
"I'm Going 2 Show You...Just Watch."

Oh Boy! Gotta take Tha small victories, no matter how they appear.
Doubt is trying 2 creep in...along with its twin brother called fear.
My Ego is resisting My every move telling us I'm Tha Lighthouse on Tha Pier.
Too Seasoned for this Stuff...It's Minor League Bush League, why must I go BCk 2 Tha First Tier.

I recall MIke when he went 2 play baseball, leaving Tha Bulls while they were on Top.
Saying how he had 2 revisit Tha steps to Success, before Tha Rings, Commercials and Undercover Cops.
Seeing how it felt to Struggle with Tha growing pains...Going back to th Moments of Warner Pop.
Having to put ur Ego aside to accomplish what nobody believes u can do, thinking You'll be better off with a Broom or Mop.

Inside I feel a painful cry of why it had 2 come to this....God blesses So many but I feel like my nickname is, "No."
Almost like I have to be Mr. Perfect to get noticed or have a shot...No long hair, no Hip Hop Slang & wear anTie of Bow.
Others seemingly get by without such an effort, why are Tha rules bent for me So.
All my life I've felt like Tha Spotlight shines different on us, feeling alienated like a King or 'X' during Jim Crow.

So now here we are back to Tha basics....from our life, workouts and how we approach a gal.
Just spoke to this beauty at Publix a few minutes ago...Sexy Tan hair, awesome Dress, with a Body which shows she works out at a gym sponsored by PAL.
She appreciated Tha small talk as she left Tha Checkout line....I wondered if I should've wentììîí deeper asking if she's a Florida doll or if she was born out in Cal.
In a way this is all still new to me...it's like being with Sofía on Modern Family, then having 2 go back 2 Peggy annoyingly screaming..."AL!"

Feel like I'm at Tha Best I've ever been, now I'm faced with a test that is simply Make or Break.
Not putting extra pressure on ourself, but I feel it in Tha air...Tha Disappointment of Unfulfilled Hope...Tha absolute Worst State.
But 'How Bad do I want 2 be Tha Best?' Do I believe in 'Whatever it Takes'...Sacrificing "Me" so I can get Tha Career, Stardom or Dream Mate.
So Sick of EVERYBODY I know Getting theirs, What About Me? It Freaking Burns me up inside not Think that a Once Guided Friend Has turned into My worst Enemy....I used 2 be so Cool with Fate.

Every Muscle and Bone in Body is Trying to Figure out What's going On...Truly I'm tired of Hitting Reset.
No idea where this Is All Gonna Lead...believing 2 Tha top of Tha Top...if I had a Choice that Would be my Sin City Bet.
I have such a Headache right now, but There's no Need to Fret.
I'ma do Everyin Our Power to ur ourself in a Position of Success...To make sure everyone will Always know That This is As Good as It Gets.

Yeah I feel alone "Beep" it...It's Us against Tha Galaxy, pushing no ur Will in Hopes of Finally a Chance 2 Play.
Lots of Zen Meditation , Lots of Tuning out Tha Outside World...No Disrespect it's just that U got Yours...and For me 2 get mine This is Tha Only Way.
So we Focus on Tha Small W's and take them as they come, leaving this Life that Has suddenly Turned Ever So Gray.
We're gonna Be Relaxed and Enjoy This Process No Matter how much It hurts...With Tha Belief That my Dreams are Gonna Come True...and that I can be super joyous knowing This is My Era...

And From This Point On Tha History Books will Read...

"In Galaxia's Day..."

By Any Means Neccessary.

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