

Trying 2 Decide if I Should Put Tonight's Post on a Time Limit or Just Let it be?
Got My Headphones Around My Neck, No Music...But Tha AC's Humming Like a Bumble Bee.
So Much 2 Write About, Once Again, Our Life is Turning Into How 2 Get From Point A 2 Point B.
"No Filter"...Thank U Swizz Beatz For Tha Motivation...Yeah, Everyday is My Day...B.

Awesome Afternoon Talking 2 Moms and Pops...Stuff is Crazy For Real.
Talking About Sports, Music, God...And Of Course Gurls...As Always It Got Real.
It's Great When U Can Talk With Fam From Ur Heart...So Much Fakeness U Don't Know What's Real.
Discussing Our Dreams How They Are...And How We Want Our Life To Be Transferred To that of Madrid...Real?!!

Ok...Enough With Tha Repeats, Let's Speak....Recently It's Been a Wild Trip.
I've Learned Not 2 Sweat a Lot of Things Going On...All These Lou Gehrig's Playing, And I'm Feeling Like Wally Pipp.
Earlier This Week, Writing...I Think...About Our Pool Of Dreams, and How I'm Right on Tha Ledge and About 2 Take a Skinny Dip.
I Say Skinny Cuz I'm Naked When It Comes To How 2 Live Now...Not Covering Myself Up Anymore...Even If it Makes Me Look Like a Spoiled...Richard.  (Wink!)

Right Now, We're At Where I Want To Be...Tha Point Where I Know What I Want and Also Who.
No more Chasing After Gurls, If U Want Me, Then Come and Get Me...I'm Approachable, I'm Playful...Freakin' Tell Ya, I Sound Like a Panda at Tha Zoo!
Just That I Know What We Have 2 Offer, in Terms of Fun, Resources, and Energy, So U Got 2 Come Up 2 My Level...Which For Some May Be Brand New.
Swizz B. was Talking Bout Kanye as a "1 of 1", and I've Said That Before About Myself...Not Bragging, I Know Though, Others Look for Tha Key 2 Life, and Here I Am Giving U Every Single Clue.

To Dream...To Luv...And By All Means, Just Have Fun...If That Means Being With a Group of Friends, or Taking A Walk To Get Ur Mind Away.
I Was Walking Here in South Beach This Morning, Sans Tha Headphones, Thinking About How I Want To Enjoy This Moment, Cuz Today Could Be Tha Last Day.
Our Story, I Hope Can Inspire Somebody 2 Be Like...No Matter Who Does U Wrong or What People Don't See That "It" Inside...When Tha Smoke Clears U'll Get Ur Time 2 Play.
That's Why I'm So Open, Cuz I Didn't Have This Stuff When I Was Growing Up...Meaning Somebody Relating How It Feels, As There In That Moment...It's Tough, but I'll Have It No Other Way.

Told My Moms 2day, That I Know When U Have To Pay Ur Dues and 'Ish, but Our Life is Just...Weird.
I Meet People and Get To Know People...But When They See That I'm Really What Tha Hype Proceeds Me...Then I Go from Being Ultra Loved To Being Sorta...Feared.
Almost Like...Get Close, But Not Too Close...He's Riding Through Life With Nothing On his Mind But To Get Tha Fun News Bulletin Out...Who Does He Think He Is...Paul Revere?!
No...I Think I'm Austino Galaxia...And I Want To Leave a Major Mark on This Globe...Others Want To Rain Influence On It As Well....But My Desires May Feel Like a Thunderstorm...Very Severe.

Like U Know it's Coming, Been Hearing About it For Awhile, Then All of a Sudden..."Boom!"
That's Why It Takes A Special Person To Be, I Guess With Me...Just Because They Have 2 Be on Tha Same Wavelength That To Them Isn't So Loon.
Difficult To Find That, But I'm Learning To Cope With It...This Diary is To Me, Like Tha Straight Jacket is To A Criminal Goon.
Trying To Understand Why I Feel So Misunderstood, and Why Nobody Wants To Give Me a Reason When I Ask Them...That's Fine, Cuz I Still Say We're About 2 Blow Up like a State Fair Balloon.

