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Tha Wind is a Howling, Tha Grey Clouds Hang, and I Have No idea What 2 Write.
Seems Nowadays Tha Topics only Concern Money, Fun and Gurls With Dresses So Tight!
Kinda Scary to Express How I really Feel about things...Every Now and Again I Still Get Fright.
But I Write as If it's just an Audience of One...Alone Trying 2 Glide Luv's Ever Blowing Kite.

Eye just Wonder if Anybody Else Has Has a Dream and No Matter What they Do, it Hasn't Come True?
U Sit At Ur Dinner Table Eating Ur Pork 'N Beans, Wanting 2 Dump Your Head Inside Tha Bowl Cuz Nuthing's New.
You have Tried This A Way...That A Way...Wondering if it was a Mistake as a Kid 2 Forsake Chicken Patties and Applesauce for Lunch, and Instead Chew on Elmer's Glue!
There's Something Inside Waiting to get Out, but U Feel like Ur inside This Haunted House...With Tha Monster of 'It's Never Worked Before' Growling as if U Ate Some 2 Week Old Taco Stew.

Getting That Dream Career off Tha Ground...Dating Tha Best Guy or Gal for You is Hard...It's Like You Have to Go Through Tha Mud to reach Dry Land.
You may Have Friends or Family tell you, 'Try This' or 'All U Have 2 Do is Say This', it gets U More Upset Cuz Ur Like, "I FREAKIN' AM!!!", Trying All That was Taught from Dr. Seuss' 'Sam I Am'.
It Feels Like Life just Has it in for You...No Longer u feel Like Stretching Before A Workout, or Praying before U Go 2 Bed...Been There, Done That, Still Tha Same Place I Seemingly Stand.
Why Keep on Giving This Effort of Consistent Excellence When in Tha End Somebody Else Gets Tha Job, A Dufus Steals Tha Gal I Shoulda Had, Why Put Fun Eggs inside of Success' Never Lit Pan?

Then if You are Ever Competitive Like Me, it eats At You...How Can They Choose Them over 'This'? And U Say That as if You're on A Past Episode of Bad Girls Club.
Almost Feeling Criminal For Being Yourself, Perhaps U Should Become Fake, So U Can Live Tha Life of Ocean Boat Days and Party Nights Sippin' on Tha Latest Bottle of Bub.
Real Quick, I say "Fake" a lot and I'm Talking About A Personality, Not referencing Plastic Surgery and What Not...Don't want Doctors 2 Sue Me a Few Thousand Dubs!
I got No Problem With Fake Boobs or Booties, It's Miami, It's Whatever Makes U Happy...I Prefer Natural, But if Someone Who Had Work Done is Playing, I Surely Won't Call in A Sub.

34C...36B...42DDD...Oops! I'm Sorry, All That Plastic Surgery Talk got me Side Tracked on Gurls Bust and Bras...Ok, Where Was I Again?!!
But It Gets To You When You Feel Like You've Done All You Can and Haven't Produced a Single Win.
Getting Up outta Bed Seems Like a Waste of Time, Approaching Tha Gurl alone at Tha Bar inside P.F. Chang's Seems a Waste, Although Your Odds Could Be 10:10.
There's Just a Bad Taste in Ur Mouth, like U just Chewed on Some Bad Underwear...Sometimes Rotten Strawberry Thongs Need 2 be Returned 2 Tha Patch Where It All Began!

As U Can Tell on This Sunday Morning, I'm a Tad Fired Up, In Freak Mode and Really Wish I Had Some Answers From This Thang Called...Time.
Sooooo Many People Say It Has 2 Be Perfect Timing...Ok. But U were on Time Magazine when u were 21 or U met Ur Hubby in Jr. High...I understand But I'm on A Whole 'Nother Climb. (Dude!)
It's So Easy to Peacefully Discuss Things When U got a Baby in Tha 'Rock-A-Bye', When Job Offers are Flitering In, Everybody is Always Gitty or Giddy or Diddy(!) When Tha Sun Shines!
I Want Somebody Who Is Authentically Is...Or Has Gone Through What I'm Going Through 2 Talk 2 Me, If U Ain't Walked in My Valentino Heels, Then Honey u Got No Idea With This Struggle of Mine.

BTW...Tha Valentino Heels fit Better on My Feet Than Tha Prada Ones...They Make My Butt Look Better...Just Saying! (Wink!)

