
PB's Bat.

I lay in bed with my eyes close, wondering what is next on Life's Healthy Plate.
Everyday it's something new it seems...Anticipation for This Spaghetti, I can't wait.
Our life has been a Zoo, A Circus It Seems, Filled With Twists and Turns like an Oliver Stone Movie Date.
Trying to Hit Tha Reset Button, Trying 2 Clear Our Browser History...Wanna Be So Right as We Get Ready To Make Out With Fate.

Lately, How Shall I Put This...You have to be Really Focused...like a Camera in Tha Woods Capturing a Bear.
It has been such a trial of being patient and being aggressive...Patience is not Tha Ride I want 2 Stand in line For at Life's Fair.
You feel like you are just buying time until Tha Stage is Finally Yours, when you get 2 Tell All Who Doubted You, 'How'd You Dare?!'
That Inner Motivation to Become Tha Best Version of You...With Hopes That One Day Somebody Will Remix Your Path To Greatness to Even Another Gear.

Money, Sex, and Fame...Seems To be What Orbits My Galaxy like Superman at Tha Daily Planet Newspaper Stand.
Wondering if this is What Life is All About? Dineros, Faces on Bilboards and To Be Able 2 Say I Saw Tha Cutest Heart Tattoo on Tha Butt of Tha Hottest Woman.
This is What I'm Faced With...Like Captain Kirk and Dr. Spock, Like Sonic and Tails...Wondering Who is Sexier...A Girl who is Called The Nanny or When Her Name is Simply...Fran.
Life is All About Having Fun, and perhaps it's All in my Mind..But Tha Ultimate Test is To Remain True When You've felt like You're Doing All That You Truly Can.

That's When You have to go to that Garage in Your Soul, and Dig for What Got you to this Place at Tha Start.
Tha Boxes Seem all Unorganized, Dug beneath Tha Ferrari's and Porsche Rides, that have Taken Some Much of Your Dream Times and In Some Ways Your Heart.
You come Accross an Old Baseball Glove, that reminds you of Simpler Days...Playing in the field after school, Playing 'Doctor' when nobody was Home, Gaming on Tha N64 to Super Mario's Kart.
Coming Upon an Old Pair of Rollerblades and Some Ice Skates, on Tha Gravel Local Roads and at Tha Local Youth Center You Were So Free With Every Spin and Dart.

Been So Long Since You've been in This Garage, been too caught up In Tha Vowel Ending Clothing Labels, Tha Washboard Abs and Wondering Everyday Which Gurl is Tha Lucky One.
This Garage is Really Who You Are...More Indiana boy Than South Beach Prince...This Truly Represents Who You Are...Fun.
Look at All These Magazines, filled with 'Where Are They Now?' Cover Stars...You on end Vowed That You would Never Submit to being a One and Done.
You wanted 2 make Such a Splash That They can Still feel Tha Waves For Generations To Come...Tha Hidden Benefit of Being Cupid's Trust Fund Son.

Deep in Tha Corner there, that's was Your Drawing and Sketch Book...Tha One You used 2 Pull out When Tha Bulls Were Winning 72.
You used To Visualize a Life So Grand, even Having Your Own Nike Shoe and Commercials...Always Living By Tha Mantra...It Just Do.
Your Eyes saw Tha Impact of Tha Jordan's, JFK Jr.'s, Tha Buster Bunny's, Hoping once Given a Chance, You Could Paint This World With Ur Fun Brush and Make Sure All Skies Were Blue.
Understanding it wasn't gonna be easy...Just like Winning an Hawaiian Tropic Swimsuit Contest While Dressed As a Nun...But Like Ur Friend Kieno used 2 Say...U Gotta Do Whatcha Gotta Do...That's Tha Ai Answer and Tha DJ Clue. 

