
Bunny Tales.

Oh Boy! So what do we do on today? I wonder...
Our life is about 2 get wild,right in Tha Heart of Summer.
Sun is Beach Shining, Perfect 2 Tan & 2 get a Few Gals Numbers.
It's Tha South Beach life...Where we Party, Have Fun & Choose Porsche's over Hummers.

Girls, Girls, Gurls....is that all I write About Anymore?!
So much is going on..it's hard not 2 when so much beauty is outside my Sandy Door.
This is a Diary...I'm not sure where this is even heading today...it might become a Bore.
Letting our stylus Lead us 2 create something of such Glamour.

My taste in women is so diverse...that Even myself wants to let out a scream!
Different Races, shapes and Personalities...From Around Tha Way to those on Tha List of Dean.
Total Strangers have crossed my path, that had such an aura That I wish they were on my Team.
To Tha journey of Trial & Error wondering if I'll ever Have a chance 2 dip my stick in Some Ice Cream.

Every episode and saga Has lead me 2 This point...Yet I question Will there Ever Be?
I've Discussed our preferences before to Tha Love Life of Fun and Fantasy.
Gals with No Tan Lines...Into Style and Sports...With her vernacular always including Gladly.
The Weeding out Process is what's so draining, especially when People Tell u to continue 2 Be Me.

I have been in some Wild Situations when it comes 2 Females...Suprisingly Never in a Relationship.
Crazy when I think about it cuz all the evidence around shows that there isn't Anyone Better Equipped.
A Gurl will cross our mind and I will wonder how Come She and I never Did Stick?
Or think about Making out with a gal for Hours and Right Before having Sex something in Tha Air makes me say, 'Nahhh. I Quit."

Am I'm looking for Perfection? I don't think so...Eye just wonder why Tha stories of a Hollywood Playboy.
People who found their Gurl or a gal early in life have no idea...Especially when So many Beauties surround Me like an Elmo Toy.
Like I've Been tossed into Tha Jungle of Amazons 2 Endure Every Lust Knowing that I have Tha curiosity of Disney's Jungle Boy.
But I would have learn lessons for reasons unknown...Like being on Tha a Shelf For Years contemplating Why ur Tha Last Unsold Toy.

No one quite knows why we have Tha life we have...u try ur best but sometimes No matter what it ain't for you.
Many dames who I used 2 like I Soooo 😀 I didn't hook up with them...They stayed Tha same while I grew.
Just cuz a gal looks good on Friday Night doesn't mean she's Pretty Saturday Morning...Consistent Beauty is important 2 me, especially all I've Been threw.
Us guys really put in emphasis on Looks...u never know how someone can change come Tha Year of 2032.

I don't think True Beauty Really fades...physically or soul wise I've seen some Honeys that get better with Time.
Real Talk...but can somebody really be with u through Tha tough times or just when Father Fate is always giving u Sunshine.
Guess when u've been through so much u don't care anymore, so u become an open book cuz this Has been Ur Life...Whether Self Made or Heavenly Divine.
You are on Edge a Tad more cuz U are ready...And u are Sick of others taking for Granted What with You has Been Test of ur Spirit, Faith and Spine.

When u've had to earn something With Much Denial...Yeah it makes it Sweeter but Inside U Kinda Feel A Burn.
Questions of, 'Is it Too Late? Should I just Settle?' Cross ur Mind cuz it's like People don't care while U paid an Unwanted Tuition To take Tha time and Proper Courses 2 Learn.
Maybe it has been a waste of time...All Tha texts, Tha Lunches...wishing u had Naked Babes in ur Studio Like Howard Stern.
Testing Tha notion of Can u Be a Good Guy with a Bad Boy Mentality...Knowing that Sans Tha Cash, Clothes and Vespas...Tha Thrill of Fun is All that any man Truly Yearns.

Tha other day I literally felt a monkey on my back. Yep, and it felt like he ate Bananas by Tha Ton.
Just had it really...cuz it's like Life has different rules for me...And if I don't abide then I'm gonna get Tha Blindfold, Tha Cigarette and Tha Gun.
Why do I have to believe in Luv anymore...I got every reason not too...There isn't a good out here who is BOTH Mad Cool and has a Nice Round Set of Buns.
U have to Analyze every moment of Tha Day like a NFL Coach, while others seemlessly get theirs...without Tha Heavy Dues but with All Tha Fun.