Starting To Feel a Rhythm Tonight...So Forgive Me For Letting Go and Allowing This Diary To Push Words That Otherwise I Might Not Utter.
It's just So Interesting When U Know That Ur on Point...It's Like Each Time U Bowl, U KNOW U're Gonna Get a Strike...And No Longer Will Ur Ball Go Head First Into Tha Gutter.
Yes, I'm Still Tha Crazy Dude Who Wants To Do Silly Thangs Like Dance In Front of Utube Videos, Talk Crazy At Tha Gig, And Who Strongly Passes on Tha "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter."
When U Want Thangs So Bad, and They Don't Come Ur Way Even Though Ur Close...After Some Time Ur Not Jaded, but Wonder How Come Ur Butterfly Wings Have Yet To Flap a Pretty Flutter.

Thought Some More About Gurls That Have Crossed My Path...I Know, I Know Gurl Talk Again...Hey, What Else Should I Write?
Think About It...This Diary is Being Wrote By Perhaps Tha Most Eligible Bachelor Of His Generation...So It's a Responsibility To Speak About What Has Kept Me Up Some Nights.
Never Again, Will Somebody Be So Open, So Honest, and Willingly Admit Stuff of This Playboy Life...All Tha While Being Scottie Pippen, Yet To Have Seen a Honeymoon Suite After Tha Wedding Gown Sight.
So Let's Just Let This Diary Speak, and Enjoy it...It Might End Tomorrow or Whenever...Take a Seat, and Let's All Enjoy This Destiny Chosen Flight.

As I Was Saying...I Go Through Entire Days Where I Laugh, Thinking About Where My Life Has Taken Me, And Which Beauties Have Crossed My Lane.
From Gurls Here in Miami, To Those Who Live in LA, Vegas, Australia, France, Globally it's Crazy...I Mean Really and Truly Insane.
I Be Doing Somethang and Hear a Song, or See a Restuarant While on Tha Drive, and Giggle Loudly Cuz Tha Memories Begin To Flow...Like Courtney Love When She Thinks of Kurt Cobain.
When I Say I've Met Tha Creme of Tha Crop...Bro...I've Had Gurls Come In and Out of Our Life...I Though Bout What If Those Gurls Stayed In?  OMG!  I Forgot I Also Knew a Sexy Gal Also Up In Maine!!

(Ha Ha!! Wow!!  Forgot About Her.)

All These Dames Were Attracted To Me...As I Was To Them...It Couldn't Been Our Common Interests, Our Outlook On Life, Or How They Could Talk About Boobs or Butt and I Wouldn't Even Care.
Recall One Time Being in Tha Lunchroom at a Job Here in Miami, and One Gurl Literally Telling Me Somethang To Tha Effect of..."All I Want To Do Is Rub My Finger Through Your Hair!"
I'm Not Lying...And Of Course, I Let Her, Who Am I To Decline a Princess' Request...Sometimes It Can Put Us into Intriguing Situations...Like a Straight Up Game of Truth or Dare.
It's Like A Gurl is Flirting With Us, and I'm Thinking, 'Ur Man is Right There, We Shouldn't Be Doing This'...I Don't Want To Break Up Any Relationships, Nor Start a Fight Due To a Hateful Stare.

That's Why is Soooo Hard For Me To Be Super Close Friends With Gurls With Boyfriends, and Tha Gurls Know It Too, I Used To Try But Right Now...I've Kinda Been Through That Stage.
You May Start To Like Somebody, Tha Gurl Does Things She Doesn't Even Know To You Just Because Your...Well, You...Then When She Cuts U Off Cuz Her and Her Guy is Serious, Ur Left in a State of Confusing Rage.
Thinking, "I Thought We Was Cool?  Didn't We Hang Out Just Last Week?  How Come Now We Can't Return Text Messages, Just Because Ur 'Facebook Official'?"  U Shouldn't even Have 2 Make an Announcement on a Social Media Page.
But Life and So Called Luv...Is What It Is...And I've Learned A Lot, To Prepare Me For This Next Era Upon Us...It's Tha Best Thang Ever, Cuz It's Like Seeing A Real Life Simba, being Released From Tha Cage.

(Starting To Almost Run Cuz That's a PERFECT Analogy!)

