
Galaxia v. Tha Universe.

The feeling of being so close u can taste.
With all the knowledge that Tha journey hasn't been a waste.
Living ur dream...Now eating Elmer's glue..no longer cheap Paste!
Lot on my Mind today...as Tha trial of Tha century is about 2 close it's case.

I've felt like I've been in this Courtroom ever since they invented Tha gavel.
Sitting quietly as the testimonies roll on...as my heart is stabbed with a javel.
"How much do I have 2 put up with this?"...all this mumbo jumbo & Brad Pitt Babel.
I shouldn't even be here in Tha first place...Rather be on Tha beach or on Tha farm chasing Cattle.

But while others are enjoying playtime, my life is in Tha balance in Tha hands of Tha jury.
Hoping Tha verdict will come out sweet...like a jump shot by Chef Curry.
Yet Tha closer we get to that final verdict, I sense no joy, but more of worry.
Like I'm about to get railroaded again...like an Amtrak conductor driving in snow so blurry.

Yeah I got my Armani suit on, looking good for the Sketch Drawer.
He does a good job I see...getting Tha best side of me and my lawyer.
So many people are in here...I even see one of my Dream Gal Crushes...Diane Sawyer.
Guess I have a thang for smart women, who know how 2 hold Mics... And go one on one in Tha Courtroom Foyer.

I tried everything I Could 2 get out of this...no matter what Though...here w
Is where I sit.
My Lawyer is mad sexy in her Delivery...But A tight body only gets u so far...I need 2 hear Tha words..."He's Acquit".
Master's Degree in Law...Cinnamon Latina Tan...She helps out in Tha community so much, that I got No Idea how she stays so fit.
Met her At this Party I went 2 off of Brickell Ave., and I'm not gonna Lie Whenever this is over I'm definitely gonna give her some Good Game with my best Spit.

For now though it's all Bid-ness, and let me tell ya I'm at Tha point of raising my hands and saying, "No Mas!"
I'm getting text messages from friends who are living it up...with family, a cute babe, and shortys Goo-Goo...Gah-Gah'ing on towels.
While I'm wondering nit that only way I'm gonna get out of this is if my lawyer pulls a Demi Moore Striptease stunt...and Unbutton her blouse!
Is this really Tha penalty for a life of "Fun & Luv"...I promised u they wouldn't Have done this 2 Mickey Mouse.

What am I on trial for anyway? Heck I don't even know...I was listening 2 sum Britney and Iggy & next thang I know I was in Cuffs.
All I've tried to do is live Tha Good Life...Is it really Criminal for me to walk around in my Italian Briefs & Be in Tha Buff???
Or to try to make a person's day by inviting them 2 hang out...Don't they want something different...isn't getting drunk EVERY SINGLE DAY enough?
I could held in Contempt of Court for A Lot of Thangs...Every week I'm cleaning my closet and seemingly every week it gets filled up with More stuff.

Thinking Back on how I guess, All Celebrities have had 2 deal with these High Courts of Tha Land.
I recall Tha King Of Pop and his Ordeal...rocking PJ's 2 court was Gangsta...so was Jumping on top of That Surbaban Van.
Whether it was Lindsey El or W. Ryder...we've all had our Run Ins with This Judicial Man.
Which stinks really...Cuz I'm one who is fighting for my life...without my Head being buried in This Sand.

I wrote this Tha other day...How U have 2 Prove Urself All Tha Time...Comparing struggles to those Struggles of Tha Sexy and Talented Deer Named Bambi.
How Even she gets Tired of Being Picked on For something She can't Control...Which is Just Being her...So what if she's Good Eye Candy.
It's almost like if u Volunteer...U can't have a heart of a Memphis Tiger...and if U don't listen 2 Tha Commodores that means U aren't Truly from Vandy.
But Being Myself I think is Tha Reason I sit in This court 2day...maybe I should've been like every one else...and not be so Brave or a "Macho Man" Savage like Mr. Randy.

There seems to be different rules for me seemingly...Why do u think I used to drive Slow in Little Havana or Tha Gables Hoods.
Everybody else can speed, but if they see me going 1 mile over Tha Limit, they're gonna pull me over ask me if I got Tha Escobar Goods.
Eyes are on me all Tha time...so I don't have Tha liberty of acting too wild, Saying how I really Feel, cuz "Being Human" isn't allowed like anybody else would.
Like I got to be Mega-Perfect...My J's have 2 be spotless...and still that might not be good enough 2 have some one play with Ur Wood.