U can say it doesn't seem fair...But that was Tha Curious George I was Carrying Around...If Striving for Excellence brings u this??? Literally F-it then I want No Part.
Cuz u can look super hot, rock Tha Latest Threads but Nuthing can Capture ur Attention like Matters of Tha Kevin Hart.
It's great 2 learn how 2 live by Urself...'Find Yourself'...and all that but sooner or later u want Getboff of Tha Bench of life and play in Tha Game and not feel like in Luv's play ur playing Tha Unwanted Fart.
So many say Luv Tha Process, but u got what u wanted so it's easy for you...I've been at this since Tha Early days of Lisa and Bart.

U Try 2 Twist every angle to get by...She'll be a Soul Mate...A Fairy Tale Romance...We'll be Fresh Cuz we've had to wait so long.
Perhaps true...But When u thought u have been patient enough that's a different story...Like going 2 Tha Strip Club week after week and Peaches still hasn't taken off her Studded Bra & Thong!
Bewilderment of Why keep on coming to This joint when I came for a show...She gets wild when I'm not here, even though I'm Tha one with Tha Bands and Dollar signs coming out my Bong.
Let's get on with it C'mon...I'm being so courteous When others just want U to Take them to Tha Back so u can play With Their Ping Pongs!

Mental Toughness...Keeping Tha Faith...Practicing Zen...all come into play cuz if not then Tha Funeral Will be held At Ten.
All throughout my life There has been this Desire...Not a matter of 'If' but 'When'.
When you have endured 'Tha Process of Self' (Trademark!) a Refound Energy bubble inside of you...Like a house that just realized that hidden Down below Was A Den.
Never Knew it was there...Now u feel like a remixed version of Ur Original Self...Like Timbaland and Pharrell came together to work just on you...Tell me that's not a Production Sin!

I'm so freakin' hungry right now...Figuratively and Literally..Cuz I ain't had no Breakfast.
So u have 2 Push through those Doubts and Toss That Monkey off...Sometimes Reliving moments From ur past.
One thing that kept me Going was All Tha Great Moments I had With Gurls...Every beautiful Gurl u meet isn't there 2 Marry, 2 Play 'Doctor' with or to simply take to Mass.
That's church, not Boston ok! But Sometimes when people live outta ur life u begin to only want others who Specifically look Tha Part 2 fit into ur Movie cast.

Getting personal 2day, probably admitting 2 too much but whatever somebody one day may can relate.
My Pops told me something outta Tha Blue a while ago that has changed my outlook for Friend...Co-Worker...Temptation...Test...Info Giver...Future Mate.
He said, "Treat These Gurls For Who They Are"...Interesting. If they are Just a one Time Lunch Date, They are Just a One Time Lunch Date.
Don't go on living Thinking  every Gurl u meet, and Definitely Every Gurl u Find attractive Physically...With Tha Mentality of She's Tha One or She's worthy of Tha Fine Dining Plates.

Tough for any guy or Gurl really to do cuz when u are curious and So Anxious like Ginuwine to why You had to go Through...U can Rationalize Everybody u meet.
Alright This Gurl is Blonde, Tan, sexy Hips, Luv's Tha Lakers and Lil Wayne so she's Tha One...Nooo! U Have to remain grounded on ur feet.
Then when u find out that Person isn't who u thought or Has a Boyfriend or Girlfriend then u can get down like u won't find anybody with those likes, curves or pecs again. Seems a tall feat.
But u have to shake it off and realize that Tha Standard just rises cuz u know it's possible and one day u will meet.

I really don't want to tell this story but I have to...And it's tough to tell but whatever right...

So a few weeks ago I was in Target, Tha one off of Bird Road, that is truly my spot.
They have everything I'm specifically looking for like this specific Trail Mix, Del Monte 4 pack No Sugar Added Oranges...Plus other Thangs always on stock.
There isn't a lot of traffic in there so usually I can run in and then run out.
But on this day, I had no idea what was going to come about.

I begin to walk over to Tha toy section where straight ahead I see a silhouette that struck from afar.
Like 20 feet away I can see this woman with a cart that almost turned my slinky into a frozen Snickers Bar.
I remained cool...remained cool...and went over to the Hot Wheels section, and while over their I see her to my right a aisle over walking and I lost focus on any of those cars.
Every part of me wanted this Woman, it was like Heaven on Earth no doubt...like being in jail and they lifting up Tha bars.

