
"Tha Crave. Tha Chase. Tha Razor Blades. Tha Hit."

Well, that was Harder than I thought!  Words cannot describe...
It's Amazing Tha Process U Have to Go Through...To Get a Life Worthy of Futuristic Scribes.
What If I Hadda Known what I was getting Myself Into...Think God Would've Taken a $21 Bribe?
All in Tha Name of Growth...Success...and Humility...I'm Doing All This So I Can Fly.

I Consider Myself one of tha Most Motivated and I Guess Egotistical People Whom This Earth Has Gawked.
Always Willing To Prove Somebody Wrong...Store Internet 'Hate' in My Pantry of Fuel...Understand That Before U Run, U First Have To Walk.
Lately Though...It's been almost too much to comprehend...Like Whenever I Want My Plans to Be in Paint, They Always End Up in Some Old Rose-Art Chalk.
Doing Every and Anythang I Can For This Thang To Break, How I Envision it Will....But Tha Mystery Remains...Somebody should Call in Columbo...Or Peter Falk.

I Laid in Bed on This Sunday, Almost Delusional...Trying To Comprehend How Everyday, Week, Month and Year, has been a challenge of Tha Climb.
As My Eyes Were Closed I can see This Mountain That I'm Going Up Every Single Day...Without a Break, or a Rest Period...Going Up With a Faith So Blind.
Trying Not to Look Down, Even Though I'm pretty close to My Goal...But Ever So Disappointed That No Matter How I Hope or Pray...My Journey Comes Sans any type of Sign.
What If This Woulda Happen...How Do I know if I'm Going in Tha Right Direction...Others Get Their Bill after a Beer or two...I Get Mine Featuring a "I Didn't Order This" Bottle of Wine.

So As I Was Tossing and Turning on This Sunday, Which I Don't even Count Days anymore...Cuz it's Tha Same...Strive. Push. and I Guess Basically Survive.
Thoughts Were Going Through My Head Of How Things Have Been Destined To Be My Ultimate Challenge...And I Became Tha Passenger, and No Longer Behind This Uber Drive.
Wondering When Did This All Go Heywire...Was it Tha Beautiful Gurl That I Sat Next to on my flight Back To Miami, and How No Matter How I Tried, a Simple Convo She Did Not Comply.
Leaving Me Almost as a Lost of Speech, Knowing That All Sexy Gurls are supposed to Like Me...So Many Ketchup to Me...Without Me Even Having To Mustard Up a Try.

Or Was It On That New Year's Eve, When I should've Been Sharing a Traditional Kiss, They Say How U Bring In Tha New Year is How That 365 is Gonna Go.
I Heard Tha Fireworks going off here in South Beach at Tha Stroke of Midnight, and Instead of Getting my Eskimo on, I was Praying That I'll Get My Dream Job, Cute Gurl, and A Little Bit of Dough.
Or Did This All Begin, As I Decided To Take this Zen Approach To Life...Finding My "Center" Being, Literally Taking Five or Six Breaths During Stressful Moments Hoping It Would bring a Peaceful Glow.
Maybe This Move To My New Apartment Was When It Went Crazy...Yeah I'm So Close To Tha Ocean Deep, but My Schedule is So Whack That I Haven't Even Enjoyed Tha Sands and Each Sexy Wind Blow.

"I've Been Ambushed!"  There's No Doubt About It...Life Bombs Going off from Every Side...How Come These Gurls Like Me...But Tha One I Try To Text, Doesn't Feel like I'm Tha Ultimate Guy.
When Lessons are Daily on 'Pushing Through', 'Keeping Ur Peace', and 'Looking at People For Who they Are and Not What They Do'...All A Part of This Galaxia Pie.
All Tha While Looking On TV, or In Magazines or Tha Miami Herald, and Thinking...How Come I'm Not a Big Star Yet? Isn't Tha Potential Obvious Just From Looking In Our Eyes.
A Guy Told me That as I Was Passing Through Tha Venetian Toll over to tha Beach..."Ur Gonna Make it, I Can See in Your Eyes."...It Went From That To Tha Other Day Me Saying..."I Can't Be That Too Bad of a Guy."

It's So Easy, at Least To me...To Talk After U've Got Yours...Whether That's a Career, A Great Sex Partner, or a Puppy Who Luv You Whether Ur Healthy or Seriously Ill.
Nobody Talks about while Ur Striving though, which is mainly Why I Write...Somebody cannot be afraid to admit Tha Motivation, Pain, and Disrespect You Get By Not Trying to Be an Ordinary "Run-of-Tha-Mill."
Starting To Feel like Nobody Relates To Me, and When It Comes to Loving Sports, Fashion, and Music...Or God or On Tha Freak Tip...Heck, As I Write This, It's Starting To Sink In...Nobody Will.
Seems like U Just Get Tired of Sitting on Tha Bench So To Speak...Coach Putting in Those Who Have No Business Being in "Tha Game"...And Whenever U Confront Coach About It...U Get Tha Same...

