
Parties...Beauties...And Blurred Lines!

What in Tha Bloody World?  Sorry, Got Sidetracked A Tad.
A Little Nat or Bug of Some Sort Almost Landed In My Juice...Wouldn't That Be Rad?!
Oh, Living Down Here in South Beach...U See It All...Bugs, People and Fashion Ahead of Tha Fads.
But Where Shall We Go On 2night...Somethang's In Tha Air....Somethang...Naughty or Bad??

Today While I Was Grocery Shopping at Publix, Somethang Happened That Almost Made Me Call Tha Police.
I Got My Organic Oatmeal, My Organic Valley Milk...Some Toilet Tissue, And Some Paper Towels...Of Tha Recyclable Kind...Oh, I Sound So Much Like A Spoiled Prima Donna Beast.
Put My Stuff Down On Tha Conveyor Belt, And Homegurl Rang Me Up To Tha Sound of $14 and Some Change...Sometimes It's Kind of Expensive To Have a Diet and Lifestyle Sans Tha Grease.
Next I Gave Shorty a Lincoln and A Hamilton To Tha Sound of Fifteen Dollars...And This Shorty Had Tha Nerve To Run a Security Check With Tha Ceiling Lights To See If My Bills Were Real...By Every Crease.

Immediately, I Thought About Calling Rev. Al Sharpton or A-Rod's Legal Team To Handle This Situation...'Oh, Heecccck Naw!' Was My Response as This Took Place.
Tha Checkout Gurl Giggled and Said, "I Have 2 Do It"...But Didn't She See That I Was Rockin' a Limited Edition Batman Tee and Pulled Out My Burberry Wallet...Plus I Got a Billion Dollar Face!
So I Grabbed My Stuff, and Began To Walk Back Home, Thinking They Doing a Staredown over Bills, Like Folks Do at Tha Club When Tha Lights Come On...Wondering if Tha Night Has Been a Total Waste.
Come On Now...Don't Act Like I'm Tha Only One Who's Been Kickin' It With Somebody, and After Tha "One More Dance", U Hear a 'Click' Of Tha Lights...And Ur Face Turns Like U've Been Sprayed By Mace!

(Hold On...I Got 2 Put my Perdue Turkey Short Cuts on Tha Grill To Go Along With My Eggo Blueberry Waffles, Multi-Grain Of Course!!  Oh Boy, What A Dinner, Huh?  Don't Ever Try To Look Like a Model While Still Being in Stage 3 Of Tha 12 Steps of Being a Recovering Shopaholic!!  Or This Will Be Ur Din Din!  I'll Be Back in...)

Ok...Huh.  Let's Just Talk Real Tonight About Living This Miami Lifestyle, and I Know I'm Not Tha Only One Who's Living Tha Dream.
Tha Kind Where U Have No Idea What Tha Capitol...Or Capital...Or Kapital City of Idaho, But U Can Tell Anybody Who Will Listen Every Jordan Shoe Colorway, Or How Detailed Dontella's Collection This Year Was So Detailed By Tha Seam.
Tha One Where We Call Out To Work, So That We Can Chill Out At That Beach For Tha Day, and Will Post Tha Picture of It on Instagram With An Hashtag of #sunbeam.
This Is One of Tha Few Places Where People Won't Look at U Funny If U Order a Hamburger With No Meat...A Hamburger With No Buns...Or Walk To Ask Tha Head Chef If "Grass-Fed" Was on Tha GFS Jumbo Box of Ice Cream!

I Mean...I Can't Even Get Almonds Down Here in South Beach, When They Go On Sale, I Have To Go To Tha Publix All Across Town Just To I Can Get My Nuts On.
That Totally Didn't Sound Right...But, Anyhowser...We Down Here in Tha Magic City Do Some Wild Thangs To Look Pretty and Party Hard and Have Fun.
Told Moms Tha Other Day, There are People Down Here That Are Professional Partiers...Wait, That Sounds So 1990's...(Aheem-Aheem!)...They Are "Partyologists"!  I Ain't Lying Son.
Like, They Will Hand U A Business Card, And It Will Read, Their Occupation...With Fine Print Stating...Weddings, Birthday Parties, and Bar Mitzvah's...Or Bachelorette Parties Where They Can Shoot Off Their Gun!

