
Tha Day That Never Existed.


A Day of Freakin' Amnesia.

When I Rolled my Vespa Scooter from my former location off of 7th and Jefferson to my new Apartment building here on Pennsylvania Avenue Here in South Beach...That was Tha Theme of Our Day.  Oh...By Tha Way That was During Tha 4AM Hour of This Morning.  Yeah, I Like To Work Undercover While Everybody Sleeps.

But Nuthin' Could Prepare Me For Today...Had An Episode With One of Tha Most Beautiful Women I Have Ever Seen at Target This Afternoon...Just Had A Steaming Hot Bowl of Black Beans Literally Fly out of Tha Microwave, onto my Bare Chested Skin, and On Tha Floor, and On My New Nike Flyknit Chukka's That I Just Received in Box...In Shoe Individual Plastic...But This Was Tha Worse Spill of My Life.


I Haven't Written in a Grip or Have Been So Inconsistent Cuz I'm Working 2 Weeks Straight...Recovering From a Workout Last Week That Had My Arms Ultra Sore, That It Took like 4 Weeks To Get Somewhat Back To Normal.

I've Uttered..."F#@!"..."I Hate This Life!"..."This S--- Ain't Fair." All Within Tha Last 24 Hours.


Today is Tha Day That Really Tests a Guy.  Now...I have Some Really Cool thangs Happen To Me Recently.  Just Because I Haven't Wrote in awhile, doesn't mean that I'm Haven't Been Living Tha Life!  But Why Do We Focus on Tha Negative So Much?  How Come So Many Gurls are Around Us and Like Us, but We Focus on That One Gurl That We Didn't Approach?  A Big Booty Doesn't Mean That A Doll is Automatically 'Perfect' for Us.

Guess, I'm just like any other Egotistical, or Snobby Guy Who Thinks that He Has it all or Has Seen it All...Yet Doesn't Have What We Reeeeally Want.  (Does That Make Sense?)  Have 2.5 Million in Tha Bank, and are still sweating about that $20 Bet we lost at tha Casino.  Sums up my Messed Up State of Mind at Tha Past Moment.


I Am learning that For Me To Be Successful, We Have To Move on Quickly...Good or Bad.  Coach K, Who's Duke Team Kicks off here in like A Minute in a Half Versace Versus Wisconsin For Tha NCAA Championship...Always Says..."Next Play".  Today Though...With This Babe...And Thoughts While Driving Down US-1 This Morning...It Felt Like I Was Having This New Life...But Still Upset of Tha Road it Has Taken To Get Here.  Need To Just Forget About Tha Road, and just Remember That This Is Where I'm At Right Now.  Just Like Tha Final Four...It Doesn't Matter if U Had To Play 5 Overtime Games To Get To Tha Championship Night, All That Matters is That U Made It.


It's Easy To Think...Why Does This Or Why HAS This Been So Hard?  U Look Around and It Seems Like Ur Tha Only One Who's Trying To Do Things Tha Right Way, and By Doing So U Feel like Ur Left Behind.  I Was Thinking About Myself (When Am I Not?!!), and Thinking I'm Such an Old Fashion Guy Who Living in a New School World.  I Mean, Why Do U Think I Have This Galaxy?!!  They Say That Tha Fundamentals Never Go Outta Style, but I've Questioned That.  Cuz I've Felt Tha Things That I've Been Taught or Led To Do, Haven't Worked...At Least Yet.  So Since Tha Great Ones Adjust, I'm Wrecking My Brain Trying To See What Else Can I Do To Crack Tha Da Vinci Code, When U've Already Felt like U've Done All That U Can.  It's Wild.

This Woman I was talking To...We Discussed Dating, and Who I Like To Date and Stuff.  After I Told Her How I Get Down, She Basically Told Me That I Needed To Date Somebody With More "Experience".  Somebody Who Can...Relate.  For Some Reason, I Seem To Be Circled With Women Wherever I Go. "That's Just A Tip."  Was What She Told Me.  A Lot of Me Agreed With Her...Like I'm Tired of Dating "Gurls" Who are All About Games...Texting For 2 Hours Instead of A Phone Call...Who Don't Know Their Body...Or What They Want in Terms of Life, or Sexually...Or Spiritually.  I Think I need Somebody Who's In Tune With Who They Are...Who Can Tell Me, "Hey...I Like It When A Guy Does This-This-And This...That Turns Me On."...Or Who's Positive and Knows That Tha Sky Is Not Falling Just Because They Had a Ruff Start To Their Day.

