
Every. Single. Word.

Tha Magic is In Tha Air 2day, So We're just Gonna write from Our Heart.

2 Have Everything U Want and More, That is Tha Question as We Speak.
Dream Wardrobe, Laughs Galore...No More Dodging Success in A Game of Hide & Seek.
Knowing That When U Wake Up, It's Ur Day and That's Just from an Under Tha Bed Covers Peek.
Everytime U Roll Tha Dice It Comes Up 7...Indicating How Many Days U R A Freak!

Haven't Written In A While...Just Been Living So I Can Reach That Point Above.
Been Witnessing Thangs, That Can Easily Turn Any Grizzly Bear into a Chicago Cub.
All In Tha Name of Dreams Come True...Like Having J. Lo and Sofia V. Alone in a Hot Tub!
Amazing What U Have 2 Endure Past Just So That U Can Get Out of Life's Sticky Mud.

I Have an Ego To Be One of Tha All-Time Best...That Has Come With Tha Ultimate Cost.
Being Urself Can Sometimes Seem Like a Crime...And I Feel Fate Has Become My Hated Mob Boss.
No Matter What I've Done It Doesn't Seem 2 Work...2 Where My Dream Stone is Starting 2 Grow Moss.
Am I As Good As I Think?  Will My Goals Ever Come True?  Why When I'm Wrestling With God, I'm Always Getting A Hip Toss?

Never Before Have I Felt Like...This Is It...Like MJ Said Before Those London Concerts at Tha O2.
Having To Dig Down Deep Like an Undertaker...2 Find Inspiration To Prevent Me From Going Cuckoo!
I Got Tha Dream Life I Know It...There's Just Something Else That Makes Me Hold My Breath 2 A Smurf Blue!
Maybe It's A Job...Perhaps It's That Sexy Dame...That Completion of a Journey That No One Has Ever Knew.

It's In Those Moments Where Ur In Tha Waiting Room, Where U Can Pace Tha Room Anticipating What That Baby Will Look Like.
Will Be What U've Always Dreamed About?  Or Look Nothing of Tha Sort Thinking This Whole Painful Pregancy Was Nothing But a Huge "Syke".
Many People Talk About It, But Very Few Have Done Everythang In There Power 2 Ignite Tha Rocket Flame To Take This Galaxy Flight.
Easy 2 Talk Tha Game, But U Have No Idea What U Have To Go Through...Alienation...Friends Leaving U...All Cuz "Fun and Luv" is All That Captures Ur Heart and Sight.

There Hasn't Been a Time in My Life That I'm at as I Write, Where I Believe That We're On Our "A" Game in This Bowl of Success Soup.
So Many Times I Have Just Felt So Sick 2 My Stomach...Not Her Too...Why Does This Keep Happening 2 Me...It's Really Bad When U Get on Tha Toliet And Don't Even Mustard out a Poop!
Questions About All That U've Been Taught in Tha Past...On How Real Eagles When They Realize Who They Are, Must Someday Leave Behind Tha Old Chicken Coop.
U Feel Like U and Ur Game is Speaking Louder Than Ever...Yet Nobody Understands Or is Listening...Like They Got U On Some Type of 'Mute.'

We've Learned To Really Get In Touch Magazine With Our Soul...Believe That Tha Journey Will Turn Out Right.
Understand That Tha Power of Tha Trojan Isn't In Tha Penetration, But In How He Survives a Cat's Inital Fight.
Rome or Katy Perry Wasn't Made in One Day....When U Hit Tha Top of Tha Column, It Looks So Daunting That On That Rope U Have 2 Hold On Tight.

U Know What I Have 2 Write This Thang Out.

