
My New BFF.

No Idea Why I Write So Much...Makes Me Feel Like I Got MUD on My Grill.
It's So Difficult To Be Real...When Things Are So Tough Around Tha Mill.
Almost Like God Dislikes Me Or Somethang, and Heaven is Getting a Drama Show Thrill.
I Don't Understand it...I Don't...I'm Just a Kid Who Wants a Ticket To A Fun Meal.

I Have Everythang To Be Happy About, But Even 2nite, I Wonder Do I Still Hope?
U've Done All Within Ur Power To Be Strong...4 Urself, 4 Others and Still All U Hear is...Nope.
Is All This Even Real or Just a Fantasy...Might Be Better if I Was on Ectasy or Even Dope.
Shouldn't Talk Like This Really...But I Feel So Alone, Like I'm Tha Only One Yanking on This Rope.

My Bloodline is Fun...And Love I Guess...But Even Now I Don't Know If I'll Ever Know.
Always Be Positive...More Fish in Tha Sea...I Wish I Could Get Just One Babe from a Telemundo Show.
I'm Around Tha Most Beautiful To Have Walked This Earth...Worth More Than a Million Dollars of Dough.
Yet I ALWAYS Run Into Tha Wrong Gurl...I HATE IT!  F@*#!...How Many Chances are Left 2 Blow?

Like Nobody Understands Me...This Combo of Music, Fashion, Sports and Jokes.
How One Moment I'm Saying Take Ur Time With Love, And Tha Next I'm Dreaming About Who I Wanna Poke.
To Be a Leader...Or Made One...Is So Difficult...Like a Canvas That Takes Years Of Mastering a Paintbrush Stroke.
U Pray...U Try Everythang That U've Been Taught, Only 2 Find Out That To Be Tha Best is Like Eating a Plate of Running Egg Yokes.

Now I'm like an MVP, That Tired of Personal Admiration, but Wants a Chance at a Championship Ring.
I Have My Wardrobe, My Closet Full of Kicks, My Look That Illustrates That I Got Bling, Bling.
But To Find People With a Similar Mindset, In This Day and Time, and In Miami?  Like an Impossible Thing.
I Laid at tha Edge of My Bed Today Like...Why Does This Keep Happening To Me?  I Guess Heavy Does Lay Tha Head of a Future King.

This Journey Has Left Me Like...I've Wasted So Much Time It Seems Trying To Be Mr. Right.
Opening Doors For Gurls, Caring For Strangers if They Were My Fam...Does It Even Matter Anymore To Be Polite?
Can't Help But Look Around and Think So Many Others are So Lucky...Not To Have God Holding Ur String To Ur Kite.
Tha Wind Is Blowing All Over My Life, Except in Tha Right Direction...Just a Cool Call or Text Would Be Outta Sight.

I Have To Do EVERYTHANG It Seems...Why So?  If I Don't Then Seemingly I Feel It Won't Get Done.
Be a Listening Ear...Take Tha High Road on a Positive Text Message...Trying To Stop Others Thoughts of Pulling Tha Trigger on Tha Gun.
But What About Me?  I've Put in MORE Time...Been Through MORE 'Ish...Like Life Turns It's Back on Its Galaxy Son.
Leaving Me To Wonder If I'll Ever Get Out of This Drought It Seems...Should I Really Stop Believing in Tha Power of Having Fun.

You Just Reach a Point Dude, When U Still Believe, but Inside A Voice is Like...Not Really.
Others Can Do Less, and Get More...And I Have 2 Pray on My Knees Until I Get Cookie Monster Blue Silly.
If This is Tha Blueprint To Tha Ultimate Life, It Makes U Wonder if To Find True Luv I Have To Move To Philly.
Folks Would Never, Ever...EVER Know Tha Price I Had To Pay To Get What We Dreamed of...I Need A Sign That Says, "Free Willy".

Tha Only Thing Tha Drives Me Now....Is To Be One of Tha Best...But That Has Lost It's Luster.
Like My Hammer isn't Swinging Quite Has Hard...Heck, Like Tha Last Stand of Custer.
U Just Want 2 Have Fun, Find One Gurl Who's Real and Straight Up...Freakin' Feels Like a Chicago Style Hot Dog Without Muster.
I'm Different...I Know...I'm Unique...Yes, I Know...But Is That Such a Crime That I Keep Getting Rejected Like I'm Some Kind of Buster?

