
Luv Orbits.

Today was just one of those days...I had 2 Depend on Britney 2 Lift My Heart.
Her "Perfect Lover" Song is One of My Favs...Inspiring Me 2 Continue 2 Do My Part.
'You're Tha Best...U Got Me Obsessed!' Line Just Gives Me a New Outlook, Mindset and a New Start.
Sometimes U Can Feel a Tad Down Wondering if All Ur Effort has Been Worth It...Hoping Ur Confidence Never Parts.

My Life is Crazy here in Miami, For Real...It's One That's Turning Into Straight Celebrity.
Wild Experiences Zipping To and Fro in Tha Streets, Always Striving For Success...And Running into Tha Finest of Kitty.
Not Gonna Get Into Gurls...Just Yet...We a Will in a Sec, So just Sit Still, Hold Tight and Look Pretty!
But At Times I Feel Torn Cuz I'm Around Such a Variety Of People...College Undergrads, 9-5vers, Then Working Out At Tha Same Gym as Will Smith and Puff Diddy.

I'm Humble, but It's Unique...I just Want People 2 Enjoy Life...Laugh, Giggle, and Know They Are A Part Of Something Of a Special Mix.
That Excitement of Not Knowing What's Next on Tha Horizon...Tha Anticipation of An Opening Night on Broadway...Tha Ones U Better Save Ur Tix.
This 'Galaxy' of Ours is Open 2 Those Who are Striving 2 Become Tha Best...Tha Ones Who Have a Endured Through All Tha Games, Lies and Tricks.
Reserved For Those Who Have Something 2 Prove...On Their Shoulders Are Stacks Of Chocolate Cookies, Not Just Tha Typical 'I'm Gonna a Show You!' Chip.

I Hate Feeling Like I Lost...U Know...Yeah, Learning Lessons Is Great, But After Awhile Enough is Enough, Let's Dance.
I have a Very Big Ego...In Regards 2 Tha Joy of Life, What I Have 2 Offer, and Believing That Anything is Possible, like Hooking a Playboy Model, All From a Sly Smile and Ultra Simple Glance.
Shouldn't Even Admit This Cuz It's So Manly Taboo, But It's Why Recent Events Have Eaten At Me Big Time...Like What More Do U Have 2 Do 2 Get a Chance?!
People Have Kind Words 2 Say About You, and Do Unbelievable Things, But U Still feel like Something is Missing...Feel Like A Naked MVP That Finally Wants 2 Put on Those Championship Pants.

All Over Miami and South Beach, I Have so Many, Many of Which I don't Even Know, Look Out For Me in Ways I Cannot Describe.
Whether it's Through Hooking Me Up With Free Meals, Great Workout Tips, or Advice On Luv...It's Embrassing and So Much of a Surprise.
I was at Publix today getting a Hot Lunch and Just About EVERY Mamacita knows My Order, Tha Gratitude I Have, I just Cannot Disguise.
Whether it's a Pre or Post Workout, it's just Wild...Wild! Wild! Wild!...Those Small Acts Help me Stay Focus, And Work even Harder 2 Bring Home Tha Prize.

I Can go on and on about my life, but I have 2 say We all must Push on and On...Especially When it seems like We ain't getting our Due.
Those Moments Where U Felt Like U haven't Had a Hug in A Grip...And Just Like 'Pac All Eyes Seem 2 Be On You.
Those Situations Where U Wanna Be Like...'Can U Please Just Bloody Leave Me Alone 2day.'...But U Can't Utter, because Ur Words May Turn Someone's Day Grey From Blue.
In Those Days Where it Seems Like Nobody's  Positive, Everything is Negative...No One is There 2 Give U a Boost, Yet U Can't Break Down Cuz Ur Life is Being Followed By A Heavenly TV Crew.

Let me just let this out 2night. It is a Diary. So I'm gonna Write This Like One.

What's Been Tough For Me is Moving on From Tha Pain of Tha Past...Especially With Gurls Who I've Felt just Treated Me like a Dream 'Boy Toy' They Could Hang as a Notch on Their Wall.
Over and Over again Things Come 2 Such an Screeching Halt...Like a Chick in A Rented Lambo, And She Finds Out That U Frontin' and Can't Really Ball.
My Life has been Filled With Sexy and Cool, and AMAZINGLY Beautiful Gurls and Women You Wouldn't Be Able 2 Comprehend...It's 24/7... Winter. Spring. Summer. And Fall.
Yet...it's Weird. Like these Dames Are Willing To Flirt and Play Up to this Certain Line, and Then They Get Scared and Back Off...I'm a Romantic but I've Held Back Cuz I feel I can be Intimidating like a Principal's P.A. Call.

Like...We're Tha Real Deal...I'm not 2-D...But Ultra 3-Dimensional...My Diary, Instagram, And Me Are One...That Would Make a Heck of a Ménage!
In a Moment We Can Go From Talking about Sports to Fashion To How Tha Tasmanian Devil Really Needs 2 Go To Rehab! Those Anger Issues are just a Mirage.
But I'm like A lot of Guys and Gurls Who Are Different, Who Break Tha Norm of Society...Tha New Stars...Who Are Intelligent, Confident and Are Willing 2 Have Their Legacies Up With Big Ben and Tha Mahal of Taj.
Tha Thing is When it Comes 2 Luv or Dating...it's So Darn Tough 2 Find Someone on Ur Level and Who's Single...So U Just Remain This Ultimate Driving Force Left Parked in Luv's Garage.

