
Snowstorms Make Reignbows!

This morning I feel so weird, perhaps this is or isn't gonna be my day.
I literally just sat on my glasses...Ain't No fun seeing Fendi logos bent every which of way.
Almost tearful just thinking bout it...What? Am I on Menopause? Emotions not held at Bay.
Feel something on my back for real...All I wanna do is Play.

Maybe I make too much of my Journey... 'Don't Stop Believin'', once was Tha Cry.
Now as Life has Moved on, it's like I'm filled with More Could Have Beens and 'Not Again' sighs.
Seems I'm Too Different...U can't Luv Fun, 2 Dance, toss in God and Freaky Sex...Oh My!
I listen to that 2 Chainz' song to get me motivated, Down deep I'm just a Hopeless Romantic type of Guy.

There has always Been this Thirst to be Tha Best...In 7th Grade that was Actually My Autograph.
"The Best" followed under my name, Seeing my Face on Tha Front Page of Tha London Telegraph.
To be recognized around Tha Globe...like Princess Di, Tha King of Pop...In tabloid Paragraphs.
What Is he wearing? Who is He Dating? No such Thang as Bad Publicity was embedded in me like Science or Math.

I would come home from School and watch These shows...Almost like taking a Course on Celebrity.
How they would react to Mad Picture Flashes, going off in ur Mug...Many hated it, I thought it was Pretty.
To make such an impact on Pop Culture that people would want to Hide in Tha Bushes cuz One Snap is worth a Sexy Penny.
Yeah it can be a lot to handle, but what if You can use Tha Aura to inspire and Influence so Many.

So as a Kid, which I still am, while others were doing their thang saying, 'Close Your Eyes and on Tha Count of 3, let's kiss.'
I was watching TV, unknowingly taking notes on a Future that I believed would hold such Bliss.
Those Entertainment And Tabloid shows were one of two Genres on Tha Tube that I could not Miss.
Tha other...Well...Just thinking bout it can either make Me Smile or Bawl Up my Fist.

Back in Tha Day I was a HUGE Dating show geek...Like any show with Guys, Gurls & Luv...I was Bait.
There aren't many on anymore...Kind of symbolic Of our relationships Huh? Back Then Though I couldn't Wait.
Tha list is so long From MTV's Singled Out to Elimidate to even Win, Lose or Draw...any show where Venus and Mars came 2gether I set up my Stake.
Guys discussing Gurls...Gurls Bashing Guys...I was Intrigued With Wonder of How One Day I could Get My Candle into Some Cake!

The Gurls were so Beautiful and More real...Not too much Fake Surgeries, or Enhanced Jeans or Bras...Simply Hot, Beautiful and Cool Beans.
Tha Gals could Rock Dresses with Sneakers...Be Tan or Goth...Or in Tha Middle of a Passing Period pull off a Janet Jackson Dance Routine.
U could get a #, and After Tha Gurl would jot her Digits on Tha Inside of ur Hand, it would Stay there until Ur body Odor became Really Mean.
No Sexting...No 'I gotta wait 36 hours before I respond Back'..it was I like You...You like Me...Let's skip all Tha Mumbo Jumbo in Between.

I Miss those Days...I once called a Gurl and She responded like, 'Are you ok? What's Wrong?'
We was like Bloody 'A', people are so Immune to talking on Tha Phone that I have to Text you for 5 hours before I see your Thong?!
Maybe I'm too Clark Gable...Too Frank Sinatra...Too Much interested in beholding Tha Beauty of a Gal, like a Babyface song.
I'm a Old School Gentleman who places his coat over Puddles...Who pulls out Chairs...Who has a Fire burning like a Gorilla...But a Sensitive Heart for a Pretty Babe like King Kong.

That wasn't even where I was heading today...But that's How I feel, Tha other day I was watching Miami Vice like it was 1986.
I like 80s music and practicing those Dance Moves...You should see me in my place when Tha steps of Dance become My needed Fix.
That's what has gotten to me All these years...I haven't met Anybody on "That Level"...Who's about Fun...Living Carpe Diem...While willing 2 push Away Tha Twix.
So while More Million Dollar contracts are being dished out...And More & More couples begin 2 settle U hope that 'Being You' is worth it...Living more Poloroid instead of Digital Pics.

We've changed with Tha Times, mean I'm writing this on our IPad 2 Air.
Just because Something is Newer doesn't mean it is Better...I feel caught looking upon our Road 2 Success and Wonder if it's been Fair.
Have Sooooo many Blessings, but Something I feel is Missing...I LUV ME...But how come Every Convo with God feels more like Truth or Dare.
Seen So much and after a while You get tired of Putting out Tha Same Fires...You get Tired of Being Tha Great Yogi Bear.

But as we keep on saying this is when I have to Dig Deeper than Ever Before...Not looking Back but Chopping down Tha Tree Hack-By-Hack.
When ur Climbing a Mountain, Right before U reach Tha Top, that's when it becomes Tha Hardest..Air becomes Thinner, Others who started with U...Upand Turned Back.
Tha Climb seemed too Long for some, while U Still Believe That's it's in Ur Reach, and Once You a Reach it, there will be Nuthin U Shall Lack.
So u keep Going...with Kayne, Kobe and King in Ur Head...Knowing Tha KKK in ur Hood of Success are Actually Black.

Can't give up now...May be Hard...But once again Tha most Difficult Moments are when You're near Tha End.
You look Better than ever...Feel Whole Foods Fresh...That enemy of Confusion tries to tell u 'If Ur So Good then where are all your True Friends?'
Just like my Fendi eyeglasses this morning...Just because you get Sit on, doesn't mean you're Broke but U simply learn how to Bend.
And if I Have 2 go out Beliving in Tha Impossible...And Preaching about Luv and Fun...Then u Can Bury me Right Now Cuz I'll GLADLY take them as my 2 Deadly Sins.

I'm an open Book, No shame in How I've been Molded cuz I know very Soon here, Somebody is Gonna come Along and say, "Wow! He feels just like Me!"
U have 2 Self-Motivate Yourself, especially when u Just about have Everything in Tha Galaxy.
I'm Tha Easiest Person or Lover one can Get 2 Know...A Clown who one moment talks About Tha Perils of Beauty...While Tha Next giving a Personal Hive on Tha Birds & Tha Bees.
Through Bent Glasses, and a More than Emotional Diary Post...Perhaps later I'll Think upon today with Three Words in My Soul...

Wasn't That Funny?!!!

Ur Right Where u Supposed 2 Be...So Get ready!...
I am!

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