
Where's My Beauty Bifocals?!!

C'mon Fingers give us Something Good 2 night...

Tha Beauty of A Woman. Not at Tha Top of My List but 2night Is How We Roll.
Could be Talking About Success and This Mountain Dew Climb...Where Every Burp painfully Unfolds.
But in This Friday Night, Here We Are in My South Beach Lair...On This Path of Hearts We Take a Stroll.
Letting Our Soul Pour out Upon This Page, Just as a Beautiful Songtress Being able 2 Perform at Tha Hollywood Bowl.

Guys and Dolls. Huh. What a Title, I Must admit...Still a Classic Among Broadway Plays.
Many Times My Life Seems Like a Movie...Grand Intro...Amazing Plot...Girls Stacked Like Mickey D's Fish-O-Filets.
Before I Left Work 2day, This Mamacita Warned Me 'To Be Careful', Understanding Some Gals Might Just Want 2 Use Me...For a 'Boy Toy'...For Good Sex...Or A Famous 'Fudge' 2 Share One Day.
Telling Me 2 Only Be With One...And Make Sure She's a 'Good Gurl'...Wholesome as Apple Pie...Pure as Tha Driven Snow...Consistent as a Beat From Timbaland or Dr. Dre.

I'm a Kid Who's all About 'Luv and Fun', That Could Be Tossing Balls Down Tha Gutter at Tha Bowling Alley or That Could Be Chilling In Tha Alley Discussing Tha Use of Balls with Language So Gutter.
That Could Be Discussing How Shakespeare is Underrated or How I Want 2 Be Tha Warhol of Today...Or That Could Be Me Discussing How Marilyn Monroe Would Twerk if She Heard 'Truffle Butter!'
I'm Goofy...Weird...Egocentric...And Soft Hearted...Over Time a Lot...A Lot of Females See That in Me, and Know That With Them I'm Not just About Tha Usual Thug U Wouldn't Bring Home 2 Mother.
One Time I Recall Meeting a Mom and Pops on A First Hangout With a Girl...I Was Thinking 'Whoaa!', In Tha Hood We First Go Through Friends, BFF's...Then Sisters and Brothas.

Like Meeting Ur Folks On Our First Party Night, Almost Crazy...But With a Hot Gurl With Sexy Tan Skin, and Flawless Blond Salt-N-Pepa Hair...U Go With Tha Punches if She Wants 2 'Push it' Or 'Shoop!'
Later In This Adventure, When I Brought Her Around Tha Fellas, Everybody Wanted 2 Be Around Her or Us...Knowing That Tha Chicks I Dig Are Usually Tha Finest Out Tha Coop.
We're Dancing...I'm Teaching Her Tha Latest Moves...Many Childhood Saturday Mornings were Spent Watching MTV or BET, Stealing Dance Moves Like I Was Auditioning for a Boy Band Singing Group.
Then All of My Guys Were Acting a Tad Abnormal as Well...When a Beautiful Gurl is In Some Guys Presence, They Try Too Hard 2 Impress...Downing 10 Bottles of Coronas, when u Can Handle 3 At Most...All 2 Impress Miss Betty Boop.

That Night Taught Me or Confirmed That My Luv Life is So Totally Different...Everyday Flipping a Coin on Whether 2 Cry or Laugh.
It Showed Me That Tha Girls That Are With Me Have 2 Be Ready...Because They are Gonna Be Looked Upon in a Standard As Notes Sung By Pharrell with a Bassline By Punk Daft.
I Can Feel This Hidden Expectation of What a 'Galaxia Gurl' is...Super Attractive...Super Cool...Tha Gal Other Gals Want 2 Be Like, And Tha Kind All Dudes Wanna Smash.
At Times it's Cool, While At Others It's Not...Cuz Some Girls May Think They're Not Ready or Good Enough For Our Lifestyle or Me...That Has Happened A Lot and it's Quite Sad.

Let's Get Real 2night.

Ok. So I'm Really a Helpless Romantic...Even Though Gurls or Chickenheads have Burned Me, I Still Believe That One, Two, or 200 Bad Apples Don't Ruin Tha Bunch.
I've Never Been in a True Long Term Relationship, but I'm in No Rush or Thirsty 2 Get Married Either...I View Dating as Two Kids Being Goofy and Acting Silly...Like Tossing Fries At Each Other During Lunch.
I've Seen Other Relationships and I Keep Saying, With Whomever I Date, Our Foundation Will Be All About 'Fun'...Not Sex, Not Money, Not Facebook Fame...But Fun is Our Recipe 2 Munch.
Cuz if Ur Having Fun...Then Tha Sex is Better...U'll Live Wealthy Whether With a SevenFigure Bank Account or $10 To Split...Others Look at Relationships as a Captain and a Mate...I Look at it As A Fruity Pebbles Meeting a Cap'N Crunch!

