
Tha Back Door Method.

Tha Fork In Tha Road...Which Way Shall U Go?
Tha One Where Everybody Thinks Tha Ur Destiny is Bound 2 Flow?
Or Do U Follow Ur Heart Or Tha Author Above Who Truly Knows?
Decisions Can Be Crazy, Beyond Words....Hard Ones Can Be Those Gifts Without Tha Bow.

Always...Always...Always...Follow Ur Heart.  That's What I Live By.
People Have Tha Tendacity To Ask Me About Their Luv Life All Tha Time, Those Are Tha Words I Share...Always...Without a Sigh.
Cuz After Tha Dust Clears U Have To Be Able To Understand What Makes U Happy, Whether That's Fame, Money, Or A Honey That Looks So Fly.
U May Look Like A Fool...U May Immediately Think U May Tha Wrong Choice...But If U Follow Ur Heartbeat, I Still Believe That Tha Skies Shall Open Wide.

They Took Some Blood Of Mine Tha Other Day, and In That Test Tube I Truly Thought I Saw Tha Letters 'F-U-N' Floating Round About.
People Think I'm Crazy When I Say That's All I Care About Anymore...Money is Cool...Fame And Or Sex Could Be Even Better, But That Fun Thingy is What Gets My Soul 2 Shout.
I'm Learning That Being a Disciple of Tha Fun Gods Can Seem Lonely, Cuz Nobody Else Thinks Like You, or Is On Ur Level, Which Makes U Put Ur Heritage in Doubt.
Maybe I Shouldn't Laugh as Much...Perhaps I Should Be on My Phone Instead of Talking To Co-Workers at Lunch...U Feel Everybody is Going One Way, and Ur Going In a Different Direction...Different Route.

And When It Seems Like U Never Run Into Anybody Else Like You, U Wonder If Life is Just a Big Joke, With a Riddle That U'll Never Seem To Find Tha Giggle To.
Like Tha Harder U Push...Tha Further It Seems To Be From Ur Reach...Tha More U Want Tha Michael Kors Bag in Rainbow...Tha More U Have To Put Up With Tha Kate Spade One In Blue.
It Hits You Like For Once, Can I just Get What I Reeeeally Want...Not Even Caring If What U Desire is In Ur Best Interests...If Not, Then At Least U Have a Clue.
But When Ur Great, Great, Great, Grandad "HaHa", Put That Bloodstream Into Ur System...U Can Lay In Bed Thinking That Over Tha Cuckoo's Nest U Must Have Flew!

I'm Gonna Be Real...One Thing About Being Blessed So Much Materialistically is That U Begin To See What's Important and What Not Even in Tha Ballpark, My Dude.
Been Fortunately To Be in A Position as Such Where I Look at My Wardrobe Closet, or Bank Accounts or Think About All Tha People I've Met Friend or Stranger, and Understand That Really in Truly Luv and Fun Rules.
I See People Disrespecting Others, and U Can See Tha Ego Come Out Like They Are Soooo Much Above Others...And Like Magic!, I Instantly Begin To Hum..."Why U Gotta Be So Ruuuude?"
And I Think, If I Can Control My Ego With All Tha Things I've Got and Quote Unquote Have Accomplished, Then So Can You...So Sit Down and Stop Downgrading Somebody Just Because U Live At Tha Elemis Spa Where U Can Sit and Soothe.

Told My Moms This Also Tha Other Day...Having Ur DNA Come Out 'F-U-N Positive' Also Puts U At Risk of Others Just Wanting To Be With You To Get Their...Fix.
Almost Like That Sexy Gurl, Who U Don't Really Want To Date, But She'll Look Good On Ur Arm At Ur High School Reunion...Acting All Happy Bout It Like That Goofy Rabbit on Tha Box of Trix.
But When Tha Night Is Over, Even If U Tried To "Bang" Her or Not, U Don't Call Her Back or Text or Anythang...Poof!  U Got Ur Rep Up...Ur Boys And That Hated 'Ex' Saw U Two Dancing Away...Now She's Ancient History Like A Pair of Hit Stix.
I Know I Ain't Tha Only Person Who Feels This Way, But Then Again Maybe I Am...Who Thinks Cuz They Are Attractive...Have Money...Work a Posh Job...Or Is On TV...People Want Tha Persona, and Not Tha Person...All Guys Want a Porn Star in Bed, Not Tha Gurl, but Tha Freak They See on Tha Flix.

That's Why I Don't Care What Anybody Says, If U Want To Be a Major Player on This Earth, and Have Tha Nerve To Have a Galaxy As Well, U Better Learn How To Walk Strong...And Sometimes Alone.
I Ain't Saying Leave Love Ones, Or Breakup With Ur Beau Just Because Using Dirty Dishes as An Excuse, But In Order To Really Reach Ur Dreams, Mark My Words There's Gonna Come a Time Where Silence Is Ur Ringtone On Ur Phone.
Or That Sexy Gal That U Were Chatting It Up With, and Looking Right As She Was Biting Into Her Sandwich in Front Of You Just Decides That She Doesn't Recognize U and Makes U Think U Were Digging Dolly Her Clone.
Things Have Surrounded Our Life...In Terms of Who I Like, Where I've Worked, What Job I Have, but U Have To Do Whatever it Takes, Homie...It's True, It Does Take More Than One Day To Build Rome.

