
For One Life Only!

This is Gonna Be Very "Ego" Friendly...So Get Urself Prepared.
Lately We've Been Experiencing Soooo Much..Like I've Been Groomed To Be on Beware.
With Things Coming at Me A Thousand Miles An Hour....Can't I Even Choose 'Tween Truth or Dare?!!
Like...It's Been a Circus Surrounding Me Wherever I Go...From Tha Minute I Leave My Doors I Have To Pay This Fare.

"I Want To Be A Star"...Yes...These are tha Words That Creep Into My Mind Like a Chorus from a T-Pain Song.
All Tha Glamour...All Tha Fun That Comes Along With It...Did I Mention Tha All Tha Video Vixen Who Will Also Willingly Show Me Their Sisqo Thong?!
There's So Much That I Don't Understand Under This "Celebrity Apprenticeship"...It Feels Like This Understudy Course Can Be So Wrong.
We'll Do Our Best To Bring It 2 U Live and In Living Color....Guess Right Here Would Be a Great Time To Play That Old TV Show Theme Song.

Now I Feel At Home..Yes, Time To Get Real...Lately Our Life Has Been on TMZ Campout Status...Like a Spotlight Being Shone from tha Ghetto Bird in Tha Sky.
I Can Handle All Tha Attention, but it's Been on Steriods For Real...Making Me Regret For This Future Fun, If I Shouldn't Have Even Applied.
It's Been So Sexy Down Here in Miami....Upper 70s, Low 80s...Tha Sun is Shining Bright, With Tha Sky looking Like It's Been Perfectly Tie Dyed.
So We've Been Rolling With Tha Top Down in Our Ride, Kicking It To Some Cuts Like We Always Do...Dancing Our Moves in Tha Driver's Seat...That Reminds Me I Gotta Learn Tha Electric Slide.

But, and People Who are Tha "1% of Tha 1%" Can Relate, but I've Felt Tha 'H-A-T-E' In Tha Air...and I Truly Stinks!
I Come To A Stoplight, and I Can Literally Feel All Eyes on Me...U Get Used To It after Awhile, but Tha Attention is Like It Being July and U Out Here in Tha M.I.A. Rockin' A Mink!
We Try Not To Do Anythang Differently, Whether We are Solo Or With a Baby Gurl in Tha Passenger Side, I Can See Tha Car Ahead Looking at Me in Their Rearview, and I May Give a Flirtatious Wink!
So Now, Dawg and Dawgettes, Tha Light Turns Green, and There's A Mad Race To Outrun Me, and Cut In Front Of Me...Then I Have 2 Pull Out Tha Song, "U Make Me Sick!"....Oh, How I Luv P!nk.

We Feel Like People Have Somethang To Prove To Me, Like Their Ego is Made Better By Pulling a Slick and Calculated 'Zoom-Zoom!'
Like If Their Gurl is Looking at Me in My Ride For Too Long, I Might Use My Horn and Honk My Number To Her...So Me and Her Can Have a Little 'Boom-Boom!'
Today, this Like $70,000 plus Jag was screeching Tires To Out Run Me, and I'm Like...'Ok...Totally!'
Sounding Like a Valley Gurl Who Just Got Locked Out of Tha High School Cosmetics Room.
I'll Never Forget This One Day, Where I Had a Little Fun With Tha Paparazzi Crew, just To See If I Inhaled Too Many Walgreen's Vapor Inhalers...Oh, Wouldn't That Been a Galaxy Doom!

So I Was On US-1, here in Miami, I'm starting To Literally Hate Travelling on It, To Tha Point Where I Almost Have To Recite My 12 Steps of Zen Before I Get On it...It's Really, Really Bad.
But This One Day, After Sensing These Eyes Fixated on Me...We were Like, 'I want 2 See if I Can Control Traffic'...Oh, How All Tha Elitists and Ego-Maniacs in Tha World Would've Been Glad.
I Made a Decision That When This Light Turns Green I'm Gonna Go Crazy Fast Down This Open Road...At Least 70 in This 45 Zone, Like How I Approach Tha Bedroom...Just a Tad.
Tha Light Turned Green and I Went Bonkers Down Tha Strip...And Sure Nuff Tha Car To My Right Decided To Try To Outrun Me as Well...And I'm Shaking My Head in A Way Like This is Kinda Rad.

I'm Not Bragging or Boasting, but It Happens in My Car...On My Vespa...Or Wherever, Where I Feel like People Are Measuring Themselves Up To Me...I've Reached Tha Point of Who Cares Really.
Tonight I'm just Giving U an Insight To Tha Process That I've Been on With Life, Fun and Luv...Shall I Dip My Feet Into That Pool...Might As Well Since I Already Look Silly.
I've Honestly Thought About taking Time off From Gurls...Perhaps I'm Bored With Some...Tired of Tha Tom and Jerry Games With Others....Tough To Find Someone Who Elevates U When U've Literally Seen A Milli.
That's Part of Tha Process That I'm Tired off, In a Way...Ur Cool, but U Feel in A Way Like Why Do I Have To Go Through This Stupid Stuff, I just Want One Good One...Like Homegurl off of Saved By Tha Bell...Miss Kelly.

