
Luv's Casting Call.

Tis' Tha Season...Right?! Lately I've been in A La Mode of Reminisce.
So Many Action Packed Dramas Played out With Suprising Endings and Twists.
Not 2 Long Ago, I Chuckled at Past Characters, and Tha Plot Lines of Former Scripts.
Gals I absolutely Forgot about, Nights I Cared Not 2 Remember...Beauty Queens Turned Into Tha Wicked Witch!

Out life Is Truly a Broadway Play, Where Everyday and Nite I'm Expected 2 Perform.
Sick Or 'Off' Days aren't Accepted, There's a Sense That I gotta Be 24/7 Above Norm.
No Matter What I'm Going Through, Our job is 2 Inspire, Who Cares if I'm in Tha Midst of a Storm.
That's What being A Pro is About...Always Having a Spirit So Rosy, Always Ignoring Tha Thorns.

Yesterday, Somebody told me, 'Austin, You need a Gal'...Something I Already Know.
'But A Good Gurl!'...After Telling me It's Nice 2 Have Somebody 2 Come Home 2 and Say, 'Hello.'
She Was Talking bout a Gal Who could Cook For You after a Long Day in Tha Work Flow.
Not Anything I haven't Heard, Yet a Familiar Story Women Especially Have Told Me Be-Fo'.

This Ain't What I Prefer 2 Write About 2day, but we'll just let Tha Galaxy Gods Lead us....

I'm don't get Upset, but Sometimes inside I Quench, When I hear, 'Austin, U Need A Gurl.'
Our Life of Luv Has Been Soooo Trying yet Eventful, All in Finding This Special Pearl.
People Don't Get it...I've Always Attracted Tha Most Beautiful Gals in Tha World.
Yet, Here I Stand Living This Bachelor Life Wondering if I have Anybody Who Makes My Toes Curl.

Something Will Happen in Tha Streets, or I'll hear a Name, and we'll Smile Cuz it reminds Me of a Time in Tha Past.
Whether Me Picking Up Busty Gals off Tha Street, Or Us 3 Sexy Co-Eds asking us 2 Help Them Move in as I Walk by, Tha Pedal Is Never off Tha Gas.
Hot Dames Showing up naked 2 our Door, Knocking  Wearing Nuthing But a White Robe, That Memory Will Always Last.
2 Me Knocking on a Neighbor's Door and Her Naked in Her White Robe, Comfortably Talking 2 Us...That's a Day I truly Wished I carried a Magnifying Glass!

Crazy Stuff...Once I was Walking 2 a Workout, Through Flamingo Park here in South Beach, and My Route takes me Past Tha Outdoor Public Pool.
This Morning Though, As I Walked, My Eyes Captured a Sight that just Writing about it Can Make a Man Drool.
This Chick, Sloooowly Exited Tha Water, and Was Seductively Glancing at Me...All Wet, Her Body Was Banging...Tha Definition of Bo Derek Cool.
I Paused and Looked At "This Moment" unveiling itself Right Before my Very Eyes, I Never let a Gal get in Between my Training, or Else I Would've Luv 2 Pull up a Stool.

Miami, but Especially South Beach is Filled With Some Very Appealing Looking Women and Gals...Whether They are Real or Fake That's up for Debate.
One Time I kicked Myself, Cuz this One Afternoon, in A Small Studio Accross from Me, There Seemed 2 Be Somebody Moving Out, During Tha Day but Not 2 Late.
Here in Tha Fast Hustle and Bustle of East Coast Living U Really Don't Know Ur Neighbors, That's Reserved For Tha Midwest Style of Tha Great Lakes.
So This Was One of...Well, One of Tha Many Times Where Afterwards While Hanging Out at Tha Beach, I wanted 2 Beat Tha Crap Outta Fate!!

I open My Door, and Tha Door Accross was open...Next Thing I know I See Beauty...After Beauty...After Beauty Go in and Out and I was in Pure Shock!
These Were Some of Tha Most Attractive Gurls I'd seen up to That or Any Point...Each One Had this South American style, I Knew They Were Models Which is Just Up My Heart's Parking Lot.
Trendy Dresssed, it was Four of Them, I couldn't Believe All of Them Squeezed into This Small Place...Fair Skin, Tan, Blonde, Black Hair...It Was Crazy, My Mind literally Stopped.
After "Some Time" I closed my Door, and Wondered...I had These Hotties 3 Steps from my Pad and Didn't even Know it...4 of Them!! Am I Paying a Fine Sent From Tha Heavenly Cops.

I really could go on and on...No! Really I Can...but Especially during Tha Holiday Season When Couples are Cuddling up U Can Wonder, 'What's Wrong With Me?'
How Can Someone Be around So many Cool Gurls, Have People Say So Many nice things about you, For So Long Be Single? It Can Erase all Tha Cheerful Glee.
U Believe Ur Tha Ultimate Catch, Ur Personality Bleeds Smiley Faces and Hearts...Ur Body in In Pro Athlete Shape...Wardrobe, Laugh-A-Meter is High...Is it a Mirage and I'm Really Somehow Ugly.
Others are in Relationships or Have Not Had 2 Go Through Episode after Episode like I Have, at least not 2 This Extent and Surely not For This Long...Why Does it Always Have 2 Be Me?