Seen a lot but NOBODY and I do mean NOBODY like her...An Extremely Curvy Gal, a Big Toosh, skin Tone Beach Ready I was Amazed. 
Then how her Butt would go side to side, it was Hyponotizing...Lustful...and she only was wearing Sandals...I was in a Daze.
At times I say my Gurl is gonna be a Plus Size Model...maybe... maybe not...Her face, bust...fit all My Dreams & Fantasises and now I was in a Haze.
What do I say? Should I even approach her? What do I do cuz I've never felt this way as Kayne would say, "On Sight"...it was craze.

Then to make matters worse I just made a pact to myself not to approach Gurls...Letbthem Approach Me...of course Life always Tries u In This Way.
What Tha...I hear this moaning from my neighbor, who has Sex at 11:43am on a Sunday Morning?? Where was I...Oh Yes, Ok.
So I walk over to Tha Food Section and I see her again near Tha Home area, I then begin to look at her as an object and not as Somebody's Baby.
'Ah...Her Boobs Sit so Perfect...Has A Little Tummy on her...But That Butt is Mad Crazy and 100% Natural.' Going against every sense of how I adore Gurls...Not a Good thang on that Day.

I had to gather myself before but not like this so I recall going to Tha Frozen Section near tha Eggo waffles and stuff and really having to wonder what to do.
I recall saying, "God do u think I should approach her?" Just cuz I know any Gurl can dig me but als cuz I do want 2 chase anymore in every meaning of Tha word...Let Them come 2 you.
So We were led if this Woman were to come over near Tha Food section then we will Chop It up with her...If not, and it will be Ultra to walk away from this, but I'll honor that Clue.
Some strange reason she didn't come over...I tried to semi look for her, she disappeared and began to walk away feeling so blue.

To add insult to injury as I was pulling out Tha plaza I see her I think, in Tha car behind me on my right side lane.
So as Tha light turned green we both made opposite turns into Bird Road, this was insane.
Now Tha Internal Battle began to how I could not Say Sumthing to somebody so Physically Appealing to You? She Was Right there in a view so plain.
"You're never gonna see a Gurl with a body like hers ever again and u blew it", this ran through my head for Tha rest of Tha day, month and season...like A Non Stop Train.

But...Something else began to happen I wondered was it a Lust or Luve that made me want her?
Like I only saw her For Her Body and Booty, which isn't my Style but with Her all my thinking Became a Blur.
It was a Test of,'Ok, ur Turning a New Leaf of Not Chasing, what Happens When a this Beauty is Put in Front Of You? All ur New Philosophy I bet u will Ignore.'
U never know One Day When I'm Ultra Famous I may have to lean back On A Time When I Walked away from A Sexy Mama...When I had 2 Walk out Tha Door.

So now I was Comparing all these Gurls I would meet to her...Ah She's too Thin..Her Walk isn't as Sexy...Size 8 is Good but not a Size 14 build...Awesome gals but None could Compare.
Not knowing that She may have been Tha Worse thing For me....Crappy Attitude...All About sex without Getting to know Somebody too...Always Truth But Scared 2 Chose Dare.
I've seen Tha Most Beautiful Females but this was New...Now would I walk away again? Who knows...I think Now I wouldn't cuz I'm talking myself into a 'No' before I see if she cares.
But I just won't approach Every Single Anybody...now I know What a That Dream Come True Feels Like...Before I make a move, something Has 2 be in Tha Air.

With Her...It Wasn't.

As I stated earlier I appreciate all different Types of Girls and Women, I got Wayyy too Personal Today but That's Tha Diary of Yours So True.
Appreciate Tha Trials, and Lessons that come with ur Journey cuz Even Though They Stink or Suck at Tha Time they Forever Will Mold You.
I know what's Important in life (Fun and Luv)...Or why a Gurl Can be Sexy Beyond Tha Exterior...Cuz I've Trotted Down Tha Lonely Path Where u Master Ur Craft...Usually Without a Huge Crew.
But once U come Out of Ur a Storm or Whether or Nor U Find ur Mate, U know One Thang...

U Are Now Tha Best That You've Ever Been...Realizing Tha Best Times of a Bird Are in Tha Air...

But Always Cherishing Those Moments Alone where Flying in Tha Sky Was A Dream...


With Luv.

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