
Don't Sweat Tha Technique!

I Sit Here on Tonight, Considering a Big Decision In Terms of Our Muscles and Level of Fit.
We've Always Been One To Switch Up Our Body Type, Just Because..Have Fun and See What We're Gonna Get.
Pretty Rested on Tha Workout Tip, Which is Good, but Now it's Time 2 Get Up Off Of Our Sit.
Figure Out How I Want Our Body 2 Look, Where 2 Work Out, and How To Mentally Make our Life Even More Legit.

U Know...I Feel like Writing Bout Me and My Body Obsession Right Now, but Somethang Different is Hovering Like a Space Thingy on Tha Moon.
Personally, I Feel like Taking a Real Good 6pm Nap, but for Sum Reason I feel a "Pop" in Tha Air from Somebody's Once Air Floated Balloon.
Like...Somebody Has Had a Bad Day or Has Gotten Into it with Somebody They Thought was Mad Cool and Sexy...It's Amazing How Somebody Can Go From "Tha One" To "Tha Ugly Goon!"
Yeah, it's Crazy Out Here in This Game Of Life...And This Game of Luv and Dating...Those Grapes Can Either Taste like Sexy Wine, or Completely Sour...With Ur Face Turning Like Ur Sucking on a Prune.


Dating and Relationships.  


We've Talked About This Thang So Much That I've Actually Wanted To Call a Town Meeting Down Here in Miami, So Tha Air Can Be Let Loose!
Us Mars Guys...Versus...Those Venus Gals...Put Us in an Auditorium To Vent Our feelings with One Another...That Would Be Tha Ultimate MTV Ratings Boost!
Until That Day Though, We Have Tha 'Cosmo' To Share Our Feelings on a Few Thangs, and I'll Try Not To Discuss Tha Conversation Us Guys Have About a Gurls Curvy Caboose!
Just Gonna Speak From Tha Heart, About How Thangs Have Changed So Much in Our Life, it's Not Funny, This is Gonna Be Intriguing, So I Think That I Better Get Me Some Orange Juice.

Oh, Tha Single Life Living in South Beach, One of Tha Sexiest Neighoborhoods on Earth, To Be Honest There's Nothing That Can Really and Truly Compare.
Guys Walking Around With No Shirt On...Gurls Strutting Around Close 2 Naked As Well, And I Ain't Even Talking About Tha Sands on Tha Beach Which Truly Look like a Nudity Fair! 
We've Seen So Much, That Not Too Much Surprises Us Anymore, I just saw This Woman I Thought Was Mad Hot When I First Moved Down Here...Now Though, I Didn't Even Give Her a Second Stare.
When U've Been Exposed To So Many Thangs, What U Find Sexy Really Does Change...Yeah, U Still Like Cute Faces, and A Sexy Giggle, but U Look Deep Within Harder, and Not Just on Tha Outerwear.

Well, We Tell All These Stories Throughout Our Diary Career, Which Involved Every Possible Situation With a Guy and a Gurl Except Death.
Multiple Luvs, Gurls With Boyfriends, Gurls Who Were "Gay", Interracial Dating, Long Distance, Online...Almost Feel Like Cupid Like Poisoned My Milk Right Outta Birth!
Cuz For Somebody Who Wants 2 Just Have Fun, We've Gone Tha Gauntlet For Sure With Tha Ladies, I Have My Share Of Flapjacks, but For Some Reason Was Still Missing Tha Tasty Syrup.
And To Make Things Even More Complex, Right When U Think That U've Found At Least "A Friend", That Gurl Doesn't Want To Return Ur Calls or Texts, and U Thinking At Our Lunch I Shoulda Been a Creep and Gone Ahead With a Loud Burp!

It Used To Get To Me....BAD!!! How Can I Be Cool With 98% of Tha Most Sexiest Gurls Around, or 99%, and Keep Running Into That 1% Who's Either Crazy, Scared or All About Tha Money.
Think About That...There's 100 Cool and Hot Mamacitas in a Room...99 of Them Like You...A Lot and See What U Bring 2 Tha Table..Yet Tha One U Interact With is Like Tha Weird Yet Cute Bunny.
Once That Keeps on Happening Over and Over Again, U just Get K. Fed Up, and Wonder What's Tha Use Anymore, I used 2 Enjoy Tha Lessons and Paying My Dues, Now Though, Tha 'Ish just Ain't Funny.
Then Of Course, As Ur Getting Over Another NBC Friday Telecast of  "Text, Eat And Delete" Somebody is Telling You About Their Great Guy or Gurl They're In Luv With...Or How They Got a Kiddo in Their Tummy.