"U'll Get Ur Shot...Just Sit Still."

What's So Wrong About Striving To Be Tha Best?  Is it a Crime To Wear Belstaff Jeans, To Want 6-Pack Abs, While Also Wanting To Help Those Who are Without a Home?
Or Am I So Alien That I Want to Get a Call From a Babe, Cuz I'm Tired of This Tit-For-Tat Texting...I Want to Hear Ur Sexy Voice...Isn't That Why Alexander Graham Bell Invented Tha Telephone?
Or Am I So E.T. That I Want To Listen To Tha Smooth Sounds of Boney James, Then Switch It Over To Some 'Pac or Biggie...Followed By Some Rolling Stones?
When Life Pulls a Judas Iscariot On You...U Start To Feel like Tha Thangs That Make U One of Tha Most Sexy...Have Now Became a Curse and U Have To Deal With It Alone.

"We Didn't Think It Would Take This Long!"....Thanks Mom...Me Too...I Thought I'd Never Be That Kid after Tha Cupcakes Run Out In Tha Lunch Line Screaming, "It's Not Fair!"
Always One Who Believes In Tha Impossible...That Naomi Campbell Can Hang Out with Justin Bieber...One Who's Never Chooses "Truth" and Willing To Take That X-Rated "Dare".
But When U've Played 47 Great Minutes of Ball, But That Last Minute for Some Inexplicable Reason  Ruins a Sure Thang Win...After that Happens Season after Season...U Wonder If U Should Still Even Care.
So Many Have Never Won a Championship...Never Had Their Face on a Bilboard...Or Never Slept With a Covergirl of Playboy Latina...What Makes U Think Miss Success is Gonna Give U an "I Want You" Seductive Stare.

Never in My Life Have I Thought More About What My Grandpa Once Told Me..."If You Do It Tha Right Way...U'll Get there, but It'll Take a Whole Lot Longer."...Think He's Right.
Sometimes It Can Take U Thirty-Four Years of Trial and Error...All So That You Can Take Off on This NASA Sponsored Flight.
Not in Ur Wildest Dreams Considering All The Cameos By People Who Would Come and Go Outta Ur Life...Wishing U Never Met Them, or Thinking it woulda Been Better if Their First Words 2 U Were..."Go Fly a Kite."
Leading Me To Sitting On My Bed Mentally Flipping a Coin To My Throat or This Big Box Full  Kicks Sent To Me From Nike...Which is Tha Best Option to Point...My Scissor Knife.

Disturbed That Every Gurl Has Disappointed Me In Some Way, Shape or Form...Feeling Like Pusha T Spitting on Pharrell's "In My Mind".
Valentine's Day May Come and Go, but Something Has To Fishy About This Whole Thang...It's Like Cupid Lurks around All Corners Spraying This Beagle Boys Spray in a Gal's Face That Makes Them Go Blind.
Not Realizing What's In Front of Them...Not Seeing That This is As Good As It Gets...A Diamond is Right in Front of Them, but They Would Rather Wait and Take a Chance in a Non-Guarantee Sierra Leone Mine?
Yeah....I Know That I'm One of Tha Flyest Cats Around, but After Sooooo Much Drama, and Games U Get Tired of Hanging Around Alley Pussy...And U Wonder How Much Life U Got...Especially Since this Feels like Life Number...Nine.

So As This Afternoon Was Turning To Doomsday...I Took a Trip To Hollywood...Isn't That Symbolic...Since We Believe That Our Life is Truly One That is Lived with Tha Stars.
A Voice Inside Began To Speak to Us on I-95...Saying, "Everything is About 2 Change...Nothing Will Be Withheld...All Doors Will Be Opened"...It Was Like I Was Spiritually Eating a Frozen Kit-Kat Bar.
Words of How This Journey Of Money and Old Could-Have-Been Flames, and Never Offered J-O-B's is Over...Basically Stating That Our Life is About to Take Off Straight 2 Mars.
All Tha Lessons On Fame, Sex, and Who's Real or Who's Fake, Have Been Imputed in Our Soul...Finally I Felt like a Butterfly Being Released from an Old Jelly Jar.

