
Reject No Equal Eject.

This is quite a Stunning Suprise, In No Way Whatsoever Did Tonight Seem A Day 2 Jot!
But Tha Writing Gods Up Above Have Moved Our Heart, So We'll Dip Our Stylus Pen into This Ink Jar and Pot.
Not Quite Sure What 2 Write About...Tha South Beach Life, Tha Art of Never Giving Up or Tha Joy of Eating Applesauce over Ur Tator Tots!
Sure Something Will Hit Us, Just Hope it's Good...Something Special as I lay upon This Here IKEA born Cot.

What 2 Write?...What 2 Write????

Don't really want 2 Write About This...But Here We Go.

Motivation Via Rejection. Sounds Like a Crazy Route With a Lotta Roadblocks and Tears.
I feel like Somebody in This Galaxy is Really Fed Up With Somethings or Somebody...Well, Ur In Tha Right Place at Tha Right Time...Truly a Star Among Ur Peers.
See in This Galaxy, We Keep it Real...Whether Discussing Hot Sex on A Platter...Or How Breakups Can Led 2 Awesome Careers.
This Is A Family of Achievers, Romantics,  Rocketships Ready 2 Take Off...Into A Place of Fun, and Where Everyday is Full of Thrills.

Rejection. I Bloody Hate It! Especially When You figure You're  Tha Hottest Thing Since Pamela Made That Video Thing With Tommy Lee.
How Can Anybody Say, 'No.' To Us? When U Feel Like Ur One of Tha Best...I mean This Tom Ford Fragrance  I Rock Begins At Tha Cool Price of $ Two Hundred And Twenty.
How Can They Not See All Tha Hard Work I Put in, The Perfect Re-Sum-May, Tha CareerBuilder.com Outfit...Tha Portfolio That just Screams 'Future Lead on TMZ!'
When U Have an Ego as Big as Tha Chicken from Church's, Nit Getting What U Want Is Like Puzzling, Frustrating, Like That Cheerios Bee Being Kicked out Tha Cereal of Honey.

I have Had My Fair Share of These Moments...Tha Kind You Lay At Tha a Edge of Your Bed...Literally Making Up Cuss Words, and About 2 Mike Tyson a Wall.
Then You Lay Back and Think, What Could I have Done Better, Should I Have Been More Chill? Should I have Just Kept Going As I was Kissing Down Her Chest to Her Belly Button Then Hit Tha Button of Stall?
Questions Abound When Things Don't go Your Way...From 'I Hate Being So Nice.' To Possibly 'I Hate Being Me.' To Arguments With Urself on If U Shouldn't Have Gone Text and Just Shoulda Called.

Easier Said Than Done, but You can't Beat Yourself Up...Ok, here's a Silly Story.

No Poetry 2night. Just gonna be Me.

It's always an Adventure With Myself and Gurls. I'm always around Tha Coolest and Tha Hottest of Tha Hot. Still not in a Relationship but it's a Hollywood Movie. Now With Gals and Guys like Myself, it's Takes a Lot To impress Us. Just because We've seen A Lot. (Notice Tha Italics) I mean,Tha Gurls here in Miami are Spoiled Rotten...In a Good Way. Us Guys Sometimes have 2 Raise Our Game, not just Materialistically Speaking but With Experience Comes Certain Expectations. Money is Cool but a Lotta Dames here in Tha Magic City are Beyond Tha Usual Gucci, 911's, and Miami "Lifestyle". Many are Not only Beautiful and Sexy, but Are Also Smart and Want Guys Who are on That Level. Who can be a Gentleman, But Also Will Fight For Her and Will Treat Her like a Princess or Queen Without Sacrificing His Manhood. BTW, those Last few Sentences Might Be Tha Opening of My Future Book. Right After Tha Opening Sentence...

She Came.

Get it. Finally After My Luv Adventures...She Came. Or In Terms of a Dot Dot Dot...She Came. Get it!

Moving On.

But there's Some Decent Women and Gurls here in Miami and Around Tha Globe Who are Tired of Tha Games and Tha Feeling of 'Settling' cuz Tha Guys They Like are Afraid 2 Make a First Move Because They are Afraid of...Rejection.

Which leads me 2 This. So I was at a Subway about, Ahhh...3 Weeks ago. Right before I met...Or Was it After I Met...Yeah It Was Somewhere Around There. I'm Standing in line About 2 Get My Usual Lunch Sandwich...An Oven Roasted Chicken on Whole Wheat...With Cheddar Cheese, Toasted...With Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Spinach, Green Peppers, Red Onion and Black Pepper...IN THAT ORDER!! Tha Last Time Tha Order was Jacked up, Tom almost Caught Jerry and We can't Have That!!
I'm there...And Of Course, this Gurl Walks in. I turn 2 My Left and it May have been Tha Glow from Tha Backdrop of Tha Sun, but As She Walked Towards Tha Line it felt like a Scene From Tha Show The Wonder Years! For Real. 