Like I've Had a Chance To Or Been Forced To Take a Back Seat...With Me Being Out in Tha Greens To Run and Play, Only To Be Put Back in His Place at Tha End of Tha Night.
I Would Be Inside of This Cage Wondering How Come I Have To Retreat Back Here, at Tha End of Tha Day, While All Peers of Tha Wild Kingdom are Running Free, Mating and Having a Cute Playfight.
It's Like I Argue With Tha Safari Hunter in Tha Sky, Please, Please Let me Have One Chance To Be Like Tha Others, I Would Roar and Howl Like No Other, With All My Might.
I Would Try To Escape and Roam A Little Past My Curfew Hours In Tha Cage, but Soon Would Realize After a While That The Lioness I Was After, Didn't Want Soft Lions, but Only Those Who Grabbed Her Hair and Could Bite.

So I Would Sit Restless in Tha Corner of My Cage, Dreaming of Tha Day, Where I Could Show What I Got, and Even Be on Tha Animal Planet...U Know Tha One on TV?!
I Would Be Doing Pushups, and Sit-Ups, Making Sure My Mane is Looking Right, Cuz I Know That One Follicle out of Place, and There Won't Be Any Zoolander 2 Cameo's For Me.
Just Ain't Fair That All Tha Rest of Tha Jungle Gets To Do Whatever They Want, While I'm Being Overly Protected, Like a Star Before He Has Become Hollywood Shiny.
Thought of "I'm Supposed 2 Be King of This Jungle', How Did I Get Myself Into This Mess?"...Shaking Tha Bars Cuz No Answers Seem To Keep U From Becoming So Whiny.

Tha Door Opens, Like It Does Everyday, and U Try Hard To Enjoy Every Moment, Cuz U See Tha Sun Going Down Slowly, and With That Means Another Hated Return to Amazon Pain.
Where U Go Back Into Ur Home of Bars, and Left To Gaze Up in Tha Skies With Wonder, How Can Tha Safari Hunter Treat You So Bad, When You Have Stars Above Your Signature Name.
It Was Cool When U Were a Cub....They Gave U White Sox, and Red Sox, and Those Yankees Would Make a Special Visit To Take Pictures of You...Cuz They Saw U Had Potential To Be With Tha Giants of Fame.
Those Cameras Built Experience, and Confidence, and If Nothing Else Your Spirit of Public Attention, Would Never Come Up Lame.

Then All of a Sudden, U Stopped 2 Care...Tha Door Would Open For Your Daily Trot To Tha Open Wild, But U Realize That It Was All Just Fool's Gold.
You Knew At Tha End of Tha Day You Would End Back Up in This Same Ol' Cage Anyhow...No matter How Many Times "Remain Patient" You Were Told.
Even Got So Bad That You Stopped Working Out, Stop Taking Care of Yourself, No Longer Were U Dreaming of Tha Good Life, Where Charlize Theron Would Be Riding Your Back In Tha Wild While Shooting an Ad For Movado Bold.
Seemingly Everybody Forgot About You...Big Time...And When People Would Talk About Froasted Flakes and How Great Tony Tha Tiger Was...All U Did Was Grunt and Softly Begin a Scold.

One Day, U Begin To Think That You Were Gonna Be Tha Best There Ever Was...And Become Invisible Like Tha White Nittany Lions Helmet...Those From Penn State.
Your Not Gonna Messed With Anybody, No Longer Looking Looking For Cougars Wearing Cheetah and Leopard Skin, No Longer Reading Articles on Virgin Princesses Who's Motto Was...'Let's Wait.'
Tha Feeling Overcame You, Of Hoping That When That Day Comes U're Gonna Be Ready, Blaming Everythang That Has Happened to You as a Twisted Joke By Tha Workings of Fate.
No Covers on Animal Illustrated...No Reality Show...No Tickets To Tha Panthers vs. Jags Game...Simple Disillusionment That Tha Pantera Leo is Alone While Even Dumbo Has a Bloody Date.

Your Mind Began To Change, and Tha Prowess Began To Come Out...No Longer Was You Motivation Sex or To Be a Legend, but For Tha Sake of History, U Wanted 2 Prove 2 Urself That All Tha Trials of Your Life Wouldn't Make U Look Wrong.
In Tha Middle of Tha Night, U Could Just See Them Laughing At You, While U Were Writing Of Ur Dreams, They Laughed and Pointed, and Thought, 'Like We Haven't Already Heard This Song.'
Inside, Ur Heart Beat Differently like Your Time Was Coming Near...It Began To Beat Slow, Not Fast...It Was Tha Total Opposite of How That Galaxia Fellow Gets Whenever He Sees a Polka Dot Thong.
Tha Homework and Final Exam Portion of Your Life Was Coming To a Close..And U Just Hoped That Those Nights in Tha Cage Were Worth Sacrificing Being in Tha Wild, Playing Cards With Giraffes, Or Hanging With Tha Crocs and Their Bong.

