
A Gurl. Her Tattoos. And My Dragon.

(Hey Listen, My Font Is Jacked in This but My Heart Ain't! Enjoy!!)

Well...Suprise...Suprise...Us Writing During Tha Week??!! Like Totally Rare.
Been So Busy With "Tha Lifestyle", That Time Can Seem So Foggy...And Unfair.
Not Gonna Jot Long 2nite, but Evidently Something Is In Tha Air.
Just Gonna, Relax, Take a Deep Breath...And Let This Diary Have All Tha Spotlight Glare.

This "Not Giving Up" thang, Seems 2 Be What's Going Up...On a Tuesday.
Other Thangs We Can Speak upon, But A Beggar Can Never Be Choosey.
So Much is Going On...Folks Are Acting Buck Wild, Make U Wanna Hit Tha Pawn and Find An Oozie!
Christmas Got Folks Stressed Out...This Whole Year for Me Makes Me Wanna Get Drunk on Egg Nog...Just Once Let Go and Act like a Floosey.

I've always Been One 2 Believe That Things Happen For a Reason and In Tha Long Run for Our Good.
Relationships Break...Friends Go Their Separate Ways but On That Belief We Still Stood.
Never Before Has This Been Tested So Maximus...Feeling Like Paul Bunyan Trying 2 Chop Down Wood.
Each 'a Whack' Getting Harder, Tha Conditions of Tha Forest Getting Lonelier,  Body just Wishing It Can a Make Luv 2 Bubbly Bath Suds.

People Think They Know, but They Got No Clue...This Feeling of Nuthing U Do Seemingly Working Out Right.
Girls U Were Cool With, Walking Right past U Without a 'Hello'...Leaving u Puzzled Like We a Just a Text Chatted a Few Hours ago Around Midnight???!!
Or Working Long and Crazy Hours Without Hearing a 'Thank You' or I Appreciated U Staying Late Past Ur Shift, It's Tha a Small Thangs That Make U Feel Alright.
It Can Get 2 You and Lead U 2 Wonder, 'What is Tha Use Anymore?' Everything Went From Good 2 Bad...Seemed Like It Even Past Tha Exit of Alright.

Shouldn't Even Say this, but...Tha Other Day I was Thinking, 'What Gurl Stands Out This Year?' Like When I Say 2015...I'm like, 'Oh...Her.'
I'm really getting 2 Personal, it's embarrassing 2 a Write This...This a Has Bern Tha Worse Calendar Year Ever With Females...It Seems Like a Total Blur.
That's Saying Something cuz I've been Through a lot...A LOT! But There's Too Many to Name This Season, but Every Cup Was a Sip, but Never a Stir.
I'm about 2 get Loose 2nite..."Boy Toy" 2 So Many...Games Played With Others...Half Tha Time Zi just Wanted 2 Go into a Corner With a Book...And IPhone and Curl.

Cuz I'm Thinking 'Why am I Going Through all This?'...Especially When I'm Trying 2 Get My Career Off Tha Ground.
This 'Wanting 2 Be a Star' Thingy has Hit a Now or Never Mode, So in Dealing With That U Want Ur Luv Life Sorta Sound.
But No! I have 2 Go Through Fake Chicks...Try 2 Figure Out How I can Do Something I Luv While Profit Monetary For it...Looking For Clues 2 A Successful life Like a Hungry Bloodhound.
I Got a Great Life...Awesome One Really...But I've Felt Like Something or Someone Was Missing...Everyday Almost Having Me Question if I Should Leave This Miami Town.

Let me just Say This...I'm Famous, but Not Popular...Yet. I write This For a Reason So.
It ain't Fun when U Feel like U Don't Belong or Are an Outcast, just For Being Urself and Letting Ur Soul Glow. 
So Many get Pushed 2 Tha Side For Wanting 2 Dream, Be a Success or For Their Tattoos or Saying Grace over Food in Public...It Can Affect a Person's Willingness 2 Continue 2 Go.
Everything Isn't What it Seems...Whether With Life's So Call Struggles or a Person's Outward Apperance...It May be Movie Previews U Have 2 Get Through  Before U Can Truly Enjoy Tha Show.

