

It's 4:46 on this Saturday Morning, and all I Can Do Is Think About Her.
Laying in My Bed Dreaming About Every Crevice and Curve.
How She Looks So Purrrfect...And Causes My Soul Such a Stir.
Whether Formal or Informal...Like Everyday She's Wearing Cut Off Shorts and Ugg Fur.

They Say Everybody Has 2 Have One...Mine Seems So Divine.
I Glance Around at Others, and How With Their's They Wine and Dine.
Lately, Mine Has Been Away on Business, To Brush Up on Her Beauty Shine.
I've Missed Her For So Long...Others Playing Tha Game, While I'm Sitting on Tha Pine.

Why Does It Have 2 Be This Way?  Sometimes It's Not Fair.
I See Tha Most Beautiful Gals Around...But From Me All They Get is But a Stare.
Asking Should I Approach or Not...Knowing That It's Just Lust In Tha Air.
Tha Gal I Really Want Isn't Around...She's Tha Ferris Wheel Missing in My Fair.

Guess I've Been Quite Busy Too, 13 Into 14 Days of Straight Work isn't 2 Shabby.
Me Not Hearing Her Laugh Has Been Tough...Leaving My Mood So Crabby.
Wondering When She Will Smile My Way Again Going Into My Heart With Arrow Stabbies.
Almost Tha Moment I Was Born, I Knew...Nuthing I Could Do...She Had Me.

Laying In Bed Wondering, 'I Should've Approached That Gurl and This One' Just Because.
Holding Out For My True Luv To Come Back, When My Door Bell Has Yet 2 Hear a 'Buzz'.
Everybody I Know Has One, Except Me...Which Is Why I Need To Talk 2 Tha Heavenly Fuzz.
Asking Tha PD Chief, 'Why They Haven't Told Me Where She's At, Cut On Tha Sirens U Must.'

Then Another Gurl Comes, Then Another One...Like I Can't Hold Out Any Longer More.
I Like Curvy Gals Who Are Naturally Beautiful, With Faces Only Bought at Flawless Boutique Stores.
Boobs, Booty, and Personality, That Turns Me On...Yet My Gurl Gets Me From Ceiling To Floor.
A One Night "Bang Fest" is Awesome, but Tha Gurl of My Dreams Gets My Soul To Tha Core.

Since She's Not Around, I've Been Looking For Fun in All Type of Places.
Our Wardrobe Is Getting To Tha Ultimate Level, Only Seen By Those With Movie Deals and Big Faces.
Even Got Tha Jordan One Shoe Tha Just Dropped...2 See Bugs Dunking Took My 2 My Childhood Phrases.
Topman...Alexander Wang...And Galaxy Tank Tops...Are Now My "Looks" That are Truly Blazing.

Those Thangs Are Great, but Somethang Is Still Missing, and It Eats At My Very Soul.
She's Not There...Now I Eat My Oatmeal and Don't Even Feel Like Finishing Tha Bowl.
I Sleep Naked in My Armani Briefs, Tossing and Turning In a Bed That Has Now Turned So Cold.
Why Is It Strange To Not Like Tan Lines on a Gurl?  See My Gurl Doesn't Mind...Cuz Her Style is So Bold.

Will She Every Come Back To Me Again?  Or Have I Lost Her To Another Man?
Photos Of Our Times Together Come Throughout Tha Day, In Multiples Like a Warhol Tomato Can.
Moments When She Was With Me While I Played Hoops...Tha Gal There Was My Number One Fan.
When I Would Get Down On Why I Was Chosen 2 Live This MTV Life...There She Was Telling Me 2...Stand.

Yeah, We Were Tha Ultimate Couple...Whenever We Showed Up To A Party...Simply Laughs and Dance.
She Knows All Tha Newest Moves, Acting Goofy...And U Know I Can Go Into My Carlton Banks Prance!
I Would Be Sometimes Alone at a Gathering...And Will Have To Close My Eyes Just 2 Get a Polaroid of Her Glance.
Wishing I Could Feel With Others, How I Can Feel With Her...Like Biggie Says...Just Get "One More Chance."

Then When I'm Working Out, She Was My Partner...Kind of Fitting That Lately I've Been So Sore.
Every Since She Left, I Haven't Worked Out as Often...Life Has Seemed Like a Bore.
Now Getting Back Into It, but What's That Point of Rock Hard Abs, If U Never Add Another Line To Ur "Kissing" Tally Score.
This Ish' Doesn't Seem Fair At All...Why Do I Have To Go Step-By-Step...With a Luv Story Eerily Turning Into Folklore.