When U Really Want 2 Achieve Something, There's a process, much of Which is Unseen.  U can Look around it feel Like Life is Throwing Ur Sidearm Curveballs Not Understanding That it's Molding U To Be That Best U Can Be.  I'm a Weird...No I Shouldn't Say That Cuz That Might Scare Some of Tha Model Girls I Come Across Away...I'm Different, In a 2 Chainz Kind of Sense I Guess.  I Do Pull Up 2 Tha Scene With My Ceiling Missing", But I Also Know That Convertibles and Clothes are Just Material Thangs.  Tha Last Few Days I've Been Debating on These Jimmy Choo Shoes That Retail Cost $765...And No, U Didn't Read That Wrong!  I Can Get a Good Hookup on Tha Kicks, but Even With That I Understand That 2 Have Those Thangs R Just Blessings.  I Look at My Closet Already With Tha Hottest J's, Nike's and A Closet That Looks More Like a Vogue Editor's Than South Beach Kid...But When U Have So Much of Those Thangs U Realize That There's More 2 Life Dude.  U Can Only Wear One Pair of Shoes...Be Only on One Phone...Sooner or Later U Understand That U Want More 2 Life Than A Fad or Trend.  Don't Get it Twisted I'm Probably About 2 Cop This Burberry Hoodie and 'Malibu' Herschel Backpack That's Almost Tom Cruise IMPOSSIBLE 2 Find...And I Do Mean Like 99% Difficult 2 Find.

But Always Remember that U Wear Tha Clothes, Tha Clothes Don't Wear You.

No Need 2 Think Ur Better than Anybody or Become Snobby.  Cuz Tha Moment U Do, that's When Things Get taken Away...Somebody Steps on Ur Sneaks...A Drunk Chickenhead Spills a Drink on Ur Shirt Inside Tha Club...Karma is a Mutha, So I Try...No Matter How Tough It Is...I Try 2 Keep a Humble Mindset, Cuz Life Can Change in An Instant.

One Reason I Remain So Humble When People Are Watching You Wherever U Go It Seems Like a Big Celebrity of Sorts...I Need a Camera Cuz I Get a Lot Of Attention Wherever We Go....Matter of Fact Let Me Play This Joint From 2 Chainz and Skateboard P...Sure These Folks are Watching Too!  (Click Here)...But 2 Reasons Really I'm So Fiery is Because I'm Still Striving For This Lifestyle Legacy That I Want To Put on This Earth.  And Of Course Tha Topic of Both of My Diaries...I Haven't Found That Gal Who's Super Cool....Super Sexy...And Super Single!

First This Lifestyle Legacy Thang.  I've Written This Many Times, and It Might Turn People Off, Make Me Feel Conceited, but It's in My Heart...From a Kid, I've Always Been For Some Reason Interested in Celebrity, Fame and Influence.  Like I've Been Studying So Many Folks From Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Shakespeare, JFK Jr., and Soooooooo Many More.  It Has Turned From a Childhood Admiration of How To Make Ur Influence And Money actually Change Tha World....To Now I Feel Like Most of  tha People That I Look To Have Become My Contemporaries.  And Then Some, Cuz Some of tha Stuff That Happens To Me...I Was in Target Up in Broward County About 2 Get My Trail Mix On in Tha Aisle, and Out of Nowhere This Young Kid Comes Up And Asks Me About My Shoes.  I Tell Him Where I Got Them...Then He Literally Goes Into How He's Trying To Change His Style, I Guess To Be Like Mine...I Don't Know This Young Man, but He Tells Me About His Family and Stuff and He's Talking 2 me Like I'm Tha  Anna Wintour of Tha Ghetto!   It's Cool But It's These Moments Where I'm Like, I'm Being Prepared For Some Major Status on This Globe....

Or When I Was At Tha Car Wash Up on Biscayne Blvd., near That K-Mart where They Should Film a Reality Show Called Tha Parking Lot Cuz Tha Stuff That Goes Down It Definitely Tru TV Worthy!  I'm Washing My Car and a Guy Who Works There Walks Up To Me and Asks Me About My Hat.  I Don't Even Know How He Saw It Cuz of Tha Shadows.  (I'm Listening To This Song Here as I Write This By Tha Way!  It's That 'Ish!)  But My Homeboy Comes Up To Me...Asks Me Where I Copped It, and I Told Him.  It Was a Yankees Cap So I Ask Him If He Likes Tha Yanks...But Say All This 2 Say...I Feel Like I Have To Be "ON" 24/7 Cuz I Don't Know Who's Watching or Gonna Walk Up on Me Whether It's Here in South Beach at 3am in tha Morning....Or While I'm at a Stop Light in Tha Gables.