People Can't Really Comprehend Tha Number of Attractive Gurls That Have Crossed My Eyes...I See and Hear Other Celebrities But...My Eyes Always are Surrounded By Looks of Perfection.
But...I have Understood That a Gurl is More Than Her Boobs or Tight Jeans or How Many Squats She Can Perform...I Have a High Sweet Tooth For Eye Candy But There Has 2 Be Another Layer 2 Tha Attraction.
Is She Positive or Negative in Her Thinking? What Kind of Daily Energy Does She Bring? Is She So Diverse That She Can Boldly Read Pslam 23...And Gladly Sing Tha Lyrics to Tupac's 'Thugz Mansion?!' 
There's Nothing Sexier in a Relationship or Friendship than To Be Able To Discuss Anything With Ur Boo, and Have a Deep Convo on It...U Never Wanna Be Handcuffed With Nothing 2 Add, Always in Tha Mode of Subtraction.

Recently I've Found it Sorta Hard 2 Find Somebody Else Who Enjoys Tha Gift of Life...Who Understands That There's No Such Thing As 'Age' just Experiences...Who Knows U Try and Try Cuz U Can Be Tha First.
Nowadays, It's Like Folks Feel like...

End of Poem Writing...Lets Roll up our Sleeves...

Like Has anyone Who is Single (My Hand Raise!) ever talked to Someone in a Relationship and They talking Like Have a Gal or Guy is Worst Than Having a Blister on Ur Foot?! They go on and On...This B---- Can't Cook, She Gets on My Nerves Watching all Her Telenovelas Making Me Miss Tha Playoff Game...I Can't Stand Her Nana, She Knows I'm Trying 2 Watch my Blood Pressure, She Knows I Can't Stand Cuban Bread Now That I'm on a Strict Diet, She Knows I Don't like Spicy Food, but a Every Sunday I Gotta Miss Tha Dolphins 2 Go Over 2 This Woman's Place, To Hear Them Speak in Spanish Behind My Back, Knowing I Don't Understand What They Are Saying...I've Done Had it With This Chick's Family cuz if I see any Sign of My Gurl Turning or Even Looking like Her, then I'm Packing Up Tha Tha 55 in. Flat Screen, Grabbing my Steaks out Tha Feezer, and Hopping my U 'Know What' into Tha Van and I'm Moving Back to Connecticut.

Does anybody know Folks like That?!! And All This Purge, Borderline Venom Comes From a Simple...Did U See That New Rhianna Video Last Night?!!...it's like, 'Gosh!' If it's that Bad Why Don't U Leave? And of Course, u get That, 'But I Luv Her' spill. And if it's a bunch of Gurls in Tha Middle of 'Gurl Talk' U know Ur Gonna Get in-depth answers To Why she Never Leaves a Crappy Guy. 'There's no Gentleman left Anymore.' Or 'All Tha Good Guys are Either Taken or Gay'...I never Forget This, I was On Tha Metrobus here in Miami, going From My Hood of South Beach to like Tha Airport. So I'm in Tha Back, Last Row...U know Swagg is At Ben Afflack When He Had J. Lo...U know How We Do! So Then This Chick Hops on Tha Bus. Pink Hair and All!!! There was An Urge to Start Singing Tha Lyrics To Nicki Minaj's 'Super Bass' but I Held it in And Chilled like a...Gentleman.

I've seen Some Hot Gurls With Wild Hair before. I used 2 Work at Tha Beach up North, and this One Gurl Used 2 Roll Through. Full Figure, with This Rainbow hair. She was a Kelly Osbourne That I Wanted To...Lets just say I'd Shown Her an Ozzfest Alright. Amazing Things One Can Do With Tha Tongue! (Wink!) Ok, but I'd never seen this Look Up Close on a Sorta Dark Skinned Gurl. I felt like I was in Tha Presence of a Real Life Harajuku Girl! Yeay...Score for me!! Number 172 is now Crossed off My Bucket List!  So She Comes To Sit next To Me in Tha Back. We Rolling Along Flagler Street, I'm Trying To Read Tha Signs To See if Arroz Con Pollo means Hamburger in Spanish...Then I made a Simple Comment about Shorty's Shoes. She says 'Thanks.' Then Homegurl says, 'Can I Ask U a Question?' Immediately I realized I didn't Have any Trojans in my Back Pocket, Which could Limit my Response but I Said, "Sure." So she straight up Asks me, Miami Style...'Are You Gay?' At First I lifted My Eyebrow like Tha Rock Used to Do Back When He Was Wrestling, but then I Simply Responded "No, I'm not. Why U Ask?" So she then says...'As we were Riding, I've just been admiring Your Swag and Usually Guys Who Look and Dress Like You are Gay." Interesting. She said it in a way Like, There aren't Any Sexy, Straight Guys Out Here Anymore and She Tired of Dealing With So Call 'Guys of Her Dreams' either being Taken or Gay. Trust Me, I Can Relate. After I said 'Bye' she got off Tha Bus, and I looked at her Through Our Passing Bus Window I felt Bad and then I looked Harder and Thought...'Boom-Badoom-Boom-Boom...Badoom-Boom Bass...She. Got. That. Su-per Bass!'

