
Soy Yo.

It's 3:15 am in Tha Morning, Tha great Ones Always Work While Others Sleep.
My Body Feels So Fresh Right Now, This Run 2 a Championship I Can Complete.
Thoughts Running Through Our Soul, At A Rapid Pace like a Heartbeat.
I Feel like I'm Leaving No Stone Unturned 2 Be My Best...2 Get That Hall of Fame Seat.

It's easy 2 Feel Frustrated...U Have it All, but There Are a Few Things U Would Like.
People 2 See That Ur Just a Kid Who wants 2 Have Fun, Who also Wants 2 See His Name in Lights.
I've Been Knocking at This Door For So Long...Oh Yeah, it Feels Like Moses and An Egyptian Plight.
Now I'm Turning My Shoulder 2 Bust This Thing Down, Tha Greatest Asset of Mine is My Fight.

It's Crazy How My Life Has Turned, Many Days I Wonder if Folks Can Even Stand Me.
Bank of Money, Tha Most Beautiful Of Ladies Like Me, Reside Steps From Tha Beach of Miami.
Our Life is 'Luv Me or Hate Me', With No In between...My Mind Cares Less Cuz 2 Be a Star This U Shall Be.
I'm So Focused, So Motivated Of Being Looked Over and Disrespected...From Silly Minded Gurls, Jobs, How Can They Not See.

It's like if U Strive Be Average That's Truly Ok...Refusing 2 Eat White Bread is Considered a Crime.
Choosing Rest over Party...Oatmeal over Cake...Being Patient Passing Good Sex With a Nickel for Great Sex With a Dime.
I'm A 360 Degree Guy...I like Pop Culture, Warhol Pop Art...Heck, Pop Tarts, But Only if U Let Me Rub On Ur Shoulders and Thighs.
My life Has Been a Magazine Feature For Many Seasons...This Ageless Ponce De León Whose Greatest Conquest is that He Still Believes in 'The Island of Try'.

It's Wild, that I haven't Become Jaded...Tough 2 Find Friends Who See Such a Vision of Laughs and Smiley Faces.
As a Kiddo, I used 2 Dream of Celebrity Heavily...Seeing Myself on GQ, With a Reality Talk Show, On Billboards in Times Square or at Hollywood and Vine...All Tha Hot Spaces.
I wanted My Energy and Impact 2 Span Tha Globe, like Tha Wide World of Sports...Become Tha Mickey Mouse of Life, Treating Rich and Poor Tha Same...Like Tha Movie Trading Places.
Tha Fight Reach That Point is Like a Boxing Match...Having 2 Stay True 2 Urself While Getting Cut or Feeling it's Me Against Tha World...Feel like 2pac When he was Fighting Those Court Cases.

It's in Those Moments Where Ur Soul Begins 2 Bubble Wrap...Each 'Pop' Stirs an Healthy Anger of 'I'm About 2 Put on A Show.'
They Think They've Seen Tha Best Life Has 2 Offer, But 'Wait Until They Get a Load of Me'...One Day This Joker They Will Know.
There's Gonna Be an Energy That Has Never Been Felt Before...Like When MJ, Pip and Tha Worm Were Winning 72 games, U had 2 Watch, That Opportunity U Better Not Blow.
Cuz It Comes Only Once in a Lifetime,I Promise You...Warriors May Break Ur Record, but Tha Flair is Ultra Rare, like When Rudolph's Nose or E.T.'s Finger Used 2 Glow.

It's Why When it Comes 2 Dating and True Luv...Let Them Not Want You, Cuz Those Are Needed Sticks 2 Tha Fire.
Lately I've had Logs Tossed into My Flame, but I'm gonna Be So Good, that Those Who Dissed Me are Gonna Look Hard at Tha Pamphlet of a Retire.
Cupid is One of My Best Buds and He's Told Me...2 Get 2 Tha Best U Must Go Through Each Step...Even Though a Person Bails Out Right at Tha End...At Tha Wire.
You Have 2 Realize That You Are Different, And There's No Criminal Charges in That...They Have 2 Come 2 Your Level...U Think Life is Roses While They a Think life is Full of Briers.