I'm not even paying attention to what's being argued right now...its Tha Same thang..."Be Patient and Things will be better Than u Could Ever Dream".
Perhaps, but how come I have to be Tha Poster Boy for Tha 'W.A.I.T.' Corps Union, maybe I should've stuck 2 Chocolate instead of wanting  so much Butterscotch or Vanilla Ice Cream.
Now I got this Orange jumpsuit with my name on it...which is a Nightmare in waiting cuz whenever I put on Cheap Cotton on I want 2 rip it up by every seam.
Then again a Orange does look good on me...I mean I rock it all Tha time since Tha Giants are my favorite Baseball team.

Man..its Sunday...all Tha Honey's are gonna be In full bloom on Tha Sand...this is where I'm at though...on This Holy Day.
For me to even be in court on this so called "off day" shows u how bad they want me 2 be put away.
There's nothing Nothing Norse than having Tha feeling of u've done it all...Seen it all...and no longer have anything else 2 say.
Sitting here waiting while Life is going by makes me feel like that...When every Move gets u close but not close enough...like ur about 2 sail off but a Rope is Holding down by Bay.

What can I do? What do I need 2 say? I don't wish This on Any Man Friend or Even Foe.
When u Reach This Level of Trial ur Faith gets tested 2 tha Max...and it seems better off if u Didn't have a Giving heart, Looks and a tad bit of Dough.
Got Tha Bible sitting here next 2 me in Tha Courtroom...Need all Tha help I can get...A Miraculous "Walk on Water" type of show!
Can we just get this over with?!! Pleeeeze!!! Man, my Lawyer looking right as she pleads my case...I hope I get off with her...Perhaps wrong choice of words...but At least I didn't mention job or blow?!!

Looks like she just rested our Case...I can tell how she's bouncing towards me that she gave it all that she got.
It's like I want 2 be treated differently yet be treated like everybody else...if that makes sense. Like a Star Actor that wants his Trailer but doesn't require his own parking spot.
I used to want to be "Tha Star of Stars" as Commissioner Stern would say...And I was going along smooth until Tha sudden thickening of Tha Plot.
Like reading a Book thinking, 'That's not supposed 2 happen' and 'Not Again'...Tha Hero has turned Into Tha Villain...And it's always Crazy Once Tha Villain Gets Got!

But as I've stated before my hand has Been forced to keep my cool and deal with Tha Rain like a 90's version of Missy. 
Realizing that no matter what is said in or out this Courtroom Tha True Intensions of my heart will Speak for itself...probably leaving a tears eye Misty.
No matter if I'm in a suit with cuffs on my hands, as I am now...if u are true 2 Urself it will always work out...Got that from My Parents...Pookie and Sissy.
Truly I'm prepared For whatever Verdict is about To be reached here soon...U can do ur best But Tha Timing Has 2 be Right...Learned that from Tha Maria's, Tha Liz's, & this Secret HIgh School Crush named Chrissy.

When Control seems to be out of Ur Hands...U must trust Tha Process and hope Everythang will Turn out Right.
Many times I Wanted The Perfect Job...Tha perfect Curves on My Gurl...Tha perfect Scenario that proved to Others They missed out on "Mr. Every day is Christmas and New Year's Eve is Every Nite!"
This Job doesn't want me...I'll get 'em back...This Gurl doesn't want a harmless Lunch...They'll regret Tha day...not understanding Tha Fuel needed For This Special Flight.
Right when Ur ready For Take Off, something else gets in ur way...Fame, Ego, and a Nice set of Boobs can Easily make U lose sight.

Even here in This Courthouse...Tha "Why Me's" creep in...as in this courtroom, just like life, every once in a while You would like 2 be Offered more Than just a Glass of H2o.
But it may take Tha discipline of Water 2 see what's important In Life...2 understand How Tha Rivers of Life Purely Flow.
Just like any Toy...You have 2 be charged up and Properly Processed so u can Get That  'In Tha Dark' Glow.
Life is A present that Once it's opened Can Be more Beautiful Than Ever...as With Me and others...it may take time 2 open it...and once u get Through Tha Wrapping u still have 2 untie Tha Bow.