Jokes aside, that How Many People feel about This Dating Game and Relationships. Like I told Somebody Tha other Day...Everybody's Been Hurt. Whether Being Stood Up at Tha Alter or in Kindergarten When Little Amy Didn't want 2 Share Her Finger Paint With You! It happens, that's Life...So it's no used of Putting up All These Smoke and Mirrors to Prevent Folks from getting 2 Know Tha Real You. If You're looking For a Rich, Russian Cat who Owns a Ferrari...Own up 2 It and Be Real. If U Like Gurls Who Have a Little Meat on Them...That's Awesome! Beauty comes in All Sizes. What I find Sexy is When a Person knows What Turns Them on, Admits it, Walks in it and Is Honest About it instead of Leading People Who U Know Aren't What Ur Looking For On, and Then Feelings Get Hurt. If u looking for a Freak, Be Real...Want a "Church Girl", That's Cool too. Tha Problem in This Dating Thing is That People are Trying to be So Mysterious and Fake, so that nobody Knows Who's Real and Nobody gets a True Opprtunity to see if They Click with Someone or Not.

It's like a Masquerade Ball...I luv Those Type of Dresses BTW...But u See Everything But Tha 'Real You'...Maybe everybody isn't Comfortable Within, but I see Geeks, and Video Gamers and Models...U never Know What Floats Somebody's Boat unless They See Tha Real You.  I've made up My Mind that if Somebody Doesn't Want To be With Me...Sorry, I always Laugh When I Write That...Somebody Doesn't Want 2 Be With Me...Yeah Right! But for Tha Sake of Tonight, Let's just say for Some Outer Space Alien Reason a Gurl Doesn't Want Get a Taste of My Rocketship and Feel it Explode inside Of Her...If for Some Peculiar Reason that Should Occur, I'm gonna Make Sure She Sees Tha Real Me. That doesn't mean Speak and Confess Everything on Tha First Date.  Confessionals are Held on Saturdays...or is it Tuesdays? ...Anyway...But if She's Gonna Reject Me, I want Her Little Vogue Magazine Face to look in Tha Mirror and Say...'I can't be With Austin Because He Makes Me Laugh or He's Too Well-Rounded or His Energy is Too Positive or He's Too Hot.' If someone is Gonna Reject You, Make Sure They Reject Your Best. Then Your Able to Say, There was Nuthing Else I Could've Done. It wasn't a Good Match, and If this Person Isn't On Tha Same Level of Fun, Luv of Humanity, Sexuality or Even Spirituality Then (Clap-Clap-Clap!) , I don't want them on My Team Anyway.

As I've said Before, All Who Look like New York Yankee Material Aren't New York Yankees. And Always remember...

Every Doctor Didn't Graduate At Tha Top of Their Class.

Just because Somebody looks a Certain Way, Or Drives a Certain Car or Has a Certain Last Name or Zip Code Doesn't Automatically Mean they Are Dating Material or a Good Lay. I'm trying 2 Keep this Clean but Someone needs 2 Hear This...As We Used 2 Say in Tha Streets...

All Pussy ain't Good Pussy.

Looks Can Be Deceiving. 
(Thanx Ada! I recall U Telling Me That Last Week! Please Call Me...Smooches! Muah Muah!)

So Never Sell Yourself Short Thinking Ur Inadequate or Not as Sexy or Not as Rich as Tha Person Ur Approaching or Have a Crush On Cuz YOU ARE! If They Don't Want a Special Person like U...

Their Loss.

Tha Knowledge of Tha Beauty That Lies Within...Defines With Purpose Any Man...

And With Me, That's Tha Light I Look For When I Can Honestly Proclaim...

Tha Beauty of...

A Woman.

Luv and Fun Always.

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