All these Games in All these Boxes, I felt like I haven't been out in this Garage Since I was Battling 27 inches of Snow.
I've gotten so used to Tha Palm Trees, The Bikini Bunnies on Skateboards, Caught up in Tha Life of Instagram Vixens and Chicken Dinners Minus Tha Bread Dough.
Even yesterday this Girl was Shaking Her Boobs Before My Very Eyes...Real or Fake...It's So Hard to Turn Away When a Sexy Blonde is Giving You an Unbelievable and Hypnotic Show.
Sexy as She Was...And As Enticing as Her Body is...I Still Understand Tha True Essence of a Gurl...Tha Physical is Good, but it's A Woman's Heart and Soul, That I yearn To Touch and...Know.

Back in Tha Day, This Garage was So Empty, Now it's like it's filled to Tha Brim...Jealousy, Keeping Up With Tha Jones' has Turned This into An HGTV Makeover Nominee.
You need 2 Get Rid of This Stuff...They aren't Helping You Anyway...Why Keep These Shoes U Never Wear or These Luv Letters to Maria, Liz and Christie.
Be Free and Stop Dwelling in Tha Past...It's Time To Begin Anew...Upgrade Your Life to Tha Hottest Technology and Stop living a Life of 2G.
But Can I Let Go of These Things? Tha Old Photos Of Yesteryear, Tha Videotapes of Cartoons and Blockbuster Films...Isn't All of This a Part of Me?

Here's a Special Box...Tha One That is So Dear...A Light Almost Shines as I open it Up, because Tha Meaning behind it Is So Cali Chill...So LAX.
I open it up and immediately I Recall that That memorable Day When This Reporter Came To See Me at My Homeboy's House, Discussing Why My Heart Was So Taxed.
He Took me Out to Tha Woods in Tha Back of His Forested Mansion, With Babe Tha Blue Ox looking On, All You Heard was 'Whack! Whack!' If TMZ were Around They Would've Notified All Via Text, Email and Fax.
Because This Was a Special Moment in History, I wrote about it in My First Online Diary, it was Tha Only Time Paul Bunyan Let Anybody Use His...Ax.

That's What's In This Box...Tha Wood Still Stenches of Hickory Oak, Tha Head Looking As Sharp as a Pimp Dressed For Tha Playa's Ball.
This Right here Brings up So Many Memories...Nobody knew but Whenever I felt Down or in Need, I knew I Could Always Call up Big Paul.
He was Tha Legends of Legends...A Star among Superstars...Tha Most Beautiful Of Gurls Would Throw Themselves at Him, if U Don't Believe Me Look up on UTube The Day He Had a Signing at Tha South Coast Plaza Mall.
It was Like Tha Beatles meet Bieber...When Mickey Mouse Was Shooting Dice With Big Bird and Elmo, He Would Just Smile and Use Tha Same Line...'U know What They Say About Feet on Guys Who are Over Nine Feet Tall!'

But everything I Was Going Through He Already Experienced...Tha Pressure of Wanting 2 Be Great or Making a Difference...And Having People look at You as an 'Image' and Not Somebody Who's Real.
I would Tell Him About How Nobody Really Gets Me or How Gurls Wanted My Attention and Would Endlessly Flirt With Me, although They Were in a "Relationship" He Would Just Nod his Head Cuz He Knew Tha Deal.
We Would Discuss Upcoming Books and Movies, and He Agreed I Should Make One...Always Saying, 'Galaxia, Do it Quick because Once Hollywood Gets a Whiff About You, Ur Life and Idea They Will Steal.'
He was like An Idol to me, Someone Who Truly Understood How it felt 2 Be on Top, To Have Attention Wherever He Went...Tha Embrassing Feeling to Never Having 2 Pay For a Meal.

So it was on Tha Blitzing and Cold Winter Night, with Tha Log Fire Burning That I just Told Him, Tha My Desire To Keep Going Has Led Me To Where I no longer Want 2 Compete.
Jobs Aren't Knocking at My Door, Every Gurl I meet Think I'm Just A Boy Toy Anyway, So Why am I Pushing So Hard 2 Be Great...Every Year, Every Season, Every Week.
Everybody Else it Seems Is Starting A Family, or Engaged 2 a Doll They Somewhat Luv, While I'm Surviving Lessons Upon Lessons that Illustrates Further That it Stinks Being a Former Band Geek.
I poured out My Heart To Big Paul, and He Just Gave Me a Silent but Meaning Filled Smirk, He Said, 'Let's Go To Tha Back.' And From There Truly My Interest Began to Peak.