Junk Doesn't Make Sense...I Follow My Heart, Whether I Should or Not...Either Way, It's Like Nothing Works.
Our Closet is Tha Who's Who of Tha Fashion Globe, Tha Zip Code is Super Sexy, but No Longer Does That Seem like Motivating Perks.
I Want To Leave a Legacy For Generations 2 Come, but How Can I When My Soul's Skillet is Frying Like Some Catfish and Perch.
Maybe I'm Doing Something Right To Warrant Such a Tough Road...But Lately I Feel Like a Preacher Without a Church.

I Reach For Inspriation in Tha Craziest of Places...Today I Thought About How Tha '91 Bulls Team Started Tha Season...Oh and Three.
Coming off a Season Where They Came Close But Lost in Tha Conference Finals in Seven Games...Jordan Did His Best, and a Migraine Headache Hit My Boy Scottie.
They Could Have Given Up After That Start, but They Kept on Going...Winning  61 Games, and Beating Magic and Tha Lakers in Tha Finals, Tha First Shown on NBC.
Maybe That's Tha Phrase of Tha Day...You Never Know What Happens When Ur Go Down...Oh and Three.

We Say That Cuz Tha Day Before, I Watched a Netflix Docu on Big Papi...Who Plays For tha Boston Red Sox.
They Were Down 0-3 in That Classic 2004 Series To Tha Mighty Yankees...With Pressure Coming With Every Strut To Tha Batter's Box.
I Saw With My Own Eyes, Every Moment Where They Were Getting Hammered in Tha First 3 Games Looking For Money, Power and Respect...Like Tha Lox.
To a Stolen Base Here...A Base Hit There...And Ur Begin 2 Think, Can This Actually Happen...It's Never Happen Before Since Columbus Hit Those Plymouth Rocks.

The Win Game 4...Then Game 5...Game 6 In Tha Bronx...And Ur Like...What Am I Seeing Right Here?!
These Dudes Went From Being Dead in Tha Water...3 Outs Away From Va-ca, Now They're in tha Driver's Seat To Steer.
You Never Know, Which Is Why I'm Trying To Hold On To Hope...Even Though My Emotions in This Diary Seem So Weird.
I Should Be Writing About What Everybody Else Does, But I Can't Dude...My Life Right Now Is Like Entering Tha Rumpelstiltskin Fairy Tale Tier.

"A Run is On Its Way"...Another Sports Phrase I Heard Recently, That Showed That Good Teams and Players Sooner or Later Are Gonna Make A Go.
You Can Be Losing By 20 Points, In Tha Final Quarter...But U Know One Basket or Touchdown Can Flip Tha Whole Thang Around Fa Sho'.
That's What I Believe In My Heart...I'm So Do...When Gurls Don't Want A Guy Like Me, That Means A Greater Purpose Has Walked Into Luv's Corner Bakery Sto'.
Cuz I'm Honest...A Lot of Girls and Women Like Us, and Are Around Us...But I'm Getting That 1%, That's In Tha Opposite Corridor.

So Many People Walk Up To Me On Tha Street, Eyes Are On Us Wherever We Go...Our Life is Truly Like MTV or TMZ.
You Get Used To It After A While, and Stay Focus Knowing That There's Some Things U Don't Got, That U Feel Can Be So Amazing.
I Cherish Tha Small Things In Life...Like a Good Book, or a Baby Running, Falling and Getting Back Up...Like I've Been Re-taught Life's ABC's.
No Longer Am I Judging Just on Brand Names or a Gurl's Breasts and Curves Of Her Hips and Booty...I Didn't So Much Before, But Now Tha Standard Isn't So Demanding.