Then U Wonder...Like, What Have I Done Wrong?  Is This Like a Curse of Some Sort?  How Come My Friends Get Who They Want, But When I Get Real...It's Never Tha Time.
I Was Thinking Tha Other Day of All These Gurls and Women Who have Come In and Out of My Life, and I Wonder Like How Come I Didn't Captain Hook Up With Any of Them?  Was I Blind?
Then Like Not Too Long Ago As U Think, U Shake in Unbelief Like, "There's NOBODY Who's So Beautiful That Can Make All 'This' Worth It."...Seemingly Sunny, Then Cloudy Days Minus Tha Shine.
This is Tha Time Period Where U Really Have To Dig Deep Within To Find Ur Worth, Cuz Nobody is Constantly Whispering In Ur Ear, Telling You..."Baby, Ur So Fine!"

I Really Want 2 say Something About Tha Sexy and Beautiful Getting Discriminated Against, but That's For Another Poem...Ok, Where Was I....Oh!
So As U Have Those Moments Where U Feel Like Ur Not A Hottie, When U Are...Or When Ur Not Worthy of Tha Painful Games of Luv, U Have 2 Push Through It, With Each and Every Single Blow.
It's Natural To Be Mad at Tha World, or at G-Oh-Dizzle or Anybody Close 2 You, When You Find That Being Yourself, Makes a Great Friend For Tha Models, but Not 'Let's Roll Around in Some Play-Doh!'
Let Me just Say That Ur Aren't Tha Only One Who's Going Through It, or Has Been Bewildered By 'Hot One Week, Frozen Cold Tha Next' Relationships...And I'm About 2 Go Into Detail About How I Know.

I'm A Midwestern Guy Still At Heart, but I've learned This East Coast Way of Dating and Friendships Tha Hard Way...Or Shall I Say Tha Easy.
I Cherish Tha Words, "Friend"...or "I Luv You" or..."I'll Be Ready at 9" To Tha Core...You Screw Me Over on Those Phrases, and My Stomach Gets A 'Here We Go Again' Type Queasy.
What I'm Learning is That Looks Can Be So Deceiving Dude...At One Point I Was like If Another So Called Buddy Leaves Town (Cyn Ur Excluded) Without Saying "Good-Bye" I Promise You, My Swagger was Gonna Hit Tha Level of Young Jezzy!
Living Down Here in Miami has Shown That Finding True Luv is Difficult...Finding Honesty is Really Hard, Cuz People Have Been Lied 2 So Much, That When Realness Appears, Their Minds Go All Dizzy!

So I Went Back To Tha Lab, To Figure Out What...I'm Being Waaaayyy Too Real 2night, but it's Our Diary Right?...Went Back To Tha Lab To Wonder How Can a Self-Proclaim '9.9' Get Better?
Should I Get Tatted on Up and Down My Back?  Maybe I Should Just Start Lying To These Chicks?  Maybe I Should Study Tapes of Jenna Jameson So I Can Know What Spots Can Make Her Wetter.
When Ur Dating Life Seems Like Heaven and Hell, U Think About Everythang U Can Do To Stop Running Into Tha Wrong People...Heck, Maybe a Gurl Got Turned Off By Me, Cuz at Lunch I Asked for, "No Butter."
Then I Think What Really Got 2 Me, Was That U know Tha People Who Really Know U, See How U Live, How U Act...It's a Primetime Lifestyle, but All These 'Could Have Beens' Makes u seem a Little Bitter.

But I Put This On Everythang I Know...And Others Probably Can Relate...Once That Guy or Gurl Has Done U Wrong, When U See or Hear About Them...It's Like...U Wonder How U Were Even Attracted.
That Gurls Body Doesn't Look as Bangin'..That Guys Smile Isn't As Cute...And Suddenly Ur Happy That Tha Wedding Priest Didn't Have Tha Both of You Contracted.
It's Crazy...But That's Tha Definition of "Move On" I Guess...and Here in Tha Magic City, You Will See People Again....Across Town...Riding a Bike on Tha Street, Or Walking Seemingly Backpacking.
Tha Other Day I Was Watching Million Dollar Listing Miami, and Saw This Gurl Who I Even Wrote About...A Crazy Episode To Say Tha Least, But...She Looked Different, No Longer Did I Want To Go Into a Mode of Macking.

So Austino Galaxia, What is All This Mumbo Jumbo, and What Does It Have To Do With Me On This Wednesday Night of Write and Jot?
Well...I'm a Living Witness That Sometimes Tha Person You Want, and Don't Get is For Ur Better...So Don't Trip When U Hear a 'No' and Begin To Plan a First 48 Type of Plot.
Even Deeper Though...Don't Lose Ur Head When Tha Friendship, U Wanted Doesn't Appear in Ur Driver's Window, and Suddenly They Don't Want 2 Be Bothered and Off Their Radar U Out-of-Tha-Blue Just Drop.
U Know What, I Said I wasn't Gonna Tell This Story, but Me and This Gurl Don't Talk Anymore It Seems, So Might As Well, Even If She Reads This...Let it All Out.