So Many Stories....From Folks Walking into Work Wearing Tha Same Clothes Tha Just Left Tha Night Before On Tha Closing Night Shift.
To Me Zooming on My Vespa By Club Space at 7am on a Weekday Morning...Still Hearing Tha Thumps From Tha Music and High Heels Clicking on Tha Sidewalk Arguing Who They Are Gonna Ride To Their BFF's Crib With.
I Tell, People Though...Miami Time Should Be Like Tha Fifth Time Zone Here in America, Cuz It's So Different, U Go Out Just To Say 'Hi' at Somebody's Crib or at a Party and Be There For 5 Hours, and Wake Up Outside in Some Dirty Grass of Filth!
Wondering Where Did Tha Time Go, and What Happened?  Cuz M.I.A. Time Goes So Easily Fast...U Trying To Ask a Gurl What Her Name is, and They Done Played 4 Maroon 5 Songs Before U Even Get a "What Kinda Car U Drive?" and It Better Be European Sick.

Us Miami Folks Are Crazy...We're Tha Type Who Go On Excursion Trips Around Tha Globe More Than We Go To Work Or Class in School!
U Be In Class Like..."Where's Claudia?" and Her Homie Tells You, "She Went To Columbia For Tha Week."...Thinking Inside, This Chick is Gonna Mess Up Tha Class Curve, Couldn't She Hang Out at Tha Venetian Pool?
Then We Come Back Looking So Refreshed, Some Of Us Looking So Enhanced, Knowing That We Missed an Important Test, But Who Cares....Our Tans Can Make Any Normal Person Goggle and Drool.
I've Had People Tell Me Tha Craziest Thangs of Where They Were, Or How Come I Haven't Seen Them In Awhile...If U Can Do It and Afford It..Then By All Means...I Guess It's Cool.

Gotta Tell This Story...Cuz Everytime I Hear "Girls, Girls, Girls" By Jay-Z, One Of My Autobiographical Hits Concerning My Life...I Literally Think of This Gurl I Really Wanted To...Show My Milky Way.
I Was Taking Fashion Merchandising Classes at Miami Internation Univ of Art and Design, And I Would Have This Gurl in Class and I Would See Her Like Every Other Day.
She's Was Really Attractive...She Was Of Like 5'9" Height, Really Dirty Blond Hair, With a Really Hot Tan, She Looked Like Tha Ultimate California Beach Gal, with Her Body Definitely Holding Off On Tha Fannie May.
She Was Top Shelf Material, and Trust Me, While My Ears Were Listening To How To Style a Room, My Mind Was On What Cleaver Words Can I Come Up With and Say.

Recall That She Wore This Crucifix Cross Necklace A Lot, and Even One Time I Had To Work With Her I Think...And She Had Tha Attractiveness That Could Grasp U By Just a Look.
Found Out That She Was From Naples, Florida, Accross Tha State, and U Betta Justin Bieber Believe That I Was Calculating How Long It Would Take To Hit Up Naples Via A Scooter, and How Many Days To Last Without a Cook!
But Dude...Her Eyes Were ALWAYS RED...Not From Drugs I Don't Think...Just From Lack of Sleep...She Was Always Partying, Then Coming To Class...Huh.  Never Thought I'd Hate 2 See What She Looked Like If Her Party Gene Never Shook!!
Sorry, Got Sidetracked On That Thought, But I Was in a Dilema So 2 Speak, Cuz I Luv To Hang Out and Have Fun, But I Don't Want My Gurl To Be Hugged By Tha Scene...Although U Can't Judge a Cover By Tha Creasing Corner of A Book.

She Didn't Last Tha Entire Semester, Which Wasn't a Total Suprise, Cuz I'll Show Up To Class Looking And Thinking, Where's...Dah-Dah-Dah?  Knowing Tha Full Answer To My Own Ask.
I'm Not Hating On Having a Good Time, Just Talking About Tha Scene Here in Miami, and I've Asked a Lot of Women, How To Handle These Gurls Who I Like, Who Like Me, But List 'Partytime' on Top of Their Daily Tasks.
It Used To Be That Tha Gurls I Was Attracted To, Were Usually Those That Went Out EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, and Those Gurls Liked Me, Tha Magic Between Me and These Gurls U Just Couldn't Mask.
I Always Say That Tha Gurl I End Up, If I Do Get Married...Does It Even Matter Anymore??  For Real...But She's Gonna Have a Huge Party Gene In Her Soul, She Almost Has To For Our Love To Last.