Me Personally am Starting To Not Even Look at Times, Weekdays, or Whatever Tha Same, and Just Leave Each Day In Terms of How Can I Enjoy This To Tha TJ Maxx.
I Have Spent Too Many Days and Noches T'd  Off Wondering Why I Have To Endure Another Job Say 'No'...Or Tha Wrong One Say 'Yes'...Or Do South Beach Gurls Only Care About Muscle Men Who Snack on Seeds of Flax.
Or Crying...Or On Ur Knees on Prayer, Thinking How Come This Game of Poker is Making Me Look Like a Loser, and Everytime I ask For a ReShuffle, I'm Still Getting..."2-3-4-5's in Jacks?"
Somebody May Say, That I'm Asking For Too Much...But When U've Seen Dreams Come True...When U Have Tha Sexiest Dimes Around You...Why Settle For Just Tha Magic Kingdom, When U Can Afford Tha All-Inclusive Tourist Pack?

I Know I Have This Disease of Dreams Come True...Yes, I've Been Put In Tha Crazy House of Cyberspace For Tha Illness of "Strive 2 B Tha Best"...But What Can I Say...There's No Cure Yet.
So I'm Taking Every Medicine From Patience...To Milligrams Of "KG" Or "Keep Going"...To Even Putting In Eye Drops To Make Me See Others "Inner Beauty" All So I Can Become This Fun, Loving Pet.
Times U Feel Like Hopping Back on That Space Shuttle Back To Tha Stars, and Only Leave a Note Behind That Says, "I'm About 2 Jet."
Yet, Somethang Inside Says, That If U Keep Casting Out Into Tha Sometimes Dead Sea, That Sooner or Later, Somethang Special Is Gonna Come Back into Ur Net.

We Aren't Trying To Teach or Preach or Brainwash Anybody...We just Want Somebody To Also Have This Mindset of, "I'm Hot...I'm Wealthy...And I Can Do Whatever I Want if I Just Put It In My Mind."
U Have To Believe This Stuff, and It Works...U Know How Many Times Money Has Attracted To Me...Whether Pennies, Dollar Bills...Cuz I Think Not Rich, But Wealthy...That's Tha Key To Find.
Or Let's Take It A Step Further...How Many Cool and Sexy Gurls Have Been Encountering Us...Heck, Just Recently?  Cuz I Say and Believe I Only Attract Tha Hottest and Sexiest Gurls...A Few are Reading This Diary, This is My Version of Cheese and Wine.
U Gotta Take Risks Sometimes, But Calculated Ones....Huh.  Yes, U Got Tha Swagger of Rebounding From Anythang, but U Don't Want 2 Be Stuck in Tha Woods Sleeping on Sticks and Thorns of Pine.

A Phrase Came To Our Mind Earlier Today Before All This "Stuff"....It Was It's Time To "Administer Your Sexiness"...Trademark and Copyright All Pending.
Time To Let This World See Tha True You, That Makes U 'One of One' and In Tha Position of Not Borrowing Fun and Luv and Positivity But Tha One Who's Bank is Open To Tha Lending.
Like I Said, Use Those Thangs Tha Get U Upset as Motivation...If That Means Keeping a Picture of Tha "Ex" Who Cheated On U, Inside Ur Gym Bag or On Ur Desk...Anythang 2 Push U To Winning.
There's Always Another Level We All Can Reach...I'm Pretty Fired Up Because I've Felt tha Angels Up Above Have Had a Picture of My Face on a Donkey, and I've Had Enough Of Feeling Tha Result of Each and Every Pinning.

Today Is Another New Beginning...A Day Which U Had To Go Through...Waking Up at 3:30am In Tha Morning...But My Soul is All Tha More...Strong.
People May Call U Crazy For Dating Tha Person...or Think Ur Insane From Walking Away From a Posh Gig, But if U Do What U Feel Is Right, How In Tha Galaxy Can U Go Wrong.
I've Been Back and Forth So Much on Tha Craziest of Issues...Our Mind Has Felt Like It was 1992 Again, And I Was at Tha YMCA Playing Against My Self in a Game of Ping Pong.
I Promise You, Somethang Special is A Brewing...Don't Know What...But Somethang...And I Strongly Believe Tha Cream Always Rises To Tha Top...They May Be Looking at U Cross Eyed Now...But Very, I Mean VERY Soon....

Everybody Will Be Singing...

Your Song.

Fun and Luv Are My Favorite Couple.

Peace Out Homes!

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