

Honestly, 2day may go down as tha best day I have ever saw.
No longer do I have questions which have given me sleepless nights and a Mouth full of 'Awe.'
I needed to get through 2day, and I Have...Even with a Lunchtime Chat with My Ma...Ma.
Now more than ever I know where my destiny lies...Tha Log is About 2 Fall From Tha Saw.

Step By Step Process...Boy!  I've really been chosen to live this Script From Hollywood.
Used to think, but now I KNOW...Nobody else was fit for this role...Nobody Else Could.
Luv...So Called Friends...Fame...Money...All This Around Me...Yet...Here I Stood.
Still Believing...Still Going With Ur Gut Feelings...Like Anytime Big Time Gambler Would.

Knowing That 'U Never Know' So U Must Try...And Try...And Try...Again.
I'm Relentless When It Comes to My Goals and Dreams...Tha Desire To Be Tha Best is My Daily Sin.
As Much as I Want To Ask For Forgiveness for that...I Don't...Like asking Vegas To Shut Down Tha Wynn.
I've Been Tha Lone Wolf Donkey For So Long It Seems...Blindfolded...Twisted Around...Yet Willing To Experience Tha Pain from Each and Every Pin.

"Why Me?"  How Come I Have to Go Through Each Episode...While Others Go like...Skate Free?
It Takes a 1000 Tries for Me To Reach Tha Big Top...And What?  It takes Krusty Tha Clown Like...Three?
You look around Like...I don't see anybody better than me...I really Don't...But These Trials Have Questioned my Character...Like Brian Williams and NBC.
At Times It looks like all this "Junk" is Never Gonna End...And I'll End Up Living a Life in Fred Sanford's Junkyard...Feeling like a "Big Dummy!"

My Moms told me 2 Keep Laughing and I Will...Already Have I Shed Enough Tears of Tha Cry.
This is Tha Journey, and Seemingly Challenge I Have...Finding Out How Good is A Big Mac...When U Have No Large Fry.
Can U Still Believe, When You're Tha Last To Have Ur Name Called...Even Though U Were Tha First in Line For Tha Out Try?
Do U Still Believe in Tha Powers of "Patience" and 'True Luv and Sex'...Knowing Ur Tha Ultimate "Fun God", and Feel That U Shouldn't even Have 2 Apply.

Our Swagger is At An All-Time Max...Cuz Inside I know that as of Right Now...I Can't Go Back.
I Have a Clean Slate, and Moms thought I Was Joking...No More Settling For What I Think is Whack!
That Goes for Clothes...Gurls...Or What Have You...Might As Well Be Honest...My Future Luvs will Be Only Those Who are Stacked.
Personality Wise...Honestly and Polite Courtesy Included...Today I Have Now Separated My Standards from Tha Normal To One Who's Tha Leader of tha Pack.

And I Can Do That Too!  Which is Why I Feel so Good...Cuz Nobody Can Hurt Me Anymore That I Have been Hurt Before.
I Get these Text Messages Like I'm a Guy in Pain or Doesn't Understand...Listen...I'm an Egotistical Maniacal...Who's Seen Both Sides of Tha Open and Closed Doors.
I've Been There Where Things are in a Ultra Overflow...And I've Been There When I've Made Lemonade Outta Lemons...Yet that Pitcher Doesn't Want 2 Pour.
My Life is High Energy...High Standards...And Really Just Fun...No Matter What...'Fun and Luv' is Still My Ultimate Cure.

Let me Go Back To This Dating or Luv Thang...Cuz I've Spoken about this sooooo much...Now Though I See Perfectly Clear.
These Last few Seasons...And Heck Since Late December '14, It's Like I've Had a Crash Course on How to Handle This Upcoming Season and Year.
Things I Can Handle...Things I Absolutely Won't Put Up With...Positivity and Honesty lead Tha List of Qualities that Make a Playa Like Me Want 2 Come Near.
I Totally Feel like a Free Agent Who's Been Blessed to See All Sides of Dating and Luv...Almost Like I've been Prepared By Cupid Himself...Like He's Directed My Who? What? When?...And Where?

I'm Not Joking...Today was a Landmark Day I Feel...Sometimes U Have to Leave Tha Past or Those from It Behind To Really Get To What U Want.
There's a Purpose and Dream I'm Gonna Fulfill in This Life...No Doubt About it...So Might as Well Not even Front.
Live Tha Way We Want To...With Whomever I Want To Live It With...Why Should I Be Settling For "6's" When "9's" are Coming To Me...Like a Straight Line Punt!
I've Learned that If U Embrace Ur Journey, then U Must Go Through a Preparation Period for Ur Dreams to Come True...Only Then Will You Find Out if Ur With It, Or If This Has Been a Huge Publicity Stunt.