This Summer Has Been Crazy When It Comes To Gurls...Real Talk Youngin'...Like I've Been Running Into So Many Gurls, It Would Make Any Dude's Mind Go Flat Out Mad.
For Some Reason Though I Wanted To Get Back in Touch With This One Gurl that I Haven't Seen in Years, Not in a Stalkish Way, just I Think Us Two Hooking Up For a Few Moments Would Make both of us Reminiscence and Be Glad.
For Two Weeks We Texted Each Other Off and On, Until We Finally had a Chance To Hook Up For a Lunch...Not A Date or Anythang, so That Shouldn't Be So Bad.
Matter of Fact, I Met Up With Her Right Before I Had 2 Catch a Flight Outta Town, So I Wasn't Gonna Rush Tha Moment, but I Was Mindful of Tha Time...Just a Tad.

I Remember That July Day Being Hot as Tamales Outside, and As I Walked From Tha Parking Garage over in "The City Beautiful" I Was Beginning To Sweat Feverishly and Thought, This Isn't Good.
Didn't Know What Was Worse...Me Meeting Homegurl Looking Like I Just Played a Game 7 Or Was it Tha Fact That My New H&M Shirt Now Needed Washing, and I Couldn't Use My Two-Plays Before Washing Rule...Like I Normally Would!
I Crossed Miracle Mile, Thinking This is Soooo Embarrassing, and Tha Folks on Project Runway Would Have a Field Day With Me...As They Should! 
Yet, Two Weeks of Sorta Excitement Was Too Much To Walk Away From Now...So On With Tha Show, Even Though I Look Like I Took A Dip in a Dampy Street Pud.

I Walk In, and Arrive Seconds Before She Did, As I Entered, Tha Hostess Was Like, "Are U Alright?", and Gave Me a Napkin, and Just For Tha Future, If a Cute Hostess Gives U Somethang 2 Wipe...Let's Just Say That's Not a Good Start.
My Hom...Or Ex-Homegurl, Walks In Minutes Later and Even Though I Was Looking 80% Humidity, She Didn't Really Say "OMG!  Hey Austin!!!" or Attempt a Hug, It was Like Funky as a Two Dollar Dart.
We Got To Our Seats and Began To Look at Tha Menu, and I Could Sense That Something Quirky Was In Tha Air, Like This Was Just Either Level 3 in Tha Free Lunch Program or She Turned From Upscale Asian To Preferring a Day Ol' Sandwich From Tha Local Corner Mart!
I Was Trying My Best To Bring Good Convo Out of Her, But Somethang Was Occupying Her Mind, I Could Tell, And I Began To Think I Could've Used This Money on Some Confetti Cupcake Pop Tarts!

(Beep!) Was Wild...So Watching Her Slam Her Food, and Me Trying To Danica Patrick Pace Car Tha Meal, It Was Finally Time For Us To Go Our Separate Ways. 
I Had a Flight To Catch, and She Had To Go Back To Work, We Got Up, and Exchanged a "I'll Talk 2 U Later's", Thinking This Might Be Our Last Here I Stand...We Continued Our Busy Days.
Now...I Was Baffled Really...Cuz How Could Two Weeks or So of Anticipation, of Interacting With Each Other, Just End With A 'Thud'?...Like Wile E. Coyote Chasing Some Road Runner Play.
I Got In Sasha, That's My Ride By Tha Way, And I Was Like...I'm Tired of These Not Dates, But Interactions With Really Hot Bonitas, Even as Friends...End Up So Hollywood...Like Leno Jay.

Now If U Know Me, I Try To Make Things Amendable (Wow!  That is a Word Huh!)...So I Texted Her Later That Weekend To Get a Feel, Cuz I Felt Like I Was Trey Songz Ready, but She Seemed...In Space.
Coulda Been a Long Day, Family Issues....I Completely Understand....Sorta...I Just Wanted To Make Sure She Was Cool, and Find Out if This Whole Simpsons Marathon of Time Was Cool or a Complete Waste?
No Response.  Ok...Strike Two.  She Was Still Up to Bat Though...So I Tried One More Time to Reach Out To Her...No Response...Ok, You're Out Dude!  Along With Tha rest of Tha Dames U Can Take Ur Place.
For Some Reason I Was Really Down or Upset Cuz I Felt Like I just Wasted Valuable Time, Before a Flight...Money on Lunch...An Outfit That I Now Gotta Wash...And Felt Like I'm Just Tired of This Friendship...Dating...Relationship Things...Getting Robbed of This Bank of Chase.