But Even With Me Knowing I've Been Prepared For Some Major Exposure and Celebrity in Our Life, I Know That I'm Not At tha Level That I've Envisioned...Just Yet.  But I'm Very...Very....Very...Close Though.  I Don't Know If I'll Ever Be Satisfied, but I Just Know That There's an Energy With Us That's Never Been Seen and Will Be Tough To Be Duplicated.  A Lot of It Comes From Tha Pain of Tha Ups and Downs of Rejection, and Tha 'Be Patient' Gene Being Forced Down Our Throats For tha Last 15 or 20 Seasons.  I Shake My Head Like...'Wait Until They Get a Load of Me' Cuz There's No Gwen Stefani in my Mind That Once This Thang Gets Going, It's Going To Be Talked About For Generations 2 Come.

And Then There's Luv.

To Say I've Seen...Known...And Have Been Around Tha Most Beautiful Women in Tha World Would Perhaps Be Tha Ultimate Understatement and Borderline Tha Ultimate Slap in Tha Face.  I've Always Had Tha Hottest and Coolest Gals Around Me...But I've Never Had One Become Ms. Galaxia.  And That Drives Me Some Too.

A Lot.

When Most of Tha Pie Chart Believes U To Be a Cool Guy Who U Can Talk About Anythang With From Life Philosphies To Working Out To Dating Episodes To When Pouring Honey on Somebody's Navel is It Better For It To Be Hot or Cold?!  I'm an Open Book...Too Open Really...But I've Wondered Why Have I Gone Through So Much.  It's Almost Like I've Been Prepared For This Beautiful Gurl Who Her Entire Life Has Just Wanted Somebody To Be So....


Not Perfect in Never Making Mistakes, but I Know That I'm Really Somebody Teenage Gurl Dream.  And I'm Sure Whoever I End Up With Would Have Gone Through So Many Things With Dudes, That She's Also Gonna Be Like..."Finally It Was Worth It...It Was Worth. It. All."  When Ur Single, And Been Around Tha Block a Few Times U Can Sometimes Wonder, 'Is This Thang Ever Gonna Happen.'  Meaning, U Wonder Why Does It Have 2 Be So Hard.... Especially When Ur Buddies or Homegurls are Gettting Hitched and Linked Up Like Milk Going On Sale.  U Think, "They Going In and Out of  Relationships Like Groupies at Valet, and I Have To Deal With This One and That One, and It Seems Like a True Waste of Time...Text...And Money."

It Doesn't Seem Fair Especially When Ur Like, This Guy Doesn't Even Want To Rub His Gurls Feet after a Long Day...Or Send Impromptu Flowers...Or Doesn't Want To Take His Gurl Out on Tha Town Cuz He Feels Insecure That Somebody Is Gonna Take Her from Him...Yet He Gets To Sleep Next This Runner-Up To Tha Miss Colombia Pageant.  He Doesn't Even Treat Her Right...It's Mediocre Luv...And She Likes That????

But...At Least For Me...It's Like U Have 2 Go Step By Step For U To Be Molded Into...Like For Instance, This My Diary, and I Don't Really Give a Flying Fudgepucker  Who Knows This...Hold On...Ok, There It Is...I Didn't See That Red Line Show Up Underneath and I Was Like 'Fudgepucker' is Actually a Word??!!...Anyway...As A Kid Growing Up in Tha Golden Era of Hotties in Tha 90s...I Used To Literally Pray 4 One Day Having Tha Most Beautiful Gurl in Tha World.


Tha Words Would Just Come Out.  Don't Know Why, But They Did.  Never Understanding What That Meant.  For Me, That Has Meant Going Through A Lot of Close Calls...Maybe's...No's For No Reason, If That Makes Any Sense...Lessons That I Can Sometimes Regret To Have Learned, Only Thinking That My Life Is Gonna Make a Great Book...An Oscar Winning Pixar Animated Film...And That Our Diary Can Be a Blueprint of Sorts of What Finding True Love...Not This Play Luv...But True Luv is All About.