To Be Honest It's In My Blood Too...For My Birthday, What Do U Think One Of The Gifts My Pops Got Me?  Party Whistles...So While We're At Tha Club, Ur Phone Tweeting, While I'm Tweeting My Toots 2 Sum David Guetta Or Pitbull.
That's Why I Try To Not Let This South Beach Lifestyle Consume Me, Although When U Walk Down Collins Ave. And See Shoestring Fry Thongs With Mansion Party Flyers on Tha Ground, Truly Makes Ur Brain Go Into Tha State of Mull.
And It's Always Those Nights Were Ur On Straight Chill, That Somebody Hits U Up To Come Out To Such and Such...A Sexy Gurls Voice Can Sometimes Have a Lot of Pull.
I Got Another Story...Then I Have 2 Go To Bed, Yeah Some of Us Do Sleep Here in "Tha Land of Tha Beautiful People"...Hopefully It Won't Be So Dull.

I Once Knew This One Gurl, Madddd Cool, But Mad Attractive, But Straight Up Like Paula Abdul...She Was First Somebody Who Was a Friend.
She Was South America Born, Was Deep Into Fashion and Knew Her Stuff, Some People Claimed She Looked Like Mariah Carey, Not Sure Bout That...She Was Beautiful.  But Friend First...Must Say That Again.
After Talking To Her, I Was Like This Gurl is Like Dime Piece Material...Her Style.  Her Looks.  Luv Her Accent.  Smile Was Perfect...Scary Perfect...And She Luvs Music and Hip Hop...And She Wasn't Afraid of Talking About Ways To Bend.
I LOOOVED Her Honesty, I Could Talk To Her About Anythang Especially Dealing With Guys and Gurls, and Relationships...A Straight Shooter is Hard To Find, and Usually They Are Married With No Hubby Thinking About A One-Night Lend.

Me and Her Were Supposed To Work On This Project Together, and BOTH of Us Had Each Other On Tha Top of Our List, First Choice...But Tha Powers of Be Somehow Didn't Allow.
Can I Just Be Honest, There's No Doubt That If Me and This Gurl Would've Worked on This Thang Together, I Probably Would've Had Sex With Her, U Would've Never Heard Me Say, "Not Now."
Cuz We Were Feeling Each Other, and She Would Wear These Dresses, Not Jeans, but Dresses That Really Had Me Thinking Somethang To Tha Tune of, "If There's Grass on Tha Field, Then Plow."
I Was Starting To Dig Her, and I Could Sense She Was Diggin' Me...But Somethang Was In Tha Middle of Us Hooking and Hooking (Notice Tha Italics) Up...Somethang as Tall as Ming Yao.

Trying Not To Indict This Gurl...But We Ended Up Working Together Later at This Place...And Things Rekindle on Tha Friendship...Borderline Level of Being Scary.
I Would See Her, and We'd Eat Together, and Tha Convos Were Just...Real, and Mature...Instead of This Jack and Jill K-I-SS-I-N-G Stuff...But Even Though I Secretly Wanted To Eat Her Chulapa, I Was a Little Leery.
Cuz I "Heard" She Was Involved With Somebody Else...But We Were On That "Level"...And To Be Frank For On Tonight, I Wanted Her, Cuz I Knew Her I Thought Better, and Thought We Could Build Somethang Special Like Frank Gehry.
I Didn't Know What To Do...Cuz...

Guys May Know This Better Than Gurls...But Has Anybody Liked...I Mean LIKED Tha One Person Who Other Gurls Can't Stand?
Gurls Would Tell You This and That...And How This Gurl is a Total Spoiled Princess or How She Don't Know Up From Down, and U Sit There, Thinking, "She's Tha Gurl U Wanna Land."
So Ur Not Sure If U Should Stand Up For Her, Cuz If u Do, then Everybody Knows U Have Tha Hots For Her, So U Think About Ur Reputation and How It Would Look Dating Tha One Somebody That Other Gurls Will HATE Ended Up With You, Making Out on Tha Sand.
Like She's Tha Gurl That If You Made Out Or Hung Out With, Gurls Would Just Barf on Life, and Will Tell You Such...So U Think About Everythang Instead of If She's Just a Gal Who Wants an Understanding and Communicative Man.