I Want To See Her in Tha Purple Polka Dot Bra, and Yellow Panties, and Post Pics of Both Of Us on Tha IG.
People Show Me Photos of Them and Their Man or Gurl...That's Cool, but Nuthin' is Like Her and Me.
Tired of Being Humble...This is Tha Gurl of My Dreams, and Inside I Wonder, 'This Totally Isn't So Glee.'
Tough To Get Over Her Though...I First Met Her When She Was Hanging With Naomi, Linda...Oh, and Cindy and Christy.

Tha Other Day I Came Up With My Dream Gurl Lineup, and Every Gal on There Was Her Friend, Which Why I Felt Bad.
I Should've Put Her on Tha List...I'm Sorry For That...Which Is Why I Sense That She is So Mad.
Like Telling a Gurlfriend That Her Sister Hotter Than She Is...Guess I Would Be Upset Too...Just a Tad.
But To Put Her Name on Tha Lineup Card Would Just Make Me Realize What I'm Missing Now...This is Getting So Sad.

So As I Listen To Jay and B on a Luv Song...Drizzy and Minaj Battle on a Verse...A Tear Internally Drops from My Eye.
Feeling Like Time is Running Out, and I Should Go For Any Gurl...If U Luv Kobe and Making Out in Tha Park...Please Apply.
When U've Known Tha Sexiest of Tha Sexiest, It's Tough, Cuz In Tha Garden of Perfection is Where Ur Heart Lies.
U Know Her Body Fits U Like a Glove, and All Tha Body of Work It Takes To Get 2 Her...Man, I'm Starting To Cry.

Yet, I Won't, and I Guess We All Have To Move On...But This Morning, It's Like I Can Hear Her Heels Click Down Tha Hall.
Which is Why I'm Writing at Now 5:38am in Tha Morning...Cuz My Name I Feel She is About To Call.
That Cleavage Showing Red Dress, With A Big Hat From Pairee or Rome...Looking Like Carmen Sandiego Except With More Tall.
After Weeks Of Feeling in Tha Dumps Like Roc, There's Hope That I Got a Dime To Toss Around Tha Beach Ball.

Amazing What Luv...Ooops!  Like Can Do...If I Would've Known This Was Coming, I Would've Gotten Flowers From CVS.
I Liked How We Could Go For Walks and Just Talk...Or Be Flexible Enough To Know When "Being On Top" Is When She's At Her Best.
My Place is In Order, For I Would Dream This Day Would Come, It's Like Every Doll Lately Has Been a Test.
Should U Be A Gentleman Or Be Like So Many Others, and Be Honest and Say..."Sexy Mama, All I Want 2 Do Is Have Sex."

I've Held On, A Few Weeks I Was at tha End Of My Rope, Now I Understand Great Dames Come To Those Who Wait.
Moms Saying, "She's Out There"...And Pops Saying, "Don't Settle"...I Thought They Were Looney and Daffy Put Something in Their Dinner Plate!
I'm in My Briefs, But She Knows How I Get Down...I've Seen Her Chest, She's Seen Mine...My Freak-O-Gram Has Never Shown Up Late.
Can't Wait To See Her, and Get on My Toes For an Unforgettable Kiss...From Her Lips...Down To Her Navel...Then To Where U Consummate.

"Knock, Knock, Knock!"...There She Is, I Can't Believe It...Not Talking About Truffle Butter, But That She Would Show Up Before Tha Sun.
She's So Beautiful, That's Why I Have So Many Mirrors In My Place...Ceiling Fan on Top, and Me Saying, "Keep Tha Lights On."
Amazing, just A Few Days Ago, I Was Ready To Give Everythang Up...Literally Uttering Those Words, "I'm Done."
Kind of Symbolic of How I Treated My Celly...Bout To Give It Up...Until This Week HTC Gave a Timely Update To My M8 One.

I Feel like Tha 4th of July Has Come Early To These South Beach Sands...Cue Up Tha Bar-B-Que and Hot Dog Buns!
No More Feeling Like I'd Never Go Back To Luv's Shooting Range...Now I Got a Reason To Pull Out My Gun.
It's Amazing...I Cleared Out My Entire Contact List Tha Other Day, No Lie...Because I Could Sense That A New Life Has Just Begun.
But Some Things Just Never Change, and My Dream Gurl Has Now Arrived...

And Like I Said Everybody Needs One...

...And My Sexy Muse Just Happens To Be...



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