What I'm Trying 2 Come 2 Terms With, and It's Harder Than Trying 2 Find a Virgin in a Vegas Whorehouse, But Realizing That Your Life Might Be an Original like a Mozart or Picasso Paint.
You Try 2 Wonder Why Things Are So Difficult in Ur Life, When Tha Trials Point 2 Tha Fact U Are on Tha Right Track, but U Can't Understand Why it Hasn't Happened Yet...So U Don't Wanna Longer Wait.
Starting to Believe That Those Who Had 'Lifelong' Pursuits are Tested in a Way So Unique, Cuz They've Really Been Prepared in Tha End 2 Never Faint.
You Look Around And Others Seem 2 Be Playing Checkers While Ur Stuck in This Long, Played Out Game of Chess...Yet Great Ones know it's Easier 2 Say, 'King Me!' Than it is 2 Say...Checkmate.

One Thing That Has Me Almost Eating My Pillow Every Night...Well...I Actually Don't Have Pillows Cuz There Was Blood on Them...Don't Ask Questions, It Can Get Wild Bedside!
But I used 2 Try 2 Grapple on Why Do Some Things Take Impossibly Longer Than Other Things...Why?
Like I Would Trade in My Kicks, or Herschel Backpacks or Gucci Bags To Just Have Fun and Find People Who Also Live As if They Will Never Ever Die.
But So Much Frustration Comes When You Have 2 Conquer Tha Same Things U Did back in 2010, It's like A Teacher Giving Tha Same Test U Ace'd Early in Tha Semester...I get it...5.17 equals Tha Square Root of Pi.

(If ur a Geek, I know U Giggled At That!)

But it's like Tha Same Stuff, Tha Same Types of People...Ur On Tha Side Wondering When Tha Nightmare or Preparation Years Would just End, And U Finally Can Hear...'Let's Go!'
Today We Talking about Life, But I got Another Story in Regards 2 Our Life of Luv...And All Tha Weeknd Madness That Makes us So.
Earlier This Year, No Playboy Should Admit This, but I got Played...Strung Along...Puppeteer Dragged by This One Gurl and I was HOT!!! Just like a Volcano and Seeing That Molted Rock, Lava Glow.
Almost like She Could Read My Every Move Before I even Made it...What Turned Me on, What Got My Hopes Up...The More She Did it, Tha More in Her Grass I Wanted 2 Mow.

I actually Require Brazilian Tans on my girls but...

As I was Saying, it's A Shame What a Sexy Face, Somewhat Curvy Body, With an Exposed Chest Can do 2 Somebody Who had a Crush.
Back in Tha Day, I really Like This Dame...Wasn't Right back Then...She may have been on Tha Market Now...Like Tha Great Macho Man would say...'Oh....What a Rush!!'
Of Course, I wanted 2 Link up With Her 2 See how Life Was Treating Her, We Met after Exchanging Numbers and I was Planning Which Boyz II Men song 2 Sing in My Future Wedding Tux!
I Always Was into This Gurl, Un Passing We Could Talk about Anything, Plus...And I'm gonna be Honest, She Had One of Tha Most Uniquely Shaped Butts I've Ever Seen! OMG! Finally a Gift From Lady Luck!

We Did Hang Out, Fun Time...It Always is With us...And I'm Wondering if I Should Take a Things A Step...Further. Not into 'Let's Talk About Sex.' But Not...Kiss on Tha Cheek.
I'm a Goofball, and She Wouldn't Return My Texts...Now, Girls Before u go into That, "Stupid Austin, She doesn't Want you" Or she has a Man Rant...Let This Story unfold, Cuz This Was Some Wild Weeks.
So I Would Text Her Silly Jokes or Whatever, like I Do With a Lotta Gurls (Even Though I only Send Pics of Kermit Tha Frog 2 Special Ones...I hope She's Reading This!!) Fun Stuff That Shows My Side of Geek.
I Have a Big Ego, Along With Other Things...(Wink! Twice!) So I'm a Gentleman, But it really Doesn't Take Much For Me to Hold My Quarterly 'Burning of Tha Phone Numbers' Ceremony With Candles and Music Provided By The Monk Choir of Tha Himalaya Peaks!