It's Sometimes Why U Don't Get That Person of Tha Week...Big Butts, Big 'Richards'...Doesn't Mean Somebody is Made For You.
If Ur In Tuned With Tha Universe, Sometimes It Keeps U From Unseen Trouble...One Night Of Tha Chicken asking Tha Egg in Bed, 'Who Came First?' Doesn't Mean U Should Try To Make it Two.
I used To Think, 'OMG! She was So Hot' or 'Her Face Was So Beautiful'...Then it Hit Me ALL Tha Gurls in My Internet History are Hot and Beautiful, So in That, Life was Giving Me a Needed Clue.
Looks Are Just That...It's that Connect Four with Tha Heart That's Important...U want Somebody Who When U Say, 'I'll Bring Tha Yellow and Red Pieces'...They'll Say, 'I'll Bring Tha Board That's Blue.'

It's When U Know Ur a Rare Bird, but Nobody Sees Tha Beauty of Ur Wings When U Must Close Ur Eyes and Picture When U Take Fly.
When U Finally Get a Real Text Message From Somebody Who Cares...And Not A 'Boy Who Cried Wolf' one at Tha Last Minute...Ur Not Fooling Anybody We Know it's a Lie.
Or When U Go Out on a Date With Tha Honest and Pure Soul...And They Have Swagger To Say, 'Austin, I know Ur on This Health Tip, but Right Now I need a French Fry.'
Just Thinking About Tha Times of Being Lied To, Tha Wasted Moments of a 'Perfect Lunch' to N'SYNC's 'Bye Bye Bye'...U Gotta Remain Strong, Even if U Wanna Cry.

It's Special When U Finally Get What U've Wanted Ur Entire Life...When Santa Finally Brings U That Bicycle And Not just Tha Familiar Gift of Socks.
U know it just Hit Me...Perhaps Santa Has Been Giving Me Socks Cuz He Knew I Would Be Around a Lot of Gurls and I Would Need Them for My Door Knob! See...Future Needs over Present Wants...Santa U Do Rock!!
That Feeling in Tha Air When U Meet Someone Who Has a Strength Similar To Yours...Like Mr. Universe Lifting With Miss Universe...Automatically U Have Visions of Tying Tha Knot.
But U Must Take Things Slow, Rushing Things Will Do More Harm Than Good...I Must Admit That it is Awesome When U Come Upon Someone At Least Worthy of That Number One Spot.

It's Something Worth Repeating...Never Let Others Put U in A Box...In How U Enjoy Life, in What U Can Accomplish, In Who You Can/Should/Wanna Date.
Don't Be Discouraged By a Genius Quote That Gets '5 Likes' compared 2 A 'Skinnamx' Lingerie Shot that gets 12.4K likes...People Quickly See Physical Sexiness, But Being Admired For Brains Means U Must Wait.
But in Tha End, It's How U Think That Leads 2 Ur Greatness...Don't ever be a 'Used To' Person...I Used 2 Look So Hot...Used 2 Be So Young...Used To Be Best Friends With Fate.
No! No! No! Speak it. Believe it. And it Shall Be! No...'I am Smart, Hot and Beautiful!'...'I Am Young and Ageless'...If U Believe it Within, Then You Will Look Smart and Beautiful and Forever Young...This is Tha Truth Man...Not just Some Informercial Bait.

It's like This...Look, Rejections (Most Written Word in Our Diary)...Patience Through Struggle...Arguments With Myself, God, and Yelling at Tha TV at Wile E. Coyote Changes Your Swag.
You Can Either Let People Who Did U Wrong Control Your Heart preventing U From Future Bliss...Or U Can Make Sure That Those Episodes Elevate You like a Pinto to a Jag.
Life is Gonna...There's Three Types of People...Those Who just Came out a Storm...Those in a Storm...Those about 2 Enter a Storm...Don't Get Down When Life's Grand Flight Seems Stuck on a Jet Lag.
Ur Gonna Have Moments Where Tha Party Stops...Friends Disappear...You hear 'No' more often Than 'Yes'...Don't let Tha Raindrops Make Ur Soul or Even Ur Jeans Sag.