See, When Ur a Kid, and Ur Praying and Asking for Sexy Jobs...A Sexy Babe...U never Realize Tha Words That Come Outta Ur Teeth.
Yeah...You May Work or Live on Tha Sands of The Beach...Yet that Doesn't Mean U Won't Have to Go Through a Baywatch Drowning or Two Before U meet Your 1996 version Yasmine Bleeth.
You Have To Go Through Some Things...Or A Lot of Things You Don't Understand...Those Moments Come Where U Thought U Were Strong, but U Literally At tha Lowest Point of...'Weak'.
Begging For Answers to How Come I Gotta Go Through This Process...Waking Up Everyday For Some Kind of Sign...I MEAN...At Least Get One Peak.

But None Occur...And Ur Tested Once Again...Hoping That If U Trust Tha Process, Even When It's Tha Darkest...Something or Somebody Is At Tha End of Tha Rainbow.
Tha Party is Seemingly Going On Around You...And in Tha Back Corner You're Plotting To How You are About To Put on Life's Greatest Show.
Determine To Illustrate How U Can Have Fun....How U Can Be Tha Ultimate Lover...And Show How You Can Speak Things Into Existence...Like I'm About To By Saying...I'm About 2 Come Into a Lot of Dough.
It Takes Years...It Takes Seasons...Sooner or Later Though...Everythang Will Surely Flow.

And Today Was One of Those Bookmark Days of My life...Where I Feel like a Free Agent...And I'm In Control of Who I Want To Be on My Team.
Playing for a Team on Tha Cusp of Winning a Championship...My Salary Cap is Unlimited in Pay...Only Guy I know Who Can Afford to Pay Tom Brady and...Any Given Sunday's Willie Beam.
That's Why I Hope and They Will...See that the Process Can Seem Useless...and Not Worth It...Trust Me...There Will Be Many Times Your Smile Will Lack Tha Colgate Gleam.
Hang In There...Keep Going...No Matter Who Wants To Be With You...or Consider U just 'A Friend'...Cuz In The End All Those Episodes and People Made U Come Together...By Each and Every Seam.

I'm Tha 1% of Tha 1%...That's Not Conceitedness...That's Confidence, and Knowledge of Tha Stats That Follow Our Name.
I Used to Want To Please Everybody...Make Somebody's Day By a Text or Call...It's Like Whatever...Cuz Now I Understand How I Want My Legacy To Go With This Game.
You Never Miss Somebody or Something Until it's Gone...And I've Always Believed, I'm That..."What If Guy"...Like If Jordan Had of Gotten Chosen 1st or 2nd...Think His Legacy Would Have been Tha Same?!
Rejections...Nights Alone...Unanswered Calls or Returned Voicemails...There're Part of Tha Journey...Those Instances are My Crutch of Determination Whenever I Feel Lame.

People Always Talk Bout Being Motivated By Being "Poor" or "An Ugly Duckling"...Sometimes Tha Best Motivation in Life Is When You Have it All...But...
Cuz That "But" is That Carrot That You Want To Cement Yourself as One of Tha Best...Or Tha Sexiest...Or Smartest...It Can Drive You In Ways That Sometimes Even Can Be a Tad Corrupt.
If Ur Like Myself Though...U Stand There Panting....and Panting...Tha Desire Outweighs Any Obstacle Set Before You...Tongue Hanging Out Ur Mouth Like Some Kind of Mutt.
Or Like Somebody Who Just Got a Brick of Coke Through Tha Port of Miami...Eyes are Big...Tongue Can Taste Victory...Knowing It's About To Come With a Small Swiss Army Knife Cut.

Been Saying..."I'm Ready...I'm Ready"...I needed a Little More Sharpening, but Now...Tha Sky's Tha Limit, and There's No Need for me To Brag.
Cuz It's Gonna Be So Obvious That No Words Need To Be Uttered or Whispered...Heck I'll Tell U What's About To Happen...Bout To Have Tha Coolest Life, along With Tha Hottest Friends and WAG.
It's Ok To Be Different...To Have Tha Beat of Your Own Drum...Or Be Last On Life's Lotto List...Makes U Learned Out 2 Survive when Friends Leave You...Or When Your Looks May Show a Sudden Sag.
This is a Marathon, Not a Sprint...And I Actually Get Better With Time...I Get More Energy, Come Up With More Fun...I Can Dig Deeper and Deeper Before Any Signs of Tha White Flag.

Things are Looking Up...My Wardrobe is Going Up a Level, When I thought It Couldn't...Going 2 Buy This Hot Condo in a Few Weeks, and With Gurls, My Motto is...Only Date Tha Best.
We're Tha Ultimate Kid, With Ultimate Resources...And I'm Gonna Have Fun than a Family Reunion Picnic Full of Mosquito Pests.
I've Written About It...And Often Have Wondered...What is Tha Key To My Dream?  How Can I Make Sure That I'm Separated From All Tha Rest.
Guess That Key is....Don't Run Away From Ur Negative Feelings...Take Risks Even Though U Think U'll Look Stupid at Tha Time...And Trust Tha Tough Lessons From Following Ur Heart...

While Knowing That Success is Not In Tha 'Acing Of''...

But Simply that You Passed...

Tha Test!

Austino Galaxia!
On To Tha Next One!

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