Which is Tough?  Never Settle.  Is What Anybody Says...Yet They've Never Been In Your Shoes.
It's Almost Like When Somebody Talks, I Listen, and Then They Say, "Me and My Gurlfriend"...Once I Hear That I Almost Immediately Begin To Snooze.
Cuz U Don't Have To Go Through Dime Piece after Dime Piece, Or Lay Awake Wondering, "How Come She Couldn't Send a Simple Text Or Call"...Debating Should U Grab Healing Water or a Bottle of Booze.
Not Just With Luv, but With Life...Myself ...And Others...Have To Prove Themselves, When It Should Be Obvious Beyond Words, that When Ur With or Hire Me...You Will NEVER EVER LOSE.

But It's Like Blinders are on people, and They Just Don't Know...Then When U Become Famous or Get Those Chalupa Checks Coming...Now He's Always Been One of Ur Favorite Guys or Gurls.
Don't Be Scared To Tell Somebody, "Hey I Like You" Or 'Gurl, I Luv Tha Way U Dress'...Even a Beauty Queen Wants To Be Told She's Beautiful...All Attractive People Aren't Snobby in This World.
Many Gurls Are Super Hot and Single on a Friday Night Like Me...Wondering If Looking Good, Having a Tip-Top Shape Body is Criminal, and a Sexy Mindset is Too Much For a Nice Date With a Dance Twirl.
Us Guys Wonder, 'How Come This Chump is With This Babe-A-Licious Gurl?'...Perhaps He Was Tha Only One To Ask...Or Maybe She Sees That U Have To Look Beyond an Oyster's Shell To Get a...Pearl.

Oh M Gee!  I Got a Stretch Session Here...Yeah, It's 8:09PM, and I Got To Stretch Out My Body.
When I Was a Kiddo I Never Knew What It Took Though...To Be This Galaxy or Out Of This World Type Hottie.
I Would Look at JFK Jr., or David Beckham or Denzel, And Understand That That's Gonna Be Me One Day, On GQ Magazine With a Sexy Hot Tamale.
But To Be A Leader You Have To Serve...If Ur of Fame or Sex Symbol Status, U Sometimes are An Image and Not a Real Person...And You Have No Sheep Clone To Relate 2 You...No Dolly.

This is Tha Journey For Me...Have To Move On From Another Episode of Life and a Gurl...I Hit Tha Reset Button Like A Gazillion Times a Day.
Lessons of Leadership...Dating...Friendships...and Faith are at Me On Tha Constant...I Truly Wish For Tha Road 2 True Love and Living There Was Another Way.
It's Ultra...Ultra...ULTRA Hard To Keep Believing In Tha Principles of Life That You Thought Would Grant You Tha Ability To Touch Hearts, And Use Properly You Celebrity Pay.
Pops Told Me A Long Time Ago, That I Always Have To Prove Myself..."Beep" Ain't Fair, but This is My Life I Guess....Huh, Maybe I Should Turn Gay?!!

But I Like Tha Pudding More Than Tha Push Pop, So I Stay How I Am...My Bachelor Life Up To This Point, In Some Ways Has Been Used Up To Tha Max.
Yeah, I Still Have Fun, but I Want a Different Type of Fun Now...I Want Something Delivered To Me, I'm Tired of Going Through All These Clearance Racks.
Just Because Something is Affordable, Doesn't Mean It's Meant For You...All Pussy Isn't Good Pussy...And I'm Not Just Talking About Kitty Kats!
These Are Tha Toughest Days of My Life, Hands Down...Brutal Schedule...Frustrated That I'm Being Blessed With This Thang and Not That Thang...Feeling Low Like a Wealthy Rat.

Have To Move On...And Forget Tha Past...Forget Tha Attempts...Forget That Gurl in Those Jeans...And Start Anew...Again.
It's All For Our Good, These Trials of Life and Love...I Must Have Something Special on Tha Horizon Cuz I Thought I Was Done, Now I Continue To Wonder If I've Committed Some Type of Forbidden Sin.
Things May Be Crazy...And I Don't Understand Why I'm Not On Magazine Covers or How I'm Still on "Tha Market", I Guess I Have To Fight Like Those Pesky Irish From South Bend.
We Always Believe That I'm Gonna Be One Of Tha Best of All-Time, and I'm Very Confident Nobody Does Fun and Luv Like Us...

And One Day We Will All See That Being Down 3 Games To None...

Has Suddenly Turned Into...

My New...Best Friend.

Give It One More Try, Austin....One...More...Try.

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