Gonna Get Raw Tonight...So As My Dream Life is Coming To Fruition Before My Very Eyes, I Wonder if There's Such a Thang As Being...Too...Good.
I'm Not Perfect in that I've Never Sinned or Make Mistakes, but With Us There is A Whole Nother Level...It Takes More Than Tassels on a Bra With Some Truffle Butter...To Give us Sexy Wood.
We're Just a Goofy Dude, Who Wants To Have Fun...Yeah, I've Been Blessed With a Killa Wardrobe, A Showroom on Tha Beach, And an Attitude From Tha Little Engine Tha Could.
But As U Go Through Life, U Almost Think Like Ur An Alien...Not Better Than, But Can U Really Relate To How I Live...U May Think U Can Walk In My Shoes, But I Doubt U Could Stand Where I Once Stood.

Like, I'm Down For Whatever U Wanna Get Into...That Can Be Money, Music, Party, Freak Level and Even God.
One Moment Talking About How Looks Are Deceiving...Then Tha Next Sneaking a Peek For Tha Next Mami I Want To Test Out My Diff'rent Strokes...Looking For My Charlene Like Bridges Todd.
Knowing That Just Because U Have Some Thangs Doesn't Mean U Should Be Snobby To Others...I Luv Hanging Out With Folks Without Even Taking Out My Wad.
Yet I Feel Like People Think That I'm Out of This World or Whatever...That May Be So, but Not To Tha Point Where I Eat Only Living Locusts, Bread and Some Ocean Cod.

There are Others Who Feel like I Do...Wondering If Striving For Ur Goals is Even Worth It, Cuz it Feels like Tha "Higher" Up U Get, Tha Loneliner U Feel Cuz It's Like Nobody Can or Even Wants To Relate.
Being Real...Some Guys Get Intimidated By Some Gurl's Beauty...Some Gurls Get Intimidated By Tha Non-Molding That Aren't Needed With Some Guys...With Some U Don't Have To Wait.
Like Buying Food at a Grocery Store Where u Don't Have To Heat Up or Pull Out Ur Dr. Freeze Gun On...It's Ready To Eat Out Of Tha Package...And Has No Expiration Date.
I've Already Gone Through Tha Process, and Know That A Gurl Has Had 2 Go Through a Lot To Have Gotten To a Guy Like Us...I'm Tha Last Option After U've Given up on That Thang Called Fate.

We Press On like Some Nails, Cuz Today Some Thangs That I Won't Get Into Today, Have Shown Me That I'm On Tha Right Track, and That Tha Globe Will One Day See.
Just Because U Haven't Seen It Before Doesn't Mean That It's Not Possible...As A Kiddo Growing Up in Tha Hoosier State, We've Always Envision How I Want Our Life To Be.
Maybe it is Tough To Wake Up To Go To Work...Or We Wonder if I Was Normal I Would've Been Married With Kids as So Many Others Are...But I'm Not.  So It's Time To Embrace This Thingy.
I'm Different...Like 2 Chainz Was Spitting Earlier on Today...So Was All of Tha Other Icons That Lace My Bookshelf...It Can Be Weird at Times, but Perseverance is Tha All Mighty Key.

So If I Got To Erase Gurl after Gurl's Phone Numbers To Get To Somebody Who Halfway Believes In How Beautiful Life Can Be, Then I'll Just Hit Tha Delete Button Without a Single Care.
Cuz I Want This Thang Really Bad, and Tha Toughness and Attention Associated With tha Journey Is Showing Me That I'm Moments Away From This Getting Really Ugly...Cuz I Have No Fear.
Knowing That I'm So In Tune With My Soul That We Know That One Day Somebody is Gonna Go To Tha Closet and Shout To Their Wifey...."Honey, What Pair of Galaxia Shoes Should I Wear??!"
There is a Major Process To Getting Ur Dream Job...Tha Great "Soulmate" Or Being Somebody They Will Talk About For Years To Come...Like A Yogi...That's Tha Yankees Legend...Tha Yoga Persona...Or Tha Bear.

 This is My Diary, But It's Time To Tell This Sexy Life I Have in Even More Detail, Cuz Whoever Reads This Past or Present...I Want Them To Know That It's Jumping Off By No Mistake.
I've Written For Years on End, Hopefully Sharing Tha Blueprint To Fun and Luv, and Tha Process of Steps U Have To Go Through...If U Want To Live Tha Best Life Has 2 Offer...And I Ain't Just Talking Bout Rihanna's Cake.
It's When U Know That U've Paid Ur Dues, That Things are Going Ur Way, and That Ur Ready For Tha Show, and That It Has Well Been Worth Tha Wait.
Before I Wrote On Tonight I Was Wondering What Is It About Us or This Lifestyle That Can Make Me Feel Like Somethang Even More Special is Brewing...

Perhaps It's Because Once Tha Curtain Drops on This...There Won't Ever...Ever Be...

A Second Take.

Luv Ya!

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