I Need a Vet.

I Don't Believe in Age, but From Her on Out, I'm Only Dating Women.  For Real, I'm Over It Dude.  But U Have To Go Through Those Steps To Reach...This Step.  Can't Get So Caught Up in Tha Physical, That U Forget or Lose Track on If U Have a Rhythm With Somebody.  I Felt like I've Been Prepared For Anythang.


Probably Shouldn't Be Writing All This Cuz Ur Really Getting Tha Heart of How I feel Right Now.  But I Gotta Keep it Real in this Diary of Ours.  Told Mom, That I Really Feel like We're Tha "1% of Tha 1%".  That's Just How I Feel. And Moms Told Me Not To "Settle" and To Continue To Be Who We Are.  U just Learn So Much...Like Not Wanting To feel That "Empty Pain" of Not Approaching or Not Having a Shot Ever Again.  Or Learning How To Move On...Quickly.  Or Being Ready At All Times Cuz U Never Know Who U Might Meet or When Ur 'Opprotunity' May Knock.

During This Hiatus, I Wondered Why So Many People Were Telling Me Things.  People Who I Really Didn't Even Know.

"Know Ur Value."
"Don't Let Nobody Get Inside of Ur Heart Cuz That's Private Property."
"When U Wake Up in Tha Morning, and Look in Tha Mirror, U Can Choose To Be Ur Best Friend or Worse Enemy."
"You Only Get One Heart, So Protect It and Use With Caution."

This is Some Top Secret Stuff That People Have Told Me, and I Said I Wasn't Gonna Share With Anybody Else Cuz...Well, Just Cuz It's Top Secret Stuff.

But It's Been As If People Can Feel Somethang Happen in Our Life That We Don't Even Know, and Are Imputing These Words of Advice To Prepare Me For Success ("Don't Get Beside Urself.")...Or Relationships With Women...It's Been Mind Blowing and I Can't Even Describe What Has Gone On.  It's Been a Blur...And I'm Meeting Some Interesting People Almost on Tha Daily.  Wild Life.

A Few Days Ago...I Hate a Nightmare of All Nightmares.  Not Even Sure What This Thang Really Entailed, but All I Remember Is Me Being in This Car That was Really Out of Control, and I Was Going Tha Wrong Way on Tha Wrong Side of Tha Street, and I Was Heading Dead into Oncoming Traffic, and I Couldn't Do Anythang About What Was About To Occur...And As My Imminent End To My Life Was About To Go Down..I Woke Up Right on Impact.

It Was Scary.

What Does All This Mean?  Am I On Some Sorta Crash Course for Destruction?  Could This Mean That Our Life is Not in Our Hands.  I Mean...Rick Ross and Kayne's "Live Fast, Die Young" is One Of My Favorite Songs.  Although, I know I'll Never Die.  Just Tha Swag To Live Life To Tha Fullest...Every Single Day Cuz U Never Know.  Whatever Tha Case May Be, I Have To Keep Hanging On I Guess.  Like I Sai Earlier...This Seemed Like a Day That Was Destined By Tha Galaxy gods For Us To Go Through.  From Me Walking Tha South Beach Streets Early in Tha Morning, Until This 9:59 Hour in Tha Evening.

Before I Wrote This I Was Listening To Yankees Manager Joe Girardi as He Was Talking About A-Rod and His Return To Tha Field on Today's Opening Day.  And He Stated On How A-Rod Shouldn't Worry About Having To Prove Anythang To Anybody.  Manager Joe Citing On How Ur Never Gonna Make Everybody Happy.  No Matter What U Do.  And All Alex Should Think About is...

"Being Ready".

So That's Tha Approach I'm Taking To Life.  Not Looking Back on Tha Road It Has Taken To Get Here, but Focusing On Where Tha Next Step is Gonna Lead.  Not Thinking About Tha Gurls That Have Come and Gone...Or How Wacky My Life Can Seem...Just Live and Try To Enjoy Each Day as Best as Possible.  And See Where it Leads...

Sure I Should've Done More Jokes on Tonight...But That's Not How I Feel.  Right Now I'm just Trying To Develop Tha Best Way To Have Fun.  And Even Though Tha Coach in Tha Sky Took Me Through Lessons That I Should Always Remember...I Rather Take Today in Tha Simplest Form Possible...

And Make It One I Can't Soon Enough...



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