I'm Good Now....Freakin' Good, And I'm Not Just Saying That To Sound Upbeat or Good, I'm Really Feeling Awesome....But Crazy Thangs Can Leave U Not To Believe Anymore.
One Thang That Took me a Long Time Not To Look At While I'm Playing This Game is At Tha Clock...Nor I've Learned To Not Look at Tha Score.
I Used To Get Incensed On How People Can Hang Out With You One Night...Rub Their Booty on Ur Booty Another Night, and Then Don't Even Say 'Hi' 2 You Tha Next Day...My Heart Used To Borderline Hit Tha Floor.
Cuz I've Always Felt Like I'm Tha Galaxy's Ultimate 'Boy Toy'...With Our Lifestyle, In How I Look, How I Dress...U Hope That This Gurl Is Different, but she's Just Like Tha Rest and For Me That Gives Me a Disappointing Look of Bore.

After Each Situation...After Each Ignored Text...After Each 'I Don't Know You' Walkaway...U Find That Each Episode is Molding You Into a 'New' You.
They Claim You Have to 'Fake It, Until You Make It'...Well, I Don't Know About All That Bedroom Mumbo Jumbo, but I Do Believe That In Order To Get What You Want, Things Have To Happen 2 You That U Have No Clue.
While Dating, We All Say I Want My Dream Guy, or Ultimate Gurl of Thrill, but Perhaps All Tha Wild and Unexplainable Things Happening To You is Making YOU Somebody's Dream Mate, So They Can Say Out of Heaven You Did Flew.
Let Me Repeat Every Notch Makes You Better and Better, So Don't Sweat if Somebody Doesn't Want 2 Be Your Friend or Lover...It Hurts...It Sucks...But just Realize That You're Still Open To Everythang on Tha Menu.

Gotta Say This...Being Single...Especially With All Tha Craziness Going on...Can Be a Good Thang, Cuz U Get Tha Lay of Tha Land....Instead of Settling Just for a Facebook Status, Ur Willing To Enjoy This Time of Life.
Yeah, Of Course, U Want To Find "That One Person" Who People Claim Makes U Complete, But a Person Isn't Gonna do That...U Gotta To Be Complete Before U Meet Ur Husband or Wife.
Those Experiences of No Return Calls, Break-ups Out of Tha Blue, that's Part of You Becoming 'Complete', So When U Do Meet Somebody it's Like Cool!  But Also Like, 'Ur Hot, but First Let me Say I Want a Relationship Minus all Tha Strife.'
I Love Pretty Looking Gurls, Let me Tell Ya...But I Really Luv Cool Ones...Cuz When Time Passes By, and U Can't Give Brain Like U Used To, and All U Got is Convo....Let Me Stop....

If People Don't Want To Be Your Friend....Or Not Like Ur Instagram Pics...Or Refuse To Give U A Chance To Prove Ur "Tha Ultimate Catch"...No Need To Even Sweat.
They Weren't Ur Friends in Tha First Place...They Wanted To Be Around You...Even 'In' You...But Not With You...And Those Are Tha Type of People That You Need To Forget.
I'm Not Trying To Be on a Dial Soap Box, Cuz I'm Going Through This Stuff Like Everybody Else, but I Just Don't Want Somebody To Give Up on Life and Luv Cuz of One or Four or 50 Times They've Had To Chomp Down Hard at Tha Bit.
Tha Great Ones Move On, and Always Realize There's Somebody Else Coming Along...I Mean, I Still Got Stories To Tell Right?  After 20 Plus...In One Ear, Out Tha Other They Went.

Talking To Myself Here, but Just Have Fun, If Ur Single or With Somebody, Cuz Life is To Be Lived...And Lived To Tha Max.
Yeah, U Feel Like Everybody Else is Living Tha Texas and Florida Life, While Ur Just in Ur Own Lonely State Paying This Unforeseen Out of Control Tax.
But Trust Me...It's Coming...Your Time is Coming, And When It Does It's Gonna Be Worth All Tha Drama And Nights Hugging Ur Pillow and Teddy Bear...Sometimes Ur Time Doesn't Come Quick Via Text...It Might Come Slow Via...Fax.
When It Comes, U'll Feel Ur Swagga Be So Relaxed Cuz Ur Know That Ur At Ur Best, and That It Was Worth Every Episode U Had To Go Through...

Remember You Have To be Molded....Before You Can Get...

Your Own Statue in Tha Luv Museum of Wax!

Tha Best Lovers Are Made From Those That Don't Happen!

Galaxia! (Wink!)

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