So just like Every other South Beach Hottie, if U don't return my Text in 47 Minutes, Then it's Curtains For You and It's On 2 Tha Next Babe.
What was Weird was She Didn't Return my Texts immediately, but every time I would Move on like '#%$& This Gurl' She Would Then Text Me...So I'm like I should In this Game Stay.
I would ask her 2 Hang...And It Would Be a 'No, I gotta Do Such and Such'...Fine...I would Say I can't Do this...Then She Would Text Me asking, 'How Was My Day?'
So Perhaps she Was Busy or What Have You...On Tha Real...Once Again After Considering What She's Been Through, and Her Lips, I Returned 2 Tha Fray.

After All This Ping Pong, Back and Forth, I said Let me Test Her out...I sent a Text over Something...No Response...One Day...Two Days...No Response by Her.
On Tha Third Day I had my Eyes Close In Deep Meditation Over Love and Gurls, When my Phone Went 'Beep Beep' and inside I knew It Was...Her.
After Getting off of My Floor, I checked My Phone and it was This Chick...So I got Puzzled, Why is it every time I move on, I get a Message by Her.
Why does This Gurl Keep Coming Back When I'm Trying 2 Move on...In a Way. I was Baffled by This Craziness Surrounding Her.

So I asked This Homegurl of Mine...This Gurl is So Hot & Cold...She Reponds 2 Texts Every 2-3 Days...It's like She Wants Me, but Doesn't Want Me...But Does, What's her Game?
My Homegurl was like She's Put me in...I forgot Tha Term, but like Toy Box, Where Gurls put Guys When They Are Trying 2 Decide Who 2 Choose or go after...Which Name.
She Went On 2 say How a Lotta Gurls Like 2 Do That 'I Want U...But Don't Want U' stuff...I Guess For Attention, in Other Words I was Being Strung Along, Which Hurt cuz I thought She Was a Friend that was Tame.
But as With a Lotta Gurls, She Was just like Tha Rest, and Looked at Me as a 'Boy Toy'...I was Pretty Upset, Really Upset...That Chris Brown and Weezy F. Baby "Loyal" song was my Anthem...Some of these Gurls are So Lame.

I say that Cuz, A Lot of Guys of Substance and a Lot of Gurls Who are Attractive and Cool...Either U Want Us or U Don't.
We aren't People 2 Show off 2 Ur Friends or Buddies like, 'Look Who Wants Me' or 'Check out Who's # I Got'...Some Look at Texts, or Pictures With Somebody more Than Tha Person Themselves.
No Rhyme Needed for This...Like Being Associated or Around a Certain Hottie, or Celebrity or Getting a Text from that Guy who's Mr. Untouchable is Tha End All 2 Be all.
Never Let ur Image Surpass Somebody's feelings. Don't Date a Gal just cuz She Looks good and is a Trophy U want 2 Show 2 All Ur Friends...Or Date a Guy Cuz He lives on Brickell Key but Treats U like Crap, but U want 2 Be Associated With That Image...That's Not What Luv or Friendship is About..lt just ain't.

Sometimes We Go through Tha Same Stuff, 2 Master Them...Everyone Can See Tha Masterpiece but Forget Tha Practice and How Many Dips It Took To get That Perfect Stroke.
If U Wanna Be Tha Best, ur Gonna Have 2 Experience Tha Hardest Road...Tha Goal IS Defined By Tha Means 2 Get There...It's Tough, Which is Why Many Turn 2 Tha Drug of Coke.
Expectations Keep Rising From Tha Outside, Where on Tha Inside u just Want 2 Have a Simple Life of Fun and Luv...And a Dance Partner 2 Do Tha Hookey Poke!
There's Goona be Moments of 'Not Again' or 'When a Will This All End'...Trust Me, I've Had Many Moments Wher I Think Life or Even God is just a Huge Joke.

But if U Just Hold On just a Little Further, Things Slowly But Surely Turn Ur Way...And Those Days Where U Simply Believed Above All Now Is Before You in Living Color.
Those Whack Tales of Bad Dates or Loves Gone M.I.A., Will all be In Ur Rearview Mirror, Now U Got Everything You've Wanted, Living It Up Like No Other.
Yeah, We're About To Do This Thang, Finding Strength From This Galaxy of Fun...In Whom My Friends are Definitely Tha Sexiest and Coolest of Sistas and Brothas.
I was Ultra Disappointed By How Long it's Taken Me 2 Reach My Dreams of Luv and Fun...But Tha Story Ain't Over Just Yet...And A Voice just Whispered Something I Want 2 Share With You Today...

Even Though it Looks and Seems Bad and Impossible...It's not, So Don't Give Up...

Cuz With Life and Surely With Luv...One Should Never...

Judge a Book...

By its Cover.


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