It's Gonna Happen...For Myself, I'm looking at it as a Blessing that Certain Things Have been Front Loaded in My Life...Tha Pain, Tha Baffling Misunderstoodments...Not even a Word But Fits Tha Bill.
Now I have More Energy than Most...Now that Trip 2 Tha Movies is Sweeter...Now When i Play Naked Twister in Bed, I can Be like MJ and won't Stop until the 'Break of Dawn'...Delayed Success Builds Character and Will.
Your Not Afraid of Folks Opinions Cuz U know What Equation U've Been Taught (Fun + Luv = Success), One Day They Will See That U Were Right...Life is just One Big Thrill.
Just because U got Two Strikes...Just because U've been 0-For-Whatever In Ur Life...As Long as Ur Still in Tha a Game, You Got a Chance 2 Hit That Homer, So Don't Give Up...And Start getting Black Market Pills.

It's a Thin Line Between Sanity and Insanity...Being Sober and Being an Addict...I Shouldn't even admit This cuz it's So...So...So...Personal but that's Why I Stay Away from Certain Things.
I'm a Luv Life Guy...A Party Guy in Some Ways...Alcohol...How Should I put This...Never been an Addict or Even been Drunk...But I have Some Chromosomes That Can Lead Me 2 Indulge in Those Bottled Things.
I used 2 Go to a Party...I'm not gonna Drink...I got a Workout in Tha Morning...Next thing U know it, this Curvacious Friend of Yours Is Bringing a Big Bottle of Vodka Wanting U To Sip cuz It's Tha Party Thing.
U Think Shortly...Then u Start 2 Look At Her Boobs and Her Booty like I got Tha Hottest Gurl Coming 2 Me, Guys Would Kill for This...She Pours Without Me Even Answering and I'm Sipping my Red Cup Thing.

It's Crazy. This Has Nuthing 2 Do With Being an Alcoholic or Drinking Cuz I can Tell u RIGHT NOW When I Get Married 2 My Angel, And After All Tha Crap I've Gone Through...Tha Bottles Will Be A Poppin! That's Fa Sure!
But This is About Not Judging People...Cuz If U had a Tough Day or Tha Most Handsomest Guy Wants 2 Sleep With You...Its Not So Easy 2 Decipher What's True and Pure.
We Criticize Others...'Oh, if I had Their Money I Wouldn't Be in Rehab.' Or 'When I was Their Age I was Reading a Book'...Perhaps but U never know What People Go Through just Every Morning to walk outta That Door.
Heck...I Wake Up, Mediate, Pray, Work out in a Ultra Lavish Gym, I  Write, Eat What I Consider Clean, Got a Wardrobe like a Model, live in Tha Sexiest of Zip Codes, Gotta Great Family and STILL have 2 Fight 2 Go on...

Just imagine if U Didn't Have or Do Those Things.

It's not me Saying 'I'm This or That', but What I've been forced 2 Do is Consider How Others may Not Have been Exposed 2 What U Have But That Doesn't make U Better.
Just Because U Attend Tha Vanity Fair Oscar Party or Tha Met Gala in NYC...And I kick it At a Basement Array over at Paco's House Where They Serving 40's and Listening to 2 Chainz Doesn't mean Ur Better...(Whispering Voice)...Tha Gurls at tha Second Party are Probably More Wetter


Like My Pops Told Me...'Opprotunity' is Tha Only Thing that Separates One From Having it and Not Having it...Having Ur Back Against Tha Wall Forms Habits of a Go-Getter.
That's Why U Must Remain Focused, Not Worry About Tha Noise or Tha Results...If U stay True 2 Tha Process Tha Results Will and HAVE TO Come...In Making Perfect Lemonade, U Sometimes Have 2 Taste a Few Lemons That Are Bitter.

Yes You Do.

Luv. Peace. Fun.

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