
Life As A 458!

(Funny...Today is a Lost Post...Sorta!  I actually wrote this on last week, February tha 1st.  But I got off track so to speak, and didn't finish it.  Probably shouldn't even release it, yet I will.  Tha Top half is from that Lost Post.  The rest is from today...Should be interesting!  Holla!)

"If I Stay True To Tha Process and The Course...Then They Will Come."

This statement came 2 mind as I Was laying in my bed a few moments ago.  After wrestling within myself, and constantly talking to God, about everythang that is Austino Galaxia.  This above mentioned statement came to mind. A Glimpse That just because at 3:00pm something hasn't happened, doesn't mean that at 3:01 pm, you're world or Galaxy can't Change.

I have just about everythang to be happy about.  Went to Palm Beach on a Shopping tip on yesterday.  While at a Saks Fifth Avenue store, met this stranger named 'Neil'.  It's always amazing how many strangers come up to talk to me, in tha most unique and remote of places.  Asked me his opinion on this Zip up fleece sweater...He asked me my name, I told him, "Austin Williams" and he replied, 'Whooaa! Are you an Actor?  That's an Actor's Name.'  Humbled by his response, even after he asked me later in our conversation again...By his reaction he believed I have a name of a Big Time Star.  "One Day."  And I Believe that, "One Day."  We discussed his age, which he asked me about.  In his Silver Grey Hair, and Rat Pack persona, I guessed, "Low Forties"...'No.  Guess Again.'  "52".  He told me in a few days He'll be '70.'  Awesome cuz He doesn't look like it, One bit.  We were in tha middle of tha Men's Section chatting it up, and it was probably strange to see a gentleman who looked like he owned a Yacht Club, chopping it up with This South Beach dude, who was dressed like a Hollywood Star Actor just coming Out of Tha Gym.  But That's Our Life, and That's Tha Type of Persona I Want To Attract...Tha Coolest of Tha Cool.  Tha Sexiest of Tha Sexy.

I'm a Lot to Handle.  That Goes Without Saying.  One of A Kind is a Phrase which doesn't even Scratch Tha Substance when it comes to me.  I've Got Experiences That at times seem unfair and leave me pondering, 'If It's even Worth It, Anymore'...All Tha While There is a Lot that I haven't had tha Luxury of Living Through As Well.  When I Describe Myself as a Vintage Ferrari With Low Mileage on tha Speedometer, I mean it.  I'm just a Goofy dude, Who Wants to Have Fun Like everybody else.  But it's almost like Life has singled me out to go through it in a different and sometimes fashion that can leave you a little bit...Not lonely...But questioning if this Climb to be One of Tha Best and Most Fun, is too much.  I have dreams of Tha Impossible being Possible...Name in Lights...Touching People in Tha Most Remote Areas of Tha Globe...Dating a Gurl, Who's Mad Beautiful and Simply Cool,  but Who is Also Tired of Tha Games and Tha Tit-4-Tats, when U just want to be with somebody on ur level, and who's straight up with you on this or that.  That's tough to find.  And For a Man of my Character, I at times wonder if That's Gonna Be Tha 'Thorn at My Side', that I'm always talking about Luv...Speaking about tha Episodes that I've Had With Luv, but Has Never Been Loved or 'In Luv' Myself.  I Think about that...

A Lot.

Feel like My Life is Switching on a Dime, and I don't even know what's up.  I'm in tha process of Purchasing a Condo here shortly in Miami or Here in South Beach, I just moved about 61 days ago, to my place here in South Beach, and now I'm thinking about Buying a Joint here in tha Miami Market, it's crazy.  Then I'm really considering how I want my workout to be.  I luv switching up my body for the heck of it.  In 2008, I went tha "Fit" mode, and everybody else did as well.  I have Great Trainers, who beckon to my demand of having:  Abs like Beckham or Pacquiao...Shoulders like Barry Bonds...Tha Cardio of Rodman or Big Money Floyd...Leanness Yet Secretive Strength of Michael Jordan...Definition of Scottie Pippen...Tha Explosiveness of Lebron...While having Tha Core Strength and Overall Fluidity of Kobe.  Whew!  But That Seems like a Lot, but That's How I Break Down My Body.  Literally.  So I'm Thinking not only about ways to improve each body part and area, but where I Should Work Out at.  I Get in Work, When I'm at tha Gym.  No Cell Phones...Or Chatting about Hitting Tha Club or How Tight Are Tha Spandex on that Gurl by Tha Squats.  It's Business...One Cuz I pay a Lot of Money to 'Get It In'....And Two, My Workouts are so Demanding That I don't Have too much Cool Off time in Between Reps. Sure One Day I'll Let U in via Instagram on What We Do.  It's really Intense.  So Many Choices here in South Beach or Miami in General.  But What's Best For Me?  Conducive to My Schedule...Wallet...And Availability Of Space Where I Can Get a Pro Athlete Type of Workout in, Without feeling like I'm a Pink Elephant in tha room with people standing around in 'Awe' staring.