Two Things and Then I'm done cuz I Don't even Wanna Write About this stuff Cuz it's Super Personal cuz I've always Had a Special Place for Love so When I'm on Tha Bench, it's Gets 2 me A Tad.
Just gonna put it out here...There's Nuthing Worse than Meeting Someone, Taking Everything Slow, Only 2 Have Tha Other Shoe 2 Drop at Tha Midnight Hour...Ur Heart Feels Bad.
U go Through Tha Friend or Dating process, Think u Have Not a Wife or Husband but..."Potential"...Then 'Bam!!' Something Happens Not So Rad.
Or U Do Go out for A Lunch, that Was Beyond Perfect, only 2 Never Link up With that Person Again...U feel So used, Like U've Been Had.

I've been in a Lot of Situations Where Gurls Have Flirted Their Booties off With us, but When We Wanted 2 Chill, Something Occurred.
At Tha Last Moment it Was...'I'm in Tha Hospital Getting My Boobs Done'...or 'Such and Such Just Came up'...Everything Becomes a Blur.
Or U Do kick it With Some Gurls for a Night or a Lunch...Have a Grand Time, and Inside U Sense Ur Soul Begin 2 Stir.
Only 2 Find Another 'One in 10 Million Odds' for 'Friendship Failure' to Occur.

What Tha Heck are All These Sirens??!!! Is there a Parade or Something going on Here in South Beach? Can't They See I'm Trying 2 Write!! There has 2 be Something Going on For Tha Kids...

Anyways...I recall This One Hal Who I Considered really attractive...Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair, Super Tan, Nice Build, Cool Gal...Notice us guys Go Physical First, Then, 'Oh...BTW She is Cool too!'
I date Gurls From All over The Philly 76ers Spectrum, All Races and Types, that's Another Post in and of itself, But I'm real about Who I Invite into this Galaxian Crew.
We Never Got Up 2 Meet,  but This one Time We Did...Absolutely Stunning Day...As We Were Driving in Coral Gables It Felt Right...Like a Game of Whodunnit When u Got All Tha Clues.
Then as We Stopped by this Crepe Place on Miracle Mile...Tell me I don't know How 2 Treat a Lady!!...After Listening 2 Her Talk, it was Amazing really, Almost didn't know What 2 Do.

She Was into Fashion, Big Sports Fan, Especially Hoops, Former Party Gurl, Familar Midwestern upbringing...This is a Gurl Who Can be a Really Good Friend.
We Talked Relationships...I recall Mariah Carey's "Obsessed" playing and her Telling Hilarious Stories of Guys Being Obsessed With Her...'Like Why?!' I think She said...Tha Day Was a PERFECT Ten.
We agreed To Hang out again...Not that Los Angeles or Miami, 'We'll do Lunch' talk that never happens. No! Hugs shared, Genuinely There Was a, "Yes, We Will Do it Again!"
But We Never Did, and I felt Something Happened cuz Tha Next Time I saw Her she Was a Guarded and Avoiding...At That Time I hadn't Even Gone Public With My Diary and My Pen.

Perhaps It Went Too Perfect and it scared Her, or She Had a Boyfriend or Tha Fact She was about 2 Quit her job...IDK...I was Puzzled For Sure.
Cuz if U can Have an Opprotunity And Great Moment like this Only 2 Fall apart, Then What is Luv?...What is Real?...What is a Friendship So Pure?
Tha Most Difficult Thing I've had 2 Deal With....

I gotta toss Tha Rhyme for this.

Tha Most Difficult Thing I've had 2 deal with in regards to all these Gurls is being forced to 'Move on Without A Reason 2 Move On". In all these Experiences I wish I Could've known why Our friendships or possibly Luv things didn't go to Luv's Plan. Was I too aggressive? Too Laid Back? Too much Hip Hop? Too Much Suit when U liked a Guy in T's and Snapbacks....Or Too Much Geek and Not Enough talk About How I can Ball with Tha Best of Them and Got a Sexy Body.

I never got Closure or Reasons so I know What 2 Work on or be Better Prepared for Tha Next Doll.
And in my Life...

There's Always a Next Doll.

We've just been forced 2 take away All these lessons on Dating and Luv, plant Them in Our Soul and 'On 2 Tha Next One' as Tha Jigga Man Would Say. But it's So Difficult...Especially For Us cuz I am a Different Type of Guy. I Would Define myself As Tha Ultimate Mix of Pop Culture, Music, Fashion, Sports and Spirituality. Basically A Living Cartoon Character. But I also have Tha Experiences and Appreciation in regards 2 Dating and What True Luv can Bring.