I'm thinking about a lot right now...Sitting here looking at The Media, Tha Cameras, and Tha jury.
It's a mixed bunch of races, girls and guys over there...But as compared 2 how I felt Earlier there's no longer a sense of Worry.
My Life Has already been wild...I mean...My Laywer told me as I walked in that My Life is gonna be featured Episode One...when E! Rekindles it's Classic network series "True Hollywood Story".
Yeah...This 'Ish has taught me a whole lot Let Me Tell Ya...Whatever Happens...Happens...Either Way I'll Be Honky Doorie.

Shhh...Tha Jury has reached its verdict...Shhh Gurl...Yes!!!
(Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!)
'Order in Tha Courtroom! Order in Tha Courtroom! I'll toss everybody out like some Unwanted Guests.
The Decision Has Been made...Sir, This has Been a long Time Coming For U, Even I must Confess.
Please U and Ur Attractive...I mean Lawyer approach Tha Bench and Share How u feel After This Judicial Test.'

May I...Ladies and Gentleman of Tha Courtroom For Years you Have seen me sit at That chair Going Through This Process Which Has Brought me some Shame.
Lately, I've Had a feeling that I've missed out on so much...All because I wanted 2 be a Star in 'Luv & Fun's' never ending Game.
People Have spoken For Me...Many against Me...Some Preferred Jail Time over Helping Me On my Way...At Another Time 'Revenge' would be Hard 4 Me to Tame.
Heck...I've given my number 2 so many People just 2 help me out and I gotcha...Pinkie Promise...but No Texts...No Calls...For No One Came.

So I Sat Thinking like Forrest Gump...Wondering When Can I get my Chocolates Inside that Swedish Made Box.
Others are Chomping Away, with Freedoms Unawares...While I sit and Wonder when will I meet Somebody who Thinks It Not Criminal 2 be Funny, Intelligent and A Jock.
Daydreaming That I'll never Have This Gal of My Dreams...and that My Door Knob Will Never Have Over It...A Sock.
This is What This Trial Has Done 2 me...It Made me Look Within...to find if I'm outdated And my time Has Past...Since I still know Tha theme songs 2 Reading Rainbow and Fraggle Rock.

But with My Lawyer's Beauty...Inside Out...And definitely Outside In...She provided me with Tha Thoughts of 'When this Is Over You'll Be Better Than Ever.'
Had No Idea what She Meant By all That...But it stuck With me...Like Tha smell of Chit-Lins from Tha Kitchen...It was Positive and Cleaver.
Looking Back was Somethang That I always Done...Tha Road has Been So Hard so I know This Would Be No Easy Endeavor.
But her words as well As Tha Thought of 'If I can Handle This, I can Handle ANYTHING' gave me Confidence to Stand during This Stormy Weather.

So I stand Before U all After Tha Verdict Has been Read...I was Prepared For Tha worse...and knew Where I was gonna Hide cuz my Family is a tad Ghetto and will Cause a Scene!
But It didn't Come down 2 that On today...In Which Ur Honor I'm grateful for that...Cuz even when Thangs Don't go Ur Way, it's really no need to act So Mean.
Can't put into words how I feel right now...Almost feel like Singing Like Those Old School California Raisin Beans.
Another Life is About to Begin For Me...I just know it...But before all that, one Has 2 Endure This..After they do...They will Be Better...Knowing how it feels to go from Borderline Drop-out....To Dean.

Normally I would Say "Let's Party" but This Has Been Long Process...And With Maturity I now know When is Tha Perfect Time 2 Dance.
I've been Stating My Case for a long time Now That we're Gonna be One Of Tha best 2 Do it...My Lawyer has Proved That...Even as She's Given Me This Humble Yet Quizzical Glance.
Your Honor, Thank u For Letting Me address Tha Courtroom...This Is What I've Always Wanted...This Has Been Years in Tha Making...But Now I Finally on This "Luv & Fun" Pursuit I've Survived & Advanced.
Never Thought It'd Take This Long...But I've asked Guys...And Lord Knows Many Gals For Tha One Thang Only This Jury and Even You Judge Has Given Me 2Day...

Which All I've Wanted My Entire Life...


A Chance.

Luv u!

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