Ok. I gotta Story. This Gurl might Read This, but She's Super Cool and Smoking Hot so I'm gonna Let it Fly.

I was at Tha Gym I attend about 3 Months ago, Downstairs Going Through My Circuit Like Game 7 was in a Few Hours.
I see This Gurl walking Around Sexy Thin Build, Tats On Her Body, Doing a Her Thang, I Guess, But Seemed 2 Have Other Things Going a Through Her Brain Tower.
She Came 2 Where I was at, near Tha Incline Bench area, She Went 2 a Nearby Machine, Which Gives Ur Abs More Power.
I'm Usually Zoned Out During My Workouts, Cuz Tha Exercises Are Tough, Which Need My Focus...Plus, There is A Lot of Eye Candy around So U Don't Wanna Get Caught up Into Who 2 Devourer!

Ok...Anyways, I could Help But Look at This Gurl...I've never Dated a Gurl Who had Tats Literally From Head 2 Toe...But This Dame I Have 2 Admit Was Hot.
But One Thing I noticed was That She Was Always on Her Phone...So I'm Thinking I Hope She's Not One of These South Beach Babes Who's Always Ready 2 Add a Guy 2 Her Mysterious Plot.
I would Get Back 2 My Thang, but Then Glance Back Over 2 Her, and it Was like She Completely Stopped Her Workout.
Cuz Now She Was Taking These Selfies, and She Was a Giving That Face Other 'Instagram Stars' give...She Had 2 Be like a Model with A Lot of Followers...No Doubt.

But 2 Me, I was Turned off Like Tha Lights after an Unpaid Light Bill, Cuz U go 2 Tha Gym 2 Work, Not For a Free Backdrop for Your Tinder Page!
She Was Posing Everywhere, So I'm thinking This Gurl is So Full of How Good She Looks, She's a Suicide Gurl Who Thinks Everywhere She Goes is literally Her Personal Stage.
I left Shaking My Head, Wondering, 'Are There Any Normal Gurls Left in Miami?' Cuz Tha Good Ones are Taken, and So many Of Tha Single Ones are Vain like The Beauty Zoo just Opened Their Cage.
Turned Off Totally by This Chick...Moved On 2 Tha Next One...Felt a More Disappointed Than Rage.

The Following Week during a Late Night Session I see This Gurl Again...This Time There's a Gurl and a Guy Attempting 2 do a Rope Climb.
They were Having a Trouble, it Can Be Difficult 2 Go All Tha Way Up 2 Tha Ceiling, So She Goes Over and Demonstrates a How it's Done...Shows a Technique So Fine.
She Gets Down, and Is Seemingly looking At Me...I say Something like That was Good...Tha Other Gurl Gave it a Whirl and asked if I wanted 2 Try...Not Unless I'm under Tha Influence of Wine!
Can't Throw My Workout Off...Although She Did Look She's on A Popular Novela, Pretty Gal...But Still I gotta Get Mine.

So Tha Gurl I Was a Turned Off a Week ago, Is Working Ultra Hard, Getting It in...It was Like a 180 Turn From This Gurl is A Fake To...Hmmm...Who is This Gurl? For Real.
She was Right in Front of Me Doing a Circuit of Her Own, I asked Her Something and She Smiled and Responded...Nuthing Flirty, like I was Trying To Go In For Tha Kill.
She Intrigued Me...I Did My Thing on Tha Flat Bench, Looked up and She was Gone...I was Like 'Fudge!' I Shoulda Got her Name or Something...Get Some Kind of Feel.
Kick myself A Tad, But I Had a Workout 2 Complete...Didn't Think More of it...And Continued Behind Tha Wheel.

After Each Session at Tha Gym, I stop By Publix Tha Grocery Store to Pick up Some Chocolate Milk to Refresh My Muscles and 2 Prevent Soreness Pain.
It's Dark and Kinda Late...Eye go in, Pick up My Stuff, and Walk Out And Who Do I See??? Homegurl! Right in Front of Tha Store, and This Is Really Turning Into Another Move in Luv's Game.
She Has Several, Several Bags and She's Trying 2 Grab a Grip on Them All...So Quickly I'm Trying 2 Decide if I should Become Superman 2 Tha Rescue, While She Plays Lois Lane!
Something Said, "Go Over 2 Her", it Was like a Light Was Shining on Her...So I ask in my Clark Gable Voice...(Cough, Cough!)...'Do u need Help With Those?' She looked, saw it was Me, Said, ' U Definitely Can!' And I'm thinking This is Insane.