Now...I Don't Give a Flying Oreo Fudge About a Gal's Reputation...But Back Then I Wasn't Ready...Nor
Was a Sure If I Would Be Part of a Jerry Springer Or Chrisina Talk Show Involving Love Triangle With Me Playing 60 Degrees Right.
Still Didn't Make it Any Easier...I Still Liked Her...Still Enjoyed Her Coming Around Me EVERYDAY...And Tha Feeling of This Gurl Was Different...I'm Almost Getting T'd Off Thinking Bout Her, Cuz She Really Couldn't Been a Great Co-Pilot on This Star Filled Flight.
Sometimes Thangs Just Aren't Meant To Be, and This Episode With Her Taught Me Alot...Not Caring Bout Others Opinions on Who U Date, Tha Thrill of Making Luv To Each Others Minds...And How U Can Get Turned On Just By Tha Special Friend's Sight.
BUT...It was So Complicated, and She Had Her Own Luv Thang She Was Dealing With, so Once Again, Galaxia Was a Muy Close Amigo, But Trust Me, With Her, It Was a Big Internal Fight.

So One Night, I Was Chllin' Here at My SoBe Showroom, When My Phone Began To Ring...It Was From a Guy I Know, To I Pick Up To See What It Was Hittin' For.
He Was Letting Me Know He Was Out, and He Wanted Me To Come Out...Wasn't In My Plans Though, It Was Really Late At Tha Time He Called, I Was In Pure Laid Back Mode, and Wasn't Gonna Open Up Again My Door.
Then He Was Like, 'Hold On'...And I Hear This Unbelievable Sexy Spanish Accent On Tha Line...It Was My Gurl On Tha Other End, and My Heart Almost Hit Tha Floor.
In Her Sexiness I Hear..."Aus-tin...Aus-tin...Get Ur A-- Over Here!"  And I'm Thinking, This Could Be Crazy, This is A Chance To Be Out With This Gurl, and Possibly Later Tonight Scratch Out a "One" Under Tha Win Column...If Ur Keeping Score.

But There Was One Thang That Kept Me From Smashing Her....I Mean....Tha Club Doors That Night, and That Was Because This Beauty Was Really and Truly...Drunk.
Funny I Didn't Even Care About Her Having a Possible Man or MTV Dismissed Type Drama on Her Side, If She Wasn't Tipsy, I Woulda Ran Out of My Doors, and Stank Attracting a Skunk.
She Wasn't Drunk For Calling Me, She Just Happened 2 Be Plastered When She Did, and Anythang I Would've Done With Her That Night Wouldn't Even Mattered, I Never Want 2 Take Advantage of a Gurl in That State, That's Just a Move By a Desperate and Thirsty Punk.
But When They Called, How She Was Talking...I Couldn't Deal With That, Even Though If I Went Out That Night, and How I Felt or We Felt Bout Each Other...Us Making Out Would've Been an Easy....Easy Slam Dunk.

I Learned So Much, and Now She's Like Married or Somethang, But She Wouldn've Been an Intriguing Gal To Have On Our Arm...That's For Sure.
Tha Other Gal Too, But This Beauty I Really Got To Know Inside and Definitely Out...Keep Saying We Have More Stories To Tell, Now U See That When We Say that Every Word is Truly Pure.
Yeah, Tha Miami Lifestyle is Somethang Else Dudes and Dudettes...It's All About Having a Good Time Down Here...Tops Down With Tha A/C Blasting, Going Straight From Tha Discoteca To Tha Job, And Facebook Pictures That Look Like Modeling Portfolios...With Match.com Pics Rockin' Furs.
It's Made Us Who We Are, and I Guess Now I Fit Right In...Enjoying Each Day, Strutting Around Thinking God Took Extra Time To Make Us, and Just Like This Poem And Those Days And Nights of Living It Up...

I Remember Some Parts....

But Others...Simply Still Seem Like...

A Blur.



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