder if It was Worth it...But u just Grab Ur Peanut Butter and Pickles Sandwich And Look Ahead 2 That Special Date.
It Seems Abnormal, and Uncomfortable, But Tha Most Special Things in Life Initially Usually Arelly...I meant 2 Say 'Are' but That 'L-Y' Syllable was Sounding Good...Just a Roll With Me Mates.

I know With My Luv Life, Here We Go Again Right...U Bloody Right Here We Go Again! I'm Write about This Thang Until Pigs Fly...U Best Believe!
I Would Compare Myself...Like it Would...Lets just be Real 2night and Blame it on My Drowsy...It Would Flat Out Suck 2 See Other People Happy While Inside I Bleed.
If Life was So Grand...If God was So Good...If Fred Loved Wilma So...Then Why Do Other People get a Shot at True Luv, While I'm Forced 2 Shake a Burger King Cup For Change on Luv's Corner like A Hopeless Romantic in Need. (I need 2 Copyright That One!!)
How Come I have 2 Go Through This Gurl...That Gurl...This IMG Model...This Foreign Exchange Student...For a Chance, While Others Who u know Haven't Paid Ur Price Hop In-N-Out of Relationships like a Double-Double With No Onions or Sesame Seeds.

When People Give U Grand Compliments...'Ur So Nice!'...'You Really Beautiful or Handsome'...'You're Tha Coolest Person I know!'...That's When Rejection Stings More than An Ali Bumble Bee.
Cuz u Think, if I'm What These Reliable Sources Are Telling me I Am, Then Why am I Going Through This...For So Long Particularly...It Seems Criminal in Just Being Me.
I Can Be a Jerk Just 2 Get Laid, but That's Not Me...I Can Dress Less Intimidating, But That's Uncomfortable and Not Me...Nuthing Seems 2 Work like a High Ratings Yet Cancelled TV Show on NBC.
U Go Home Realizing You've Run Outta Drawing Boards...Now Ur Jotting on Arby's Napkins and On Tha Side of Empty Eggo Waffles Boxes...Hoping This Light Inside, Tha Right Person Can See.

In Order To be Successful and Sexy...That Would Be a Great Women's Boutique Name BTW...You Have To Tune Out Tha Noise...Even if It's Sometimes Good.
Tha Rap Group Public Enemy Once Had a Song Called 'Don't Believe Tha Hype!'...And on Those Words U Must Endure.
People Look At U Strange When Ur Not Married By 30...Or When u Say U Don't Have Kids They Look at U like U Just Caught Tha Coodies...On Certain Principles U've Stood.
Ur Not Gonna Settle For Less Than Tha Best Just For GrandPapi's Sake...Cuz In Tha Long RunUr Tha One Who has 2 Live With Those Decisions Anyway...U Don't wanna Go Looney Like Elmer Fudd.

In Order 2 Have Tha Best U Have 2 Go Through Some Stuff...You have 2 Make a Commitment Either I'm Willing To Endure Tha Rain or I'm just Gonna Soak in Sorrow.
Once again In Terms of Luv...Everybody May Not Want What U Want...So That's Why It May Take U Longer 2 Find One Genuine Relationship That Leads 2 That Day of Something Blue and Borrowed.
Some Folks Want Company...Some Want a Sex Toy...Some Just Want Somebody So They Can Just Tell Their Friends They Got a Somebody...Just like Sports All Players Aren't their For Tha Luv...Some Can Care Less if They Win or Lose Tomorrow.
But You Can't Get Frustrated When You're Playing at a Major League Level and Seeing Minor League Results...Because Those Lessons of Not Giving Up and Perfecting Ur Craft Will Eventually Lead 2 When Everyday Feels like a Christmas Carol.

I'm Getting 2 Personal Here...But When I got on my knees As A 15 Year Young Boy and asked For 'Tha Most Beautiful Gurl in Tha World'...Seems Easy, Seems Innocent, But There's A lot Behind That.
In A Lotta Ways That Means Your Gonna Have 2 Face A Lot of Things Others Won't...U might Have 2 Go Through Every Rung of Tha Ladder of Preparation For A Gal That is So Whack.
So When You Are in an Episode and Everything is Perfect and Then Stops...Your Still on Tha Right Track...Remember U Wanted Tha Best, So Heartbreak is Part of Tha Process of Withstanding Odds So Stack.
Like My Gurl Aaliyah Sung...'Your Luv is One in A Million'...We Sing These Songs but How Many are Willing 2 Go Through 999,999 Wrong People 2 Get That ONE Special One...Somebody a Who Truly Has Ur Back.

I Embrass Myself Talking Bout Dating and Luv and Tha Climb 2 Reaching Ur Dreams cuz If U Stay Focus Through Tha SB Backwards, Through Tha 'Fake People'...U Will Get What U Deserve.
Look at My Homeboy Leo DiCaprio...All Those Great Roles and He just Now Won an Academy Award...Will Smith Still Doesn't Have One...But Through Endurance of Rejection There's a Calming of Tha Nerves.
You Start 2 Care Less What Others Think about U and What U Do Cuz U realize That They Haven't and Really and Truly Couldn't Survive Half What U've Been Through...In My Soul I Can Sense a Stir.
U Start To Be More Honest...When It Comes 2 Luv and Life Ur More Open Cuz Ur Like...Mom and Dad Turn Ur Head...But Ur Like WTF, Withholding My Standards Ain't Working, So I May as Well Be Totally Up Front and See if They Can Handle Me Straight Up Pure.

And Tha Right Person and People Will...Listen...I've Been Liked By a Lot of People...But When It gets Tough or When They Found Their 'Dream Luv' That About Theirs and Leave U In Tha Cold.
U Go Home Thinking Dang...I Used 2 Party With Such and Such...Or I recall Holding Hands With This Chick and Her saying, 'I'll never Leave You'...But They Left You Licking An Empty Bowl.
U Turn On Tha Book of Face or Look At That Little Aqua Birdie that Tweets and See Pics of Them Living it Up...Newspaper Articles of Their Success and U like, 'Life Just ain't Fair Dude'...My Energy They Stole.
But Believe Half What U See, and None What U Hear...Don't Let Roaming Eyes and False Illusions of Happiness Deter You For Tha Happiness and Success That is Destined 2 Come Ur Way...Their Story Might Be in Pencil, While Ur Is Being Written Underlined, Italics and in Ultra Bold

It's About 2 Be On, I Can Feel it in My Bones...Don't know How, or With Who but I know I'm On Tha Final Lap.
Just Be You...If Ur True 2 Urself, Life Will Respond...Through Unseen Doors Opening Up...Through That Luv U Never Knew Existed...Nuthing Can Stop You...Tha Great Ones Always Adapt.
Yes, Ur Life Doesn't Seem Destined For a Storybook Ending But It Will, I Promise You...Just Hold On a Smidget Longer and Those Eagle Wings You Will Soon Be Able 2 Flap.
Even Today, I Wonder If This Life I Dream of 'Luv and Fun' Will Ever Happen...It Will...And It Has...

And Even Though a Tear is Now Forming in My Eye...

I Can Clearly Hear That Gonzaga Bulldogs Student Body Chanting in My Ear...




Luv Always Wins My Friends...Always!

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