We Say That Life Can Be a Step-By-Step Process...One Where U Don't Know if A Suzanne Somers is a Carol Foster Lambert...Or a Crissy Snow.
Upset that Nobody Told You That it would be So Hard...Nobody said Striving For Ur Dreams Can Leave U Lonely at Times...Dropping F-Bombs Wishing Life was as smooth as Drake or a Q-Tip Flow.
Growing Up Reading GQ Magazines, and Seeing Beauties on MTV Spring Break's Thinking By 21, U Would Have Even 'One Great Date Night', A Dream Offer from a Agency, and Hilton Money to Blow.
Wishing Somebody Would Have Warned You...It's Uncharted Waters...To Get One Good Lay, U Have to Go Through A Hundred Bad Ones...And Learn That Tha Best Aphrodisiac Has Nothing 2 Do With Fame and Dough.

See, I'm That Guy or That Kid...Which if a Teacher Says You Have To Do This, That and A Third, I'll Give U an "A Plus"...No Matter That Terms, I Raise My Hand Like An Armani Jean Wearing Urkel Steve.
I Look at What's Possible...And Not What U Have To Go Through To Get It...Boy, Just On That Line Alone, Lee Daniels Should Cast Me, If He Should Ever Make a Movie Title...Tha Last of Tha Galaxy Thieves.
Cuz I Was Taught as a Shorty, That All Tha Great Ones Have To Go Through Adversity One Time or Another...Pops Told Me Tha Only Constant in life is Change...Let Me add another one...Austino Still Believes.
Cuz For Some Reason How T'd Off I Get, or How on These Tracks I Feel Railroaded..I Always Come Back For More...A Bandanna Wearing Gangsta Rat Always Plotting To Get His Dream Cheese.

Everythang is New...Think We Wrote That Last Post Right? I Don't Know How, Or With Who or Where...But This Has To Change...Just Because I Want It To.
Wherever I Go, Via Restaurant or Clothing Store...I Feel A Tad Different...I Want That "Fun and Sexy" Gene To Show, To Change Any Room of Clouds into a Sky That's So Skyy Vodka Blue.
Everybody isn't Gonna Like You...Everybody Isn't Gonna Understand You...When U Make Leaps on These Manhattan Buildings, They Will Prefer tha Madison Square Garden of Old...Instead of One of New.
But That's When U Look Within and Go With Ur Flaming Fire, and Listen To That Voice That Says, "Ur Special"...Time To Start Living Like Some Chardonnay, Instead of a Pop Machine Drop of Mountain Dew.

Gone Through Everythang Humanly Possible Seemingly To Prepare Us For What's To Come...Pain, Trials and Empty Nights Can Do Wonders When it Comes To Being Ready For Tha Spotlight.
Those Nights Holding Blue Bell Ice Cream in Bed or Laying On Ur Back Wondering "What More Can I Have Done?" Carves U Into A Mold that Even Michelangelo Would Smile at Your Sight.
It Wasn't Supposed To Be Easy...That Gurl Wasn't Supposed To Return Ur Text...You Were Meant To Go To That Wedding Alone...When U Danced To The Left...They Were Meant to Go To Tha Bar on Tha Right.
Now U Have What It Takes...Now U Aren't Afraid To Live It Up...No Longer Do U Have Disappointment In Ur Heart When That Person is Holding Hands on Instagram on Tha Starry Night.

Cuz Now U know That Tha Bands of Tha Earth are Turning Toward You, and Although U Feel Overdue and Overdone, Ur joyful Cuz Tha Tears were Nothing More than Signs That U Were Close.
Understanding That there is a Process and Humbleness Beyond Ur Bank Account, that Allows You To Own Homes Both in Miami, and On Tha Sandy Los Angeles Coast.
U Wonder, "Nobody Else Has To Go Through This?! They'll Never Have To Feel Tha Hurt"...Never Will They Have That 'But' on Their Name...But If It Were Easy, It Would Be Tried Not By a Few, But By Most.
Life is Like Toasters...Sometimes Tha Bread Can Come Up Early...Sometimes It Can Come Up Late...But Tha Point Isn't How Long It Takes, but That It actually Came Up...No matter What It's Still...Toast.

So As I Take a Huge Breath, Preparing Ourself For This Unknown Joy, I Mentally See Everythang Coming My Way...Bewilderment Gone Tha Way of Tha Wind North.
Realizing That Each Moment Has Been A Particle of To This Story In Which No Matter What We Must Go Forth.
Life isn't Coming To An End, It's Coming To a Fresh Beginning...A Scooby-Doo Mystery Solved, Tha Climax To An Unbuttoned Blouse...Tha Baby Coming From Tha Heavens Being Delivered By a...Stork.
Yeah, It Might Have Been Expensive...And I Have Craved This For Seasons on End...But Since "Fun and Luv" is My Drug of Choice...This Kid Has Never Been More Glad...

To Put a Finger On My Nostril...

And With All My Might...

Enjoy...and Inhale...Each and Every....


From My Soul...With Luv.
Austino Galaxia!
Never Give Up...Cuz U Never, And I Do Mean NEVER Know!

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