Awaken By Tha Sound of a Hummingbird, You Awoke...Yet, There Was Something Missing Only 2 Your Surprise.
Disbelief was Evident in Every Action That You Did...So Much So, That Twice You Had To Shut, Only To Reopen Your Eyes.
Suddenly You Sat Up With Excitement, Because Tha Thang That Was Your Jail, Had Suddenly Disappeared...Without Any Compromise.
Your Cage Was Gone, And This Was Tha First Day You Would Be Free Tha Entire Day and Night...And You Walk Into Tha Wild Where U Felt Nobody Wanted You, and U Could Sense Their Hateful Demise.

Now As Your Gait Was More Sexier Than Ever, You Could See Tha Eyes Watching You...But Tha Sands, Tha Grass and Over Near Tha Rivers and Creeks.
Tha Look of Finally Somebody Who's Different, Who's Fun...Tha Feeling of Let's Try Somethang New Cuz It's Been Boring Tha Last Couple of Weeks.
Your Heart is Saying To Never Trust Anybody, Especially From Tha Wild Kingdom, Ever Again...Now Though Somebody Else's Acceptance Isn't What You Now Seek.
A Chance, is All You've Wanted, and Now You've Gotten It...Your Full-Length Biopic is About To Appear Live, and In HD Living Color...Even Though U Kept a Diary That Gave A Futuristic Sneak Peak.

As You Walking Through Tha High Weeds and Dry Dust, You Hear a Noise From Just Over Tha Mountainside.
Stronger and Quicker Than Ever, Your Hind Legs Run At Full Force To See What Was Going On...With Excitement Building With Each Stride.
It Feels So Good To Be Free...Truly Nothing Beats Tha Wind Humming Through Your Hair...So Much So That U Stretch Out Your Glide.
When Life is This Good Who Wants a Jeep For This Safari Trek...This Is What U Call Livin'...Skip Tha Traditional Ride.

Tha Mountain is Now In Front of You, and Speakers Crank Out With A Voice Singing...With Tha Chorus Spitting Out...'Roar'.
A Huge Smile Cross Shined Your Huge Teeth, Cuz U Know Who Was Singing...With You Trying To Keep Ur Emotions In Tact From a Crying Pour.
You Looked Around, And This Life You Dreamed Of, Was Once a Fantasy, Now Though, U Feel Like Ur Name is Gonna Go Down Into Tha History of Folklore.
By Not Having a "Me" Attitude but An Attitude of "We"...No Matter if Inside Your Mind, U Have a BlackList of Those Who Did U Wrong...U Are a Lion After all, and U Always Have Kept Score.

Funny Thing Though, You Didn't Need To See Tha Concert, So You Ran Back To That Familar Place Where U Spent So Many Starry Nights With But a Dream.
The Place Where You Never Thought You Would Be Free, To Luv, To Play With Other Animals, To Party The Night Away With Fried Zebras Topped With Ice Cream.
For One More Moment You Just Wanted To Look At Where You Came From, and See Tha Place Where Hate and Jealousy Used To Tear You Up By Every Seam.
This is Tha Place Where You Would Wonder 'How Come They Run Away From Me?'...I'm Tha Sexiest, Tha Bravest, And Would Be Tha Most Loyal Friend Ever Deemed.

U Got To That Spot and Knelled Down, Whether in Homage or Just To Recall Old Times Where U Went From Infant Cub To "Near Adult" Lion...In Ur Heart U know Ur Living Still in A Big Kid Stage.
A Tear Runs Drips Out of Your Left Eye, Because U know That This Square Is Gonna Be Marked One Day...Now Your On Your Abbey Road, but This Was Before All Tha Stardom and Rage.
Night Has Come, and The Beautiful Stars Are Out Looking Prettier Than Ever, and Your Lying on Ur Back, Paws Behind Ur Head, Glad That U Were Tha Pawn in Cupid's and Mr. Opportunity's Friendly Wage.
There's No Need To Loudly Roar...Not An Ounce To Brag or Boast...Cuz From How U Look, Dress, Talk and Even Write...

One Can See That...

It's So Good To Be Finally....

Out Of Tha Cage.


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