
"Hey...Batta Batta!!"

"We've only just begun!"....Perfect title 4 tonight...U know what No poem...u get just Me. Yippie Right!!! Now 2night is special cuz this is our first Post on our New IPad Air 2 Gizmo, so bear with me As I'm still getting used to how to place My madness while using a New Medium. May be Short but we're Just Gonna Go with Tha Flow.

2nite was a Unique one.  Wonder does Anybody else just get tired Hitting that "Reset" button like over & over again until it makes u absolutely sick?! I've got so many things Happening 2 U.S. That It can Drive a man Batty! Yesterday I was Up in Palm Beach 4 just Like All day. I was all over town...From Tha Outlet Mall...To PGA Blvd....To Hanging Around Worth Ave., and Tha Beach area Checking out my Future Homes ( Tha Mansions up There Are Breathtaking). But Even though There's So Much Wealth Up there...It's Truly My Getaway. Starting 2 Be a 2nd Home away From Home. Almost Like "Tha Hamptons" to NYC, that's what it Iz 4 Muah. I luv It up There. And anytime U Mix...Good Shopping...A chill Beach...And sexy Ladies with Tans, I guess I'm there!!

Stopped also Through Tha Boca Raton Area. Which Eye like as well. If u Hang Out with Me, Trust Me...We'll Take U 2 Sum places! Just cuz I'm a South Beach Kid doesn't Mean I Don't Get out. Life is 2 B LIved and I'm Gonna Do that 2 Tha Max. Let's switch Topics...

How Much Is Too Much?

Hmmm...Great Question Huh? This will be Tha Last Time I discuss This Thang Cuz as Of like 6 something This Evening I made a Vow 2 Move on. But...Excess seems 2 run Rampid in My Life. Too Many Preparations and Lessons Learned 4 a Lifestyle which I still Have No Idea to what's Gonna Unfold. Too Many Clothes and Sneaks 2 where I'm literally Or just literally ran outta Outer Space. Get it "Outer Space" and my name is Galaxia....Moving On...Too Many Dreams in Tha Real sense
Involving Tha Most Beautiful Gurls U Can ever Imagine. It's almost Like When I lay My Head down & and Go 2 Sleep, Tha Real Party Begins. Flawless Beauties with Soap Opera Storylines that Are Worthy of Any Big Screen. This Is a Diary so I Can write like This Right?!

With All these Thangs going on...And with People approaching me with different Thangs...For Tha first time in Awhile I felt like I just Didn't Have anything Left 2 Give. Just Tired...Frustrated and Disappointed @ all Tha Kid has 2 Go through Just to Have a Simple Life. Like My Life is Choosing Me...instead of Me It...And No Matter What I do...what Job I apply For...Which Dame catches My Attention...Even though I know I'm Tha Best Qualified sum thing Always Pops Up to interrupt Tha Moment Or Possible Dream. After Going through That for so Long...a few days Ago I started to feel...(Gulp!)....Old.

Oh How I Hate That word.

U Felt Like U've seen it All...Time is Running Out on U Dreams...Nobody Else Believes In Fun & Luv Being Tha Golden Keys 2 Life & Happiness...Fed up With Others Holding Hands and Making Out with u while U asking God, 'Why do I Have 2 deal With Another Gurl Episode With Somebody Who's Untouchable'...i.e.- She's making or thinks Ur Just Tha Cutest Boy Toy She's Ever Met. All that stuff can weigh u Down. Especially when u have Tha Ego, Confidence and Belief That anything is possible...And when U see Some type of Beauty in everybody. Heckuva Job I Have on This Earth. And it's Hard to be so Outgoing when U felt like U've Paid Ur Dues in Full and It's time 4 U to Get Yours.

So a lot of thoughts ran through My mind like...Why should I try 2 make This Gurls day when she Has a Man and/or She's not coming home or texting Me, I'm tired of Being Tha Nice Guy in Life when I got EVERY reason 2 Be Tha Bad guy. Or Why should I keep believing That Good Thangs come 2 Those Who Wait...it Hasn't Happened in 20 Years and it sometimes feels like Tha more intimate and real I get with myself...Tha worse it is. Like Tha Universe is Testing Every Piece of wisdom U Believe in Beforehand are it finally Gives U Tha Sun, Tha Moon And Tha Stars. My wrongful Focus has Been on My Past Journey...Other People and Who They Are Sleeping With...and "Why is This Happening 2 me?" Instead of looking at Each Moment as an opportunity 2 grow and as a step closer 2 where I want 2 be. U all know I luv T.I.'s "No Mediocre" joint with Iggy, but 2day I heard a line where TIP rapped bout getting somebody better than his Last Chick. I Neva caught that until 2day, but it hit home.

Cuz with our Life U can feel Like U've seen 2 much. Especially with Gurls...It's like U've been around every Episode...Tha most Athletic bodies...Best personalities...Boobs and Butts of every I've And Form...Gals who are Total Geeks...2 Fashionistas...Hot Gurls with Tats...2 Flirty Gurlfriend types...To Desperate Housewives...Once u seen so much u Begin 2 compare instead of looking at Each at Bat as its own Separate entity or Gal. Basically u Want Somebody Who's a combination of All Tha positive Physical, Mental and Spiritual Traits in Tha past. Ur like..."Tina is so smart, but I wish she worked out like Cindy...who was awesome But when we Hung out she didn't show Her cleavage and Chest like Denise...Who was awesome too...but she Hated 2 Dance and Couldn't Stan Hip & r&b like Sally Ann" and it goes on and on...U've seen that it's possible now u hope that a Gurl with all those traits are possible for U...And she's Single.