There's a great website called...theplayerstribune.com... And Much of What is Intimately discussed is how I looked at , and look at life in general.  I've been an Athlete almost All my life...Playing Hoops from Elementary School, all tha way through College.  That Goal of Being 'The Best', heck I used to sign my autograph with those exact words.  And To keep reaching heights that were never done or seen before, has always been such a zest for me.  All Athletes, Musicians or Teachers, have that.  Yet, I feel that inside of Me for some reason.  Shouldn't be saying all this stuff, but then again...I should.  When things happen to me or strangers approach you on the street or Stylists of Celebrities give you their business card because they think you have 'Tha Look' of a future client...It's Intriguing to say tha least.  But in that, that carrot of Fun and Luv has been tha root of who I am, and who I'll always be.

Life is to be Fun.  Nobody can't tell me no different.  That can be partying it up at tha hottest club in off of Brickell Avenue or that can be talking about a Book or a Countries Politics or Finances at a Local Bookstore.  With Me, it doensn't Matter.  And The Dilemma That I face as this  'Fun God' is how come others don't see life like I view it.  Why Would they rather sit at home and do tha same mundane thang over and over, when they could step out of their comfort zone and enjoy life.  And What is really tough, is How Come People say Others think like that, but how come I really haven't met them.  I was watching that movie Hancock, with Will Smith and Charlize Theron, and That look each other gave each other when they finally understood that there was somebody that could relate...Almost Joy to know that somebody had that same 'Fun Gene' or Awkwardness or Weirdness about them, that Only a few could relate to.  To see that in tha flesh blew their minds.

Bout two weeks ago, when tha Cavs Were in LA to play tha Lakers, and to see LeBron and Kobe joke and speak so much during tha course of tha game...YET compete at a High Level was Awesome.  Cuz as Others from Both teams were Wondering What they were laughing, and Mouthing Off About...Those Two Knew.  Like, Only Two People On Tha Globe, understood tha demands of Striving to Be Better Tha 'Former You' or Understood How People Can Luv You One Minute and Hate You Tha Next...Or Could Relate tha Hours of Sacrifice and Doing Things That Others Wouldn't Dare To Do, just in Tha Name of Becoming a Better You, A Complete You, and because It's In...You.  So Much Goes On Behind Tha Scenes, that's Why I don't Get Ultra Caught Up with So Call Fame or Even Pictures on a Facebook or Instagram, cuz even I post on Tha IG, U never know what happens before or after something is posted.  Just because a couple is smiling hand in hand, doesn't mean everythang is Kosher.  My Grandpa used to tell me to look at how close a couple walks together, and then u will know what's up.  Is tha Gurl walking 6 Steps in Front of Tha Man...or 6 Steps in Front of tha Man, holding 'Their' Kid...It Can Say a lot.

And I'm sure, or Well, I know I Live in a Fantasy Lifestyle of Sorts, but it would do my heart grand to Meet others who really have That "Fun Gene".  It Would.  U Don't Have to Get Drunk To Have Fun.  That's a Misnomer.  I've had Great Nights Talking Under Tha Miami Moon until 3 am.  Well, I Guess sometimes Weed was Present, This is Miami...But still...U know what I'm Coming from.  But I have to just remain true to myself...Perhaps get out even more, remain positive that Me and Lil Wayne aren't tha only Aliens here on Earth, and See What's up.  But it's a battle..

(Now Today...)

Life can change so quickly dude.  And these last few days has been nuthing short of a movie.  You have beautiful gurls...You got us almost blacking out on I-95 last night...Decisions where and who shall be in our life.  Fun right?!  That's life though, and I've grown to be a person who cherishes every single minute.  Let me explain...

I feel this motor revving up inside of me.  This week and I have mentioned it before, that I look at myself as that Vintage 1980 Ferrari, that has 'Super' low miles on it, and even those are City Miles not of tha Highway kind.  And I've been stuck in tha Garage, under a Tarp for a Long time.  Sometimes People or Beauties Come By and "The Great Salesperson In Tha Sky" comes over to me and is like, 'Look at This!'...Have even be Test Driven by some of Tha Sexiest Dames alive.  I have felt some nice toosh in My Front Seat in my days.  But seemingly it's all been tha same.  Test Drives...Admiration...Lots of 'It's So Cool's'...Still I Haven't Found Tha Owner that's Been like, "I Gotta Have it, No Matter What!"  And When U Think or Know That Ur Tha 'Best of Tha Best'...'Tha 1% of Tha 1%'...and 'Tha Grand Turkey Sausage before tha Slaughter House!'  It's Tough Cuz U Think Why are Other Cars Getting Bought Off Tha Showroom Floor.  When I've Been sitting Here for Seasons on End, and Everybody wants to Look at Me, But Not Buy Me.


