
Salt and Sugar!

On This Beach Day of Sorts, we Come in From Tha South Beach Sun.
At a Loss for Words as we look Upon this Life of 'Luv and Fun'.
There Has been times Where Everything Was Put 2gether, like a Wolfgang Puck Burger with a Neatly Toasted Bun.
It's Crazy at What We're Experiencing At Tha Moment...From Tha Spotlight We Won't Shun.

"There Are Gonna Be Losses, It's Tha Playoffs", Thanx D Wade, I heard Him Utter after Tha Heat Loss 2 Charlotte in Game Three.
I'm a Hooper for life, but I've never heard Anybody put Things in Perspective like That Before, Sonehow I think he Was Talking 2 Me.
As I Push and Push Like Steve Jobs Eating an Apple, This Motivation of Having 2 Be 'Perfect' Is a Message That Flashes In My Internal TV.
When You've Felt Like Ur One of Tha Best, but Nobody Really Notices, Then Immediately it's like I Gotta Be Better and Sexier...Times Three.

Perhaps That's Tha Level Tha Success Gods Want You to reach, 2 Be So Good At Ur Craft, that You Leave No Doubt.
I'm So Motivated By Sitting on Tha Bench Every Game...By Not Be Drooled Over By Every Cheerleader or Scout.
Patiently I've been Force To Wait My Turn, just like Tha Hamburglar on a Mickey D's Stakeout.
What's it With Me and Burgers 2day?!!! Anyway...Quietly I've Been Working and Studying, Making Sure This World Gets a Dose of Me...A Very Fair Amount.

Tha Road on Success Can seem Alone...You've made a Choice That Nothing is Gonna Stop You, Come What May.
You Try 2 Bring Others Along For Tha Ride...So Look On From Afar, While Others Think it's Better Off At Home They Stay.
Maybe I Have 2 Much 2 Prove, Perhaps I'm Too Caught Up in 'Tha Game', but I just Figure if I'm Living in This Galaxy, I want 2 Leave a Moonprint Indicating, "This Kid Has Spunk and Can Play!"
Yeah, they may look at U Weird...Yeah, you might gets Flirts that Mean Nothing...But I Won't let Anything and Anybody Set a Standard That is Just 'Ok'.

Remember This is a Diary as We Move Up and Through, These are Tha Emotions When They Keep on Telling You 'No'.
That Feeling of Being Outside of This Exclusive Club...Waiting Outside in Line at Tha Club, When Deep Inside U Know Ur Tha Crook Who's About 2 Steal Tha Show.
There's This Eternal Fire That Burns Within...Logs are being Added Daily For Reasons unknown...Your Heart Burns With This Desire, Which Is Why Ur Energy Glows.
As a Leader or Visionary, one Must Understand Tha Process, Tha Things You Must Endure are Different From Others...A Lot of Pain & Sacrifice Goes in, Before U get Tha Tiffany Blue Box with Bow.

You have 2 Be Mega-Strong...Like a Video game Hero...Doing Whatever it Takes 2 Obtain Tha Hi-Score.
'Blood, Sweat and Tears' are a Cliché For Others, but For You Its Tha Pitcher in Which Your Soul's  Lemonade Pours.
Those Times Where It Seem like Nothing You Did Work...Night after Night U Stood like a Gurl Scout Selling Cookies, Pounding and Knocking At Every Inch of Tha Door.
Mr. Opprotunity Would Go To This Person...Destiny Never Returned Ur Calls Asking for a Date...And You were Stuck Wondering How Has Ur Life Become Such a Bore.

You Have Tha Clothes, Tha Pesos, Tha 33139 Zip Code, But Ur Dreams Have been More Than living A Life As a Modern Day Scrooge McDuck.
Tha Dreams That Have U Pacing Tha Floor At Night, involve How Can You Get In Good With Mother Nature, So That You Can Somehow Sleep With Her Daughter...Lady Luck.
Everytime You get Close 2 Tha Ice, U Begin 2 Feel an All Too Familiar Chill...And Sure Nuff, Bang! Your Head Gets Blindsided By a Speeding Puck.
Tha Only Crime You Committed was Simply Being You, Yet her U Sit in This Penalty Box of Life, Going Looney like Tha Monopoloy Man being Refused 2 Pass A Buck.

Cupid Once was Your Best Friend, Now He's Either in a Meeting or Always on Vacation or At Least So His Assistant Always Says.
She's a Hottie That Will Do Whatever 2 Get His Business of 'Luv' after He Moves On...She Doesn't Know He Promised It 2 Me, Citing He Wants it 'In Good Hands' During His Retirement Days.
While He's In Ibiza or Tha Cayman Islands, I'm Wondering If I Still Want In...It's So Hard When Gurls Know That Ur Cupid's Trust Fund Ba...Bay.
Some are Afraid Ur Too Romantic...Others Just Use U For Momentary Attention, Just So They Can Say They Knew 'A Star'...They Get Sorta Close, But Never Go ALL THA WAY.

These Moments Make You Stronger Like Popeye or Even He-Man...Where All You Have Left is Your Inner and Outer Fight.
Knowing That Moments in Ur Life Has Blinded You...Only So That You Can Elevate 2 A Level That is Outta Sight.
If You Want 2 Become a King or a Queen, just Know Tha Throne Isn't just Court Jesters, Miles Davis Trumpets Blowing, or Belly Dancers Shaking Their Hips Like at LIV on a Sunday Night.
Many Times You Have 2 Be Prepared For Tha Throne...You Must Pay Ur Dues, Learn Bewildering Lessons, While Others Are Basking in Tha Feast, You're Tha One Trying Not 2 Drop Tha Dinner Rolls And Wine With All Ur Might.

But One Day, They WILL See...Tha Process Has Been Undeniably Difficult, But Heavy is Tha Crown Who Wants 2 Become a Prince.
U just Put on Ur 'Raspberry Beret' and Party like its '1999' Because Your Time is Coming...I Can See it Now...Tha 'Pop Life'...With a Beautiful Princess Who Gives A Sexy 'Kiss', In Tha Mouth I'll Never Rinse.
I just Want All 2 Live a Life of 'Fun and Luv'...Laughs and Giggles...To Never Stop Believing Even If Your Neighbors, Tha Jones', Feel Tha Need 2 Elevate Their Picket Fence.
You Just Stay Focus on Your Kingdom...Yeah, It Once was a Sand Castle...That Was Washed Away By Life's Waves...But Now it's Bigger, Better and Greater...

Now I Got My Dream Come True...

And I Know it's Real, Because This Post 2day Has Given Me...

Tha Ultimate...


With Amor.

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