So this journey of Finding Out why I've got All this Knowledge of Being Around Beautiful Women has been on Our Mind. As well as Time itself. I don't like using Tha terms 'Age' or 'Years' cuz I don't believe in that. When I use those terms U now Tha I've Had it and are Frustrated in sum Way, shape Or form.  Can't Compare Urself 2 others...Whether Family or Friends...Every Relationship isn't a romantic or Sexy One...Every So Call Promotion Doesn't lead 2 a Seat at Tha Head Table...Just when ur life or U feel Like ur life Has become so Outta Tha Norm, ur looking For Anybody or Anything to give U A sense of Comfort that Ur on Tha Right Path or That what Ur doing is Worth it. Can u be Tha Sexiest Person around and Still Be Single? Or do u or Myself Equate a Relationship to how Hot U are or What ur Self Worth is? Battle this Everyday...like If u Believe u Are Tha Best at Something...It's like what Comes First Confidence or Success? When u don't See Tha Success Can U still Be Confident 2 Pursue? Not talking A month or Half A year...Talking Decades dude. People say u crazy if u do Tha same Thang over and over and expect different Results...But could ur Repeated Efforts be a Way to Perfect a Skill That Sooner or Later will Make u Tha Best at what U do. U can change how U approach Tha plate...But Sometimes if u stick 2 Ur Batting stance and keep Thangs simple, ur pitch just comes and Ur ready for it cuz all Tha pitches...I'm about 2 run...Cuz all Tha Pitches That U've seen Before it prepared U for that one Pitch. That's deep!

That why Barry Bonds will always be my Favorite Baseball Player of All Time. Luv Him or Hate him...Cuz one...He might only see one Hitable pitch Tha entire GAME but when he saw it he was on it and didn't missed it. Then two...when pitchers would give him Bad pitches to swing at to avoid him, he would gladly take Tha walk down first. See...That's what my Problem was Last Week...and Great Players Who Have a Home Run Stroke go through it As well. I was so Focused on Hitting Tha Home Run...(I gotta Find a Career...Is This Gurl Just another Episode and Waste of Time...Haven't I already Learned That Having $ really & Truly isn't Everything....When I should just go with Tha Flow and Take Tha walk and go from There. I know us single Guys and Gallies too...Can be like if he doesn't Look or Sound like "Tha One" my time is too valuable and I can't waste it anymore. But we...Me included...Should just want 2 get "On Base" and then see what happens. There's different ways to score in Tha Game of Luv and Life.

We all prefer Tha Home Run or "Luv @ First Sight"...But sometimes u use need to get Walked...Or "Hit by a Pitch" or get a "Wild Pitch" , when someone says, 'I'm saying Yes 2 Tha next Guy who asks Me out no matter Who it is'...And u Just Happen 2 approach that Beauty on a Miller Light Bar bet. Once u Get on Base...Then U Can steal 2nd...or Bluff....or Hit and Run with Somebody Else Helping u out. But Tha key is To Get on Base...That's All u want. Cupid is coming up Next in Tha Order...so if U can Just Get on then Let him Do His Thang! 

One More thang...There's Different Scenarios for Different Situations. Sometimes U need to Go For Tha Long Ball. ("Gonna be Honest...I Want 2 See u Naked!) Others just need 2 make Contact and ur all good. ("Hi...My Name Is...U do What....Ur From Where?...)...and with Other Times U need 2 Work Tha At Bat and Tha Pitcher 2 see Where it goes...("So What's Ur Name....So ur just Gonna Ignore Me Huh?..I'm not Leaving here til I Get ur Name!!) You'll be able 2 feel it In Tha Air and use Tha right approach to Tha right Situation. 

I've been getting great Pitches 2 hit but I've been looking for That Home Run pitch when perhaps if my Focus was just 2 make Contact I'll be on 3rd base Right Now!!  So True and I Admit to That Lapse. Not just in Luv but In Life Dude...This person May Know This person Who Knows This Person 2 Lead u Right 2 What Ur Looking For.  That's why u Have 2 Take each At Bat seriously...And Treat it Like Ur Last because It's during that one At-Bat that u might see Tha best pitch ur gonna See for a while. U May see another but Always Remember...

Great Hitters Don't Get Great Pitches To Hit Often.

It's not Fair Per se...But that's Why U always Have to Be Ready. ur Friends May be Swinging and Missing or even Connecting and Ur standing On Tha On Deck Circle like, 'Why Won't Tha pitcher Toss me A Ball Like that?!' But U Have 2 Focus on Ur Turn At Tha Plate, and Stay Focus with Expectations of I'm Ready For Whatever Comes My Way.

No Idea Where all that came From. But 2night was as deep as it needed 2 be. Tha First One on Tha IPad...and Hopefully I didn't Swing On...



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