What I'm Continuing to Learn and Understand though is that My Model has a Particular Customer in Mind.  It's Not just a "Fun Ride" for One Night.  Even though some view me as that, I'm sure.  Sometimes I'm even more than a Dream Ride, for when One is feeling low, they stop by tha dealership and put their mug in tha window and think.."That's What I Want.", and to know that It is possible To Have Something Classy, Rare, Sexy and with Minimal wear and tear on it.  There's a lot of things that U Do differently with this Model than Other Cars.  I mean...I Do take Super Premium Gas...I Do expect for You to be Clean Not Only When U Step Inside the Car But Definitely When u Grab My Clutch!...I Can Go Up To Some Very High Speeds but Also Cherish a Day Where We Just Chill Around Tha City and See Some Cool Sights.  I Know Ur Probably Want to Show Me Off To Ur Friends.  To Let them Know Tha "Diamond In Tha Ruff" That you Have Found.  Also, Understand That I Want to Go To Car Shows and Festivals of Tha Like, Just So That I Can Catch Up With Some of My Friends and Peers, Who Also Understand What It Takes To Be...


When Everythang is Going around you, You Can't Lose Focus of 'Who You Are'.  I've been Test Driven a lot recently...Some Have Wanted to Go From "0-100"...Real Quick! While Others After Months of Wondering Finally Decided To Go For A Spin To See If It's Worth it, and To Get Some "Age Old" Questions knocked Off Their Bucket List....Boy, I'm Feeling This 2day!  Neverthaless...I'm Still Here.  Better Than Ever.  And Ready.  We'll End With This:

So We Sit On Tha Showroom Floor, Going Round and Round Wondering About 'A Buy'.
Understanding That Some Admire Us Cuz We Look Sorta Shy.
International Gurls Prefer Me...Cuz They Shop Top Models...Using Their Papa's 'Black Card' Pie.
And Even Though I'm a Car...All Beautiful Women, Want 2 Be in Control of a Rare...Yet Fun Guy.

I've Seen Tha Doors Open and Close, With Buyers Choosing Those of Their Interest.
How Can They Buy That Car Over Me?  When I'm Tha Ultimate Post on Pinterest!
Tha Price is On Tha Window...Maybe What is Missing is a Rides Magazine...Temptress.
Have Her Lying on Tha Hood, Could Help...I Only Have 2 Seats, So She'll Be more of a...Mistress.

While On Tha Floor, My Patience Has Gotten Better, and Now My Zen is...Go Back To Your Center.
That Motor Within...That Tells You, Ur Time is Coming...Confidence from Not Being Sold in Tha Winter.
Hearing Stories About How People Drive Nowadays...Can't Even Tell a Saint From a Sinner!
I Haven't Had To Deal With All That Though...My Joy is From Big Al Washing Me...While eating Some Fresh Market Dinner!

It Would've Been Nice To Test Out Tha Roads From Tha Past, It's Nothing Like New Blacktop.
I've Had Everything From Colombians, Brazilians, Blondes, Brunettes, even this Italian Guy...But I Had 2 Tell Him 2 Stop!
We've Already Been Preparing Ourself for the Attention I'm Gonna Get...Especially From All Tha Cops.
Having a Beauty Driving Such a Beauty Is Gonna seem Illegal...How Can Miss Galaxy Also Drive in a Drop?!

For A Long Time, Of Sitting on Tha Showroom Floor, Every Week I Get a Tune Up, of Tha Future To Be.
Nuts and Bolts...Shocks and Brakes Getting Oiled and Greased...I'm Always ready for a Close Up on TV.
Funny...Cuz Now I know my worth...And For No Seller, Will this Car Beg or Even Give a Plea.
I Mean, If U Ask Cupid This Week, Who's Tha Most Requested Dream Ride for Valentine's Day...His Reply is Simple...


Everythang is In Order...Patience is a Virtue.  I feel it in tha Air, that Our Customer is About To Show.
Seems Like More and More People Who Come Into Tha Dealership are Looking at Us...With a Glow.
They are seeing Tha Rarity in Our Model and Thoughts of 'This Might Be an Opportunity Not for us 2 Blow.'
I'm Kind of Egotistical, and Enjoy Upscale Customers...But Anybody Who Luvs 'Fun & Luv' Can Get Down With My Flow.

Always Dreamed About Being Pushed and Slowly Driven Through Those Windows and Having Traffic Stop and Stare.
Other Cars Already Plotting 'Hate' on Who Bought Us...While Other Drivers Thinking...'I Could've Had That...If I Didn't Succumb To My Fear.'
"Varoom-Varoom!"...Been Waiting For These Days for a While Now...A Driver Who Finally Knows Tha Joy of Going From Tha 1st To Tha 5th Gear.
This Is Gonna Be Sexy... A Lot of Fun....And I Can Tell You Honestly...You Will Never...Ever...See...

A More Perfect...



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