This Is Like Totally Not Saying U Think Ur Uppity or Better Than Someone...But Just Being Real...There's a Different Energy and Some People Aren't Down.
Like if U Flip Tha Script...U A Fella at a Bar, U know With Tha Guys, In Between This Regaeton Version of Nat King Cole's 'Unforgettable'...In Walks in a Gurl Who One of Tha Prettiest Dolls Around.
You With Ur Guys...Now...Some Guys Will Admire Her Beauty for 2 Hours and Not Say a Single Word..."Oh, She's Hot!"..."I'm About 2 Faint!" All This Without Gaining Any Ground.
A Few Guys...In a Gentleman Way, not like Creepo Style...Will Make a Move to At Least Introduce Himself, Be in Her Presence, Cuz He sees Her as a Person and Not just As a Load of Sex by Tha Pounds.

Many Guys Would Say This Gurl is 'Outta Their League' or 'She Has 2 Be Taken' or putting Her on Such an Unachievable Pedestal That She just becomes An Image of What They Wish They Had.
But That One Fellow Says...'Who knows What May Happen?'...Moves With Confidence and Believes Life is More Fun When U Take Risks So I Gotta Try...Good or Bad.
Just Like Really Sexy Gurls Claim it's Hard 2 Find Quality Guys, it Works Both Ways...Once Those Onions Start to Peel, As I Say, U Start 2 See Who Thinks Ur Just An Image, Sex Bunny or A Text Message Fad.
U never Know Who's Watching You from Afar, or Who has a Crush On You...But What's Tha Point if Nobody Says Anything?! An Opportunity One Must Grab.

That doesn't mean Chasing or Trying too hard...It Means Being Urself...Listen...I've Promised Myself That I'm Gonna Be Me and That Might Mean I Go Down With Mickey, Minnie and Snow White.
I'm a Fun Type of Guy, Earlier I was Talking bout Holding Back, but Not in Tha Sense That U Aren't Gonna a See Tha Real Me...In Which I Believe is Really Tight.
After All Tha Crap and Miss 'Coulda Beens' 2002-2016 Pageant Winners, I'm like Beagle Boys Determined To Enjoy Life and Any Luv Relationship...That's Only Right!
I want Somebody 2 Be Like...'I've had So Much Crap from Guys in My Past, But Austin Makes All that Pain Worth it.'...Always Strive 2 Become Somebody's, it Might Even Be Yourself...But Become Somebody's Dream Come True...Do That and Things Will be Outta Sight.

Real Quick. Don't be Down if Nobody Understands You or It Seems Like Everyone Likes You But Nobody Luvs You...Stay Tha Course.
I've Had Moments, even today...I was Walking Out of Target saw this Gurl in a Black Top, Royal Blue Skirt, Gladiator Sandals, Nice Butt...I just Kept Walking With an intriguing Force.
Wasn't Timid or Afraid, but I was just in that mood Where...Sexy Looks are Good, but Do I...of All People Still Have it in Me...2 Still Believe When I've Been Let Down Time and Time Again Until Ur Tears And Sobs Have Gotten Hoarse.
Your Friends Ain't gotta Deal With Heartbreak like this...Or Being Treated Like Tha Hottest Person a Ever, only 2 Meet That 1% Who ain't for you...It Can Make U Heart and Soul File For an Ugly Divorce.

U see Folks Walking Hand in Hand, Then u think Upon A Wasted Convo Last Night...Or a Wasted Meal at Benihana's Wondering What is it About Me 2 Go Through This For So Long.
Perhaps I Should Just Try 2 Sleep With Every Gurl I Pass...Do U Know How Many IMG, Next, Ford and Wilhelmina Models I Could Have Snap Chatting Me In Their Thongs?!!
But Gurls Ain't Just Pussy...Gurls are People With Inquisitive Minds, Hearts and Spirits...But This Road of Being a South Beach Gent...Is Turning Into Tha Longest Game Ever of Ping Pong.
Back and Forth...Point Won...Point Lost...Doing Everything U Can Just 2 Stay in Tha Game..?U Feel Like Ur Doing Everything Like...But Tha Results are Showing Ur  Doing Everything Wrong.

On Ur Path 2 Greatness, You Will Be Tested...To Have a Special Luv, U Have 2 Be Willing 2 Endure Special Trials...They Seem Unfair...Unwarranted and At a Times Too Long but...Still Believe.
Today, I'm just Hitting Reset...Opening Myself To Not Only my Luv Life, but Whatever Life Brings My Way...With All Humbleness and No Sense of Greed.
Tha Fact is...No Matter How Tough it was...No Matter Who Walked Out Ur Life Without Saying Bye...or Why...Ur Still Standing...No Better Than Ever, With More Than a Copperfield Stash of Tricks up Ur Sleeve. 
Now U Got Deep Motivation...A Sense of Self and Purpose...Ur Confident Of How Special U Are and Tha Difference U can Make In Strangers, Friends, Family and a Certain Lover Life...Tha Best Thing 2 Happen was For Them 2 Up and Leave.

So now...Let Ur Orbit Glow...Forget About Tha 'Likes' or Followers...It's About Making an Impact on This Globe...Trust Me, It Can Be Done.
Remain True 2 Urself and Tha Right Person Who isn't Intimadated By Ur Looks or Money or Last Name or Dreams Will Come Along...Just Thinking About it Makes Me Feel I've Already Won.
No Matter What...No Matter Who Comes or Goes...Don't Ever Doubt Tha True Power in Laying a Foundation Based on 'Luv and Fun'.
Yeah, Things May Seem Slow...But if U Hold On...BOOM! Everything Will Come 2 You...And When Someone Says It's Impossible For You 2 Make it Big or Have That Dream Mate...You Simply Tell Them...

Yeah, Those Odds Were Up in Tha Millions...

But Guess What...

I'm That...

One. (Wink!)


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