But u have 2 go through So much and a Lotta Stuff U Truly Wish U Hadn't To Get to This Peak level of Life and Luv. Like an Athlete training for Tha Olympics. U don't start now 2 get ready for Rio 2016. U started back in Late 2012 to be ready for it. So When people Read About our Life, or The Luv Stories Unfolding, People may think it's Easy but it's not. I'm gonna put this Out here Right now, it's Tough Finding a True and Lovely Gal. It is. Vice Versa for guys now. So many folks Are Fakes, Stalkers (Girls Too!), Easy 2 Be Jealous people out Here. It used 2 be about Finding ur Soulmate but I think Now a Lot of Folks are like, 'If I can find Somebody I can Half Way Connect With, Just 51%, I'll deal With Tha Rest.' And U Can't Halfway Blame Folks for Doing That.

Now U Throw That in With Our Thoughts on A "Galaxia Gurl" and it can be complicated. Real quick, it's been interesting Cuz a Lot of Gurls feel like They know Tha Type of Gurl for me. It's like They Could Actually Be My Type of Gal but Since They Already Have in their Mind That They Aren't...Nothing inSay can Get Them away from That initial Thought. That's Why I say that...

Girls Sometimes Set Tha Course For What Type Of Gurls U Can Date.

A Lotta Gurls Think I only Date Super Sexy, Killer Body, Fashionista Type of Gurls. Huh...That is Who I Date! Ha ha...But Admire and Consider a Lot of Other things...Her Manners, How She Talks, She HAS 2 Luv 2 Laugh... Is She Well Rounded? Like U can have an Athletic Body, but if U Spend ALL Day in Tha Gym taking #Selfies, Do U Do Anything Else? Is She Positive Minded or When Tha Wind Sorta Blows in life of If She's on Her Period Does She Take it Out on Everybody Else? 

Tha Curse of Being Around So Many Beautiful Women is That Ur Around So Many Beautiful Women. It's just like being on Tha Farm With a Herd of Rabbits. I don't even think that That Right Plural use of Bunnies but it Sounds Good! Everybody is a Rabbit, So u Have 2 Look To find What separates One From Tha Other. And With Dating Nowadays, There are So Many Walls That People Have Up, because They don't Want 2 Be Hurt...Or Hurt Again. Everyone may not be As Outspoken or As Transparent as I am in Regards to Love. But What T's Me Off is That I have This 'Swagger' cuz of All Tha Miserable Lessons I've Had 2 Learn. So my Attitude is more of, 'If I can be So Open After 200 Bad Encounters, Still Believing, Still Cherishing Life, Never Erasing Cupid From My Speed Dial, Then Why on God's Green Earth Can't U be Open After One??' Ok, Ur been Single For 3 Years or 'Haven't Dated Since College'...All of Ys Has a Story, Everyone For Tha Most Part has Experienced Heartbreak and Heartache, so So Close Urself up.

Use Those Lessons Learned to become a Better You. And Let That Particular Person or People know They Missed out on a Chance Big Time! And Allow That Process 2 Mold U into That "Dream Guy" or "Dream Gurl" is Looking for. It's Tough...It Sucks...I rather Be Having Breakfast on Lincoln Road than Writing Right Now...Especially about This Luv Thing That's So Dear 2 My Heart...That May Alienate Me From Future Luvs or Friends...But What Else Can U Do When Ur Trying Ur Best. 

I Have.

I get upset at Times cuz, Me and Others Alike Seem 2 Have Been Sentenced and Luv's Judge has Persecuted Us To Tha Ultimate Extent of Luv's Law, but If it's 5 years, 10 years or 20 years, have 2 Trust Tha Process that You Will Be Ready When U Are Let Out. Tha Visits have Been Fewer but Once U Get Out U'll be Tha Best cuz U Survived. U feel like You are Missing out on Some Things, but Time Will Be On Your Side...Time Will be On Ur Side.

Just Thought a 25 to Life Sentence in Luv's Jail Would Be Brutal! With No Parole?!! Oh boy...

Still After Writing for So Long I Hate revealing Myself cuz It Exposes You Big Time! Now Tha Next Gurl I ask out or Whatever may have Read this and Think I'm ultra Thirsty or Weird, Which is not Tha Case. Dating and Not Finding (Cuz That Means Ur Searching)...But Having True Luv Step into Our Life Has been Wild and Crazy. I Always Said Our Life Will Make a Great Movie or Book...

I Consider Myself a Star. But Let Me Ask What's a Star Without a Dream Script.

And What's a Script Without Some Crazy Drama.

And What's Luv's Ultimate Script If I Never Find My Hot Mama.

I've joked That I've Been in Luv's Jail...But But Even Though I'm Here, I get 2 Hold What I've Always Wanted. An Ultimate and A Much Anticipated...

Luv Casting Call.

With Luv.

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