Her Hair Was Blowing and Bouncing. She Was Dress Professionally Sexy with Heels and Such. I was like, 'Uh-Oh...Don't do it...Don't Do it...Yep...Here She Comes...Of Course, She's Right Next to me in Line.' Now I was Calm, Cool and Collective but What Blew Me Away was Like Her Body. Now before I Get Hate Mail From Feminists...You can Send that to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington D.C. 20500 If U Like...But Yes, She was Mad cute, but Her Tan Skin...She a Looked like She had Tha Sexiest of Skin. And I was like, 'I may Have 2 Say Somethin'...Just like Mariah and Pharrell Sing About...But What do u Say? Every guy In that position begins 2 Rattle off possible Opening Lines..Not Tha Typical, 'I Just Got a Cavity By Looking At You!' Or 'I Hope U Know CPR, cuz My Heart Just Stopped!' But Something Original, Something Guranteed 2 Get That Donnie Omar Banging in Tha Back of Ur Pickup Truck. I was Gonna Hit Her With My 'Fa-Sure' of 'Hi, I'm a Scorpio, What's Ur Sign?' If I had of Told Her That, She Would've Taken Her Clothes off Right Then and There!! She wasn't ready for that...So I just said...Can't believe I'm admitting all this...But I asked here What Sandwich Was She a Getting? She told me She was getting a Tuna Sandwich, I believe. Cool...Cool. 

So Now it was my time 2 Order, and Tha Homegurls Behind Tha Counter Hooked my Sandwich Up Without me Saying a Single Word. This Happens at A Lot of Places actually Here in Miami and South Beach. At times it's kinda Embrassing Because Folks Who around Behind me in Line, Look at me Like a 'Celebrity' that gets Whatever he wants, Whenever and However. But on This Occasion I was like, this Slight "Wing-Woman" Move might help me Slide Past Tha DM and Right Into Those Vicki Secrets...I mean, Right Into Her Heart! Tha Top One and in my Best Drake Voice...And Perhaps Tha Bottom one As well! (Wink!) 

My sandwich is being Made, and She's Ordering Hers...And I'm looking at Her like She really has this Country Carrie Underwood Sexiness About her That is Really Enticing. So then I'm like, 'What Tha Alex Trebek?!!' I just gonna Let My Mouth Fly and Hope She Doesn't Stick a Lemon in it! So I ask if She Works around Here. She says She's actually About 2 Do an interview for a Job in Tha Work Plaza. Interesting. Interesting. So in My Mind, I'm mentally Staring at Tha Ceiling Begging to hear...'What Do U Do?' If She Asks me That, I'm on Her like Gravy on Biscuits and Grits! But I didn't Hear a Resoonse...So now I'm Thinking, Ok...One...How Can She Not Want Me??!! (That's So South Beach Right!! Hahaha!!)...Jokes aside Though, I'm like...This Chick might have a Boyfriend. Or Two, She's Really in 'Game Mode' for this Interview in a Few Minutes. My order is Done. I Whip out my Wallett. Burberry Plaid in Tha Open, just in Case She's Looking...We are like Bruce Wayne in a Way...

But I'm debating cuz I'm thinking about buying her Lunch, just as a Good Luck Charm. But Something was Holding Me Back (Rick Ross Would Be So Mad At Me!!) I paid for my Sammich, turned and said, 'Have a Good Day!' She gave a Soft like 'Whatever' reply, and I walked out. So as I'm walking in Tha parking lot, I heard this thought like, 'She was Freaking Hot! Why Did U Walk Away From Her? U shoulda Paid For Her. At least Tried 2 Get Her Number.' I wasn't Feeling it at Tha Moment but...

As Tha Minutes Passed I began 2 Get Tee'd Off At Myself cuz I never Really pass on an opportunity Like a That. I'm not a Playboy or Anything just...I'm a Risk taker, especially With Luv...But She Seemed Preoccupied but With Me Not Even Asking That was a  Automatic 'No' instead of Letting Things Flow. Yes I was on My Lunch Hour, and Yes, She wasn't looking for 'Luv' just some energy 2 Fill her tummy before The interview, but U Never Know. So with me Having an Ego like A-Rod, I started 2 Beat Myself Up a Little Bit. 'Why Didn't You...You Shoulda...' But then I heard a Still voice saying, 'Move On. It's Ok.'

And Boy Was it Ever!!! But when You get Selective Pitches to Hit and U don't swing or Connect, move on. There Will be Another one. Whether Job offer or Gig ....or Date, Another Chance Will Come. Many nights I've Felt Like Life was Picking on Me. "We Had EVERYTHING In Common, How Are We Not a Boyfriend/Gurlfriend Couple?" Or I've worked This Job for So Long, How Can They NOT At Least Call me in for An Interview. But Disappointments and Rejection turn into Motivation. I'm So Sleeply Right Now. 

We'll dig into that later, as my eyes are Drooping Shut. It's 11:51 pm. 9 minutes before #Mambaday Sponsored By Nike. Can't believe This is gonna be Kobe's Last Game. It's crazy. Cherish each moment and Experience...Learn from It and Use everything Good or Bad as Fuel to become Somebody's Dream Come True. 

Don't give up! Don't beat Urself Up...Move On and Prepare for Tha Next One.

As my Grandma Told Me Today...

'What is Meant for You is a Meant for You. And if U Don't Get it, There's Something Better For You.'

Very True, Grandma. 

Very True.

Good Night!

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