So She asks Me Where I'm Going, She's Headed 2 Lincoln Road, Which is On My Way...She Asked me My Name, Which Was Cool...She Doesn't Want a Total Stranger 2 Mug Her or Take Her Lettuce Wraps!
Exchange Names, and Got into a Very Awesome Conversation That Covered A Whole Lotta Topics...a From Miami, Working Out, Our Diets and Bodies, Pure Straight  Convo, No Gaps.
It this was Gurl was Not only Cool, But Absolutely Hilarious! I couldn't Stop Laughing As we Were Walking...My Heart Began 2 Slowly Tap.
I was Impressed. She was So Rich and Defined in Her Experiences...A Columbian Gal Whose Lived in London, Now In Miami and South Beach was I...Amazing...She's a Diamond Totally Tha Opposite of That Other Crap.

So....We Walked and Laughed Literally Tha Night Away, and Came 2 Her Spot...Ain't gonna Lie I was Thinking Should I get Her Digits or What...Or just Play it Cool Joe Bean.
Tha More I talked 2 Her, and Looked at Her Face...Tha More I was like This Gurl is Gourgeous, For Real...And Has a Personality 2 Match...Quite a Scene.
I Didn't Go After Her Number, Exchanged Kisses on The Cheek, She Was like, "See U At Tha Gym!", I gave Her Her Stuff and Walked Away Bouncing like I was On a Trampoline!
Cuz She was Look TOTALLY Tha Opposite of Her Coolness...Her Body Art, Model Gace Could Seem Snobby or Freakish...But She was a Dimepiece and With Her Any Guy Could a Become a Luv...Or Sex Fiend.

Gonna End a That story there. But What Her episode Showed Me is Too a Things. One, don't be so quick to judge Situations or people without getting 2 know them. I see So many 'Full of Them Selves' girls down here. There are guys like that too here in Miami. But it's really outta hand, and I thought she was one of them. Taking Mutiple Selfies and All this Posing like I was Tha Audience of a Playboy in Tha Morning Talk Show. I was Flabbergasted. (Geez...That's a Big Word, I won't Use That again!) But Her Model Rebel Look with Her Personality totally Turned Me On like She Would be An Awesome friend and Person 2 Know. U never know What a Person is like until u talk 2 Them. So she opened up my Mind even further 2 Who are my friends and Who I'll be interested in Tha Future 2 Date.

Then Secondly, You never know When things Can Change. If I never saw Her outside Tha Grocery Store Who Knows?!! Then, if I never Approached her, I might've or Would've Missed out on A Memorable Experience. So...Even With Myself, I can Get Down like I'm meeting a Lot of Sexy Gurls, but They are Never for me...Or Why did this Person even Come into my life, She Totally Was a Waste of Time. Heck, I should Bill Her That $3.56 for Dinner!!...Or going Deeper, I wonder Dude, I'm Trying 2 Live Life 2 Be a Success, How Come I'm Not This Global Icon or Why Don't Have my Own Show or Why Aren't My Talents of Creativity, Experience and Will 2 Succeed Used By Tha Illuminati (Thought We Had a Deal?!!) or By Tha Fame Gods in a Way That Can Truly Change Tha World?  Like Compared 2 Everybody a Else, My Life is On Time Delay.

But as My Pops used 2 Always Say...Anything Can Change in A Blink of An Eye.

We Usually Say That in A Negative Connotation, but That Can Work Positively As Well. You Never Know...Austin, U Never Know...So u have 2 Be Ready and Remain Patient No matter if It Seems Unfair or a Unlike All Ur Homies and Homegurls. Here in South Beach, we're Always Comparing Ourselves, I'm Gonna Stop Doing That Cuz as This Journey is Hitting Tha Next Level, I'm Finding That Everybody is Different. And Hopefully When All is Said is Done, Everybody Will See, That There is...

No Compare.

I Won't Give Up...If U Won't!


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