Never Let Anybody Else Define What Dating or Luv can Be.  I Watched a Whale of a Documentary Tha other Day Called 112 Weddings.  This Wedding Video Guy Caught up With Couples Years and Years After They Got Knotted Up at Tha Alter.  Life Can Change...But very  few I Saw Still Had That Flame Blowing as High.  Still There...But Kids...Or Trials...Or Other Temptations Interfered With Tha Puppy Luv That Was at Tha Beginning.  It Was Awesome To Hear Tha Stories, But Also Scary Sad As Well.  Some or Many Have This Image of What Marriage is All About.  Yes, It Isn't Easy...But It Can Be Fun Too.  Don't Let Other Couples or Ur Friends Tell U That It's All Downhill After Tha 'I Do' and 'Something Borrow and Blue'...Trust Me.


I Know That 2 be True....One Thing About Being Single At This Act of My Screenplay Is That...Your Fresh.  Like, and I'm Not Knocking It...If U Get Married at 19 or 20, If Ur Not a Creative or Luv Boy or Gal, Tha Simple Things That Marriage or Even Dating Can Get Mundane and Boring.  Like I Can See a Gurl Be Like...'Whoopee...Another Movie."  Or "You Want Me To Get tha Handcuffs Out Again, Just Like Last Time...And Tha Time Before...And Tha Time Before."  It Can Get Stale and U Can Be in a Rutt Before U Know It.  But With Us, and Others Who May Be in a Similar Situation Like Ur Truly...U've Been Around Tha Hot Guys and Amazing Gurls.  (Please Click This 2 Hear This Awesome George Michael Song!)..Yet There are Also Some Things That U Haven't Done Either! So Ur Still Fresh While Others are Tired and Bored...

That's an Advantage That Goes Unseen.

So While Others Are All Partied Out...Or Think Going To Concerts or Dancing is Tha Same Ol', Same 'Ol...4 Ewe It Isn't.  Plus, Ur Getting 2 Live Like 2 Kids Making Out in Tha Park, at a Time Where Ur More Set Emotionally, Financially and Mentally.  U Know What U Want...I Think Ur More Open Cuz U've Seen So Much.  Meaning, When Somebody Gave Up and Quote Unquote "Settled" Cuz They Will Never Find an Asian Gurl Who Luvs Hip Hop, Who Cooks, Is a Perfect Size 16, and Can Talk Politics as Much as She Can Discuss What Changes Tha Miami Heat Need 2 Make Tha Playoffs Next Year...U Find That Tha Impossible Combinations Are Actually Possible...If One Just...


Not Sure Where I Was Going With This...Whatever.  But It's Tough Going Through Bad Apple After Bad Apple, but U Have 2 Hang in There.  I'm Not Really Looking For Luv Per Se.

I've Seen It All, But I Haven't Seen...Everythang.

If I Were 2 Have a 'Fun Partner', which is What She Will Be...She Has To Have an Energy of Positiveness and Fun and Want To Enjoy Life 2 Tha Fullest.  That Can Be a Lunch at Mariposa at Neiman Marcus...Or Late Night in Tha Park Laying in Tha Grass Staring at Tha Stars.  She Has To Have a Strong Sense Of Upscale Life With Tha Understanding That It's Not Tha End All To Be All. And That Upscale Mentality Isn't All About Money.

Life is All About Having Fun.  At Least That's What I Think.  Some May Read This Post and Have No Idea What I'm Talking About.  But I Feel If My "Fun Partner In Luv's Crime" Were 2 Read This.  She Might Shed a Tear, Cuz Like Tha Now Formed Title of 2night.  She Would Have Understood...

Every.  Single.  Word.

Be Yourself, and Always Believe.  Cuz U Never Know What Tha Future Holds, but If Ur True 2 Urself, I'll Guarantee That All Ur Dreams Will Come True.

Every.  Single.  One.

From My Heart.

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