He Brought Me To This Huge Tree, Presented Me With This Here Ax and Wanted Me to Give it a Go, and Bring This Towering and Huge Thing Down.
It was My First Time, but I had So much Frustration Pent Inside That I just 'Hacked' away, like a Crook trying 2 Get inside White House emails...Through Tha Digital Underground.
I still can hear His Voice..."Harder!!! Harder!!!" It felt colder and Colder, with Tha Snow Beginning to Fall, but I was Tired of Being Ignored and Hated on in Every City, State and Town.
With Each Swing I Could Sense My Motivation beginning to Heighten...Big Paul was looking at Me With Tha Determination of Rocky's Trainer...Those Eyes just spoke, 'Don't Stop! Pound!!! Pound!!!'

With Each Swing I heard Inspiring Mantras...'This Job Doesn't Want Me A...'...Hack!!!...'This Gurl can't Text Me Back, Huh?!!'...Hack!!! I was So Determined That Everything Seemed Like a Total Blur.
A Workout wasn't What I expected As I Stepped into Big Paul's House...I just wanted Some Hot Cocoa, A Great Conversation and Perhaps a Walk around His Crib Via a Personal Tour.
But here I Was, In Tha Midst of Tha Fight of My Life...Swinging Away Endlessly as if Opprotunity Was Ringing Tha Doorbell outside of Big Paul's Door.
Then All of a Sudden After Hours of Hacking and Whacking away...All I could Hear Was Big Paul's Voice Shout..."Timmm....Burrrrrrr!!!"

I did it. I actually did it! This Huge Tree that was So Tall and Big came Down, and Big Paul was Standing There With a Smile.
A Life Lesson was Shown to me on that Day...One Where it's Not One Swing That Brings Down Tha Great Tree, but Multiple Efforts That Adds Tha Logs to Tha Pile.
Kinda Timely Huh? As I sit On This Stool in This Packed Garage...I want So Much...I Wanna Prove People So Wrong So Bad...And Prove 2 Myself That You Can Be Successful Using This 'Fun and Luv' Style.
My Grandpa used 2 Tell Me, 'You Can Do it Tha Right Way, but It Will Take You Longer.'...Never Could I Conceive All That I've Been Through...It's like Everyday I'm Saying 2 Myself, "This is Wild."

I miss Big Paul, that Was My Dude Right There. But His Words and Legend Lives Forever in My Heart. So I Guess Giving Up isn't an Option Although I feel So Much Tha Need.
I Feel So Different, there's Just a Unique Energy that Surrounds Us...I mean, if You were to Cut me Open...You see that Smiley Faces and Hearts are What I openly Bleed.
This Ax in My Hand, Shows Me Tha Job Ain't Done...I'm gonna Get Rid of All this Other Stuff...Through What's in My Hand, My Bones of Motivation Feed.
Stay focus on Fun, and Showing Luv...If One Does That Everything and Everybody You Want Will Come To You...Just Do Your Thing and Wait and See.

Time to get out of this Garage, look a Poster of Brittany from Tha Chippettes, Some Day I'll get a Gurl like Her, A Gal With Smarts, Fashion, Sass, and Truly Fine Looks, Definitely a Number One Pick.
I feel Brand New after Visiting Out To This Garage...Lots of Memories but Now it's Time To Really 'Let Go' and Have Fun...I Deserve it After Sacrificing So Much during This Era of Thin and Thick.
Big Paul, I Luv You Brotha! I'm gonna Make You Proud,  I Promise You...No Matter Tha Conditions You Keep Swinging Away...And Your Dreams WILL Come True, And Everything Will...Click.
For Some Reason, I feel like 'A New Era' has Truly Begun...

All From This Trip To My Soul's Garage, Which Shows That You Should Never Underestimate...

Tha Power of a...

Big Wooden Stick.


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